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27418978 No.27418978 [Reply] [Original]

How’s everyone feeling? I’ve got a feeling now that all the retards sold we’re about to poop.

>> No.27419179

Not loving it rn..

>> No.27419254
File: 335 KB, 1284x781, 5CB9116F-5710-4D02-8CAB-835C37778CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that we had a bunch of shills show up and create so many threads gives me motivation to hold. In @ $2.99 with 60 shares.

>> No.27419273

You can’t be weak anon

>> No.27419407

Btw we’re going back up

>> No.27419498

Shh....don't tell the shills that.

>> No.27419526

It’s back up to $12.30 as of this post.

>> No.27419595

I have 100 at 5

>> No.27419603
File: 119 KB, 600x602, BhBXk2_CMAATlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically where's the lowest you can seeing this go if it goes tits up?
I think that's gonna be my factor to hold or not

>> No.27419668

Probably around 6

>> No.27419871

I’m selling my shares when the early morning pump happens. I bought them at 13.60 and everything so far has been a loss. I’m going to either keep my earnings and nurse whatever loss I incurred, or I’ll buy in again when it dips. I’ll be honest with you, unless the squeeze happens on Wednesday I doubt it’ll ever happen. I’m going to keep faith and aim for magic on Humpday, but after that it’s over.

>> No.27419900

It's coming back stop being emotional.

>> No.27420135
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>> No.27420146

You said that Friday.

>> No.27420268

Yeah I think it's unironically over. How far up is it going in the morning?

>> No.27420314

the photo illustrates how i can feeling perfectly
that diamond hand is getting cumbersome to carry but it is diamond and diamond is all it will ever be
i am not fucking selling

>> No.27420439

I really hope we can hit 25

>> No.27420465

Meh I wasn't expecting much so I'm feeling ok. 44 shares at 12.65$ and I already consider these lost. Probably going to hold the shares long term anyway and see where it takes us.

>> No.27420495

Stupid? No hedgie payed, yesterday was just one and stupid Niggers like you had to sell. Its said to hold the Week and not monday retard.

>> No.27420607

It went down to $6 the day they wouldn’t let people buy. I don’t see that happening again. I’d say that it’s at its lowest right now, which is $11.60. That’s the floor when we’re getting kiked

>> No.27420778
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You bought at $3, you’re gonna be plenty fine. It’s all these niggers that bought at $16 that are gonna get turbofucked.

>> No.27420782

It’s 12.28 right now and sales were still limited on robinhood atleast

>> No.27420823

Everything to 9$ is our money stupid NIGGER, bellow that are hedgie backs. And Hedgie needs to buy Back Melivin Faggot Shill

>> No.27420886


>> No.27420892

I was hoping this would get to 150 but now i think I'd be a happy little boy if it got to 30...

I regret selling my GRT for this memestock...

>> No.27420896
File: 12 KB, 259x224, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was as an astroturfed meme and still I bought, still I traded my hard earned wagebucks... and for what? I deserve to be poor. I deserve to be miserable. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in over a week.

>> No.27420997

amc momentum directly correlates with gme.

>> No.27421014
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Where da rest of da boyz at?!


>> No.27421080

ork hand hold

>> No.27421091

Genuine question cause I’ve been taking losses, what does everyone think it’ll be at tomorrow morning’s open? No bullshit fags

>> No.27421093

I'll hold AMC until shot interest is below 40%

>> No.27421193
File: 28 KB, 829x255, WWAAAAAGGGHHH! Database last updated on January 29, 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can we get a new chart? only one i see is this

>> No.27421198

With every FUDpost I see my hands become stronger.

>> No.27421456

lmao MASSIVE COPE i'm so fucking amused by your dumb actions guys

>> No.27421582

EOD it will be around 10$ and no more chances to get your money back, so do the right thing if you are clever enough

>> No.27421743

Got so much pussy and had IN amc theaters ever since high school, I'm never fucking selling idgaf no one will ever get these shares.

>> No.27421870

nice way to say you are retarded

>> No.27422058

Begone rat

>> No.27422128


>> No.27422190


>> No.27422386
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>> No.27422411

so what's this deal with 9$ price target ? it's just options they can just chose not to exercise them no ? what im i missing ?

>> No.27422488

The lowest anything can go is $0.

>> No.27422596

It's over stop being emotional.

>> No.27422703

Jay if you're in here at all stop the fucking shouting, you're keeping my kids up you weapon, we'll be fine

>> No.27422713

We are coming out of this alive and we are coming out of this rich. Because I believe in me and I believe in you. You have my back and I have yours.

>> No.27422772

What’s that about do you think?

>> No.27422803


>> No.27422871

Don't want to demoralize but I have 20 shares at 15 and I'm going to sell once it hits 17 again. Sorry, boys.

>> No.27422879
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>> No.27423099

Stopped out at 14$, a decent profit after doubling down Thursday.
I genuinely hope the best for yall, but cmon, it is overvalued even at 10. As I've been unsuccessfully trying to hammer home to my normie friends, you can't be emotional about this. You set a target (for me it was 30$) and you have an exit plan if things go the other way.
The hedges have their plan, near infinite resources to triple, quadruple or whatever down. The can literally just use the martingale strategy, you cannot. Anyway, best of luck.

>> No.27423185
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>How’s everyone feeling?
I'm fucking pissed. I knew it was gonna drop to the lower teens, but I wanted it to pump to 19 for a little bit so I could dump the 16.50 bags I accidentally bought so I can rebuy into the dip. Still hodling.
You hear that, you fucking Jews?? I have 410 shares and I am not selling!

>> No.27423351

I bet that sick fuck is into feet

>> No.27423432
File: 33 KB, 477x593, 1488658799346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here, I bought in 11 at 13 and feeling comfy, I doubt this will reach GME levels but I'm feeling pretty optimistic desu

>> No.27423441
File: 413 KB, 1210x680, AMC GME TO DA MOON!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2 shorties tooths be duuue!


