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27377649 No.27377649 [Reply] [Original]

Read this shit you fucking pajeet


Price floor has just been raised to 0.12c i was fucking right

You literally can't loose!!


XCM is going to Alpha fucking centauri!

CoinMetro.com gogoogogog

>> No.27377733

Next leg up starts.
God speed frens.
T. Make it stack.

>> No.27377792
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I dont have 100k yet.. what now

>> No.27378040

whats the make it stack?

>> No.27378403


Its happening frens! Get in!!!!

>> No.27378626

The madman did it LOL

>> No.27378705

I've got 90k goddamnit

>> No.27378863

thanks frens, i'll try to buy me a 100k stack

>> No.27378977

Can someone explain why DNA isn't mooning

>> No.27379135

not gonna lie, a price floor seems kinda scammy for some reason. but i have some xcm since like two years ago almost now so i can't complain

>> No.27379142

there are problems with the dna coin contract and DNA team is currently fixing it so until then no one can trade because no one can deposit

>> No.27379345
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oh yes baby

>> No.27379572
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>> No.27379734

The whole business concept is flawed. It's a product that nobody wants, created by a team that lacks the marketing skills to create demand for it. It may pump a bit from the actual listing, but other than that it's a classic shitcoin.

>> No.27380205


>> No.27380310

>The whole business concept is flawed. It's a product that nobody wants
elaborate on this
the marketing part might be right

>> No.27380887


>> No.27380942

damn this fake shit moves quick

>> No.27381123

stop buying the top, you will get rekt

>> No.27381307

When will you finally start to look at the reality of the situation? I legitimately can't understand how someone could be in this market today and think that a centralized exchange may be gaining traction in the near future, with DEXes slowly replacing them. Besides, more and more people are starting to realize that Coinmetro has never been attractive for anyone despite its attractive user interface. On the European markets, Kraken and Bitpanda are already established as better CEXes. Why should people bother with a third option, that advertised itself at being even more complacent regarding taxes and regulations?

Because of the low fees? Looking from this angle, it doesn't take long for people to realize that it wouldn't be sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, and the tokenomics are flawed : it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.27381337
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Here fren. Moon mission starts on friday. Based parsiq autists saving the day again

>> No.27381453

I don't think its scammy, from what I understand its a utility token that is only used in their ecosystem. Kind of like raising the price of a concert ticket i suppose. And dam, you must have a pretty big bag from 2 years ago, grats.

>> No.27381628
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>despite its attractive user interface.

>> No.27381649
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>> No.27381799
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nice try

>> No.27381813

>Because of the low fees?
Its not just "low fees" is the ability to not pay hundreds to make a token swap. That's not just "low" that's astronomical.

>> No.27382217

it feels off when someone inflates the price of their own token so they then can sell it higher. did binance ever do this with bnb? wouldn't surprise me.
i only have 14k xcm, prioritized buying link and was (and still am) a poorfag

>> No.27382417

Are you retarded for real ? The price floor just went up to 12 cents it cannot be traded under.

They have seen x65 gwoth in January alone.
The volume is growing each day
if you asked me last year i would say you were right but they have shown themself to be the real deal.

Just a tip bro get in while you can dont be like those suckers at /r/buttcoin missing something just because you have a obvious grudge.

Centralized exchanges will be the norm because of he coming regulations.

>> No.27382556

Kevin is my hero.

>> No.27382661

no he's right, see What makes Kevin Murcko such a vile and disgusting scum bag is not just that he is scamming the hard working people of this board out of their money but the fact that he is doing it in an utterly sadistic way. Unlike the average rug pull this is a bit more advanced to fuel his ridiculous ego. You see, typically a rug pull is quick, everyone buys in and BAM they take the money and run but this sick fuck Murcko has taken it to another level. After securing millions in the ICO he and his team of low lifes began working to deliver a functioning product instead of just taking off with the cash right away, this acts as a honeypot to bring in more and more clueless fools who will spend their money and even go so far as to USE this EXCHANGE. To cover their bases they've even been providing customer support with staff responding within MINUTES all to create the illusion of a real cryptocurrency exchange. But they haven't fooled me, because I know where this long con is headed. Now that the price of XCM is up and volumes are increasing on this fucking scam exchange Murcko has even brought on some big angel investors aka IDIOTS who he is TRICKING into increasing liquidity on his scam exchange. Once this happens, well, the scam is all but complete. According to Coinmetro's SCAM roadmap they will continue to grow and allow people to deposit and withdraw crypto assets with minimal fees while Kevin The SCAM Murcko lives off the money he makes from this prosperous and profitable community. A classic fucking scam and he honestly almost got away with it.

