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File: 246 KB, 415x295, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27374109 No.27374109 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.27374294

I'm having a blast watching this from the sidelines, not gonna lie.

>> No.27374582

>h-h-hold the line
>the revolution is here

>> No.27374592

I bought 100 oz. of silver at $34.90, and now I'm already down $500 and my order hasn't even been shipped yet. The agony.

>> No.27374631

Its beyond my comprehension how some people can be so absolutely retarded

>> No.27374663


>> No.27374733

amc and gme buyers made around 500% profit. hahaha??

>> No.27374735

glad I didnt buy these boomer rocks last weekend then

>> No.27374747
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Boomers just wanted you to pump their asset before they cashed out. Have fun holding silver for another 30 years!

>> No.27374837

Sold all my shares except 1, just for bants.

>> No.27374870

they were right, this is the new occupy wall street. will they offer transition coupons to gme bagholders?

>> No.27374871

I bought at 13.50 and sold at 14.50 :)

>> No.27374966
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What a beautiful cup and handle

>> No.27375083
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when you hodl so hard you don't even invest

>> No.27375458
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I bought 120 shares of GME for $132 each and sold immediately as soon as the marked opened today
I cant believe these fucking retards are actually holding HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.27376554

I made 50% on silver so far
What’s the problem
If anything I’m laughing at the no silver fags

>> No.27376800
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Is doing just fine, although admittedly those people who FOMOd in like this morning might be feeling the sting since it fell back somewhat.

Then again, it might be about to pump again, either later today or tomorrow.

>> No.27377548

im up double on my $AG calls

??what is the problem?

>> No.27377845

been riding ag since the 5s, good stock and cool CEO.

>> No.27378081
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It’s normal $30 is the resistance since 2011 boomers are selling right now
Once slv breaks the 30 range you will see slv between 40 and 50 this year

>> No.27378234


>> No.27378625
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I mean the Jews told us what would happen.

Why didn't they listen?

>> No.27378637

Held silver this weekend. Dumped ot at 15%. I set a weekly goal of 10 percent gains and im already at quota.

>> No.27378721

Literally paid my house off this morning in two phone calls.

I’m the one laughing.

>> No.27378929


>> No.27379213
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>> No.27379408

I’ve been in SLV for a week with short puts, rolled em up today on the dip right at the bottom. Feels good man.

RIP anyone short the Nasdaq today. Biggest up move of the year in stocks so far.

>> No.27379436

I bought silver a few years ago at $14 per oz. I invested my life savings at the time ($500) and was expecting to hodl for like 10 years. As of today I have doubled my money because some retards decided it would pump lol. I don't mind haha, im still gonna hodl for 10 years, this just adds to my fun

>> No.27379801

The early buyers did. But once it hit mainstream and normies jumped on the wagon, the gains stopped coming. There's going to be a ton of people that lost money from this. We basically saw the modern equivalent of shoeshiners discussing how rich they're going to be.

>> No.27380006
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I endlessly see people talking about CLF and it makes no fucking sense to me. Either it's one dude trying to get a hype train going or people really expect steel processing in America to thrive under Biden.

>> No.27380157

atleast us nok-chads aren't being laughed at

>> No.27380212

I put in an order for over 4K in bullion last night. Decided to watch the market before I actually did the wire transfer. I'm not going to follow through with the order. I guess they'll have 125oz to sell to someone else.

>> No.27380413

Idk man I’ve lost so much money in there in years past trying to be long it when it went from $100 to $1. I’m scarred for life. Trump turned it around but Biden is about to blow up the entire US economy so I’m staying away.

>> No.27381135

Silver gets fun when the housing crisis XL HD REMASTERED GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION 2.0 happens

>> No.27381140

You drink that anon?

>> No.27381150
File: 99 KB, 715x715, ER1wt6OUUAAmOcR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding my comfy crypto longs while watching redditards, normies, and newfags get dumped on in this week's latest PnD scam

>> No.27381312

>bought amc at $7
What is there to laugh about? Even if it doesn't meme up this week it'll be good when covid gone

>> No.27381316

Aye. I shouldnt?

>> No.27381405

Can I laugh about XRP crashing through the 40c floor here?

>> No.27381546

I agree. There's a serious recession knocking at the door. Inflation guards are probably the best right now but even those are getting fucked with by people (really wanted to go for silver before people jumped onto that one...). At this point I'm just waiting for the pop and will probably sprint for buying land or something afterwards.

>> No.27381640

Silver is silver the resistance at 30 is unreal gme is fucked (lol 350 and niggers bought at that price) and amc is holding steady well see what happens my bet silver rises if or when everyone jumps onboard gme crashes and burns this week and amc gains thursday

>> No.27381909
File: 88 KB, 730x783, a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sold at 400
thanks for the free 900 bucks lads

>> No.27382047

I bought into AMC at $16.50 and BB at $20, hopefully they'll trickle back up in the long run.

Does GME have nowhere to go but down now?

>> No.27382050
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Why aren't there any conspiracy theories about this? You guys really think you just so happened to catch Wall Street with their pants down and you're the ones taking advantage of them? Someone else is winning here, and it's not us. Something is going on.

>> No.27382236


>> No.27382415

I've made hundreds of dollars on Silver I owned long before the last week just today

>> No.27382482

You got pumped and dumped by fucking Reddit of all people, the mods control the subreddits and ban people who expose the scam

>> No.27382509

Redditors thought they were gonna be rich.

