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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 250x187, money-sky_250x187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2741248 No.2741248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So as it turns out I used to mine bitcoins back in the day, totally forgot about it until my mom asked me to help her move the other day. In my old basement where I used to game I remembered I had a few harddrives with some bitcoin on them.

Turns out I have found over 1000btc, I was a gamer most of my life growing up and figured I would spread the love. So since I'm feeling in a good mood, tell me why you deserve 2 of my bitcoins and I'll donate to the most deserving person. Tell me of your struggles.

>> No.2741252

Larping is nice but I will buy 100k

>> No.2741255

I don't deserve it.


>> No.2741256
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>begging thread in disguise

>> No.2741264

That's funny OP because as it turns out I used to mine bitcoins back in the day, totally forgot about it until my dad asked me to help her move the other day. In my old basement where I used to game I remembered I had a few harddrives with some bitcoin on them.

>> No.2741266
File: 266 KB, 679x500, 1497688333223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on your new found riches OP. I've been trading with altcoins for the past two months, made some nice steady gains, started off with $50 and made my way to $500.

I live with my girlfriend and our son, so I can't put anymore cash into my portfolio to make heavier gains, as I can't afford to spend much outside of neccesities.

If you can give me just 0.1 btc you will be helping us pay our rent this month, thanks.


>> No.2741267

Go back to /B/ or something you LARPing spastic.

>> No.2741270

lol 1000btcs from being a gamer

>> No.2741272


Fellow gamer, without dat luck with bitcoins. I just got about 200k Satoshi from some Faucets. Still a student for a year, but interest in coins peaked again. Hoping for some love :P But not believing in getting it^^


>> No.2741278

i have to live in poland

>> No.2741279

there is a mom I use to fuck. she told me her son found some hard drives in his basement.

>> No.2741280


help an electrical engineering student pls.

>> No.2741299


Don't deserve it.

Living with my wife and kid of 2 years, 3rd world country, 0.1 btc would really help.

Have a nice day guys.


>> No.2741306

Got one last year of college left. Went to the closest public university to avoid having to pay much. Managed to be debt free but this last year I may have to take out a loan. Really trying to avoid that. Getting my degree in computer science. Really trying to get out of this without any debt and a few bitcoins would desperately help my situation.


>> No.2741314
File: 124 KB, 655x491, 1438575032094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP really though whats 5 or 6 bitcoin when I could be on the racetrack whipping casuals with my superior skills? My struggle is I've been building one car for years while jewbois with daddy's money get to wreck their porsche.

Revive my ride

>> No.2741318

Saving up for a new pc so I can start becoming a sole trader, need a decent one for design work. I build my own pcs so I'm pretty good at getting the most out of my money. Also need a secondhand car to go and meet clients but I can start saving for that once I get some work rolling in

I'm not some sob story but if you want to contribute I'd be eternally grateful.


>> No.2741319

>people still falling for the bait

Why, seriously

>> No.2741323
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, untuitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom fights cancer (non-hodgkin lymphoma) for 3 years but ultimately passes away because the therapy was too hard for her
>father is drinking himself to death and my brother turned away from us
>don't know what to do except feel miserable and continue slaving away at an ALDI.
I'm still living in a first world country and people all over the globe have it a lot worse but I still would have never imagined that my life would become such a shitty shadow of it's former self.

>> No.2741325

i am from Venezuela, worst country ever, i REALLY need help anon. No kidding.


thanks brother.

>> No.2741326

Says a lot about the kind of people on this board. Street shitters everywhere.

>> No.2741344

i quit my job earlier this year due to clinical depression and a suicide attempt and the last of my savings is starting to run out

literally anything you can give will help me get through another day


>> No.2741349

I live in Australia, my kangaroo is broken so I can't get to uni. Everything outside tries to kill you and our political system makes the US look good. Save me pls OP 12naBEKrB2h2XwJ3nLerpSnAtFq5Xr4dZG

>> No.2741350

just fucking kill yourself

>> No.2741355
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nigga i might

>> No.2741361


It's me, son. I'm sorry I had to leave you and your mom, but I came home from work one day and heard grunting noises coming from the basement. Sadly, discovered your mom was getting gangbanged by some neighborhood meth heads. She was all iced out taking cocks in every hole, just couldn't stick around after seeing that.

Really sorry I left you with that slut, but I am ready to get back into your life. If you'll have me.



P.S. Need some BTC.

>> No.2741367
File: 10 KB, 1813x54, DGB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this happened. I won't tell you the story because I'd like to go out with my dignity. But some of you here may remember me posting a few weeks ago

pic related :(

I haven't been sleeping at night OP. If this isin't larp, you'd be helping me in ways you couldn't understand


>> No.2741372

I'm in debt from schooling and don't have a job, although probably don't deserve it more than other people here.
Anyway worth a shot. Thanks anon


>> No.2741376

I am from venezuela lol
Me and my gf run a chaturbate where she sucks off my dick for 3 hours and we barely earn 2 dollars, she feels as a prostitute but at least this feeds us
even 0.1 btc would be appreciated

>> No.2741377

I got a couple. I get free electricity so for every btc i get I will purchase more miners. and run them. repay you 3x over 1 year of however much you decide to be generous and give.