>> No.27382733

>what is a token burn
everyone does it

>> No.27382756
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cm newfags falling for the 4 hands.

>> No.27382819

breh, the tokenomics of bnb don't come close to xcm. Also, it's regulated and Kevin consulted with the lawyers before instituting a price floor which is the same as ICO price. The ICO price was the price that was decided upon for the token to be at for the exchange to operate at a positive zero.

>> No.27382848

I didn't read the post desu

>> No.27383022

.2c confirmed

>> No.27383103

soon kev can finally shave

>> No.27383132

yup, XCM is going to 1 Euro guaranteed this year, possibly 30 or so in 2 years. WIll be in top 5 exchanges eventually. People have been asking for an exchange like coinmetro, and finally one is made, an actual ethical exchange for the people with actual customer service.

>> No.27383362

Thank you AssBlaster

>> No.27383508

>price floor announcement
>beard promise
>coordinated telegram buys
Pump and dump

>> No.27383511
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>> No.27383617

How can there be an absolute minimum price for this token? Seems real scammy?

>> No.27383770

ok who will market dump? i want in

>> No.27383901

>>coordinated telegram buys
implying 310 tg retards can move price

also that would make every news pump "coordinated buys"

>> No.27383937

I need to buy more QNT. I only have 10. It's at 35 right now though so I will wait for a drop. I will say though QNT is going to 100+ this year. Maybe a lot more than 100. IFKYK

>> No.27384071

tell me about it anon :(
i have zero qnt, yet keep posting info for people who ask for it.. like some cuck

>> No.27384225

I mean if anything it tells me that coinmetro is VERY confident in their upcoming growth that they are willing to buy up everything below 12c with their own money. Since they're regulated, the price floor move must be approved by their legal team already.

>> No.27384354

What is this 5D chess?

>> No.27384458

>has been mentioned by the chief of technology for the bank of england
>will actually be used by major institutions to deal with blockchain
>insanely bullish tokenomics

yeah. if blockchain use becomes really common then "the windows of blockchain" can legit go over $1000 a token but that's obviously in a couple years. this would be like chainlink under a dollar on steroids in that scenario.

>> No.27384767

this, fuck I can't wait
not only is it going to be the best crypto exchange, it is also going to be the best bank and a place to trade tokenized stocks and other financial instruments

>> No.27384814

Binance has been manipulating their token since inception. Only difference with CM, they haven't been transparent about it.

>> No.27384997
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>> No.27385069

Bros (m/f) why are they dodging all questions about the Raffle?
I wanna fucking win that thing.

>> No.27385100

Yup its illegal

>> No.27385115
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>> No.27385259

please, make it simple for retards like me that don't want to spoil on your board. Should I buy? I'm confused
>Now as XCM, our platform token is what fuels our platform, naturally the demand for XCM is rising rapidly as well. XCM has moved from €0.03 to hitting €0.19 in January 2021.
>Therefore, CoinMetro is happy to announce the XCM floor price has been moved to €0.12!
does this means that will never go below €0.12, and if coinmetro somewhat makes 5 years, will maybe hit €10???

but aren't they saying they manipulate the price, I'm retard, sorry.

>> No.27385731
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>does this means that will never go below €0.12, and if coinmetro somewhat makes 5 years, will maybe hit €10???
pretty much

>> No.27385768

No it is not you retard
1) they are fully regulated and consulted lawyers before doing this. In fact, they have had a price floor ever since they first launched. The CEO helped write the crypto regulations in Estonia ffs
2) It is not a security, it is a utility token, only listed on their own platform to access rebates on their platform. They are free to decide exactly how much the minimum price should be to access these rebates.

>> No.27385838

Nope, it's the exchanges own native token, it's not going to be traded on other exchanges, they are completely allowed to do that.

>> No.27386197


>using "If you know you know", aka Twitter shills lingo unironically

Biggest flag of them all, anon-kun

>> No.27386415

kinda have to agree with this post
I really hope we don't devolve into a "stay poor" "muh FUD!!" "iykyk" type of project
that goes for all of the cm projects

>> No.27386513

if 100k xcm is a make it stack then how much is a suicide stack 10k?