>> No.27423533

I think it's pretty safe to say we will know if this has 100% gone tits up or not by thursday

Not cool man. RIP DJ

>> No.27423706
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Shill telling me to sell on the left. Me on the right holding.

>> No.27423858
File: 82 KB, 159x244, wtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want out. I just want to be able to sleep again. I think tomorrow I have to sell, regardless if it's up or down... I just can't take it anymore. This isn't worth what its doing to me.

>> No.27424141

At worst they'll lose third of their investment, that's not even that bad. Some of them might actually take a lesson to their heart and start investing into non-meme stocks

>> No.27424187

where do you check this ?

>> No.27424215

i had 3 million dogecoins before i jumped into AMC lol

>> No.27424236

I'm selling everything tomorrow amc gamestop Nokia BlackBerry, I'll take a $1000 hit but im over this reddit shit I fell for

>> No.27424273

Why would I invest in non memes when fundemetals don't matter

>> No.27424342

c o w a r d

>> No.27424344

dont sell its not about the money anymore its about the movement bro

>> No.27424421

Why would you sell for a loss

>> No.27424524

I never invested at all prior to this, and so I bought a single digit number of shares in AMC just to understand what it was all about, and it's fucking killing me. It's wasn't even a lot of money, budget for the week still in the black even if I lose every cent, but I feel like I'm dying.

>> No.27424683

What the fuck is wrong with you deary me

>> No.27424834

I don't know

>> No.27425201

we will see what kind of tune is being sung once it is back at 17

>> No.27425479

17 pre market or open market?

>> No.27426194

$.17 pre market

>> No.27426227
File: 8 KB, 309x309, 1605131832497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've invested some into this for the memes I guess, like $150 and bought at 9 and a few more times between 10 and 11. I have no idea what's going on but I'm enjoying the ride and don't mind losing but I would rather keep the money there for however long I require than sell at a loss. This is how it should be, yes?

>> No.27426323

Got 70 shares at $14. Should I say at the open tomorrow or wait and see?

>> No.27426510

Lots of paper-handed folks here. If you ever dealt with crypto, u know these attacks happen. If you believe, hold and if you don’t sell. Just stop your crying though and learn how to manage your risk.

>> No.27426580

Wait and see

>> No.27426749


>> No.27427122

It's not pleasant to watch your money disappear bit by bit but such is the nature of the stock market. If you weren't willing to accept the risk of taking losses then you don't belong in this business

>> No.27427160

my factor has and still is what price point can i take the most shares i'm comfortable selling (40) to take out my initial investment and ride the rest scott free

>> No.27427218

Lol I'm in the same boat, brother

>> No.27427521

$40 is when I sell 2/3 to regain my initial investment times two and keep the rest in to see what happens.

>> No.27427583

watch pre market

>> No.27427602

We’re getting a mini pump rn kek those rascals

>> No.27427773

I'm selling my 22 x $16.35 for Market Open value.

I'm going to cut my losses and be done with this shit. Especially when Market Open is 30 mins past Midnight for me in Ausfagland and work requires a 4:30am start.

>> No.27427899

you are a fucking retard, just set a limit sell

>> No.27428098

you only risk like 350 bucks and you are so shook up that you'd sell at a loss? come on anon that's grandmas birthday card money just hold and at least break even if you want to

>> No.27428217

I have 3 shares @ $14ish and I'll just hold them, fuck it.

>> No.27428233


Because like you said, I'm a complete retard and every time I've put a limit sell it's been too high and I wake up with nothing sold.

>> No.27428292

Start being less optimistic with it.

>> No.27428301
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so when's the D-Day here? do we know?

>> No.27428310

now this guy fucks

>> No.27428428
File: 35 KB, 481x544, 1534964967845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what the general mood was for anons prior to the whole GME squeeze last week? Was there hope? Depression? Ambivalence?

>> No.27428552

Fuckin hell, I’ll buy $1500 worth tomorrow.

AMC is actually a decent long term hold. Better potential than GME

>> No.27428628

Pigs get slaughtered. Pick a side and stick to it. Don’t get caught dancing in the middle. Just read this and don’t back down.


>> No.27428671


>> No.27428673

Off the radar. They didn't know it was gonna happen until it was actually happening.

>> No.27428728

Ending AH at 12.43? Not bad

>> No.27428751
File: 71 KB, 505x627, AMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys they still need to cover 44m in shorts. GME itself is at 68m. Doesn't that mean that AMC still has squeeze potentials if people buy and hold?

>> No.27428949

Put a limit sell for 20 dollars. It is the safest bet for some gain. If you want to get out limit sell at least a dollar above your average.

>> No.27429229

why didnt AMC get its big spike moment like GME? GME got one but AMC hasn't, or was 22.3 the absolute spike?

>> No.27429574

just started drinking bros
i'm feeling fucking fine
i'm in the green
i love the movies
my hands and diamond

>> No.27429640

the fact that robert never shows up in these threads is the biggest tell this shit is 100% a reddit meme

>> No.27429676

If you thought that was today you are the retard in the bread

>> No.27429687

Maybe the dip we have with AMC is the same that GME had at the beginning when it went down 40% just to then seriously rise up.

>> No.27429709

That's the same figure that hasn't been updated since January 15th. They'll almost definitely have covered themselves for a lot of it on Thursday when the prices were tanked

>> No.27429713

I didnt assume today, I'm talking in general

>> No.27429881

AMC is like the hart of the cards you just gotta believe

>> No.27429888

2 million $25 call options expiring 2/12 were bought today.

It can be tough, just hold for a few days you fags.

>> No.27429889
File: 46 KB, 503x519, A136E95A-C034-4ADC-B27E-03A346AF4AA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because kikes interfered in the “free” market on Thursday and Friday, so it took away many people’s confidence plus with the FUDposting bots and their weak hands they tried to steal the momentum

>> No.27429946

AMC will rise. I unironically have no doubt that it’ll hit at least $20 this week.

