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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 781x767, 1499210197796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2736367 No.2736367 [Reply] [Original]

crypto has turned me into a complete piece of shit. I made a shit load off ripple, ETH, DGB, and RDD (got out pretty much at the right times for each). I withdrew about 150k and still have 300k left in BTC.

My life has been fucked ever since. I already didn't work a real job because I inherited a lot of money, spent my time with designing products that I sell on kickstarter, which were somewhat successful, but now I'm just a complete piece of shit because I view this money as funny money. I spend it on whores and booze (don't do drugs) and useless shit like watches. I already had little meaning in my life and now I have even less, I fucking hate women and their greedy ways and all my friends are rich pieces of shit who party all day. I'm not suicidal (I was as a teenager because my parents were fucked up and abusive in subtlety insidious ways) and now I'm 27 with a ton of money and I fucking hate everything.

I get it, life is hard, nothing is easy. How do I make this pain stop? It's not even really pain, it's just a fog... a malaise. Help me /biz/

by the way still holding 5M dgb, when the fuck is this shit going to moon again?

>> No.2736378

>I spend it on whores and booze (don't do drugs)
>booze (don't do drugs)
>not a drug
m8 i have news for you

>> No.2736380

Travel somewhere.

>> No.2736386

Use the money to fund your college and go get an engineering degree

>> No.2736392

donate some to african children who need it more than you do

>> No.2736394

ok yeah booze is a drug. I don't drink frequently and I try to take very good care of my health (excercise a lot and am vegan). When I drink I get so depressed and fucked up internally, like I feel now. Like I said, all my friends are millionaries who seem to be ok with just partying all the time. They don't feel bad at all, nothing seems to bother them, yet everything bothers me.

We are so lucky to be alive, yet I can't see the light. I wish things were different... I think I hate myself for living such an excessive and wasteful life. Maybe there's still time to change, but right now I feel like shit.

>> No.2736399

sounds like you were a piece of shit in the first place

>> No.2736410

This is the point in your life where you discover spirituality and become an annoying fuck talking about Tibetan meditation, the blood of Christ, or the ways of KEK. Just shut the fuck up, find a semi decent woman that has no clue about the amount of money you have and make a kid if you want "meaning". Just try to live your life like you have three to ten years left of it.

>> No.2736411 [DELETED] 


There is only one solution for you. You need to go back to survival mode for at least a month or two before you learn to appreciate what you have.

Fortunately, I'm willing to help. Send all your BTC here: 19CrH47stonwEgfD4dg578JukCfdsoP4oT

And I will take care of them for you.

Post your progress every week here on /biz/, and after you're ready, I'll send them back to you.

>> No.2736417

>I try to take very good care of my health
>and am vegan

Choose one

>> No.2736419

I've traveled the entire world already, my parents sent me everywhere when I was young. People are the same everywhere, I think the key to finding meaning is depth, not width (as in traveling everywhere but knowing only the superficial)

I have a degree in both math and physics from an ivy league.

charities are fraudulent for the most part. If they're not operating to profit themselves or exercise an agenda by an unknown agent, they are grossly incompetent to the point where they shouldn't exist at all.

>> No.2736422

Provided that this is real - make art you fucking idiot. If you have the means to live comfortably and are tired of the same shit, use your mind to create things and not your wallet.

>> No.2736429

>I have a degree in both math and physics from an ivy league.
Well you best be doing something with it. 450k isn't going to last you through retirement if you're 27 now.

>> No.2736442


Would you feel happy helping someone who's actually, non-shitpost non-pol non-ironically in need of some money, even if it's bitcoin?


Reading posts like your makes me feel so depressed, not only do I have to grind all day to make ends meet and keep my gf by my side and try to become a man, I see people who struck it rich, like you, being depressed as fuck because "muh feels"...

Truly incredible. Go make a kid, find some traditional woman.

>> No.2736444

Possibly, thanks.

I can't, after fucking hot ass NYC sluts I cannot even get aroused by normal women anymore. They need to be 8 or above. All the women I date are fucking greedy whores and I'm addicted to their pussy. They would make terrible mothers, and most of them do coke all the time. I am wallowing in sin it seems.


you should look into veganism if you want to live a long time. look up Dr. Michael Greger

>> No.2736448

Welfare ensures that they stay poor and destute you idiot. This isn't fucking tumblr, i expect you to understand at least that.

>> No.2736449

if i had ur money i'd bang everyday whores and live the life at maximum because in the end the money will just be money but the memories will be epic.

>> No.2736462

Be a positive influence for people that need one. Find a community that better fits your personality. Help other people & listen to their stories. Stay busy. Create art. distance yourself from what you perceive as toxic

>> No.2736468

I am actually a somewhat recognizable artist. The kickerstarter stuff is just side money to indulge my engineering background. I will not reveal who I am or what industry I'm in but you may have seen my work.

I have millions in inheritance and have done quite well with my art and investments beyond bitcoin.

I won't give you money unless you prove you need it.

>> No.2736471

>I am wallowing in sin it seems.

It seems you have this very strong subconscious desire to fuck yourself up so you can feel sorry for yourself.

Keep it up senpai and you'll get to that point, you'll make it, and one day we'll see your "I have a story for you anons" post here about wild rollercoaster crypto ride riches to rags etc etc...we'll feel sorry for you and you'll feel good because we feel sorry.

Sounds like a plan.

Now on to some whores and alcohol, desu.

>> No.2736475

maybe you can order something from me over here

i've been working like hell for 6 months, made $1000 but this summer things seemed to just go down hill. i just found biz but i don't have enough money to invest in crypto. i just sit here and admire other anon's portfolio. i do a good job over at fiverr but the pay this days are just below par,

tl:dr: help an african anon out, i will make it one day and part of that will be because of your help.

thanks :(

>> No.2736476
File: 56 KB, 598x766, 1498982276528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually just a dgb shill thread

St. John sounded pretty high

>> No.2736482

Fellow vegan here, I would suggest that you start making some #VEGANGAINS by starting up a vegan company and trying to go corporate. Life will be much better when you find actual goals to work towards.

>> No.2736488

>I cannot even get aroused by normal women anymore. They need to be 8 or above.
It gets worse. You will never be able to truly 'love' a 7/10 wife material female because she won't be good in bed, she'll be shy and insecure and want to hold you and cuddle you after sex.
Welcome to my life OP. Bad bitches fuck you up in the long-term, the pussy is NOT worth it. I'd rather be a virgin stumbling across a loyal 6/10 than what I am now.

>> No.2736489

>I have millions in inheritance and have done quite well with my art and investments beyond bitcoin.
Well in that case, have fun living an unfulfilled life of leisure and continue bitching about it on /biz/

>> No.2736494

You obviously have a money problem. Listen, I'll do you a favor and give you a peak a real life. You need to get rid of all your wealth and learn to build it back yourself, only then will you truly find meaning in life. In the meantime you can dispose of all your toxic bitcoin here

>> No.2736508

>I won't give you money unless you prove you need it.

I can't prove anything, and by the way I won't hijack your thread with my sob story, because my story is actually sob whereas your story is either a clinical case of actual depression and innate desire to destroy yourself like gamblers often do, or you're doing a level 3 troll, mocking the plebs here and baiting them into e-begging (good job if that's the case, obviously.).

Also, with all that money, why don't you move somewhere where life is simple and you be the king there, have all the time to experience life and take it easy.

Just kiddin anon, better continue to pay Jew York prices for EPIC NIGHT OUT BRAH with your REAL FRIENDS who REALLY LIKE YOU and bang HOT CHICKS.

Keep that instagram life stronk brah! Wrist + steering wheel + faggot spike shoes like a manfag because "muh high street fashion muh designer cloths" photos all day!

Being sour a bit as you can see...sorry. Hope I'm making some helpful points tho.

>> No.2736511

Can I have like .3 or so bitcoin op? I'm not losing my house or desperate for money or anything, but I don't have anything to invest and I want to get started with crypto


>> No.2736532

OP didn't just get out of his masochism and and use that hundred thousand to make a million so he could actually score some 8-9 housewife.

what a cuck

>> No.2736539

interesting analysis but incorrect, I don't want pity I want to communicate.

food products are a very difficult industry. So much can go wrong, and most packaged products are bullshit. You're better off eating broccoli with salt and rice everyday.

disgusting behavior.

>> No.2736540

so give it all away and stop whining faggot


>> No.2736569

I'm not just going to give you $800. I'm not a billionaire.

ok I just sent you 1000 BTC enjoy thanks.

>> No.2736572

>I want to communicate

With who lol? You didn't move out from that hellhole you live in, you didn't say anything about trying to change the instagram life habits...Do you think you can play the highroller game and build a "normal" life on the side, simultaneously?

