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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27398999 No.27398999 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen you idiots here talking about this coin. All I'm here to say is that "diamond hand"ing this thing is the equivalent to waiting for pigs to fly, the moon is not happening. if you bought it for fun and to hold it for a while, or you knew it was a pump dump, good on you. but all the ones saying
>"uhhhh moon this weekend"
>"swear, mooning Sunday"
>"guys please hold, moon on Monday please don't sell I bought at .08"
pathetic, you'd be better to put your cash under a mattress and not even earn interest
of course changing the mind of those only relying on faith is impossible so DIAMOND HAND BROSSSS so I can pump and dump your mother while you're sobbing cause your mortgage is gone

>> No.27399254

Amen OP, feel like this is a buy low watch it awhile and sell a bit higher. A rinse and repeat technique

>> No.27399912

>bought in at 0.0075 last Wednesday, 200,000 coins
>could sell this second for 0.0375, net profit of $6000
hur dur, dogo people are stooopid, look at meee

>> No.27400351

>implying I wasn't in at .002 in June for 5000 koins
>sold at .06
wasn't saying it was a shit investment, especially if you were in super early. I was critiquing the fags who are riding a hype train that has no tracks

>> No.27400989

I look at 4 metrics when I go into coins
1. market cap
2. volume
3. is it easy to trade?
4. does it have stupid fees?

Like it or not, doge is has decent stats and it will continue to grow. I don't know what to tell people that bought in at the top of a 6 hour hockey stick, but they should be able to get their money back if they can wait a few months

>> No.27401054