2nd reason I got scammed outed in of some btc read about it here.

>> No.2741393

You wanna get together and start a revolution?
Maybe we could fund this revolution through an ICO, it'll be kewl.

>> No.2741394


0.2 btc is about the average monthly wage in my country. I earn about 0.3 btc as a programmer doing the same work that's paid 70+k/year in the US.

Over my lifetime, if I stay here, I will have earned about 5-15% of what a peer living in the US would. Doing the same work. For some of the same companies.

Is it really surprising people in such a situation would jump at an opportunity to get some bread-crumbs from the table?

>> No.2741396

One simple reason

>> No.2741404

Please I have hardly any money and is living paycheck to paycheck in my shitty apartment


>> No.2741413
File: 28 KB, 620x368, marlo_stanfield_the_wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do it or don't, but I got someplace to be"


>> No.2741419


Because I'm a poor as fuck gamer in a third world country where they impose 50-60℅tax on graphic cards and my life is pretty shit otherwise.

Those 2 coins will be worth a lot more when you convert them to my local currency.

>> No.2741455
File: 227 KB, 899x1599, IMG_1206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I dont want to be saddled by loans after medical school.

Help a bro out and who knows I might save your life.


Also have a fabulous pic

>> No.2741458

My entire apartment got robbed when I was at work. They even took my carpets and the plants.
please help, I only got my bike and some half eaten food left here.

>> No.2741470

People will always fall for this shit won't they?

>> No.2741474

I'm living in Yurop under the EU, that's bad enough already.

What's worse, Eastern Yurop too.

If you donate 2 bitcoin to my account I'll help Europe go 1933 39v6KAvarFkoJ6HtMSU6XpS9EA7rZpjbjq

>> No.2741480

Inb4 "your mother will die tonight"

>> No.2741488

My dog died. Plz give me based OP.

>> No.2741502
File: 417 KB, 1024x667, 1588792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deserve it either, I've fucked up too many chances in life and been too wracked irrational fears that I've wasted away much of the time that I have on this earth. Good luck with your creative writing thread though!

>> No.2741508

Just got a job in the city(as a brand ambassador I get paid in month), I have no money but still got to travel everyday(I will get MetroCard soon). I've been taking free samples form whole foods and soup kitchens, donuts when Dunkin donuts throws it's extras out at night.

I can pay my rent, I shouldn't be bum for long, but it would be nice to have some extra cash to stockup on some food, a mertocard, some new clothes(Cheap Pants, and shoes) and enjoy a dollar coffee before work time to time.


>> No.2741517

-My momma cheated on my dad then sold me off to pedophiles when i was 9 tho
-still have so many mental illnesses because of my childhood tho
-pedo family circumcised me while i was asleep. worse pain i've ever felt in my life
-ran away and eventually taken by cps
-found out my dad died in a car accident around the time i got sold off. he was probably speeding around looking for me.
-uncle won't even take me in, calling me a bastard child.
-18 now and i feel like giving up
-work at lowe's full time with no direction in life
-live with a coworker now after being homeless
-saving up to buy a car and a gift for my coworker this would be great op thanks


>> No.2741519

Yes it is you retarded piece of shit. I live in Poland and even though my salary is not as shit as yours it's still nowhere close to western salaries. You are not jumping at any "opportunities" it's fucking obvious this is bait thread. Some dude randomly remembered about 1k BTC years after it blew up all over the news. What fucking world do you live in? Are you really that gullible. You are not going to get a penny, not you and not any other street shitter in this thread.
You are a failure not because you live in a third world country but because you are a retard. Get the fuck out of this board Pajeet.

>> No.2741523

go protest against Maduro! and dont believe in Leopoldo´s freedom.

>> No.2741526


You seem to have anger issues.

>> No.2741528


Poorfag u prolly won’t send but whatever worth a shot.

>> No.2741537

It's because Pajeets like you took his goddamn programming job!

>> No.2741549

Because I'm still that gamer that hasn't moved out from the basement and I'm in my 30's yeah failed at life but hopefully 2 years or so I could move out if crypto works out. Fingers crossed.
Well done on your new found wealth op


>> No.2741555

I'd like to start investing more heavily.


>> No.2741562


I wouldn't say I deserve them. But I'm trying to start a crypto based business. Not an ICO or a coin. Nothing like that.

I want to start an Online shop where people can buy traditional products from my country that are considered luxury items in other countries. Especially in China and the US. I won't say which products because of fear of people stealling the ideia.

The thing about the shop is it'll only accept crypto currencies. The main one's. BTC, LTC, XMR, and ANS for china only.

I need the bitcoins to pay web designers and programmers, hosting and domain, and contracts with shipping companies.

The idea is also the help legitimize crypto currencies and actually have people using then instead of just speculating on them.

This is 100% serious, and if other donors are interested feel free to donate whatever with a message in the transaction. Eventually donators will receive some sort of reward for helping the projectgo through