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27376166 No.27376166 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking Judas boomer clowns, don't ruin our GME bull run. You're helping Citadel to close their shorts. AMC, BB, AAtards and others, it's about you too. One week ago, there was nothing but cryptoshit here, please sage these melvin intern threads. t. lurker

>> No.27376312
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hijacking this thread to say buy PHYSICAL silver only, not the fake SLV scam. the fireworks are only just getting started.

>> No.27376369
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sorry kiddo, we like the precious metal here

>> No.27376494


it's actually GME faggots that are ruining our BTC bull run. nobody gives a fuck if you buy stocks. They really don't want you to buy BTC

>> No.27376816

There's more metals in near earth asteroids that we know what to do with. We'll get them evntually, and you boomer stupid rocks will be cheaper than aluminium.
If you're BTC hodler, you literally shouldn't care.

>> No.27376822
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I bought Silver, Haters gonna Hate