Chasing whores is a meme, just like chasing material shit, it takes long money to play that game and you will always be pleb, you can move to Star Island Miami right now, but on that location you'll be a fuckin pleb poorfag and people will literally laugh if they ever find out your net worth.

Same would happen if you found out about my story + stroke of "luck" that I had past year.

You have a unique chance to live free, and you're not doing it. I would even go as far to say traveling is a meme, that's what middle class faggot libshits do because they have to blow thru their parents money or their credit, because they're degens.

Can you even be alone with yourself for few days? If not, that's a real problem, start with that. If you need buzz and noise all the time around you, that's not good.

>> No.2736620

I've got just the thing for you, OP. Move to some horrible suburban hellhole in the midwest and work with plebs at a shitty minimum wage retail job until you appreciate your wealth again. Then you can quit in some hilarious way when you finally get fed up with it.

>> No.2736632 [DELETED] 
File: 849 KB, 4160x3120, IMG_16062017_141248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need goals, otherwise they will end like you, friend. We need that suffering and effort, that's what we're made for.

Do sport, force your brain and learn new things. Sure you know what I mean.

If you feel generous, you could help a random anon whose burden is too heavy.

Pic related is my beloved watch, btw.

>> No.2736631

hurr durr im a recognizable artist with an ivy league math degree and ive made 6 figures off internet money. kys you broke larping piece of shit

>> No.2736633


Life has no meaning. My advice: Enjoy life to the fullest. Enjoy the hate, too. Drown in it.
Try to find goals, doesn't matter what goals exactly and meet new people except those rich pieces of shit. Explore something.
And give someone like me who has only about 0,002BTC a little bit of your fortune!


>> No.2736634

That's the whole point, it seems like you are just in need of a real challenge. And even if you just don't like the food industry at all, #VEGANGAINS can be accomplished in other fields like clothing and furniture. I'm waiting for the day we have a real alternative to leather not this faux leather garbage we have now and it would be great if you are the one to kickstart it.

>> No.2736640

Do a good deed and send BTC to a broke college kid like me that can't afford his next semester, OP (tuition is $5k): 1NpK9YPA4xFfrqATiwpvwR7a2TZBtnRyur

Now time for advice: you have everything, yet the people around you are fake as fuck. You live a dissatisfying life and you are not happy, even though there are millions who would aspire to be exactly where you are. Your exact situation has happened countless times before. Why is this? Because your life lacks meaning.

The greatest thing to aspire to in life is to help others. Were I in your place, i would start movements to solve just the small problems i see around me first; I live in Houston, and i see so many homeless and druggy people. It is a goal of mine that one day, when I'm financially able, to begin tackling these two problems which go hand in hand.

I'm not saying you should try and eradicate every problem everywhere, but do what you can. First, you have to help yourself. Find real people. Dress down a bit, if the way you look makes you seem "rich". Hang out with real people. College kids can be retarded as fuck but they can also be very genuine, and easier to hang around and get to know than middle aged people. If you're not too old (or even if you are) just go around and introduce yourself. Find some people you like. Invite them to do stuff with you so you can get to know them, but DON'T do super expensive stuff. I'm talking like bowling or going to a medium tier restaurant.

Part 1/2

>> No.2736643


Aw shit man, what a TIMEPIECE, because it's not sophisticated enough when you say watch, timepiece is much more haute!

Brilliant bezel! Such craftsmanship!

>> No.2736648 [DELETED] 

You made me kek, little bitch.

>> No.2736652
File: 31 KB, 750x600, An_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then, only one solution for you. Do everyone a favor and just become an hero.

>> No.2736654

Part 2/2

Find people you like, build real relationships. You will find some peace in your heart from these people you value who also value you. When you've successfully rid yourself of all the money-grubbing leeches and lecherous women from your old life, start thinking: what can i improve for other people? How can i do it in a way that's sustainable? Give a man a fish/vs teach him, etc.

My goal is to start an organix food truck, food bank, and farm nonprofit that is staffed by homeless and drug addicts, and a rehab clinic if i can. Sell mercy, organise with volunteers, and pay livable wages to the people who need help but are viewed as trash by society. If I'm successful, i aim to keep moving up from there.

I know i rambled a little but i feel like you just need some soul searching and some real people behind you. Good luck, OP. I believe in you.

>> No.2736663


Kill em, chief


Make them question their wholesome, beautiful and very original pursuit of chasing material goods and showing them off in exchange for social validation beyond oblivion.

>> No.2736670

Don't blame it on crypto. It's just who you are. Fix you and you'll enjoy things from a better perspective.

>> No.2736674

More of an /adv/ thread.

>> No.2736678

There are exactly 0 recognizable artists with a physics degree under the age of 30. I just did a search. Quit larping

>> No.2736685

do kikey george soros stuff, fund things you want to see

>> No.2736696

On what database? Also I did not give my real age obviously, but I am under 30.

>> No.2736719

>withdrew 150k
>"a ton of money"

Funny story anon. My savings account interest makes as much money as all your gains, yearly.

>> No.2736725


the only pathetic cunt here is you buddy. Kill yourself already and stop seeking attention.

fuck off


>> No.2736734

Nice blog phaggot.

>> No.2736741

"because my parents were fucked up and abusive in subtlety insidious ways)"

spend $100,000 on a good psychologist to work out your issues, spend $20,000 on a trainer because being strong is mentally healthy, spend $20,000 on a various experts in nutrition because if you are vegan you might have nutrient deficiencies which are making you miserable

>> No.2736759

>I can't, after fucking hot ass NYC sluts I cannot even get aroused by normal women anymore...

This will get old, you're nearing that point already.

t. over 40 been there done that

>> No.2736766


He's not reading this anymore, he's ordering some russian whores blowing his money and getting adoration from those HOT BABEZ

His mother never appreciated him like that!

(fucks a whore and cries on the inside)

Once the whore leaves his apartment to get fucked by another depressed dude, he'll get here, probably reply, he ain't closing the tabs.

>> No.2736769

Give me some of your money if it makes your life so fucking terrible

>> No.2736790

you sound like a whiny bitch OP. get rid of that money, keep just what you need and go on a journey to find your purpose in life. This is not that hard.

>> No.2736826

I have about 10 million in assets. I barely keep any money in my savings account... do you know about this thing called investing?


nutrition is one of my hobbies. I probably know more about nutrition than most nutritionists... become vegan, seriously, I loved eating meat and still do but meat is as bad if not worse for your health than smoking, unless you're eating truly natural animal meat.

>> No.2736842

>I'm 27
>I have millions
>I have a maths and physics degree from a top university
>I have travelled the world as my parents sent me everywhere
I feel 0 sympathy. Probably because my life is utter shit compared to yours.

>> No.2736855


vegans are ill man... even my chemist teacher back in the old days in school said that.
They even LOOK ill.
Meat is life. You're missing out on the joys of life. If you at least have a hobby, do it right.

>> No.2736873

It's all propaganda. Meat is a trillion dollar business.

I don't think eating meat is inherently wrong or bad for you, it's just the meat WE have access to is tainted and causes cancer.

>> No.2736895 [DELETED] 

Do you have any in gold? If the Mad Max comes, you will need it.

>> No.2736900

halp halp plss

>> No.2736902

Its because your spirit is dying on the inside. Stop treating it like shit. You have been trying to find happiness in the wrong places. Starting to understand that is a great step of forward. Feeling shit about the emptiness of your current life is a necessary step. Go do a vipassana course or something. Like 10 days 10hours a day sitting in silent meditation. It will burn you through your shit. Guaranteed.
Also, dont feel sorry for yourself or this. Sound like great insights are coming through. And be happy you are starting to understand these things early on in your life and not when you're 50.

>> No.2736918

If you're not trolling—and I believe that you arent—I'm not sure how much value there in feedback from this shit gallery. Do you have a throwaway point of contact?

>> No.2736936


Wow... seriously believing in some propaganda meme. You're taking the wrong side here guy...
Not meat is causing cancer, but radioactivity. There's as much in meat as there is in plants.
Doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is not getting anorexic or fat.

>> No.2736943

You're a huge faggot and should be happy. You can literally buy a nice house for around $200k CASH right now and live off the rest of it for nearly the rest of your life.

>> No.2736947

Devote your life to philanthropy. Start with me please. Diagnosed with nut cancer 6 months ago. Curable but killing me financially.


>> No.2736968


of if you're in CCA slack message the guy who just dumped math into general chat

>> No.2736979

>by the way still holding 5M dgb, when the fuck is this shit going to moon again?

lmao worst shill post ever. Associating DGB with fake financial success is the new meme I guess.

