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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27384425 No.27384425 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here. are you antisemtic yet?

>> No.27384671

Jewish people are more intelligent which explains their disproportionate success
40% of Americans with IQ>145 are Jewish even though Jewish people are only 2% of US population
/pol/ has no answer to this

>> No.27384995

Always was.

>> No.27385171

Yes, why aren't they targeted by social justice mobs when they are so rich, white and privileged?

>> No.27385337

This is /biz/ sir, we are already aware of the tricks.

>> No.27385468

No. I am anti-stupid, which makes me anti-/pol. As for your Jewish conspiracy theories, they are tired and old. You do realize that by believing that nonsense, you are basically subscribing to the neoliberal ideologies that are the cause of your misery?

>> No.27385574

a mystery, innit?

>> No.27385590

They made it illegal

>> No.27385612

>t. jew

>> No.27385692



assuming 60% of americans are whites with average iq of 100, 2.5% would be two standard deviations above average.

200 million * .025 = 5 million white americans with iq above 130. So you re claiming average jew has iq around 130?

>> No.27385715 [DELETED] 

>jews are more intelligent which is why they need infinite bailouts and nepotistically hire their own relatives to run everything
>because they're just that individually smart (according to IQ studies of a single class from a single yeshiva from 1954)

>> No.27385756

This is the Jordan Peterson bit and it's retarded. This fucking videogame youtuber blows this argument out of the water


>> No.27385836 [DELETED] 
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You are clearly just a jew. Enjoy bankruptcy.

>it's a conspiracy the jews run everything and put their guys in power to advance their interests

>> No.27385885

Delete this

>> No.27385984

what do you think /biz/raeli stands for dipshit

>> No.27386096

goy cope

>> No.27386107

Silver was a winner before Reddit

>> No.27386173

/pol/ has no answer to this because your statistic is false
average askhenazi iq is ~110. there would be less than 100,000 jews above 145iq even if you assumed all american jews are askhenazi. there's more than 180,000 whites above 145iq. even if all jews were askhenazi and no east asians lived in america you'd be struggling to push 35%
your numbers are basically close enough on a surface level they revel a basic understanding of standard deviation, but then you throw your own ideological bias and you botch the parameters
the next point would be that most highly successful people are NOT at 145 IQ or above. there is a documented IQ sweet spot in the 120-130 range, the right level of intelligence to be able to connect with your subordinates. we can only assume you dodged that particular fact on purpose, as IQ comparisons based on standard deviations only work in favor of jews if you look for genius level intellect specifically
3M6 white americans above 130 IQ
780k jews above 130 IQ assuming all jews are askhenazi
doesn't look so nice now does it

t. 153 iq jew

>> No.27386289
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>Crypto is a right-wing extremist ideology. >Crypto is Anti-Semitic!

>> No.27386428

It's happened constantly throughout history, and it's only forbidden now because of WW2. No radical leftist would dare risk being called anti-semitic. Speaking of which, the phrase 'anti-semetic' is interesting since there isn't a designated label for racism of other races. Why?

>> No.27386429

Jews are entirely average intelligence wise. They're just not as morally restricted as christian whites.
For instance, lying is okay according to jews as long as you're lying to a gentile.

>> No.27386472
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And you have no answer to this

>> No.27386591

>t. 153 iq jew
t. Ron Unz

>> No.27386630

dunno about antisemitism but we have a serious /pol/ problem on this board.

>> No.27386710

>more intelligent
>still got on the train

>> No.27386723

>there isn't a designated label for racism of other races

There are, which you'd know if you had SJW acquaintances. I envy that you don't.

>ree muh misogynoir

>> No.27386733

new low for /biz/ some redditor screenshoting a pol thread like a child

>> No.27386956

Yes the problem is that redditors keep coming here and seeing people calling each other NIGGERS and then crying about /pol/.

>> No.27387250

Christians were self-banned from charging interest on loans, which allowed Jews to monopolize lending and finance. Not an evil conspiracy, though you could definitely argue nepotism is immoral.

>> No.27387308


>> No.27387681

Explain the 95 average IQ in israel

>> No.27387706
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Agreed, we should offer them a free train ride, to a nice vacation camp.

>> No.27387850

So a more intelligent race of people is orchestrating the downfall of it's biggest threats?

We should do something!