>> No.27382578
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>> No.27382696

AMC is still up today
it'll be fine

>> No.27382737

I bought GME at 40 sold at the 400, now just watching from the sidelines, this shit was only fun when the normies did not know about it, now it is pure cringe, cant wait to see all the bagholders wojaking

>> No.27382896

It's okay. Silver is a good long term investment even if you overpaid a bit

>> No.27383109
File: 34 KB, 371x367, 1609823457627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought GME at $180
>Sold at $420
>Bought AMC at $6
>Sold at $18
Thanks for buying my bags redditfriends :^)

>> No.27383314

Yea I gotta say that you are right. Reddit keeps saying the big squeeze will happen any day now. There absolutely is some fuckery going on though. Cashed out today at $250 at a $400 loss on my $2000 dollar investment. But frankly I think it is going to tank. Live and learn.

>> No.27383465

>Live and learn.
That's the mentality to have.

>> No.27383662

My grandad used to drink it, weird seeing someone young drink it bro. Whats it like?

>> No.27383730

Frankly I am glad to get out now, the true value of the stock is <$50

>> No.27383833
File: 126 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210130-142828~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silver is good long term, even if you overpaid


>> No.27384194

Nah, the build-up isn't the same pattern.

>> No.27384394
File: 3 KB, 150x148, 1599264366157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$400 isn't the end of the world either. You got the right approach to this.

>> No.27384716

return it?

>> No.27384831

This is literally proving everyones point on silver.

Its not even keeping up with inflation while being a valuable asset. Easy pump if it gets going.

>> No.27384914

Thanks bro I really don't feel too bad about it especially since I stood to lose basically all of it. Reddit is getting creepy with the thing and people posting their life savings going into GME.

>> No.27384967

Its going to 50 easy in the next month

>> No.27384985

why would anyone with an understanding of long term invest in boomer rocks?

>> No.27384986

Sup bagholders lol

>> No.27384994

I went in 100% on AMC and made a 300% the first day, then I cashed in.

>> No.27385066

*Diamond hands thing

>> No.27385123

Shoulda bought brass, bronze, and copper like I told you niggers.

>> No.27385131

Silver and AMC are doing okay though.

>> No.27385233

Lmao imagine being so fucking stupid

>> No.27385318

not that guy but its one of the best relatively cheap whiskeys on the market. Also there arent drinks that young or old people drink you will realize this when you are older. You just live in some sort of a gay place probably.

>> No.27385480
File: 46 KB, 503x519, 551EEF9D-3840-46E3-8750-33E36A5CF167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is where all the /pol/ bots migrate to. A lot of 1 Post By This ID. Should’ve just called it /JIDF/ general

>> No.27385571

When interest rates are in the shitter and publically traded companies do memes instead of business, physical commodities with limited supplies are bound to appreciate in dollar terms.

>> No.27385631

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off, (((Shill)). But seriously, you want people to be posting 50 times an hour? The board is better when it is a bit slower.

>> No.27385679

Silver is going for like 25% over spot on ebay right now. Anyone with physical metal can take profits if they don't believe in the hype

>> No.27385765

This is good. ITs good for Mexico too as they have tons of silver mines down there. Hopefully a monster industry can spring up and benefit the people to keep them down there...then again...the cartels will probably move in and chop everyones heads off.

>> No.27386008

Yeah if we all go back to the stones ages but you'll also need farm land, ammo and so on. Silver is worthless otherwise. I mean you can sell it, but at a loss I'm sure and you have to go to some stinky pawn shop lol

>> No.27386017

anyone else buy SNDL today? Already up $65

>> No.27386029

That's not even fucking close to a cup and handle.

>> No.27386061

lmao fucking retard

>> No.27386279


>> No.27386565
File: 127 KB, 820x697, 127-1270350_143kib-625x773-based-retard-brainlet-wojak-transparent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact of the matter is my diversified portfolio of non-meme investments will earn me +5% per year.

Your /biz/ portfolios on risky pump and dumps like silver, AMC/GME, crypto will most likely lose you money. If you bought silver 9 years ago you are only just breaking even after loosing 50% value. 9 fucking years to break even and that's with 0 inflation. That's like giving someone a loan and getting paid back equal amount 9 years later.

>> No.27386744

The problem is that silver isn't really all that scarce. Above a certain price it becomes economically viable to smelt a bunch of junk ores, and that process has gotten cheaper over time (adjusted for inflation) just like just about all heavy industry.

>> No.27387281

How low do biz crypto kiddies go that they suck kike dick just to feel better about their empty life

>> No.27387284

My tiny little faggot gambling account in PSLV, AG, and SLVP grew by about the amount that my (((401K))) lost.

>> No.27387545
File: 71 KB, 738x1024, 7D879C9E-0498-4C3E-9CDD-30006A721148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart actually showing silver is a decent investment considering how long it has existed and that its value changes with economic uncertainty. Late 70s was a lot of uncertainty regard oil prices so commodities rocketed. You guys think of commodities like they are your average shit coin. Silver will and always is of value

>> No.27387624
File: 74 KB, 674x674, 1612041354390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we sell them ropes?

>> No.27387915




And one for XRP

Ayyyyy lmao

>> No.27388186

yea im up huge

>> No.27388403
File: 954 KB, 400x300, evil hank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't blame all the /pmg/ boomers who already held silver trying to pander to GME newfag energy, but I will still laugh at newfags who genuinely think silver is a good investment.

>> No.27388988

5% isn't great at all. DOW went up 7% last year. Do you think this year will be worse? I also have a very diverse portfolio and went up 12% in 2020. I did do some memestocks and shorting but mostly played it safe. I have gone 20k into AMC and NOK but that's only 10% of my portfolio and I'm comfortable with the risk. Enjoy earning 5% though.