That being said I’m getting out around $18. This is all a giant shit show. I might regret getting out when it rockets to $40+, but there’s too much going on right now to trust that it will.

>> No.27430096

Based- interesting artical

>> No.27430195


>> No.27430204

GME's fall is taking everything down with it. I never understood how they thought they would convince normies to move from one ship to the next. Once it starts going down, most of them would be at a loss and be out of the game for good.

>> No.27430572

i think normies did it by themselves from lack of options. came to late to GME and cant buy any worthwhile shares. AMC is the flagship of the 100-5000$ accounts. which is why we see a lot of people selling for a loss

>> No.27430887
File: 116 KB, 374x418, 1611796171909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poop together.
Poop better.
Moon pooping.
We're in this together.
Diamond [H]ands.
Trust the plan.

- Q

>> No.27431094
File: 10 KB, 572x486, C6A6C849-DACA-4C80-9D31-8E17B74085D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s funnier the 30th time

>> No.27431102

based Q

>> No.27431111
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>> No.27431156
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How did someone with this much money go it at 18+ all at once and not average down

>> No.27431187


>> No.27431512
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1610676469873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Chris Nolan, the best living film director.

>> No.27431532

Nice quads

Now, what does it mean?

>> No.27431690


I think the main problem is that the data has been all kinds of fucked from the start and no one is genuinely smart enough to understand what any of it means. Oh it's 70% no it's 40% but so and so website says 24%. We were operating from a place of ignorance with numbers we didn't even understand

>> No.27431743

i like the stock

>> No.27431847
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>> No.27432101


Plan Trusting,
Bag holding.
Hope holding.
Hopium hold.
Boom. Boom. Boom.

- Q

>> No.27432154

Better chance of killing my self when I sell the shares under pressure and see in 2 weeks the cunt skyrocket. I’ll just hold to spite whoever . Meme Majik never fails

>> No.27432264

old news at 1pm

>> No.27432275

Just relax, you dumb nigger. When you make an investment, the money you bought with is gone already. Shoop, gone. Like someone opened a window in an airplane. You have literally ALREADY lost every cent of the money you put in. Guess what? You planned for that, so it's okay. That's why you only put in what you could afford not to have anymore. Now, if things go good, maybe you get all that money back plus some extra. And if things don't go so good, then you can just wave goodbye to that money for a little while. Maybe a month, or a year, but it'll probably come back around eventually and be even bigger than you left it. And if worst comes to worse, and AMC bottom's out completely? That's fine too. Remember: You've already spent every cent of it.

>> No.27432300

would much rather take a small loss than miss a large gain
if people don't feel this way they should not be speculating on these volatility plays

>> No.27432420

>>MY 9 shares

>> No.27432607

Amc is also trying to find a new support line. It has to establish a floor first and go from there. The bottom may fall out, but it doesn’t have the debt GME currently sits on. Amc was never a quick money maker, but it won’t fad into oblivion. Watch the charts, study it, know win to buy and when to sell, then when to buy back in.

>> No.27432620

I’ve sat in the side lines a few times being too scared because of not knowing fully what I was doing, so I bought 9amc and 195 SNDL and SNDL off set my loss from AMC For now. SNDL has a lot of potential. Seeing as how they need to maintain a 1$ for ten straight days.

>> No.27432964

honestly cannot wait til talks of federal regulation begin to seriously take shape and we enter the age of everyone trying to get in early on the Anheuser Busch of weed

>> No.27433352


No the money isn't gone, he can literally sell anytime and take it back when he needs it. He might make it a little or lose a little, in most cases, but that money is by no means 'gone'

>> No.27433401
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>100 at 12
Hold (for) me bros...

>> No.27433481

I meant it's "gone" as in it's not currently sitting in his bank account. I'm trying to help him not feel scared by this tiny dip, I figured "the worst-case scenario has already happened and it wasn't that bad" was a good approach.

>> No.27433511

>would much rather take a small loss than miss a large gain
a thousand times over.

>> No.27433529
File: 92 KB, 715x401, AMC_of_Tranquility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if people don't feel this way they should not be speculating on these volatility plays

If AMC goes to zero, and the worst you'll feel is just disappointed. Well, welcome to the ride, it's a thrill, right?

If AMC goes to zero, and you might not be able to pay rent, or afford food or medication... then seriously please rethink what you are doing.

Personally, I have 1.5% of my invest-able money in meme stocks and the rest in basic mutual funds. If I include my cash savings, then meme stocks are only 0.8%. If I include my retirement funds, only 0.2%.

I've wasted more than that in an evening playing poker... but you don't get to spam memes at the poker table. This is way more fun

>> No.27433612

You sold?

>> No.27433636

It's called a fucking asset, retard.

>> No.27433745

Why are you samefagging on a board with IDs? Why are you samefagging on THIS of all things?

>> No.27433859

I'm a retard though that's why m6 limit set at $300.

>> No.27434139
File: 177 KB, 828x1792, 5DDA09CB-C837-4BD6-AB7A-D9CB3DDD501D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27434249

666 at 10.25 nigger, I'm so close to taking my $2 a share

>> No.27435181

This is the correct way to invest. Never go all in on meme stocks and if you do you're fucking retarded and deserve to go broke. I put $100 on AMC and $50 on NOK because I can afford those losses. If you can't afford losses in general, don't invest in stocks. This is literally finances 101. Hell, it's fucking common sense. Don't bring anything to the table that you're not willing to lose. Does it suck to be at a loss after investing 100 bucks? Yeah, but I knew what I was getting into. Fucking hell the thing that's really gonna crash the economy are all the normalfags that don't know how to handle money at all let alone invest.

>> No.27435447
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1512496351099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have five shares of AMC. When do I collect my thousands?