>> No.27387852
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The best way to learn about Antisemitism is to learn how Wallstreet works

>> No.27387857

>you are basically subscribing to the neoliberal ideologies that are the cause of your misery?

>> No.27388096

stopped reading right there.

IQ is bullshit, i was literally diagnosed as "intellectually disabled".
I spent 2 months studying "intelligence tests" and began getting in the %99 on almost all of them.

I then joined a bunch of "high IQ societies" and realized how much a crock of shit "IQ" is.

>> No.27388318

lmao what are they doing
right wing retards

>> No.27388368

>demonstrated increased vulnerability to schizophrenia in this ethnic group.
take your meds, schizo jews :^)

>> No.27388375

hush anon, that's the only they have left.

>> No.27388499

>he doesn’t know
Nobody tell him

>> No.27388526

/biz/ has a higher IQ than /pol/. We always knew the nose was behind it but instead of screaming autism on the internet, we ride the backs of whales in hopes we can just leave on a homestead with a white family.

This board is for the polacks that just get too tired of it all.

>> No.27388558

Plenty of white people have high IQs. What gives Jews the advantage is that they're sociopaths combined with a highish IQ.

>> No.27388840

Actually, mr. nathan kofnas, that doesn't explain the over representation. If the factor was IQ,(which in any other situation is discarded as pseudoscience or incomplete analysis anyways) than by the numbers there are more white "geniuses" than total jews. also (by YOUR numbers) you see Asians having roughly the same IQ with no over-representation. The real question though, is how do you account for the UNDER-representation of "white" geniuses? This alone points to the fact that there is something more than just IQ, whether it be nepotism, ethnic networking, or policies to elevate jews while holding down whites, or really any gentile

And the sample size of that ONE study would get it thrown in the trash in any serious context. Everyone just go read the critique of COC by kofnas, the holes poke themselves after you see Macdonald is a prolific scholar on this exact subject with really no axe to grind while the refute by kofnas is very short in quite honestly, makes a stronger case for Macdonald just by how disingenuous he is. Of course he would run cover for an honest ethnic critique of his tribe

>> No.27388875
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can confirm, i'm jewish and made bank last week

>> No.27388927

And don't forget the almost masonic obligation to help a brother out. Imagine if the whole of the white race acted like mafia. It'd be the old British empire on steroids.

>> No.27389142
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Can you please pass it up the chain of command that I am willing to sell my 1 GME at market price when I receive my foreskin back.

>> No.27389188

>attacks the messenger not the message

>> No.27389387

White supremacy is a leftist dogwhistle. Same with capitalism. Every time a leftist says capitalist he actually means jew. Racist fuck commies need to be sent to siberia.

>> No.27389476

I have always been

>> No.27389550

we were already
you're talking to the wrong people, go shill to reddit but do it tactfully

>> No.27389725

I agree but it’s fun to imagine.

>> No.27389901

>he doesn't know
>he thinks others are the retards

>> No.27390123

Man, it's more about social cohesion and in group preference.

>> No.27390268
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kys newfag

>> No.27390505

>he believes the IQ meme

>> No.27390573

Shuddup bitch
IQ is the most robust model in all the soft sciences
Just because you got misdiagnosed doesn't mean the field is wrong and the fact that you think it does likely makes you a midwit

IQ is not everything though, it "only" accounts for about 25% of the difference in life outcome, that's a lot left over for the sundry other factors and also why big braining a problem is not always the solution
Look to the chicago planned housing projects which turned into shitholes and are now all demolished for an example of the failure of intellect against the complexity of the real world

>> No.27390663
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>/pol/ has no answer to this
The number of "highly gifted" whites would still be 10x higher than the number of "highly gifted" Jews out there, even if the numbers were real.

>> No.27390708

post nose

>> No.27390721

Fake news sweetie

>> No.27390837

/biz/ hates kikes more than /pol/, fuck off nigger

>> No.27391022
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>> No.27391152

>more intelligent
lmao if you only take as a sample the richest fags from inbred families, maybe
these statistics completely ignore the poorfag kikes from shitty Polish and Russian villages that are dumber than your average nignog

>> No.27391708


>> No.27392348

finally someone who gets it
every dirty woman can score 100 IQ if they had IQ-Test-Class in Hebrew academy

>> No.27393034

Idk either, some footfag shit?