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27367702 No.27367702 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - httpsweb.getmonero.org



Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see kycnot.me



GuiCli (recommended)

IOS Cakewallet
Android Monerujo

Cold Storage

>> No.27367907

Today is a sad day, xmr.to has stopped operation. You can find their official blog post here: https://xmr.to/blog/job-done

>> No.27369011


>> No.27369076
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well shit. now what can we use to replace it?

>> No.27369126

what service did they offer?

>> No.27369992

I've used morphtoken.com in the past for BTC->XMR but it's much less convinient than the build in conversion in cake wallet or monerujo.
Shapeshit, another major option, is pretty good to, but may require KYC iirc.
Long term, one of the atomic swaps will fill the role. A usable implementation will take anywhere from 0.5-1.5 years in my estimate.

xmr.to was an instant, almost feeless exchange from XMR to BTC. It was integrated into both android wallets and seemless to use. Essentially, it opened up all stores that accept BTC to the monero ecosystem.

>> No.27370509
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Thank god, the devs are working on atomic swaps.

>> No.27370881

you can do swaps on localmonero

>> No.27370932

Fugg, rip xmr.to
Hopefully the community will fill the gap somehow.

>> No.27371320

Anyone got a TLDR version of why? Was it pressure from big gov?

>> No.27371472

With xmr.to paying in BTC was trivial
1. open wallet
2. scan BTC code
3. (enter value, if not embeded in the code)
4. hit send

>> No.27372005

Initially they were pressured by the US gov to
1) log IP addresses
2) prevent access from US IPs
3) lower the max amount

The blog post doesn't reveal much, but it's safe to assume there was pressure from the same entitiy which wasn't happy with the results of the points above.
xmr.to shut down based on their own accord, they specifically mention they could not dismiss their believes and disable access through VPN and TOR.
I presume they have a gag order and can't reveal any additional details

>> No.27372150

damn, this is a big blow.
rip xmr.to

>> No.27372926
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yeah this makes a lot of sense actually. that's why like they said we should start pushing more for merchants to accept Monero directly

>> No.27373360

Man fuck the US gov. Biggest terrorist organization in the world. If you aren't in their club you lose. Thats "freedom".

>> No.27374381

why the fuck is this piece of shit not AT LEAST 1k yet?

>> No.27375045

because the governments don't like it. It'll happen in a year or two.

>> No.27375181
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because it's ranked 19 at market cap, until shit like XRP, Doge, BSV are above Monero it means people either dont know about it or dont care about it, and thats what we need to change somehow

>> No.27376908

no hype > no speculative rise in price > no new hype (repeat)

I'm curious if xmr.to has a price impact; if not it becomes very clear that usibility is not a price driver (yet) and the price is suppresed by regulatory fud (see delisting of the exchange that noone used)

>> No.27377796
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Just know that your coin has an actual use case not just a theoretical one like 99% of other cryptos

once people start to realise this it'll gain value, don't expect crazy moons but recognise that XMR will be valuable long term, without any doubt.

you cannot lose with XMR, im comfy af

>> No.27379038

What is the easiest LTC -> XMR pathway?

>> No.27379101
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>see delisting of the exchange that noone used
yeah that was a really strange day, the price fell hard, it's really just FUD
this but also the more the government dislikes it, the more attention it gets

>> No.27379140

With the WSB shit going on, someone just needs to let them know that Monero is the actual "fuck you" to governments, bankers, etc. and not fucking Doge of all things.

>> No.27379351

Morphtoken, ChangeNOW

>> No.27379360

How do I stop spending my Monero on crack???

>> No.27379508

Crypto is heavily despised on WSB and will result in an insta ban

>> No.27379645

By becoming clean, by becomming addicted to hodling monero or by both. Good luck either way

>> No.27379835

I don't mean WSB itself. Look at normies pumping Doge.

>> No.27379959

I usually compare morphtoken and localmonero prices then choose

>> No.27380463

Best cash to XMR pipeline? The fees are seriosuly fucking me in the ass.

>> No.27380707

I use kraken, once you withdraw you're good privacy wise.