>> No.2736980


>> No.2736983

>wah I have money but I'm still miserable
go see a therapist, faggot

>> No.2737015

>actually a somewhat recognizable artist
You have the ability to LIVE art, to study anything you want for inspiration. Recognition and fame shouldn't be enough, it should be cathartic. It's probably easier for me to think about it since I'm on the opposite side, but you could write concept a album, write a screenplay, create soundtracks, get into animation, do anything - you have the intellect, time, and assets available to do so. If you're competent in engineering, go make some experimental real life mechsuits. Live by taking risks. Seek things not of this world lol. Also I'm pretty sure /biz/ will only have jealousy, saltiness and more begging to offer you if you keep this thread going, I'm really not sure what you expected to see here.

>> No.2737029

This. Further humanity anon

>> No.2737044

18 btc sent

>> No.2737046

>you should look into veganism if you want to live a long time. look up Dr. Michael Greger
You're vegan? No wonder you're fucked in the head. Your brain's probably shrunk from malnutrition. When you can afford a high quality diet with lots of ruminant protein and don't eat it, it's like living in the US without owning a firearm - what the fuck are you doing? Take your dick out of your ass and stop pissing in God's eye, go zerocarb immediately

>> No.2737107

Have you tried something about spirituality? Not about blindly following religion or new age leaders, but finding something beyond?
If you wish, we can talk about It.


>> No.2737137

sent 3.5 btc

>> No.2737142


>> No.2737338

I'd say, honestly, get a little real job just to have a routine and purpose. Be a waiter or some shit.

>> No.2737411

dude, go vegan. your boners will be humongous, which is an indication of increase blood flow throughout your body, including your brain.

There is no nutrition in meat, most rich/smart people eat a mostly vegan diet. Meat was valuable because it was calorie dense, not nutritious.... but we live in a world of excess calories now, and a world of very little nutrition, which is why you see all these fat malnourished people walking around... seems contradictory but it's true.

>> No.2737528
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Wtf?! Are you me?

>> No.2737532


buy only ltc or btc

>> No.2737542

Buy a nice meal for an African child in the Congo, not a nigger in America

>> No.2737557
File: 571 KB, 1280x720, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in

>> No.2737560

>too much money is the reason I am miserable.

If only there were a solution......

>> No.2737601

I don't need so much bitcoins. I'm only in the Trading for delusion, now wanting more mundane things.
But Guy, try some regression to a past live, let you Discover why you incarnated in this miserably emotional life.

- A Brazillian Spiritist

>> No.2737614
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> There is no nutrition in meat, most rich/smart people eat a mostly vegan diet

>> No.2737629


Again stop spreading shit. Fat people come from excess eating and eating high calorie shit like chocolate. Vegans are failures in life. I've never seen a vegan who is successful in anything. If you're a real man then eat meat.
No wonder you see women in a black light if you're a vegan. They won't think highly of you either, except of your money if you have anything at all. I think you're just a piss-poor troll.

>> No.2737672

Holy shit! Is that GW5000?

>> No.2737677


>> No.2737686 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1024x683, 1497889780205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's never too late to find meaning and build a life around you worth something or at least give you meaning until we all hit the roller disco in Valhalla.

You're not the only "rich" person surrounded by vapid people and greedy whores.

Go to a bar, observe how people act and dress. Mimic them. Rinse and repeat until you meet some people who enjoy the partying (Drink) but also have "other plans" as in things they do for recreation. Weasel your way into group, shared connection, get your dick wet.

Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll connect with someone, some activity, and ultimately some woman.

Everything you do now gets better with a partner, a real one. Lazing by a pool with a beer is the pinnacle of existence, if your already free to do it then without the 9-5 slog then good company fixes it.

Also chin up ya fuck!



>> No.2737690

its okay OP your trying to fill that void here if ya wanna talk

btc for a brotha 1PfwC4Tya6fQ4hhDHorUL4eYXzdDPLPNrq

>> No.2737725

Canceled transaction

>> No.2737749

Let's play some games man, fuck life

>> No.2737884

8 btc sent

love you senpai

>> No.2737888

nigger look at the science until then enjoy your ed and brain palque and paying for jewish ritual slaughter

>> No.2737897

This is some real talk anon, u find ur best friend in a girl ur always going to have fun around each other no matter what u do.

>> No.2737916
File: 77 KB, 960x664, 1435582321606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me have like 10k to finish building a race car I've had for 2 years m8
my paypal is PleaseSaveTheRacecars@gmail.com
Don't throw us away.™

>> No.2737945


>> No.2737986
File: 101 KB, 607x528, Racecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is best funding request ITT

let the guy finish his racecar. what are you fucking anti-racist??

>> No.2738010

Lol God u ppl are giant faggots

>> No.2738021

Fuck off pajeet nobody wants your dgb bags

>> No.2738040

Ahahahahahahahahahahagahahahyou fucking cuck find me one fifty year old vegan who looks good fucking PLEASE

Enjoy your 5 years of being s veg you fucking hippy

>> No.2738105

>Be a wagecuck
>Have dreams of living a rich life.
>Do the whole Crypto thing.
>Get wealthy
>Invest it in the way biz says
>Find myself cripple by wealth

Outside of buying a condo, new car, and cloths. I haven't really done anything with my money.

>> No.2738115

this is like a thinly veiled brag thread

along with the vegan bullshit

>> No.2738165
File: 469 KB, 2048x1366, 7c4ff04d7b59ce0c5573763ec8b0f01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the peak physical form of an automobile.
Anti-racists BTFO

>> No.2738210

It is like you are arguing with Chinks over thier love for holocaust.

The world as a concept is surely a prison.

Grasping The Word is priceless. Which is why a rich man is more likely to fit through the eye of a needle than know his non-corpse body.

Your angst is well tuned as the end is near. How will you know the depth of Yahweh's grace while kept comfortable in mammon? Sounds like your parents knew Satanic covens? If so those sins are on you.

Don't dwell on being impotently wasteful with an illusion, such external change is not your job the internal life is.

Get a nordhaven and cruise the great loop as preperation for landing on neushwabenland.

>> No.2738241
File: 42 KB, 640x360, 1484636484718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the wealth meme

Money doesn't bring happiness anon. Didn't you listen to everyone repeating this saying to you throughout your life. Didn't you listen to all of the wise old Greek dudes who said this?

Read "Letters from a Stoic" by Seneca the Younger.

Are you going to stuff your face with oysters and have rampant sex with women like a degenerate wolf who just found himself in a hen house, or are you going to be a real man? Your choice faggot

Go take a walk anon and listen to some music from your childhood. Then go out to eat at a nice restaurant, by yourself, and give a big tip. Then go home and read this book. Don't be a degenerate. Don't fall for the memes

Don't fall for the 80s rich lifestyle meme
Don't fall for the disgusting consumerism penetrating our world today
Don't fall for any of these fucking memes just stop being pathetic

>> No.2738270

laugh all you want the future belongs to vegans with bitcoin.

demons drink blood

>> No.2738274

plz die jew

>> No.2738286
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In response to this:
And in continuation of this:

That is the best post. We do need to suffer. Humans, specifically men, are not satisfied unless we have a boulder to push up the hill for no good reason. What's your boulder anon? You need a truly unreachable goal which you will become autistically obsessed with at the expense of all else

Forget women, forget that shit. Whores are nothing. Drugs are nothing. Don't go down the rabbit hole of whores and drugs, because there is NOBODY tending the light at the end of the tunnel. There's nothing there in the end

You want to be going down a path with something at the end. And it needs to be a long path so you don't reach the end then go back down the rabbit hole again

>> No.2738376

Having a lot of money and/or talent doesn't matter if no one respects or cares about you.
Find a good conservative woman and live for your loving family.

>> No.2738427

Ok. But talking serious. Why are we here? I've found confort in the past trying to find the obscure and occult things about Nature.
I too feel this internal pain, even being poor as fuck. Because of this I'm trying to help.

Avoid greater pain putting your money outta this Exchange wallet.

>> No.2738488
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, cowboytom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op you're small time, I have more than double your bitcoins value. You goofed by cashing that much out.

I'm not retarded enough to ever buy anything not named Bitcoin and I have little money coming to me when my dad dies though.