>> No.27435660
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1408271887608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 69 shares today when it was at $14ish. Gonna hodl and see if the squeeze happens or not. If not then I'll just keep the things until pandemic's over and people start going to the movies again. Literally can't lose.

>> No.27435918

Don’t fucking care holding till it goes to $25 at least or I’ll let my $1500 die with the fucking shares.

>> No.27436094
File: 192 KB, 1280x1280, orcs32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck the orcs

>> No.27436099

I came in super late but still made some decent money from it. I sell in the morning at open and buy back in later during a dip. Tomorrow's the last day I'm doing it, putting it in the stocks I actually have faith in.

>> No.27436414
File: 32 KB, 661x464, 1611399615907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me not to sell at 15-16 tomorrow bros, it's been a week and a half of "JUST WAIT ITLL GO UP" and I fucking bought 150 shares at 18.50$
I got raped on BB and NOK too, just want to bail and put it into crypto where jews can't interfere with my gambling addiction

>> No.27436636

you're a fucking moron for not just yolo-ing if you bought at $18. you're already fucked and realistically it will NOT go below $8 if people hold but it might go back up to like ~$25. you're shitty selling will ensure that nobody wins so just hold the bags until thursday and then sell at whatever high it reaches friday if thursday is a weird day.

>> No.27437060

You think the squeeze will stop at $25? I set my sell limit to $200.

>> No.27437065

I want it to drop sub $8 so I can buy more. I didn't go into amc with the intention of the meme pump, I'm waiting to sell this summer/post-covid

>> No.27437140

What happens thursday?

>> No.27437288

If you're trying to get out, buy dips (11 or less), then wait for peaks and go from there. You're not seeing 19+ for a long ass time, but you can soften the blow by lowering your average.

>> No.27437620

im going to be honest this shit is kind of stupid and no one is giving any real reason it will go past 20 let alone reach it as you can see today what happened. Reddit the idiots that they are just say hold hold and assume that there is going to be a squeeze around Thursday some said today tomorrow etc. I bought at @14 hoping to cash out around 16 if it ever hits there again to many idiots joining in without knowing shit or at-least the basics.

>> No.27437888

I think there's been a crazy influx into wsb like there has been here. which really brings down actually discussion of DD and makes it get lost in a sea of rocket ship emojis

>> No.27438054


Not even him but $25 is realistic. GME got away with it's bullshit because no one saw it coming, now everyone's on alert and will do anything to prevent it again with AMC. I'm willing to wait longer to see how this whole situation plays out but that's only because I can afford to play around with money that the average person needs to live day by day.

I wish AMC could blow up like GME but I'd take a sell at $25-30. Which at the end of the day is still profit.

>> No.27438169

Anon, it's all speculation. If a squeeze is coming it will go above 20, if it does not than it doesn't. Any definite answer requires data none of us have.
Do you trust the numbers reddit has or not? What exactly are you looking for?

>> No.27438349

$25 is what I’m planning to exit at, I think hoping for more at this point is just too fanciful. All the tendie-munching morons buying stocks for the first time are dumping because they’re too inexperienced to understand what a short ladder, wash trading and volume even are. I can see it spiking to $25 or maybe even $26 but from there the longs will sell

>> No.27438609

we will see. the fact is that we KNOW that NOTHING happens if you sell.

>> No.27438815
File: 233 KB, 1817x841, 1612207411171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set buy orders all the way down to the top of the wedge in case it does for a full retest, but most likely it will stop out at the 0.382 fib level before continuing the moon launch

>> No.27438818

Any inkling when it might hit that $25? I might just keep my $200 sell limit anyways though.

>> No.27438849

I was hoping that today we would have reached 20, though it reach 17 and then crashed. Some of the numbers at first i did think was possible it would shoot to 30 but that was around Tuesday of last week. But now going through everything as of now no one knows whats happening and the numbers now dont seem to add up like is it still 79 shorts or 30ish. Also the volume is insane so im keeping my eye on it. Though the moment i see a exit im leaving only b/c these types of movements require many people to shoot it up and i see the momentum dying down through the masses besides reddit (cant believe people are falling for the silver scam ).

>> No.27438978

Exactly, I wouldn't even call myself a experience trader by a long shot but the writing is on the wall now. Also I already planned ahead for the possibility of it being a dud which is why $25-30 is absolutely fair. Hopefully for the both of us it hits at $25 this week or next week's end and we can move on.

>> No.27439052

Pressure builds as interest on the shorts build. My personal guess is Wednesday, perhaps even early Thursday.

>> No.27439102

/vg/ is a hell of a drug

>> No.27439233

Agreed, one of the key things about playing with stocks is to never get too greedy. I’ll have doubled my money at $25 and I’ll be more than happy for such an outcome. The people thinking this is going to moon to $300 and change their lives are the ones who will end up panic selling after all the speculated value is squeezed out. I think simply being aware that this could be a dud and being ready to pull out with a modest return already puts you ahead of most people on here and on reddit.

>> No.27439283
File: 274 KB, 937x742, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw sold at 17.25 on the open today

>> No.27439284

I got in at 12 via cash app, why shouldn't I just sell now while ahead and then maybe buy back in after the next dip?

>> No.27439349

i hope we make it anons i truly do. Atleast we arnt reddit those brain dead idiots truly believe this will shoot to 100 this week. Also im not a believer this is a 30$ stock its more like a 10 dollar stock after they paid some of their debt.

>> No.27439786

Cheers anon. And yeah the WSB people are embarrassing, saying GME is going to 10k and AMC is going to $500 this week. They absolutely have no idea how capital markets work. Most of them opened accounts, blindly made buy orders and pretended to understand numbers moving up and down for the past 2 weeks. I’m no financial genius but at the very least I can say we’re prudent in what we expect this stock to do. That being said I believe in the Summer it will trade for around $18 simply due to all the pent up audiences and film releases.

