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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27376984 No.27376984 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27377097

Buy stuff through Binance, if it aint on it it ain't worth it outside of short-time pnd

>> No.27377201

Burgers don't have this option.

>> No.27377208

>step 1: dont be poor

>> No.27377281

You buy ALGO and ADA and you wait for crypto to become actually real. The market needs time to realize that Ethereum is a platform that can only support 1 usecase: creating useless erc20 shitcoins.

>> No.27377344

Soon. Rubic.

>> No.27377418

Nor do New Yorkers

>> No.27377426

Stop being poor, spend money to make money

>> No.27377427

What is a gas fee? Why does everyone keep complaining about gas fees? I use Bittrex and don't see any high fees

>> No.27377455


>> No.27377495

fortune is for the bold, you think that way about up and coming projects and DeFi , boomers that way about crypto.

>> No.27377555

Lower the gas fee. Pay less. Wait a few minutes longer. Whats the issue? Have some patience faggot.

>> No.27377603

is there a big difference between binance and binance.us?

>> No.27377616

...google it...
4chan is not friendly to spoon feeding.

>> No.27377903

Is this for real? lol

>> No.27378155

Sometimes people can give you better explanations than a google result faggot

>> No.27378330

lmao so that's why this coin pumping

>> No.27378827

transfer fee

>> No.27379802

People are mad because there's a fucking fee to transfer money? That fee isn't even that high, that's why I'm wondering what fee they're talking about, yall make it seem like you're spending $30 to move $100 when you're not. You're spending what you want to move what you need. It's a cost of doing business. Which is why I don't understand this poorfagging hatred of gas fees.
Yeah I get that but OP
Making it seem like he can't buy anything cuz of gas fees. He can't buy anything cuz he can't afford to, not because of the fees, it's because he is a poorfag.

>> No.27379902

Get on 1inch.

>> No.27380899

Do you get mad when you go for a drive and it takes a certain amount of fuel full well knowing that cars dont drive without fuel?

>> No.27381774

>he didn’t use 1inch

>> No.27381816

You could just say you’ve never used the network before.

>people act like it’s $30 to move $100

The only reason that isn’t true is because it’s usually $50.

>> No.27381821

xdai is the best layer 2 solution

>> No.27382122

fees are close to the same you retard
>i use both
I hope the ps5 was worth it.

>> No.27382132


Whats going on with UNI coin?

I bought a few months back, i thought it was a scam coin.

>> No.27382144

What is the minimum reasonable amount to invest?

>> No.27382171
File: 404 KB, 626x744, 1561913068583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being poor.

>> No.27382291

This, but retards won't get it. It took me a few months of developing on Ethereum to fully realize this so maybe I can't blame them.
I would add DOT to your list. The project seems like the sloppiest of the three bit also has the most grassroots/community support. Wood may be a pervert but Charles has a really unlikable character. I listen to his AMAs and he's a totally out of touch elitist lolberg. He's right about some stuff but he's too anti conspiracy theory. Cardano sounds great but I need to see smart contracts actually happen. Right now all he has is an EVM emulator running on a testnet and I haven't tried it out to see what it actually does.
I like the boomer running Algorand and he doesn't overhype his shit, which is a good sign. However the network doesn't even have a language to write smart contracts in besides assembly language. The project to have an actual usable language seems like vaporware.

We're probably at least a year from a usable SC platform. Whoever gets usable and writable contracts will be the winner. I think another sign will be if we see Chainlink making noise about a particular network.

>> No.27382341

Unironically this. If you’re too poor to afford the gas fees you’re too poor to invest in shitcoins. Big purchases or gtfo.

>> No.27382438

Dude it cost $80 in gas fees to create a smart contract in Ethereum.

>> No.27382504

1inch it solves this. Buy before $6 this week

>> No.27382522

How come legacy banks charge €5 for a €8000 tx, and gas is €15 for a €300 tx? Not poorfagging, just comparing.

>> No.27382641

Lol, is this an ETH hodler cope? Expensive gas means no mass adoption means you're in a bubble.

>> No.27382676
File: 214 KB, 288x273, 1612024158625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy DRC back in November
>forget about it
>check my wallet this morning and it's gone up
>swap for ETH
>didn't realize the gas was so high
>lose it all and then some
I don't even know kek

>> No.27383248


>> No.27383277

>This, but retards won't get it. It took me a few months of developing on Ethereum to fully realize this so maybe I can't blame them.

AVAX non ironically solves this gas fee issues once for all

>> No.27383377

Yes. Binance.us is dogshit and doesn't have a ton of coins Binance does

>> No.27383883

Nice bait

>> No.27384872

>I bought UNI at the top cope

>> No.27385396

I decided 100, really 150. 50 for gas on the first 50 dollar investment and 50 gas to convert it back. Hopefully gains after will finance the rest, but in my first couple days with uni I think 100 in gas to go back and forth is the realistic cost. Also, that's depending on much the token is as well.

>> No.27385493

Cz that fucking jew is trying to liquidate me and is pumping this to 24 but ill kys myself before it happen