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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27374562 No.27374562 [Reply] [Original]

Are they kike paid shills or is this really a board of stingy faggots who feel envy for the others success?

>> No.27374769

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.27374835


>> No.27374839
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It's afraid

>> No.27374885

People's attention spans are too short to follow this for more than a few days.

>> No.27374973
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But at the same time this shit is addictive.

>> No.27375140

GME is onlly going down don;t lsiten to these shill threads

>> No.27375221

It gives me (You)'s

>> No.27375277

Yes. This board is 90% kike and pajeet shills, but lately it looks like the kikes have hired the pajeets to help them fud. ((They)) are desperate.

>> No.27376063

Paid shills. They have posting profiles that match shill raids that /pol endures every day. Hell I'll bet they're the same PR companies hired do it. Now watch out there exists a shill spectrum from low quality slide and suppression threads, to people that know how to emulate a seasoned professional. Louis Rossman last night got astro-turfed by one of the higher quality ones operating on Reddit and looking at that shills work it was pretty convincing with only a few notable flaws and one major tell. (not offering advice) Follow your gut, if it says hold then hold, shill storms are designed to work on certain human emotions and they only pay for them because they work on a certain percentage of the population.

>> No.27376250

IDC im not invested. I try not to get caught up in meme stocks and invest on what businesses are doing, not jews.

>> No.27377313