>> No.27439811

>when something i'm not in gets pumped, it's a scam
>you all need to pump what i'm invested in this isnt fair
welcome to the free market redditor

fuck reddit. buy $AG.

>> No.27439816

hold nokia, news is coming soon

>> No.27439877
File: 61 KB, 1122x900, 0aa9df2d9bafdb61ed4f2d9e916a4486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been unable to buy in because buying stocks from America has required me to call up my broker to validate me to the American tax bureau.
I'm going up to the bank tomorrow get them an up to date scan of my ID so I can buy in for whatever little squeeze there will be on Thursday.
I may have not made it for early gains, but doubling my money will be victory in itself.
Thanks for holding the door for me bros and not going to the moon without me.
>Neurotic paperhands being neurotic
I'm just going so buy the stock and chill with vidya. The hypeposting seems a bit silly to me.
I'll see about my gains or losses on Thursday. Maybe it'll be my best weekend yet, who knows.

>> No.27439958

Ork boyz hold until end of thursday!


>> No.27440028

not gonna lie i got some AG last Thursday before the whole hype of silver. Glad that people here were saying to buy that instead of shit like SLV.

>> No.27440089
File: 168 KB, 857x600, JOHN_BROWN_NEVER_SELLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27440162

Be a little less reddit dude.

>> No.27440205

I am holding. Sitting around 8 with about 21 shares. Just don't sell and we will be fine. We are in this together. Just invest what you are willing to use and just set your sell limit then forget it

>> No.27440248
File: 257 KB, 516x526, 1409630808061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I cancelled a 300 dollar cashapp market buy of AMC last tuesday when it was at around 5 bucks a share.

>> No.27440372

>That being said I believe in the Summer it will trade for around $18 simply due to all the pent up audiences and film releases.
That's what I'm banking on if this doesn't rocket in the next few days. Who knew stocks could be so fun though?

>> No.27440389

50 share bagholder here who wiped out a chunk of my GRT pre moon stack out for this adventure

AMA and please remember to give me gold and upvotes thanks

>> No.27440483

Right, if people had invested only what they were willing to lose they wouldn’t be fooled by short ladder bullshit. Not playing with your life savings inherently prevents panic selling stupidity.

>> No.27440566

this book hit me in the depression feels :^(

>> No.27440597

To be fair I'm willing to throw reddit a bone in being able to pull off the whole GME fiasco and actually tripping up wall street for a day. But they made a mistake by getting swept up in their own hype. Which may have been their down fall since that hype may have tipped off the hedgefunds going in full alert mode instead of just thinking GME was a fluke.

If AMC was ever truly on the same table as GME the hype alone is what killed it.

>> No.27440648

Yup I think stocks are simply more fun because you know that, unless you buy into some literal who chink scam shell corporation, you will at the very least get your money back. I used to trade crypto and while the volatility is a hell of a thrill, just knowing your money could evaporate because people collectively decided not to touch whatever cratering memecoin you were betting on is simply too unnerving to be called fun.

>> No.27440777

What book is this from?

>> No.27440779

what do you eat for breakfast?

>> No.27440881

Cigarettes and coffee

>> No.27440897

Posting from my phone now b/c I just left to get some poké. To answer your question: nigger dick.

>> No.27440978

that can't be healthy

>> No.27441161

won't these stocks inevitably go back up once the lockdowns end anyway?

>> No.27441184

pretty sure it "The Metamorphosis" really short read.
I believe one key thing that is fucking the hype like all things is the masses or just normies. They truly believe they will get rich the next day with GME and if that doesn't happen they start to gossip saying that it was all lies and shit. Trust me im starting to hear that stuff with coworkers and people around the area.

>> No.27441242

Nigger its metamorphosis

>> No.27441328

the 9$ options puts that expire Friday the 5th , do they have to buy them or can they just let them expire without exercising it ?

>> No.27441421

Yes, the metamorphosis, a short story by Kafka. There’s a lot more to it than muh depressing bug life :(( and also Kafka was a Jew so those of you who are afraid of the Tribe may take that into consideration.
> Trust me im starting to hear that stuff with coworkers and people around the area.
Trading actually takes steady nerves and technical knowledge which the average person is simply too lazy and unambitious to obtain. Now that they think they can strike rich from a single trade they feel as though that barrier has disappeared.

>> No.27441445

So many people falling for 1 post by this id in this thread, don't fall for that shit.
Yes even me, despite calling it out.

>> No.27441500
File: 145 KB, 960x703, 1611967906115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You AMC idiots need to buy a real company with real revenues

Google is your friend



>> No.27441630

That is so Kafkaesque.

>> No.27441636

If the calls expire they get liquidated, whereas if they buy they can at least avoid a total loss. That’s the thing about leverage trading, if you get a bad enough margin call you don’t get to sell at a loss you just lose everything.

>> No.27441654


>> No.27441799
File: 2.98 MB, 2846x4002, buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs of truth

>> No.27441833

There's so much conflicting information, even when I try to search on google. None of the datas are up to date. Really wish I knew where to find more reliable resources.

Reddit, Discord, Twitter literally full of shills, same shit being echo'ed. This is especially with the whole "short interest" etc etc etc.

The charts were bonkers, almost felt like it was emotionally driven. (i.e Elliot wave chart). I've also noticed it was extremely hard to break the 12.39-12.40 barrier after market. We barely broke last minute. (I was at my friends place, using his thinkorswim to see the charts, etc)

My friend, who has no stocks in this, thinks it's hedgefunds, with their billions of dollars just raising the price then dropping it, repeating it to make money, while making retailers lose money. He also guessed that, we might be hovering around 10-14 dollar mark with this tactic, because he thinks over it goes over certain threshold, it will actually cost hedgefund money to borrow stocks so they can lower it / raise it.

Obviously, I am not as experienced as he is, but that's how he put it...

