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27380176 No.27380176 [Reply] [Original]

Curious what you guys think of rAAVE? It's a token that rebases 1:1 to AAVE (Number 1 Market Cap DeFi protocol with ~$2B in TVL ). A rebase token is a token that has an elastic supply that fluctuates depending on market cap and simply rAAVE when it's above 1:1 ratio supply will increase into price is 1:1 and if it's below 1:1 then the supply shrinks. On all times when supply is increased 10% of that increase is taxed and added to the rAAVE treasury and that'll fundamentally increase the marketcap from selling that rAAVE and buying a diverse portfolio of DeFi coins and stable coins as well as incentive people to provide liquidity from rewards that're from that tax that won't dilute rAAVE like other yield farming tokens. There's a lot more so if you're someone who's a long term believer of DeFi and fine with watching short term fluctuations and volatility for long term gains from fundamentals then this is for you. It launches in 142 hours and will launch with around $10 Million in liquidity (at current price but odds are will pump more from here since people have to buy GRO to buy rAAVE if they want to buy from pool with most liquidity and on top of that will likely double by the end of the first day from the people who provide liquidity after buying. I'm putting a good chunk of my ETH holdings into it since I love AAVE and feel it's a safe bet. There's a lot of youtube videos coming this week on it one from altcoin daily and one from the one of top spanish youtubers John P. Acquaviva there's also a few vids that have already been made 1 by Up next crypto and John P already did a short review in his livestream. I feel it'll blow up there's a lottt more IE rAAVE treasury holdings yielding assets that further compound gains made.

>> No.27380326

Why are you shilling African American Vernacular English?

>> No.27381027


I feel it's a good language that deserves a shill .. Lol but fr didn't it's the AAVE protocol on ETH if anyone's confused google top crypto marketcaps and you'll see it at #16 ranked Market Cap ($AAVE)

>> No.27381817

From what I gather it’s basically going to be a DeFi index plus incentives if you’re a liquidity provider. I can’t spread myself thin on all these blue chip tokens and up-and-comers, so this seems like a no-brainer for people who want to be well allocated/diversified but doesn’t have a whale balance. I’m looking forward to launch and throw some ETH in when I can.

>> No.27382909

Personally I love the look of rAAVE ...can't wait for it to launch this weekend.

>> No.27383163


Yes exactly the owner always refers to this as a DeFi index since it holds a wide arrange of the the best DeFi has to offer in the treasury, I find the fact that it even unliquid assets since the treasury profits aren't needed to be sold so tokens such as veCRV, stkGRO, stkAAVE and staking SNX to maximize yield. Very cool and great to see something that isn't a p&d but something driven on fundamentals focused to increase MC and with a very little barrier of entry.

>> No.27383378

I’m a stkGRO holder, and I was tempted to unstake a portion for rAAVE. That just feels wrong though.. I’ll probably ape in on launch... though 150 $GRO looks cheap!

>> No.27383450

DeFi index fund with huge incentives for the stakers. This is a no brainer anon, get in or get left behind.

>> No.27384065


Yes exactly! A token that rewards loyalty and patience with steady growth for once and not a p&d garbage coin.

>> No.27384838

This is a rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor of another project by growthDEFI, these guys have a proven track record of success.. Very excited for this...!

>> No.27384898

lot of pajeet shills in this thread

>> No.27384932

>unstake a portion for rAAVE

Not too crazy of an idea I think if you're close to breaking even or have already broke even taking profits to rAAVE and spreading GRO out is a very sound idea. But if you're still in the red that's where it's a hard decision but still if there's a mass increase in rAAVE marketcap that makes up the losses that'd be a great idea.

>> No.27385355

This shit will pump hard soon. Can't wait.

>> No.27385454

>Green ID
Absolutely GMI

>> No.27385476

Website is raave.io and telegram is t.me/raave_official

>> No.27385656

Gross Monthly Income?

>> No.27386557


The treasury's gross monthly income depends on the amount that's charged on the positive rebase tax and how much % of the rAAVE is providing liquidity.

>> No.27386948


>> No.27387141

Thanks anon

>> No.27388398


"Gonna Make It" figured it out..

>> No.27388512


Ur welcome hard to tell now but you stumbled onto something that's gonna be huge someday!

>> No.27389017


>> No.27389559
File: 116 KB, 854x795, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 1.57.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DPI already exists and includes AAVE

>> No.27389643

Go back to your pajeet telegram channel (all 4 of you)

>> No.27390248


There was an initial discussion if it should be pegged to the DPI but there's a lot of tokens on there that will decrease overall value of that overtime from dilution caused by rewards they give from inflation. AAVE has strong tokenomics and has a wide range of products and a large TVL with a lot of very big things coming down the pipeline so it made a lot more sense if we're investing in DeFi to just peg it to something that does it all and leave out the garbage.

>> No.27390874


Go back to investing in p&d's rAAVE will be here when you finally smarten up.

>> No.27391020

Right, but these two are just DeFi index funds.

Growth DeFi takes it a step further and produces yield on holding these as well, profits made then go back into the stakeholders who have longterm interest in the project, 222k GRO staked and it's still going up.

>> No.27391330

Everyone needs to do their own research. This project is a little complicated but it's going to revolutionize the DeFi space and it hasn't even taken off yet desu.

>> No.27391499

why not statera instead? the most decentralized project in defi

>> No.27391647

Stop shilling ffs

>> No.27393036

Okay, see you at >1000$/GRO

>> No.27393045

The treasury investing in illiquid holdings + incentives like swap fees is what sets this apart from an index like DPI. This thing is like a hedge fund vs. an ETF. Wow the more I learn the more interesting this gets. There really aren’t many products out there like this. Starting with roughly $10M in liquidity, the strategies can start day 1. Very bullish