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File: 533 KB, 1242x2688, 66C365B7-CB98-463D-B2FF-C65CD5EEEB53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27403158 No.27403158 [Reply] [Original]

I’m completely retarded when it comes to this shit.
I’m just trying to make enough money from this to pay for my dogs surgery. I missed the GME shit but I don’t wanna be fucked here.

Who’s retarded enough to explain what’s happening here.

>> No.27403291

hodl the line brother this shits going to the moon

>> No.27403351

You think you only have to hold for 1 hour? Hold until it's time to sell.

>> No.27403798
File: 19 KB, 428x368, fc137b1534d9f16acd85edf4075a5353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow $50? That's a lot of money.

>> No.27404084

When you live off of a uncle Sams disability check and don’t have a job it is.
I’m a broke bitch

>> No.27405149

Please realize it is just gambling. No one knows what will happen. I think it's more likely you'll continue to lose, for what it's worth. Go to a casino and put it all on black. If you win, your dog gets his surgery. If not, he gets a bullet. Sorry.

>> No.27405365

It's rallying again in after hours.

>> No.27406468

You’re gambling with my taxpayer money for your autism?
Fuck you.

>> No.27406705

To be honest,i reckon we do have the potential to pull it off.ONLY if they don't have any tricks up there sleeve,which i highly doubt.

>> No.27406802

Hodl, this is just the beginning

>> No.27407123

Looks like your gonn have to put the dog to sleep, or buy bitcoin.

>> No.27407152

Pathetic faggot.

>> No.27407483

farm BAO. learn how to do it. leave it for a year. if you periodically sell the BAO and compound the interest by adding your harvest to your farming stacks, you can make 10x in 6 months. this will be going on for the next year so you could get to x100 by the end of the year. plus you will have billions of locked bao that will be distributed incrementally over the following 3 years. this could be worth hundreds of dollars a day. a safe pool is probably HBTC/ETH but you wont get a x10 on the bao earnings, although youll probably get a x10 from BTC and ETH pumping over the next year.

>> No.27407805

if you need money right away there are charity websites you could apply to. either crowdfunding type charities or traditional ones where they just give you money for certain things. also look into non-surgical alternatives for your doggos problem. the internet is a wonderland of information.

>> No.27408067

He needs a surgery for his throat , corgis have a tendency to have problems when they hit 6+ and I’ve tried everything I can. I don’t have people to support a crowdfund and charities don’t ever do shit but pay rich people and shake hands.
I wanted to try and make the $2k I need myself but this shit is fucking hard
Plus, I’m retarded

>> No.27408224
File: 593 KB, 3046x3000, Patient Maniquin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why it seems to go up in the after hours? Are wagies with more money putting putting shit in? Or is it hedgie Jew tricks during the day?

>> No.27408446

Standard Jewish tricks. They like to ramp stocks all night when there’s no volume then dump more shorts on people at the opening highs. They do the opposite too where they push the price down on low volume after hours to cause a dump then cover their shorts.

>> No.27408689

Stop thinking you're going to get rich the same day you buy the stock. Fucking wait.

>> No.27409253

Throwing my (informed just enough to be a danger to myself and others) dart at the board here is the funny business I think is at play.
>Brokers have limited buys constricting the amount of shares being bought, not all brokers do but it will take some time for RH/El-toro refugees to migrate and get approved on new platforms.
>Short ladders are being used to slow down and reverse some of the market prssure.
>Brokers reflect the sales of stocks on their books and the user is seeing their purchases when they go through on the broker side, but their clearing houses are delaying the reflection of purchases until after hours and only moving them in regulated batches.
>This tells the hedge funds exactly how much laddering they need to do the next day to reverse the after hours climb.

>> No.27409260
File: 68 KB, 892x892, In the dark Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are they going to buy back the AMC short stocks? Over what number of days?

>> No.27409379

Hey op post your cash app I'mma try to spread it around on Twitter

>> No.27409501
File: 55 KB, 1002x795, 1BC24798-1259-42BC-93A1-B9E128A94E5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for a retarded meme. What is there to explain?

>> No.27409738

>poor and retarded
>has a le funny cute meme dog breed
Always, next time adopt in a dog shelter u fucking faggot

>> No.27410028

This is the kind of people giving you investment advice.

>> No.27410122

I got him from a rescue because he was tortured before I got him, they tied him to the walls of a kennel and fucked him up for 2 years.
>eat my whole asshole

>> No.27410313

What price did you buy? 17?

>> No.27410464
File: 435 KB, 1200x1593, 1611601107324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just hold it. I bought at $15 and I've lost about $300 now. It's going to spike again. This is the second most shorted stock on Wall Street and it has consistently been one of the most frequently traded stocks for days. There has to be some jewish fuckery keeping the price down because it's been making minimum 3 dollar swings for days.

>> No.27410515

Don't expect much anon, this is a gamble.

I really hope it turns out well for you and your doggo.

>> No.27410745

>Who’s retarded enough to explain what’s happening here.
The meme is ending

>> No.27410879

>big loss
>I'm completely retarded
Yes you are.

>> No.27410895

Do you think if they keep manipulating the price like this and people keep buying the dips it'll start growing out of control? Isn't this the equivalent of a sell wall? If they keep artificially driving down prices it only lets people accumulate more shares if they don't panic sell.

>> No.27411067
File: 139 KB, 1374x773, 1612203048493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put a sell order on them at $500+

It prevents them from shorting it to make money back and scares them with a sell wall

>> No.27411222

Don't respond to incel edgelords, they're retarded.
People who hate dogs are subhuman sociopaths.
I hope you can afford your dogs operation, anon.
Don't double down with another risky bet.

>> No.27411279
File: 137 KB, 1536x709, 1612212873382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone claimed pic related is a current look at short positions and the estimation on days to close.

>> No.27411495

No one has any idea how this is going to play out. You should think of that money as spent, and if losing $600 is too much for you to lose you need to sell at market open tomorrow, otherwise you risk panicking and selling at a major loss.

If you keep holding there's a chance this actually works and you'll make more than you put in, but that chance is very small. I have around 1k shares myself and will buy more if the dip continues.

>> No.27411744

You bought a stock that was up 400%. You bought high. GME is likely about to collapse, either this is good and a bunch of people will buy into AMC, or more than likely this is bad because people will realize infinite squeezes aren’t possible and AMC will also dump

>> No.27411796
File: 145 KB, 838x638, smug 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is amc still going to pump or am i a retard?

>> No.27412037

You'll be a retard if you sell now. Anything can happen. The money is already gone, you only make the loss real as soon as you cash out.

>> No.27412208
File: 110 KB, 2048x1153, 985A6087-DD1D-4396-BF2F-A73E44410D33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll throw you a bone OP: Bitcoin is about to moon (>100k) in the next couple of months. It will not go under 29k. You should get out of AMC (gambling) and go into Bitcoin.

>> No.27412209

What i noticed is that almost everyone here invested $50 and freak the fuck out when it dips and want to get out. There's no way we'll make it like this.

Say what you want about WSB but those guys are bulls.

>> No.27412282

what makes BAO special, why is it worth the resources, and where's the documentation to begin farming?

>> No.27412524

How do you get disability? I wanna get NEETbux the rest of my life.

>> No.27413722

>get out of AMC (gambling) and go into Bitcoin.
> go into Bitcoin.
Great joke!

>> No.27414429

It is important to catch these meme stocks or coins early enough so that you can cash out for a profit before you are left holding bags.

>> No.27414569
File: 8 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to get my money out of robinhood? Rent is due today.

>> No.27415068

Yeah great, x10 your stack of bao when it loses 90% value by the time you sell it