Op is a faggot, sage

>> No.2738507
File: 154 KB, 1001x823, sunrise wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make music and/or try acid (don't be an idiot about it, get it from a trustworthy source, make sure you're in a comfy and chill environment and don't take more than 150µg). Sound design and analogue synths are fun as fuck, and also expensive so you can blow your money on something not entirely useless. One of my funnest experiences was making shitty songs with my friends in my living room on acid. We didn't take much so we actually completed some songs, they just ended up being really autistic and we had a great time making them. Then we took a walk in the nearby forest at 5 am and watched as the sun came up, first only illuminating the downside of clouds, then the top of the trees and finally coming up for real. It was nothing special but it was really pretty and I felt really happy at the time.
There's so much beauty in unremarkable everyday shit, but the only way to enjoy it is if you can let things go in the moment and stop worrying about things you have no control over. Stop caring about women if you hate them so much, stop going to /r9k/ and /pol/ and cut ties with your old environment if it's keeping you down. You can afford to move away to someplace comfy and only care about comfy things for a while. I know it's a meme but a new environment can make you think about the world from a different perspective. If I were you I'd move to the countryside for a bit, maybe read some meme philosophy books, take solitary walks in the forest and just stop coming to 4chan altogether.

Also send me your DGB bags, so I can move to the countryside with my ldr gf I promise she isn't a degenerate gold digger

>> No.2738535
File: 2.43 MB, 2988x2988, I'll piss your tin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it I really just want to be the fastest racecar...
Just look at this piston it's as diamond hard as I am serious

>> No.2738549

What's that wiseco going into anon?

>> No.2738553

go to pol and achieve redpill, comeback and be good as new

>> No.2738557
File: 57 KB, 438x260, 7ribs4herpleasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a finely tuned 4ag racing engine

>> No.2738569

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.2738581
File: 294 KB, 1440x1440, 19024874_10158801840370524_8437562031264590042_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some of that bitcoin if it is burning a hole in your life. Could use some extra cash trying to buy a house since I just had a kid. Pic related.


>> No.2738619 [DELETED] 

reddit(d0t)c0m/r/redpill you fucking cuck

>> No.2738627

reddit(d0t)c0m/r/theredpill you fucking cuck

>> No.2738646


Money don't buy happiness, only extended OPPORTUNITIES for happiness.

If you fuck it up, that's on you.

The only real purpose any of us have is in fulfilling our biological urge to procreate - either directly or by assisting in the creation of the next generation. Anything else is empty to your deep nature.

>> No.2738660
File: 67 KB, 452x452, reaction2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice LARP.

>> No.2738718

My biological purpose is driving really really fast.

>> No.2738742

*muffled eurobeat fades in then out*

>> No.2738743

You can start by sharing few bucks with us

Get an instrument, do something creative like art. Get in a band.

>> No.2738763

What's it going into? Takumi is that you?

>> No.2738782

Takumi isn't a master engine builder

>> No.2738789

So what's it going into? N/A still?

>> No.2738841

Thats a secret. It's taken me years to get this far so it'll probably be on /o/ in a few more unless I win the lottery.

>> No.2738883
File: 31 KB, 460x407, nintchdbpict000266637283-e1473842965620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Blaming the gains

Go join ISIS you retarded cuck

>> No.2739016

LMAO, First World problems!

>> No.2739090

pretentious spoiled fuck

>> No.2739115

If you have inherited millions why has the comparatively small amount earned in crypto corrupted you? Anyway, my advice would be to go all-in on crypto and try to reach super wealthy status. Nothing to lose really and its your best chance of reaching that status

>> No.2739146

Get a motorbike

>> No.2739147

live under your income, debt free or you r on the accelerated road back to poverty

>> No.2739158

OP you've got opportunity to become BatMan.

>> No.2739170
File: 484 KB, 587x527, 1499308033777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the mindset of a wealthy person OP.

Wealthy people are essentially soulless beings focused solely on collecting and hoarding.

To be wealthy is basically to become a worker ant, but instead of collecting food its collecting money.

>> No.2739189

Maybe make something with a higher purpose than money. You could seed fund any venture you want or invest/work with any other people you find inspiring.

>> No.2739206

OP get a heroin addiction, that way you can focus on the one thing that matters, heroin.

Takes you back to that hunter gatherer lifestyle, I recommend.

>> No.2739239

>boo hoo i'm rich, please feel bad for me

sorry but i don't, go get a therapist or some shit, you have the money

>> No.2739255

Have fun living in your own piss and stealing $40 a day.

>> No.2739262

You're gonna be a great dad :V)

guib moneys pls

>> No.2739268

Help get the Mars colony rolling. Start a LFTR nuclear company. Make some babies to enjoy the prosperous future you've helped create.

You might actually need more money. I recommend getting some Monero.

>> No.2739309

why not attempt to lose it all back by investing in a bunch of terrible altcoins only to comically triple your money. also did you pay short term capital gains rate on that 150k you cashed out? do you already have a good accountant that handled it in some other way?

>> No.2739341

>. I withdrew about 150k and still have 300k left in BTC.
Guess what? That's not a lot of money.

>> No.2739501

I have less than 1k in my bank account. I'm doing bio/cs research that will help out people. If you don't know what to do with your money, help me pay my rent and fund my research m8. I won't forget it.


>> No.2739549

the key to being a human is accomplishing goals. that's how you brain is wired. you feel like shit because you have no goals. this is the caveman of preventing a stupid caveman ape from sitting in the cave until he gets too weak to hunt for shit.

get a hobby, become a video game nerd, one of those silly wanderlust traveling nerds, just keeping giving yourself an objective and then complete it and your brain will reward itself with dopamine and you'll forget that you're going to die one day soon.

p.s. if you give me those digibytes I will devote 100% of my energy to acquiring the wealth needed to find a cure for aging and when I do I'll give it to you for free. once we have cured aging we'll play video games until they invent interstellar travel, once they do we'll go fuck some aliens together bro.


send those digis, atleast a mil.

>> No.2739571
File: 192 KB, 356x356, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 posts of feed for this obvious LARP.

>> No.2739585

>I won't give you money unless you prove you need it.

how about if I post a pic of all my bank accounts being in the negative and my measly credit cards maxed out.

can I get the digibytes then?

>> No.2739602

If you're that bad with money you certainly don't deserve to be given any.

>> No.2739606


>> No.2739615

Write to me. jakob1213@googlemail.com

>> No.2739631


I said fuck the banks and have 100% of my wealth invested in crypto. it's only a few thousand but I will never go back to the traditional banking system.

>> No.2739636
File: 33 KB, 500x382, 1b8noy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've fucked up my life in countless ways, wasted away so much time, ending up hating everything and distancing myself from my family that clearly only wants the best for me, i'm the same age as you except i'm the polar opposite. i'm dirt poor and i do see the good side in most people but i just feel like i can't fucking do anything right. i've only wanted to be able to stand on my own two feet financially for so long but i get fucked at every turn and haven't had a serious opportunity. i guess i was just supposed to network harder and be more social when i was a teenager. you have the means to change your setting in so many ways OP, you aren't trapped unless you make yourself trapped, your liquid money represents the freedom to make those changes, and it's something i wish i had to get out of this fucking ghost town.

>> No.2739644
File: 268 KB, 718x581, sarma1-718x581c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually this is maximum truth.

"men eat meat" is a meme. If you think eating meat makes you a man then you're a victim of a billion dollar ad campaign designed to make you sick. A clean diet allows you to work hard at accomplishing something in your life, and that is what makes you a man.

this. animal fats build up brain plaque and will cause brain damage over time.

pic related, she's 44. sarma melngailis

I would have only doubled my investment with BTC instead of increasing it over 13x

>> No.2739649

So you're near the top of maslow's pyramid but you haven't achieved self actualization yet.

Beyond money the next logical step is to want to make an impact and leave your mark on the world.

If you're unsure what you want to do to achieve this, start by volunteering at a homeless or animal charity. Get back to basics and make real connections with down to earth people.

Enjoy learning how to make those connections and listening to other people's stories.

Internalize any negative feelings you have to help you understand that you are not the voices in your head, you are just a listener. Google "monkey brain" it's a term used by Buddhists to help them understand that what your brain thinks is just a process caused by evolution to make you behave in a certain way. So be a controller of your brain, not a slave to it.

This first small step will help in realising what your next step might be that you need to take to start making a bigger impact.

I work for a sustainable farming charity that let's people stay and do activities to help find themselves and discover what journey they need to take (mostly hippy students and recovering addicts or ex-convicts visit).

If volunteering sounds like too much hard work or pointless, use Google to find somewhere similar to where I work to visit in your area for a less enduring journey than volunteeting, but a more "spiritual" one.

For any BTC you can spare:

>> No.2739660


bruh, have you seen nerve. you should pay people to do crazy shit. that would be entertaining for all of us.

>> No.2739803

>this. animal fats build up brain plaque and will cause brain damage over time.

False dilemma fallacy. Anything done in the extreme is obviously harmful.