I do have quiet a bit of AMC stocks, I think I've learned my lesson. Don't emotionally, next time I will try to learn all the basics and do much smaller investments.

>> No.27441860
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I'm not turbofucked if I break even or lose like $10.

>> No.27441875

you fool, this place is on the world stage now. we are being monitored, recorded, in b4 schizo.

they want to know how and why things happened. they want to know and understand our level of autism and schizo power. they want to know it so they can use it for themself to further manipulate markets.

in all seriousness, amc is dead. don't fuck with it.also NOK, booo. bad deadl. been telling you fools for weeks it's a bad deal but you only listen when your shares go down. oh well.

>> No.27441904


Thanks cocksuckers

>> No.27441958

impossible once in a lifetime situation.

>comparing that to fucking AMC

nigger whut.

>> No.27441967

The real lesson is that hedge funds will engage in the most bald-faced and criminal manipulation just to stop themselves from losing money, so don’t bet on them keeling over and taking it in the ass. Especially with the entire SEC in their pocket.

>> No.27441998
File: 73 KB, 873x700, 1611340948535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cliff tranny I admire your persistence but you gotta let it go already. You have been spamming your same posts on every board for months now.

>> No.27442035

Has literally happened twice in my lifetime.
saying "once in a lifetime" ever is a massive sub-80 iq flag

>> No.27442046

welcome to /biz/ fren

>> No.27442142

Obviously if the conditions and mechanisms which make this phenomenon occur are incomprehensible to me, then it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event :^))

>> No.27442201
File: 65 KB, 600x600, wss1905990ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with feet

>> No.27442256

The only reliable place for short interest data is Finra. And it's only reported on a 15 day basis with a delay on the data. The figure you're getting on the 29th is the position of the shorts on the Jan 15th.

There is no actual way for us ants to make a dent except to choose a which large players army we want to be part of.

These meme stocks are not investments. They're battles that large billionaires, government, hedge funds are all part of. Consider the benefits and cons if AMC moons or doesn't moon.

Also consider why they chose the term moon. It's quite ridiculous now that I think about it but they have own elite psychologists on hand to do this type of crowd manipulation. You can't win in the modern era without it.

>> No.27442278

this. truth.

>> No.27442286

Last 2 days it opened +$4 then +$2. Today it closed around $12 so if the trend continues, it's gonna open around $13. This is ever since they've been limiting buys. The restrictions are a lot less (350 of AMC last I saw) so it will probably pick up once it drops a bit in the morning. I have lost faith and think it will crab around $14 if we're lucky though.

>> No.27442350
File: 35 KB, 723x487, FUCKING IDIOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27442386


>> No.27442392

Also interesting is the novel term “diamond hands” when the phrase for decades now has been “iron hands.” Going off of your thesis, they’ve probably chosen diamond in lieu of iron because of its inherent value, even though it’s incredibly brittle compared to iron

>> No.27442410

>in all seriousness, amc is dead. don't fuck with it.also NOK, booo. bad deadl. been telling you fools for weeks it's a bad deal but you only listen when your shares go down. oh well.

During last, I don't know... 1 or 2 hours of aftermarket (maybe it was during the whole market hours as well) it was pretty obvious who were retailers and hedgefunds.

We saw bunch of 1000 - 3000 stocks being sold continuously, while it was 5, 12, 142, 924 being bought (like, majority weren't round even numbers.)

>> No.27442492
File: 224 KB, 2208x1242, you are here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to crater

>> No.27442703

the 8 shares @ 11.45 AH was me

>> No.27442763

Ok, now I sound fucking retarded.

But cmon, a rocket with Gamestop literally going to the moon. It's a marketer's wet fucking dream

>> No.27442824

Yeah I sold my whopping 4 shares yesterday that I bought at $11.88 for $14.55 this morning
Might buy back in depending on the action but personally I think this one is a dud boys

>> No.27442956

I just watched Mission Hill yesterday

>> No.27443213

i set a limit for 15 for tomorrow
sorry holdbros

>> No.27443281

Nah you sound normal I’m just verbose as fuck because I’m a writer. You’re right that all these images of rockets and planetary travel and references to the cosmic are basically hooks which catch the mouths of know-nothing retail investors. It’s taking all of the excitement inherent to fantasy and imagined wealth and consolidating it into a single signal: buy this item.

>> No.27444081
File: 5 KB, 1765x40, amcbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling good lads

>> No.27444102

It just makes me lose faith in humanity man. This is how society actually works. Do I go along with the ride or refuse to participate in it? If this is how the future works, then it'd be suicide not to participate in it, or at least be first in it.

I have aging parents to take care of. They only have only so much retirement money and their job security decreases greatly each day. My responsibility for them grows further each day. I cannot NOT go along with the winning side and yet my agency immensely decreases if I do so. It's such a depressing thought. The average human is not much more different than an ant or a bee

>> No.27444163

She looks like Roll

Where is megaman?

>> No.27444238


>> No.27444620

Sounds like you're starting to understand the world around you, anon. The best you can do is preserve your agency to the best of your ability. Not as serious as your situation but, for example, my partner is currently receiving government compensation because he is essentially unemployed (gets very few hours). We both know that getting the jab is a bad idea, but if the government requires it for receiving welfare, then my boyfriend is fucked. It's a question of knowing where your boundaries are and ACTUALLY being able and willing to fight when the time comes.

>> No.27444673

I understand your position as I have an ailing girlfriend to take care of, and a widow mom who isn’t getting any younger. I never saw this as an opportunity to make us all rich, but just another drop in the bucket of support which I’d like to proffer them.

So in short: you ride the waves which can bring you closer to your goals. If buying in low and riding all this retail investor madness up to $20 or $25 can get you closer to supporting your parents then that’s the decision. Don’t let the big picture mix up your short term moves. If you have to give up some short-term agency in order to have more in the future than it is a cogent move. Things are really like a giant beehive with some bees having inherent enormous advantages over others, advantages that let them take control as if they had pheromones.

