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27417245 No.27417245 [Reply] [Original]

Let me tell you GME tards that are still holding the story of copium. It all started in November of 2020 when Donald lost the election. The die hard Q tards kept saying to wait for some trial to come and save them and that there was a plan. We all kn ow this never happened. Now those who are left with GME have a tough position. Admit defeat or continue to cope and think that the price will continue to rise. What's the choice anon?

>> No.27417512

Donald Trump won and these markets are manipulated.

HOWEVER I learned from the Trump ending that they do this blatantly and get away with it now.

I made money on GME but not as much as I could have as I was tripping on copium a bit.

>> No.27417692

I felt a dopamine rush with GME too anon. It's fine to feel that. So long as you sold and made a decent amount of profit today or the past few days, you are fine. Can't imagine what the people who bought high are feeling.

>> No.27417818

I more than doubled my money, but I deserved more, we all did. Redditors will learn.

>> No.27417954

this will at least teach some redd*toids that the system is rigged to begin with. can't say the same for the dumb commies who got on board.

>> No.27418323

The fuck