>> No.2739845

OP could you post your blockfolio pls? Need guidance. Which coin looks promising? I heard good things about trustcoin

>> No.2739847

Go backpacking around the world, see new perspectives and sort yourself out.

>> No.2739903

>Bad bitches fuck you up in the long-term, the pussy is NOT worth it.

Please someone give this man a 100k. Shit's so true it should be in the Constitution.

>> No.2739976

>three to ten...

Are you Russian?

>> No.2740003
File: 22 KB, 600x630, 1486304231486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is an alternative for you.

>> No.2740014

go for 6 months where money means nothing.
feel the real beautifulness of life and then come back to your lucky and comfy life

>> No.2740099

if this is real and you're not LARPing it kinda blows my mind you're posting on /biz/ of all things with such a life you have. I guess it is true you're here forever......

>> No.2740208

>I already had little meaning in my life and now I have even less, I fucking hate women

maybe the first thing you should do isn't disclose your wealth to anybody - especially women.

Then you can think about finding the one who's worthy being your childrens mother.
Create your legacy now.

You have enough wealth to feed through atleast 5 children so why the fuck are you posting on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.

Man if i even had 1/10 of that wealth i'd be grateful as fuck - maybe a lesson you have to learn aswell

>> No.2740250

>and useless shit like watches
What did you buy senpai? Some Patek or Vacheron?

>> No.2740326

Do you realize the volunteering meme is just a way of signaling that you're so good at surviving and providing that you can afford to waste copious resources on other things? It's not really different from buying a Lambo. It's only self actualisation in the sense that sending those hard to fake signals of wealth are required if you want to be the most attractive mate.

Congratulations on finding a way to get people to do free work for you while you are still the good guy helping them.

I'm sure you believe you are a really altruistic guy but you are literally fooling yourself because it makes it easier to pull off your self serving agenda.

The fact that you still ask for btc is disgusting.

>> No.2740357

when this was pointed out larper op moved the goalposts and he suddenly had "millions in assets"

$150k savings at whatever "under 30" age you are is good but it's sure as shit not rich

>> No.2740479

The crypto thing was probably just an excuse to post his blog on /biz/ instead of r9k. God knows I'd rather talk to you fags than those losers.

>> No.2740489

Geezer you just need some down to earth /biz/ lad to be your m8y.
They will correct your ways and stop you being a pompous twat lad.
If you let money change you then you are a weak man!

>> No.2740515 [DELETED] 

Pfffttt suck a fucking dick, that's worse than wasting money on chinese and worse than wasting money on russian/slavic people.

Only the intelligent and well endowed deserve money because they have what to do with it.

What if I interested you in the beauty of using money to control talented people, take a shit on idiots?
Ok maybe not. How about living in Ireland? It's a beautiful country.

>> No.2740525

Gain the world but lose your soul. Now that you know what its worth, you have to give it away.

>> No.2740547

stop drinking and learn to meditate, read the bible or whatever youre interested in spiritually, read the gospel of thomas for sure or listen to it. you got everything else but your spirit in order. bonus: meditation 30 mins a day or longer will turn your concentration skill into levels most autistic people only have

>> No.2740566

First of all, I want to thank the guy that sent me 0.005BTC. Don't know who you are, but wow, you're cool. Came out of nowhere lol. Still in shock, that I really got anything...


Think about that crap you're saying. You think Plants aren't a billion dollar company? There are more Plant shills in the world than you think. Every idiot can manage a plant farm, but a meat farm is much harder. It's like bitcoins and a shitty altcoin. Bitcoin is better, but you want to get out most of your shitcoin.
"Men eat meat" is not a meme, but the truth. Even in old times men were hunters to get meat. It is genetically implanted that carnivores should have a better body structure and intelligence. It's even in the minds of real women, that a real men eats everything and isn't picky (the picky part is a women tradition). If you want them to go for your person you should have the manner of a real man. You should have dreams, eat normally (like you said a clean diet, being vegan makes you ill), confidence, be a strong signpost so that they can rely on you. It's not about ad campaigns anymore, it's about the mainstream opinion. And yeah I'm talking about real life. Women don't go for money in my life, but get crazy for me, cause I haven't got much money anyway bein a student.

I don't say you have to ONLY eat meat, but you need a real diet. Like I said vegans are ill, not only physically but psychically, too.
Everything in life is bad if you exaggerate. And everything in life is bad for your body in some ways. You see tobacco is a plant, too and is killing your body, rice can destroy you slowly, too. And potatoes can even kill you if you're some dumb shit and not careful.

>> No.2740598

How about you send me some Bitcoin so I can buy some alcohol then
Weekend was shit

>> No.2740616

OP are you still there? You need to look into simple living, or epicurianism.

Seriously philosophy will save your life. I was the same, I had 250k when I was just 23 and became seriously depressed from constant consumption -- dinner out, expensive wines, clothes, cars etc. It's a load of shit.

All you need is good friends, security, and pursue your interests.


>> No.2740679



>> No.2740730

>this. animal fats build up brain plaque and will cause brain damage over time.
What about Dr.Perlmutter who says the exact opposite, low fat, high glycemic grain diets damage brains. There's always Doctors on both sides who say opposite things that confirm whatever you're biased towards.

>> No.2740732

Buy bean coin. It will grant you meaning in life when this coin goes to the MOON!!

>> No.2740747

become an artist

>> No.2740812 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 621x44, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To whom sent me 0.0005 BTC, thank you. I'll use it wisely.

>> No.2740817 [DELETED] 

Saved, for the kek.

>> No.2740844

everything that happens, happens to learn something from it, to experience

you seem to just have learned that money doesn't make you happy

in fact nothing outside of yourself will make you happy

being happy makes people happy

that is at least my opinion

what is it you want to do in this life?

since money doesn't make you happy, maybe it would be a good idea to donate at least some part of it

>> No.2740846 [DELETED] 
File: 811 KB, 2560x1920, asdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that keyboard, mate ;)

Also, I love my mouse.

>> No.2740854

also maybe get some hobbies

i recomend meditation and/or some eastern martial art (something that has a spiritual aspect to it)

>> No.2740855

Op, are you here? Are you better?
I'm the one who refused your money yesterday and tried to talk about spirituality with you.

I really wanted to help you.

>> No.2740869

But this Guy is correct.

I would recommend you also trying Ayahuasca, Mushrooms and other things. (:

>> No.2740903

Btw, If now you're sober and better, I can accept your money


I couldn',t before It as a cowardice to abuse your state. Be Well.
I will watch this thread for news.

>> No.2740928
File: 107 KB, 501x506, IMG_5326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, we are doing richFag blogs now? You fools have the worst LARP radar ever. Even /pol/ has a stronger immune response to LARPers.
And (You), Op:
Get Fucked. Buy an old sailboat- 40'+. Restore it. Learn to sail. Cross the oceans.
Or just follow you path now and get AIDs and die.

>> No.2740930
File: 3.55 MB, 344x217, 1435584325233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money makes me happy when I buy car parts
I hate your mouse

Give me love and money
Give me your love my baby
Give me kisses honey
I deserve the best you know it

>> No.2740934

Have some fucking self respect you beggar

>> No.2740938 [DELETED] 

One of the most comfortable mouses ever. I opened it once in order to repair the left click (after 8 years it started to fail).

>> No.2740948

You vegan fags just have to tell everyone how amazing it is being Vegan no matter what the topic of discussion.

>> No.2741174 [DELETED] 

A donation from you could mean a racecar like this one would have fuel and tires to make it back to his garage at the end of the day. Some don't even have a coil spring to stand on.
Won't you help them?™

>> No.2741184
File: 53 KB, 400x262, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A donation from you could mean a racecar like this one would have fuel and tires to make it back to his garage at the end of the day. Some don't even have a coil spring to stand on.
Won't you help them?™

>> No.2741375

It's because it will drastically improve the quality if your life if not flat out save it.

>> No.2741813

Everyone's dying bitch

>> No.2741974

Ironically, in the West, only the well-to-do people practice veganism.

>> No.2742020
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, ocean_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artist too but I only paint for myself because I'm not famous or anything so maybe I'm not really an artist idk but I pain. I guess you want to remain anon and can't post your art which sucks but Ill attach a painting I'm making now tell me what you think about the colors? I have a lot more left to do but this is an ocean view and the big blue thing is a lamppost on a pier. I'm removing it and going to shift it to the right though, this is only a zoomed in part of the painting

>> No.2742051

>>2741375 meant to tag you in this >>2742020

>> No.2742093

Come on OP if you fund my racecar I'll put any livery on it you want you can even write a contract I'll fucking sign it

>> No.2742100


Anon, try to find a buisness idea that will make you want to work hard for... even if the profits aren't great.