There’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of these systems if it gets you one step closer to where you’d like to be. Life is a marathon and betting it all on one huge leap is how you end up falling into a trench.

>> No.27445253

Bought 83 shares at $17

Should I just sell and take a loss before I do anymore damage?

>> No.27445374

It’s not like it’s gonna go too much lower, might as well hodl just to watch

>> No.27446127
File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, boobs-butt-and-feet-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's self explanatory

>> No.27446195
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 12 oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why it takes money to make money. People with money can take risks that, should they lose, mean little to them. But if they win, they become multimillionaires

wageslaves on the other hand can't even afford to throw $1000 at something without tremendous risk; that's rent money. At the end of the day billionaire hedge funds can fix the game and make millions off of a .001% gain that wouldn't even register for some poor fuck putting his savings into something. Our economy is truly fucked, as the the income inequality is too massive for any peon to get ahead

>> No.27446387

tl:dr : we live in a late capitalist dystopia

>> No.27446613

It's only $1400, why not enjoy the ride and get your $1400 worth? I dropped 1k and I ain't leaving until it drops 70% below 12 or 100% above. A couple of days ain't shit.

>> No.27446763
File: 290 KB, 537x843, 2021-01-25 19_18_08-Tajima DG_ML by Pulse - Design5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really should take a moment to read this:

>> No.27447031

I think AMC is a good long term buy unless COVID 2 happens or Disney or Amazon or Netflix make their own theaters or buy regal or something.

>> No.27447267

You understand you don't need to invest thousands of dollars in order to turn a profit, right? You can literally invest pennies on the dollar. You aren't gonna return a whole lot, but if your goal at the end of the day is to make a profit then our economy is perfectly equitable in that regard. It's the same principle no matter what amount you're investing: buy low, sell high. It's so easy toddlers can do it

>> No.27447351

Disney does have an industry relationship with AMC, Disney calibrates their post production stereoscopic work specifically to the AMC screens, at least that's what some Disney animators told me.

>> No.27447372

Does anyone have proof of these “shortsexpiring” shit I keep seeing on wsb it doesn’t make any sense to me

6 4.5c 4/16 @5$ here

>> No.27447463

Short's don't expire. If the price goes up, it costs more money to maintain your short position though.

>> No.27447900
File: 129 KB, 1200x1200, 6d49c0e140c0cf46e6f6762b0ffc546b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never fucking selling. If it were really over their propaganda wouldn't be necessary

>> No.27447906

Thanks anons

>> No.27447914

Selling @ 50. Buying more at the dip.

>> No.27448071

I bought AMC 20@$9 for ~$200. I sold and got $75 back. I just knew when to walk away, and now I have gas money and a couple lunches.

>> No.27448450

It's a stock tracking tactic. It's following a uphill slope on the long term.

>> No.27448671

yeah exactly, then why are a bunch of reddit fags lying about this?

>> No.27448820

I truly believe they aren't lying, they're just morons who don't know how this shit works, are confusing shorts with options, and are too lazy to do even a modicum of basic reading

>> No.27449200

they're either retards or they are lying to get retards to join in because they wont join in without a date

>> No.27449255

that's less than a 5x and amc started around $2...

>> No.27449506
File: 43 KB, 532x474, amc stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the stats from these sites? The top one is one I saw posted last week, the bottom was discussed in a thread that was just pruned. Someone in the last thread was saying AMCX was the real stock we should have bought and AMC was a distraction.

>> No.27449555
File: 125 KB, 1125x564, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what the fuck is this guy talking about in regards to shorts "Closing" this just looks like horse shit

>> No.27449657

didnt click but
short interest reports are only put out by the nyse every 15 days as well as a daily short volume report

>> No.27449702
File: 38 KB, 427x425, amcx stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMCX stats.

>> No.27449939

>90% short ratio

he might be right

>> No.27449953

Bro...that image...it feels so.....kafkaesque.

>> No.27450007

I cashed out my GME for 3.7 million today at the open. My plan is to wait for the mid day lol when volume is low and chain market orders to gobble up the paper hands and FOMO peak buyers who can’t wait to get out while simultaneously spiking the stock 5%+ higher and triggering buy programs while no one is paying attention at the exchanges to stop it.

I’m gonna bide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity to hopefully coincide with a natural ramp and make a big green candle on the chart.

I have no set time thought imma play it by ear. When you see the ramp with orders of even 1000 lots you’ll know I’m starting. Bros better be in by then cause I’m gonna YOLO all my I’ll gotten gains in here and see if market manipulation is a meme or not.

Goodnight, I’ll hopefully see you all on the moon tomorrow.

>> No.27450037

sheeeeeeit so we /amcx/ next bros?

>> No.27450071

Fuck. Should we sell AMC and buy AMCX or go all in GME or NOK or what?

>> No.27450075

grab some pltr while your at it my ass is hurting

>> No.27450091

>Days to cover, also called short ratio, measures the expected number of days to close out a company's issued shares that have been shorted. It measures a company's issued shares that are currently shorted and divides that by the average daily trading volume to give an approximation of the time required, expressed in days, to close out those short positions.

>> No.27450149

I pointed it out to him in another thread
Even if you chase after AMCX now, AMC was likely a distraction from AMCX so hedgies could cover their positions before it turned into GME 2.0

>> No.27450170

I've been trying to solve this whole AMC short dilemma for the past two weeks, honestly wouldnt be the worst idea to run both at this point if you can afford it. Name recognition alone should make it a simple adoption. I might write up a DD or something to atleast get a bull case going for it

>> No.27450235

could we write a good DD to shift the reddit tide you think or is it to far gone? Feb 9th the next nyse update on SI gets published

>> No.27450345

the high price point of GME kept some people out AMCX is what 56 ? much better entry point .