>> No.27380834

really bearish news on xmr in general. regardless of the actual utility xmr has now lost it shows how unlikely it is to gain acceptance when regulators are pushing so hard against services that accept/use it.

>> No.27381437
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It really shows their honesty, they preferred to shut it down than to become compromised.

>> No.27381569

absolutely retarded for them to run this in the US, or use US exchanges, or be run by any americans in general. what did they think was going to happen?

>> No.27382321

when i exchange my btc to xmr on kraken, am i good privacy wise then? sorry, new to xmr.

>> No.27382892

well they know how much you bought and at what time and date you bought it, but when you transact that XMR like withdrawing to a wallet, they can't tell anything more about it

>> No.27383480

well, kraken and by extention the US does know
- when and how much aou bought
- the amount of XMR on the exchange
- when and how much you withdraw

If you withdraw x amount and use it to pay for anything immediatly, and the US monitors the seller, then they could deduct that you payed for something with xmr.

XMR is not a magic bullet, but if you avoid time and amount correlation attacks you should be fine. (assuming your general opsec is good as well)

>> No.27383850
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Kek what's the reason for Monero poking in the corner of some CEX that offer only a handful of coins? Feels like some FINTRAC flag tactic

>> No.27384670


Atomic swaps would have rendered it obsolete anyways

>> No.27384946

Long term it's not an issue, it's just annoying because I actually used their service fairly regular

>> No.27385063

Thanks bros.

>> No.27386143

I feel the opposite. This just confirms Monero's bona fides as a privacy coin.

>> No.27386926
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Why aren't there other sites like xmr.to? It can't be that difficult to engineer a crypto swap site. I could build one in two weeks probably; I think I actually will. I'm not sure of the regulatory risks involved however.

>> No.27387256

>I could build one in two weeks probably; I think I actually will. I'm not sure of the regulatory risks involved however.
"Novice coder loses hundreds of monero to trivial mistake"
good luck

>> No.27387707

A hero has fallen. Let us thank God that atomic swaps is fully funded.
Only we can defeat Satan and his Evil Army of globalists - remember that. We are the monero marines. I love all of you. Positive mental energy is the key to success in life. Repeat after me, out loud, "attention Archons! All soul-contracts are void! You are banished from feeding on my negative energy!"

>> No.27387899

>"Novice coder loses <unknown> amount of monero to trivial mistake"

>> No.27388538

which means nothing if nobody wants to accept it or if they want to but regulations make it infeasible

>> No.27388842

with lots of pedos gone.the pedocoin eventually dies

>> No.27389506

xchange.me has an onion and works in about 30 minutes, and has support

>> No.27389812

a lot of these other services have had loads of users compaining their tx got frozen and they needed to dox themselves, especially if they were going xmr to something else. that was the main benefit of xmrto

>> No.27389873
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based anon

>> No.27389989

better than elude to me

>> No.27391440

if you know, you know.
freedom is never given. it is always taken.
see: the natural order of life, all of history

>> No.27391560

Been building web and mobile applications for 12 years; a simple XMR-BTC exchange wouldn't be an issue. Dealing with Uncle Sam is another matter.

>> No.27391626

>with lots of pedos gone.the pedocoin eventually dies
that's right, companies like $MARA literally host child porn on their nodes. guess what? market DOES NOT FUCKING CARE.
>he didn't buy bitcoin in 2014-2015 because MUH DARKNET, MUH REGULATORY UNCERTAINTY
>he didn't buy monero in 2020-2021 because of MUH DARKNET, MUH REGULATORY UNCERTAINTY
let me guess, china is going to ban monero now too?

>> No.27391821

we have skyrocketing dark net adoption and grayscale is making moves to invest in Monero.

>> No.27391909

>Been building web and mobile applications for 12 years; a simple XMR-BTC exchange wouldn't be an issue.
have any of your web/mobile applications had such an immense financial incentive to break into as an anonymous currency service would generate? because no offense, the amount of scrutiny xmr.to receives vs some mobile app is loads difference.
>dealing with uncle scam is another matter
develop entirely locally, when you roll out alpha/beta do so on a crypto-only VPS in a neutral country.
push updates from tor/vpn'd computer (as well as renewing domain/vps) - congratulations, you run a website completely unlinked from your identity. just don't post something retarded on stackoverflow like ross ulbricht and you maybe - just maybe - have a chance :)

>> No.27392405


wonder how long these will support xmr though

>> No.27392463

There are: ChangeNOW and morphtoken work well for me.