I wish I had that kind of money so I could start importing wine.. travel the world, meet a lot of people, design names and labels, promote my wine... and eventually buy a vinyard some place near the sea.

Don't look for a way to make more gains, look for something that you are willing to do every morning for a couple of years.

>> No.2742101

I think it's beautiful. I would ask you if you were selling it and would try to buy it if it wouldn't reveal my identity.

Technically, it is not impressive whatsoever, but it elicits a complex emotion which denotes the value of all art.

>> No.2742122

fill the void in your heart by giving your bitcoins to a future piece of shit


>> No.2742138

Lmao you're the one that picked a bone with him m8

>> No.2742203

Holy shit, this cancerous whiny bitch thread is still alive

>> No.2742287
File: 3.82 MB, 5312x2988, ocean_view_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it elicits emotion!, that's all I want. I think it will be alright once I finish it but it probably won't get any better in a technical sense because I'm an amatuer. I've been reading more about different artists have to say about their own efforts and it's very satisfying. You were talking about math earlier and I've always felt like math and art go together really well even if some people don't see a connection.

It's cheap oils on a cheap canvas it didn't cost hardly anything to make you can have it for free if you want after I'm finished. I usually try and give these paintings away to people who enjoy them so if you want it you can have it for nothing. Otherwise I'll try and buy a cheap frame for it and hang it up on my wall until someone else wants it.

>> No.2742403

do whatever you want, if your childhood was fucked, then there is nothing your can do except healing up with time maybe or never.

>> No.2742557

Sooo, you identify the actual problem as "fucking hating everything" -- therefore to solve the problem you have to start loving things again.

First of all, stop ditching alcohol over drugs; as a matter of fact, try MDMA and psilocybin a couple times and it'll change your life. Microdosing both LSD and shrooms are a known concept in silicon valley and used by several entrepreneurs to keep up creativity and "flow" while working.

Step two is to stop surrounding yourself with "rich pieces of shit who party all day" -- or you yourself will indeed become a rich piece of shit who parties all day with no real meaning to life.

Step three: Find meaning. It may sound harder than you think, but now that you have all this money: It's actually easier! You can do anything. Sit down and think about what dreams you had earlier; what do you want to accomplish; where do you want to go? Accepting that everything is shit and that we're all going to day without ever making a single notable change on this godforsaken planet is also a pretty good tip; because in the end -- the only thing you really have control over is yourself and how long you want your life to be. You can end it right now if you feel like it; but why would you?

Step 4: Now that we know that everything is shit -- you can start turning yourself into something else than a piece of shit. This includes, but is not limited too:

- Exercise, great for both the body and mind. Improves confidence and general health. Makes you get bitches that care more about your looks and personality instead of money.

- Meditation aka learning to think consciously, analyzing WHY you feel like you do instead of dwelling on the feeling. Also helps while working as it's like exercise for the mind.

Also, filling your life with things that you find meaningful i.e not stupid shit that you waste your time doing is also a pretty good route to try. If you can't think of any meaningful activities, read a book.

>> No.2742615

lol. if all you can fucking think of doing with your time is drinking booze and fucking hookers, then you're fundamentally fucked.

>> No.2742617



Also: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychology theory which looks like a pyramid, sorting our needs after importance. Starting of with things like clean water, housing, food etc.

Now you've already accomplished something: made grand fucking dineros. Many people work their ass of for years for the money you got; the problem, it seems, is lack of self-fulfillment and meaningful relationships.

Maybe you should change something? Move somewhere else, start anew? Join an organization fighting or working for something you believe in? Get a degree in something you find interesting? I mean, you can live pretty comfortably as a student with the money you got.

Also: Poor student (19) writing this, need money to get buy; parents dead -- help can be delivered to 1H5WD2azQCJEn9ZLtitFZ5zCTNc1XuRvXs

>> No.2742661

Make an foundation or something to help people, you'll kill your ego and starting to love life. Our purpose here is to help each other, the system make your ego boost, stop that ego.

>> No.2742725

how about you give me some btc because my life is in shambles. you will be helping out tremendously.


>> No.2742821

Hey OP, as a fellow New Yorker down on his luck, could you afford to donate some BTC?


Other than that, you feel empty and shitty since you choose to feel empty and shitty.

>> No.2742881

OP is alright, except being vegan and having no goals.

>> No.2742980

Look into vipassana mediation. I'm 21 and independently wealthy from crypto (bought bitcoin in 2010 to buy weed to look cool for my friends but then decided the dark web was too hard) and I found sitting a 10 day course ran a vacuum through the deep depression and self hatred and general ennui I was experiencing. I now feel charitable and feel like my life purpose is fulfilled when I'm being giving. I volunteer for causes, anonymously donate and etc. and feel profound satisfaction doing so. I'm still not used to this feeling admittedly and question if this is going to last, but for now I feel satisfied and in tune with the universe. I feel unrecognizable to who I was as a teen.

>> No.2742985

Do people actually make money off this board? I thought it was just memes to scam rich people out of thier parents money.

>> No.2743123

Nice story of life bro, i always want to do a 10 day course, back i think my backpain won't give me the chance. That 10 day must have been the toughest fight you've ever being.

>> No.2743125

You can make money as long as you don't HOLD.

>> No.2743867

You need to lock up some of your winnings in longer term savings or get an asset like a house.

If you can't be disciplined adapt your way of life to demand discipline (mortgage etc) since you are struggling to control yourself.

This is also a great reason to head to your local church - evangelical and speak to the pastor, they will set you on the right path

>> No.2743890

Stop being a rich entitled prick you faggot. Go travel somewhere and realize how good you have it.

>> No.2744042

believe it or not, your lifestyle choice as a vegan is most likely the reason you are depressed. try introducing a little meat into your life to see if you feel any better.

>> No.2744168
File: 204 KB, 2400x1278, Screenshot_2017-07-09-20-01-27-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP if you wanna feel better by helping a fellow /biz/tard, throw me a bone.
>pic related

>> No.2744264

Why are people so anti-vegan here? Have you actually looked into ANY of the vast amounts of peer reviewed research conducted on the health of vegans? A sedentary vegan has a healthier cardiovascular system than a meat eater who runs marathons.

The reason you think meats are healthy, such as grass fed organic beef or fishes, is because they contain omega 3s. Those animals get the omega 3s in their bodies through consuming plants or bioaccumulating it through smaller marine life that gets theirs from plants. Eating flax seed or algae omega 3s is far superior to eating fish, which is incredibly toxic from all the bioaccumulated pollution.

The nitrates found in meat products are classified by the government as a class 1 carcinogen, which is the same category as smoking. People in the 50's used to think smoking was healthy for you, we all know the stories of doctor's smoking in the patient rooms and encouraging their patients to smoke... The same will be said about the meat we currently consume in the future.

If you killed a free roaming deer 200 years ago or ate wild a pollution free fish, you'd be much better. 1) because you'd be eating meat much less frequently thus giving your body time to remove the excessive amounts of plaque build up from your arteries 2) because you aren't consumer rotting animal flesh, bacteria, synthetic bovine hormones, antibiotics, other chemicals toxic to humans, and RADIATION, which they use to treat the diseased meat so you don't die from eating it.

You need to stop conflating the concept of eating meat in general with the toxic meat that is produced by mass factory farmed beef/poultry/fish. Like I said, I would probably eat meat once in a while if it came from healthy animals or fish, but the fact is that it doesn't at all. Meat you find in walmart is not the same meat people would eat even 40 years ago.

>> No.2744272
File: 83 KB, 497x750, IM A VEGAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like a copypasta from that /pol/ thread last night

>> No.2744282

well, it's not.

>> No.2744444

Erase my debt. Student, CC, auto. 20k would do it.

