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27408111 No.27408111 [Reply] [Original]

Once it becomes mainstream and everyone starts raving about it it goes to shit. My theory is that something that everyone has becomes as common as pigeons in central park and eventually loses value. Think about it: only the people that invested early when things aren't mainstream are the ones that actually made money. When bitcoin was super obscure the early investors made a ton but now even some karens on facebook are talking about it and the value is no longer rising. Same with GME, when it was a reddit underground thing, it made a ton of $$$ but now that everyone is talking about it,it went to shit. Some people say "more involvent is a good thing"; no it's not. If everyone pursues the same thing to accrue wealth, the method of doing that lowers in value. I've been in Information Technology since 2009 and back them certifications like CCNA were baller certs guaranteeing up to 60k-70k a year starting. Now that a lot of people went that route, you will be stuck with a shitty 40k a year job starting. Why? Because the market became saturated and EVERYONE is a CCNA now. I realise my theory may not be completely accurate as to WHY it happens but the end result is the same. Once normies get involved, your investment goes to shit

Tldr; normies ruin everything

>> No.27408292

Yeah, and then we wonder why Wall Street pulls the shit it does. They don't have respect for plebs because they haven't earned it, they couldn't even short squeeze GME properly and all the kikes will get away with this

>> No.27408301

very statue reasoning op i believe you are correct. oversaturation and overparticipation makes things lose their value. scarcity and a degree of exclusivity retain value.

>> No.27408385

GME only took off fully after normies learned about it you retard.

>> No.27408643

>Why does every investment go to hell once normies catch wind of it?

Because Normies are bag holders. When Normies buy it's time to sell your bags to them. You're not going to sell the top to a fellow fren are you OP?

>> No.27408803

Normies and the MSM didn't know shit about GME till it touched $500 and it all happened in like 2 days. Then normies started pretending they were gonna buy and hold but it has only gone down since then.

>> No.27409313

its because once the normies are in there is no longer any where left for it to grow

>> No.27409589

Normie detected

>> No.27409641
File: 44 KB, 814x655, photo_2021-02-01_16-35-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catch them before others find out...

>> No.27410317


>> No.27410543

You also have to realize that a lot of normies are in it for the money and disconnected from the original purpose. Once they make even a little bit of gains, they sell at the expense of other investors that are in it for the long haul. And the level of normies far exceeds the level of original investors.