I fucking hope you're right, at $5 I'll hit 7 digits and at that point I'll just live off staking, and I mean that loosely because as it is I barely spend the money I make anyway.

>> No.27386675
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>is a suicide stack 10k?
yep https://xcm100k.vercel.app/stack

>> No.27386953

Only cexs with STO launch pads and STO sales are going to make it. Everything else will be dex

>> No.27386989

my goal is 3 suicide stacks

>> No.27387020
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Bros why has god been so good to us? How can one exchange bring gem upon gem everytime? Do I have any reason to not believe in DNA or will it be different this time? It went 0,02€ -> 0,07€ in half a day when the listing failed due to technical difficulties. Now that it lists with the new token on the 5th how much hopium can I have without overdosing seeing how XCM, PRQ, QNT, LINK turned out??

>> No.27387161

Okay here is a quick rundown: QNT is the token required to use the Overledger product, which is basically like Windows for blockchains and provides interoperability between them. It is already being talked about by major institutions and will be adopted by them to handle DLT/blockchain technology if they are dealing with it. There is a limited supply of QNT tokens so such adoption guarantees an increase in price. Mainnet just launched so the price shot a ton, things moving quickly now. I wish to accumulate before the true moon.

>> No.27387184
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Comfy as fuck. 200K XCM at 0.05 and 100k more (maximum) with margin after listening to Kevin's AMA on Friday, his tone made it all but clear that the price floor was going to be lifted either this week or the next. Anyone seeing the news now is still early, FOMO money from new signups and staking in March should sustain this sudden price increase easily. Also don't forget that there is a fat 2.5 mil from rabid bond buyers ready to be spent in product dev, hiring and marketing.

>> No.27387345
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Thanks anon, and do you know why should I prefer XCM over BNB, DEXT, ...?
I'm starting making the cryptofolio and I want solids bets at 5 years. So, buying 1k on XCM and 1k and DEXT are worth atm or should I look into something else.

>> No.27387380

I remember when you could get 100k xcm for 2k euros and there was that short period when it was even lower than that. A lot of people are going to be priced out by the time CM reaches mainstream

>> No.27387643

>his tone made it all but clear that the price floor was going to be lifted either this week or the next
big brain moves, well done, ygmi hard.

>> No.27387754
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>QNT just hit a new ATH and I am seriously considering FOMO in for more


>> No.27387885
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I'm putting dna at a 3.5/5 risk level (for reference prq is 1/5)
so the only reason i got myself a bag is because everything on cm pumps hard, with the exception of kda

bnb? well considering they are not going to exist in a few years.. I'd suggest staying away from bnb
really not sure about dext, last i time i heard they didn't have a product, which is not a good look
I'd suggest looking at the low-ish cap coins listed on cm.. like >>27387161

>> No.27389868
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>> No.27390277

I bought a bunch of those because it was supposed to moon. And now it won't moon because the team is dump or something?
They're a bunch of scientists.

>> No.27391119

They're not dumb, they just don't understand what it takes to run a successful business.

>> No.27391240

new token contract has already been made and trading on CM will likely go live next week, just sit on it. this was a high risk high reward long term moonshot anyway
interesting that should DNA sometime take off, it'll be in no small part thanks to kevin, based money forehead tbqh

>> No.27392921

its just an old contract, they did start in 2017, their dev team probably didn't even think about the implications of using an old contract

>> No.27394717

Coinmetro is a regulated exchange meaning that there's less of a risk that the exchange will get fucked by the FATF or FINCEN or whoever else. That also means they can do stuff like create a central securities depository to hold securities which then allows CM to trade securities (stocks, bonds, etc.).
This is good if you want to trade securities or you want other financial services like a debit card or virtual IBAN, it also has a fiat on/off ramp meaning you can cash in and out unlike most exchanges.

All this is relevant to XCM because part of all fees on CM are converted to XCM and those XCM are burned/vaulted, this creates constant buy pressure and reduces the total supply of XCM. In 2 months you'll be able to stake XCM and earn passive income so there's that too.

On top of all that shit the CEO is a decent guy, he does weekly AMAs on youtube, he replies to people looking for help on telegram, he replies to FUD, there's 24/7 support so when some shit goes wrong you can get a human response in like 5 mins.