>> No.2744576

Since I got such sweet digits, and I read >>2736468, I'll expound a bit:

>be me, fresh out of engineering school (EE)
>get hired on at 40k as a 'project engineer' and end up being stuck with field wiring
>40k is great to me since growing up family was never above poverty line
>plan is to pay student loan debt and get job xp, move on after ~2 years
>car dies, have to buy another vehicle. timing belt+interference engine
>midway through first year find out 40k is shit for my field, rage builds
>after 1 year and 10 months of no performance review, demand 10k raise
>get 12k, same day
>rage overflows, ragequit 1 week later
>decide to live off of savings and search for work
>concurrently, sister gets into some shit, sure I can float you for a while, c'mon down
>run up cc's on rent and fail miserably at job search for 6mo
>move back home, sister moves back home to bumfuck nowhere
>work in a kitchen for 8 mo
>get new job in engineering at about what I left previous job for
>so now my plan is what it was originally, but instead of just paying off student debt, I have to pay off my mistakes and misfortunes as well
>still better than $8/hr

>don't quit a job until you got a new one
>don't quit until after you get your xmas bonus
>be entitled and life will smack your shit quick

Also my friend has recently turned to prostitution, which is G R E A T

>> No.2744679


Of course we have. You're just falling for your own personal "ad-campaign" and doctor shit. It's the same shit like all the "doctors" that want to market their strategy on how to diet properly.
Just take your time and think about it. If what you say were true and meat is as cancerous as smoking cigs, then the whole world would be on edge. Especially the advanced countries. It doesn't matter if the industry is strong. If it's so bad for your health it would get big repercussions.
The whole anti-meat campaign was started especially agressively from all those animal-loving faggots and those mainstream magazines that I despise to the fullest.
If you want to compare the cholesterine, it's of course higher in a meat-eater than in people who aren't. It doesn't mean his health is worse though. It just means he has eaten something and the body has to process it.
It's like you can't think for yourself. Of course
Those "conducted researches" you speak of are just bullshit. Get some real proofs, instead of some stupid articles of the net hosted by vegans.
Omega3 doesn't mean shit. I don't like fish. Didn't know meat had any :P
Btw. if you said fish is toxic because of bioaccumulated pollution, don't you know, that the pollution comes from those algae which fish eat in the first place? On top of that there is no "accumulation", it's just the avg, and the avg is in those algae, too.
Your body isn't made of only holding onto the bad stuff.
This class 1 carcinogen is just bullshit. Of course meat has dangerous molekuls, too.
But every fucking plant has got carcinogenous molekuls, too. Every fucking salad. Take Rucola for example. It's foolish to only blame meat, that gets it's carcinogenous molekuls from plants, too. lol.
A free roaming deer 200 years ago, would be the same as a free roaming deer, today.
Of course meat today is a little bit loaded with shit, but plants are, too. Being a vegan won't save you, you're just making your life more miserable.

>> No.2745021

>The nitrates found in meat products are classified by the government as a class 1 carcinogen, which is the same category as smoking.

This post just shows how uneducated and uninformed you are. Nitrates are only found in processed meat, not raw meat. There are even nitrate-free processed meats available. If you buy unprocessed raw meat, then it's not even an issue.

>> No.2745027

Buy a nice little hobby farm out in the country and live the simple life.

>> No.2745079

whats funny is that my life is in shambles because i have no money , i work 80 work weeks , and have a few side business that i'm trying desperately to get off the ground all while living in one of the most expensive cities in the Country (USA) , i wont give up hopefully the coin will flip the opposite way for me soon , i only am typing this not for some sob story about help me Mr. rich internet guy ( which would be great if by some miracle happened lolol ) but to let you know that there are people in your situation feeling wise but in a completely different world and for completely different reasons , i guess that's our karma , try and find something you can do good with all that "funny Money" maybe that will help you , but maybe not as you said " Life is hard " and i'm pretty sure it never gets easier , but that doesn't mean the only thing out there is struggle and depression , "Its always Darkest before the Dawn"

>> No.2745114

Traveling with your parents as a kid/teen is totally different from traveling by yourself as an adult. i had been all over Europe throughout my childhood but going back in my 20s was life changing. Completely different experience, get a change of scenery it'll be good for you.

>> No.2745137

Is the pic from the WTC?

>> No.2745225

whats funny is that my life is in shambles because i have no money , i work 80 work weeks , and have a few side business that i'm trying desperately to get off the ground all while living in one of the most expensive cities in the Country (USA) , i wont give up hopefully the coin will flip the opposite way for me soon , i only am typing this not for some sob story about help me Mr. rich internet guy ( which would be great if by some miracle happened lolol ) but to let you know that there are people in your situation feeling wise but in a completely different world and for completely different reasons , i guess that's our karma , try and find something you can do good with all that "funny Money" maybe that will help you , but maybe not as you said " Life is hard " and i'm pretty sure it never gets easier , but that doesn't mean the only thing out there is struggle and depression , "Its always Darkest before the Dawn"

you wont give anyone money uneless they prove it ? ,

i live in Denver ( cant move due to personal resons ) 1000 in rent each month i work as an uber driver , and at a Testing Lab for 13 hourly , i owe about 20k in student loans , i have managed to pay most of my cred card debts out but have three left one for 400$ one for 1000$ and one for 500$ , ( im making monthly minimum payments each month ) i could go on but its depressing and leaning more towards begging but hey gotta try when you can.


>> No.2745254

So why don't you give some to me? Even as little as $300 would be a huge help, and $30k would clear out my existing loans so that I'd have room to get a house.

Or you know, you could put aside all the vices that come with being rich, and get to know some good honest people who work hard and do their share. There is nothing like the satisfaction of a job well done, even if you aren't doing it for the money.

Local charities love to have extra hands helping out too, and it can help you make some new social connections too.

If you are feeling generous though , 1K5MNt8rqZvZ3EsqMAoe9wtVXMxGrWS1k8

>> No.2745335

have you considered starting a business? i don't mean investing in real estate or whatever your passive income is doing. I mean building something meaningful and getting your hands dirty? my goal is to start a business and make it successful just for the sakes of building and making something on my own.

do something that is fulfilling. teach, make, invent. thats what we were meant to do anyway - money helps us get there and should only be a means not the ends.

>> No.2745347

Oh my goodness your response was so ignorant I can't even handle it. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and other pollutants comes from fish ingesting other fish and amassing mercury that is stored in fat. Mercury does not come from the algae, it comes from humans dumping waste into the ocean and the fish swimming around in it. Everyone knows that if you eat fish you eat the small fish because they have the least mercury. You aren't even supposed to have salmon or swordfish more than once a month according to some doctors due to the incredibly high levels of mercury.

Bro, I'm a millionaire and I hang out with people who have the money, resources, and time to take perfect care of their health because they enjoy living due to their immense wealth and prestige. Not all of them are vegan, but most do not eat much meat and when they do it is the kind that is highly unaffordable to regular people. Not trying to diss you, but you're probably a pleb peon neo-serf who has been meme'd his entire life into buying into the shit you're spewing. Come on now.

Meat products do contain nitrates. Notice how I said meat products and not just "meat". Of course there are nitrate free cold cuts, that doesn't debunk anything else I've said about how meat is detrimental to your health. Face it, you are hopelessly addicted to meat and it will kill you.

>> No.2745393

>Of course there are nitrate free cold cuts, that doesn't debunk anything else I've said about how meat is detrimental to your health.

It does because it defeats your argument against eating meat and the reason for being a vegan. You're saying that eating meat is unhealthy, then you backpedal and say it's "meat products" that are unhealthy. I could make the same argument and say eating processed fruits/vegetables is unhealthy.

>> No.2745428

eating processed fruits/vegetables IS unhealthy. Just because something is a vegetable or fruit doesn't mean it's healthy in any capacity. I wouldn't touch a non-organic can of greenbeans anymore than a oscar meyer nitrate hot dog.

You obviously have read nothing else I've written since you're tunnel visioned on this nitrate thing, but your complete lack of understanding in the realm of nutrition is the reason you believe the falsehoods you do. I cannot educated you because I just don't feel like writing an essay on 4chan, but learn about micronutrients and living nutrients, balancing bacterial colonies in your body, etc.

Your body is not as simple as marketing execs want you to believe, and the men who pushed the "meat is manly", "beef, it's what's for dinner" memes onto you rarely eat meat themselves. Look it up.

>> No.2745439


Well you millionaire then start of by reading what bioaccumulation actually is...
Here you can see some prime examples.
At least I learnt again that "millionaires" can't buy brainz as always. Having luck in life doesn't make you intelligent.
Here's another common wikipedia-article lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_in_fish
Here's another quote: "Mercury and methyl mercury are present in only very small concentrations in seawater. However, they are absorbed, usually as methyl mercury, by algae at the start of the food chain."

And well I'm no pleb, but no millionaire either. Just another man living in a sea of information and false information and making the most out of it. Like I said, just turn your brain on and don't let rich people that you even despise brainwash you lol. Because rich people are scared of losing their health, they try to grab different strategies to prolong their lifes, that are all fruitless. Nothing changed since old times.

>> No.2745476

No, you are very much a pleb. In fact the best kind of pleb who has built his own cage of ignorance for himself from which he can never escape because he simply... doesn't want to? You believe that trillion dollar industries do not have influence over wikipedia? You think data and facts that have the ability to change the mind of masses and lose trillions is going to be published on... wikipedia?

SIGH. good luck buddy.