>> No.27450448

It's too far gone at this point. What made GME so successful was the (unfortunately) untrue notion that it was going to have a major impact on these hedge funds in the long term
Melvin Capital might be fucked but everybody else has had time to cover their positions on other high-volatility, high float % stocks
Realistically the shorts don't matter that much unless you're trying to rally plebs to crusade ala GME. What matters is that people buy in and inflate the value of the stock.
Holding does increase its value but the trick is that unless the stock pays dividends or has some other tangible benefit, nobody is going to pay $1000 per share for that stock.
Ultimately GME was a pump and dump with the side purpose of hopefully destroying a hedge fund while AMC was a distraction from AMCX.

>> No.27450510

GME was in the single digits before take off. Smart money bought in as low as 4
It was a moon when it hit 50 or so, what you just witnessed was a trip to jupiter

>> No.27450851

>3 shares at $14

still hoping to buy a pizza with. he profits. holding until it hurts.

>> No.27450920


>> No.27451191


to lazy to (you) everyone on the amcx tip, presuming this data can be trusted it seems that since amcx's borrowing rates are significantly lower than that of amc my guess would be that its not a viable squeeze?

>> No.27451273

>People who sold at the peak at open

Enjoy your bags nigger.

>> No.27451380

If enough people get in, anything can be squeezed
They were afraid of seeing what we saw happen with GME happen to other stocks like AMCX which at the time had a, what was it? 68%? 78%? float %, most of which had probably been concentrated by one firm.
Keep in mind that at the time AMC's float % was below 40%

>> No.27451642

14 shares at 15.20. Here's hoping it goes up so I can make something

>> No.27451671


>> No.27451706

i guess my main question then lies in whether loan rates on shorts increase with time/price?

>> No.27451814

they fluctuate throughout the day and are tied to the stock's current market valuation

>> No.27451841
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, 1611961032183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you arent ready for the tough ride

why are you here, amc is on long run, smart people know this

>> No.27451875

This guy is trying to get you to buy his bags before he bankrupts himself

>> No.27451882

I'm want to break the AMCX news to reddit tomorrow. I want to let them have at it and give AMC another chance to pump so I can sell at a minor profit and then burst its bubble. Maybe someone here can write up an explanation better than I can though.

>> No.27451941

Give it to me straight doc. How fucked am I?

>> No.27451956

Its not sounding like the dumbest idea to buy a few amcx calls before the nyse report comes out, if the shorts havent offloaded yet theres still a viable squeeze (maybe?) and on the other hand if there is lessened short interest the price may be likely to go up a little?

>> No.27452020

Im writing one up now be my guest though

>> No.27452029

AMCX isn't the answer
High price point (GME was single digits which left plenty of room for smart money)
Covered positions on shorts so no rallying of the plebs 2 fite duh sistum
Hard sell after the AMC fiasco

>> No.27452119

fair points

>> No.27452200

My personal opinion (I need to clarify to everybody I am not a financial advisor, just speculative and predictive) is that you should bail at opening if price is around your entry price otherwise hold and sell with the ripple of FOMO to minimize loss. It might go lower and lower but from recent trends it's definitely rippling from the $20 price point the other day and media interest.
It's just unlikely to moon.

>> No.27452215

>tfw bought GME at $320 and AMC at $14 avg
reddit's meme magic is accursed.

>> No.27452284

alright so after all this talk what are you guys feeling like she's gonna open at?

>> No.27452308

You need to do your own due diligence and do your homework on the stocks before you purchase.
A good rule of thumb is that, by the time you've heard about it and acted on it, you are the bag holder at the end, or the capitulator hoping to avoid despair.

>> No.27452412

Just don't tell them until after I sell this shit during opening surge.

>> No.27452426

open at 16, close at 13.

>> No.27452467

If the last few days are any indicator it's going to open around the price where it closed

>> No.27452481

Hopefully $15 or above. I want out at $14 (what I paid) or slightly above it.

>> No.27452930
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 1570960817885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post hedgie COPE

>> No.27453037
File: 1.93 MB, 498x296, cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the chances of it getting to 16.20 tomorrow so I can break even?
Be real with me.

>> No.27453108

Praying for you bro

>> No.27453145
File: 1.77 MB, 318x180, Don't be a menace to Wall St while hedging ur bets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feels when want to buy but the man keeps calling you N word while wait for funds to appear in your trading account...

>> No.27453155

Hope you're right. I need the copium after fomoing in at $14 like a retard.

>> No.27453249

I'm selling as soon as it hits 16. Maybe i'll buy in later but i'm getting these shares gone as soon as possible.

>> No.27453270
File: 970 KB, 1284x1532, Cut the malarkey gaymers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the people who never sell? Will the stock be eliminated in case of buyout or other scenario?

>> No.27453364

>can't buy AMC anymore because of the clearing house
i already bought but this can't be good for the stock overall

>> No.27453480

Not bad but not good either, set a limit for 16.25 or so, that way some other idiot buys the peak and holds your bags

>> No.27453550


>> No.27453627

if they can cover their new positions then they can hold at a loss all they want with the prospect of another moon
if they can't cover their loss the shares are liquidated to cover the position

>> No.27453762

me neither anon

>> No.27453819


>> No.27453991
File: 93 KB, 692x555, Screenshot 2021-02-02 194716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use an NZ brokerage but anything that uses Axos would probably have the same halt

>> No.27454075

im not feeling so good, amcbros. i need some reassurance

>> No.27454109



>> No.27454162

Could go to the moon once the halt ends or it will finish off what was started a few days ago with the other share caps and assorted fuckery me thinks this is dead in the water

>> No.27454700

η διαφορά μεταξύ δ και θ
σκάτα, σεβάρα είναι. να κάνω φίλε;

>> No.27454798


>> No.27454825

Based lol hopefully this is me tomorrow morning