>> No.27392502

that won't help it if day to day usage is curbed. it's now much more difficult for a normal person to use xmr to pay for items online.

>> No.27392685

Why is all the darknet adoption doing NOTHING for the price?
It’s a comfy hold yes, but fuckin’ell ive seen first hand just how much more use this coin is getting yet it just continues to crab.
Makes absolutely no sense

>> No.27392750

>which means nothing if nobody wants to accept it or if they want to but regulations make it infeasible
so... like bitcoin in 2014-2015?
if you didn't buy 3-digit bitcoin under similar circumstances then you do not deserve 3-digit monero. sorry fren.

>> No.27393051

markets are irrational until they aren't. do you buy low or buy high? did you buy btc <10k last year or >30k?
it's really simple stuff: buying the low is scary. there is no media or peers around you to validate your decisions. by the time there is media validating your decisions you are already in the middle of the market phase.
buying the low is scary, and not everyone can handle scary events.
>t. been here for a decade

>> No.27393075

how so? we have alternative means.
the most popular wallet is cake and it has a built in exchange. Things are fine.

>> No.27393087

>it's now much more difficult for a normal person to use xmr to pay for items online
How so? If a business wants to accept XMR nobody is stopping them. It's not illegal.

>> No.27393196

the money is cycled: bought on exchange, used/spend, returned to exchange. This balances buying and selling pressure.

>> No.27393220

morphtoken seems to always be unavailable

only monero exists in a world where bitcoin already exists.

>> No.27393311

because its obvious businesses don't want to given how much volume xmr.to had.

>> No.27393318

Monero is mostly transactional, I think. Darknet users use it but don't hodl it

>> No.27393476

>only monero exists in a world where bitcoin already exists.
Ethereum exists in a world where Bitcoin already exists; doesn't seem to phase it much.

>> No.27393495

I dunno mate, lot of people who use the markets know bitcoins story and are putting a few xmr away in case the same thing happens.
Not to mention most vendors will be selling their monero a LOT slower than they are receiving it

>> No.27393572

How much volume did xmr.to have? Sorry I'm not following your line of reasoning here.

>> No.27393702

because it took ethereum doing absolutely everything possible, turing complete smart contracts, for it to compete.

>> No.27393838

if you've ever done a tx you can follow the address you got the btc from to see. it was curbed by the 2btc limit going down to 0.2, but my point is that this is simply a harsh blow for day to day usage of monero for non illegal purposes

>> No.27393890

Ethereum merely had to offer a use case, some utility that bitcoin doesn't provide.

>> No.27394047

But why is it a harsh blow? I've only ever purchased Monero on kucoin and binance. I imagine many others have as well.

>> No.27394438

because it was one of the most important services in the monero ecosystem, and if this signifies a trend it's bad news. hopefully xmr.to were somehow tied to the US and others were not

>> No.27394530

If you think you could do that properly in 2 weeks then you haven't been doing shit for those 12 years

>> No.27394627

>Not to mention most vendors will be selling their monero a LOT slower than they are receiving it
they have to keep it for some period, yes, but that delays selling by 2 weeks at most. Vendors do not want the volatility of the market so they sell asap.

>lot of people who use the markets know bitcoins story and are putting a few xmr away in case the same thing happens.
In a world where bitcoin is the only viable crypto it makes sense to save some spare, but monero is not the only viable crypto. I bet many people who use monero for transactions also hold btc and pipe savings into that because it's perceived as "safer".

>> No.27395153

I have friends in Panama. It would be the ideal place to host such a service

>> No.27395914

Wallet generator, escrow, oauth, TLS, OWASP, am i missing something

>> No.27396071

What would be the most difficult part?

>> No.27397056
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RIP xmr.to

>> No.27397548

>implying eth is not only pumped by all the shitcoins created for 50 bucks of gas