>> No.2745505

I have read your posts. You haven't made any valid arguments for being a vegan. Describing the health benefits of being a vegan doesn't explain why you need to completely exclude meat from your diet.

I don't give a damn about ads and I haven't watched TV in years so you can't use the brainwashed-by-marketing argument against me.

If you can't be bothered to explain and defend your position here, then you probably don't understand it yourself. You're just copping out.

>> No.2745513


That's what you get, when you refute a vegans beliefs :D Grab onto sth. if it makes you happy.
Good text about yourself btw.
Just shove all on the industry and stupid plebs.. lol. You will never be enlightened.

>> No.2745539

I've basically only been talking about why modern meat is bad for you, and said almost nothing about why veganism is good for you, except when juxtaposing it to a meat based diet (which is most of america, it's not a "meal" if it doesn't have meat). So either you need to improve your reading comprehension or you didn't read this thread.

Advertising isn't done through television, it comes from every angle you could possibly imagine and can be anything from blatant to extremely subtle...

The fact that you think not watching TV makes you immune to the effects of advertisement is a pretty good indication that advertising works very well on you.

>> No.2745584


Bro, did you know that right now advertising is AGAINST meat right now? Don't turn the thing, that WE're brainwashed, when fucking vegans and PETA faggots advertise so agressively against meat.

>> No.2745600

>gets mad at me for "overreacting" and calling you a pleb
>overreacts to my perceived overreaction and says I have no chance at ever becoming enlightened because I called him a pleb

I actually don't really give a shit about animals. I like them but I would eat them if they were healthy. Stop conflating me with PETA faggots.

>> No.2745882

You haven't explained why the (((meat industry))) has any more brainwashing power than any other food industry. If you could shill a product for profit you would do it for something cheap to produce that you can easily mark up. Meat is expensive to produce so it doesn't even make sense unless you think the Illuminati's main goal is to subtly make us unhealthy.

Humans have evolved to eat meat as evidenced by our canines and the fact that it tastes good and we like it.

We are also the best animal at distance running, which combined with our high intelligence makes it likely that we used to hunt animals by tracking them for many kilometers until the animal was exhausted.

Sure we shouldn't eat hot dogs or necessarily eat meat every day but never eating meat seems extreme and probably wrong.

>> No.2745987


You chose the hedonstic life style.That was your first mistake, it will not fill the void you feel inside. Use that money to build something great to feel you did something. I know from experience that no ammount of booze/drugs or cheap whores will make me happy. You need to know what is it that you truly want what will give you that sense of acomplishment.

When you find out you will know what you need to do. For me is to build something that will make life easier for a lot of peope.

>> No.2746003

omg this "canines" meme. Did you also know you swallow 9 spiders in your life while you sleep?!?!

Don't fall for that. Try to tear into a cow with your teeth and see how that goes for you. Look at a true carnivore's teeth, such as a lion, then draw your own conclusions.

>We are also the best animal at distance running, which combined with our high intelligence makes it likely that we used to hunt animals by tracking them for many kilometers until the animal was exhausted.

Yes, I read born to run as well. That is a theory but not proven, and is in fact probably disprove by our long digestive tracks. All meat eating animals have short digestive tracks because meat will begin to ferment and poison you by allowing harmful gut bacteria to over colonize. We have long digestive tracks. We are able to consume meat for energy, but it is NOT ideal for our body make up.

Meat is valuable for it's high caloric density. We definitely needed it to survive at points in time and eating it once in a while is not that harmful at all...

That's not my argument though. I'm talking about NOW and how meat is processed and procured... meat is now extremely toxic to us and we eat more of it than ever before.

Like I said, I would occasionally eat meat if it was from a clean animal. I have a friend in california who raises all his own animals, all organically and in the open. I eat that meat whenever it's available, but you can't even buy it. A steak would cost like $300.

If you don't believe the meat industry is one of the biggest marketing forces that exist, I can't help you.

>> No.2746007
File: 890 KB, 1542x1410, 2016-5-30 15.26.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you give a shit about this one he's a good boy imo

>> No.2746089

How xan somebody be rich and depressed, I don't get you people. Getting rich is all i'll ever want. Name one fucking thing money doesn't buy (directly or indirectly)

>> No.2746108

Want to be my friend anon?

We'll drink and fuck hookers together (not same room) while helping each other to try to find pleasure in life

>> No.2746112
File: 57 KB, 700x385, all_for_you_Crusader_Kings_II_fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Giving crisp $100 bills to those people who stand at the corner with cardboard signs looking haggard as fuck gives the best feels honestly. You ever see a mixture of extreme gratitude, surprise, and awe expressed in someone's face?

For you $100 is toilet paper, for them its a clean bed, a shower, some food, a chance to feel like a human being

or just kys

>> No.2746716

Buy land with running water, build modest house, use water and solar to generate electricity, build farmbot to grow root vegetables and chickens , plant orchid,raise sheep, buy weapons, be self sufficient wait for coming financial collapse.

>> No.2746817

maybe you might have to come down to earth, meet some old friends. Don't mention money though. See a therapist, give some money away. Do good deeds you will have your karma back, doing good things with money is possible. Being happy with money is possible but its hard to maintain a straight pose as to people with less money than you. I know this as i have had a little amount of money and was travelling. I travelled the whole world solo, and realised i was nothing but lonely and lost. i Returned back to my hometown after spending all my money. But i feel after all the depression im better than ever as i have chosen the friends first over money and girls and attraction. There is something inside you that needs to be safe, make sure its safe. THEN WORRY about money.

>> No.2746912

Actually you might want to kill yourself. Imagine the warmth of eternal sleep. Doesn't it sound wonderful?

>> No.2746975

If this is legit, don't worry. This emptiness you feel is your ego telling you that you need to help others in some way, to feel like you're making a difference. You feel like shit because you feel you don't deserve your money. Your friends probably don't feel the same way as you because they feel they do deserve it.

That being said, let me let you in on the biggest redpill of them all: Ego doesn't exist. It's an illusion. That hole you're feeling doesn't exist either - you've always been you and you haven't lost, not need, anything at all.

Or you could travel the Himalayas and live with Tibetan monks until you reach Nirvana.

One of the two.

>> No.2747083

dear op, i totally agree with the money and meat, well i always wanted money but then after i lost my second best gf i totally changed priorities, find a loving person and live for her, i also switched to vegan few days ago because i felt disgusted lost apetite , i used to be prick, now im new person, and totally hate my self, kinda badly invested, trying to get from the bottom..

i could talk about this for days, if you feel to help me out, id be glad

find your way, dont stop looking and hoping

>> No.2747140


Greatest Dgb shill job ever LMAO

>> No.2747243

very good very good indeed thanks

>> No.2747336

Take B12 supplements, your vegan diet is probably causing you to be deficient as fuck

>> No.2747433

If you're at the position where you don't need a job to survive then do some volunteer work and help others.

>> No.2747475

Cheers mate, life sucks dicks for most people.

Try to do something where you help people feeling better, you'll see yourself rewarded with some inner joy

>> No.2747836

Stoic-Absurdism is truly the best philosophy for the modern times at least.

>> No.2748708
File: 653 KB, 989x4160, JN6S6TA (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has some of the most deepest discussions on biz in awhile and yet at its core, people still dont realize this is essentially the age old argument of


If OP is not LARPING and has millions in the bank, its pretty clear that he feels so empty because he is not doing anything productive or to improve/help society. Hes essentially an ascended NEET.

But a NEET is still a NEET.

Your typical wageslave normie may not have much money in the bank, but they are still happy at least on a base level.

>Get up early for work with everyone else, perhaps get your workout in to start the day
>Work hard in the office, get praised for your good work.
>Feel good about being productive
>Socialize in the office and outside of work, happy hours galore
>Go on a vacation a few times a year to Aruba with girlfriend
>Goes to sleep happy and content

This is NYC right? Pffft. Party it up after work, if you are a guy in NYC I heard its a buffet over there. There is almost like a 2 to 1 ratio over there, its unheard of, hordes of dumb women have flocked to NYC right?

And again why are you so unhappy?

Oh right its the age old argument of NEET vs Wageslave. Case closed.

>> No.2748747
File: 86 KB, 800x900, 1496186942440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much kikery can a post contain

>> No.2748793

How is the sense of achievement you get through work Jewry though? Why do you think billionaires and millionaires still work when they don't have to?

>> No.2748871

Lel, this

And NYC is a pussy magnet. NYC reveals the true nature of women. Most of them cannot even pay rent alone, they are all packed together like sardines paying massively overpriced rent and everything else in some hole in the wall all waiting for the six foot tall Chad $300k/year bachelor.

Kind of funny considering theres a huge surplus of men in the South and West due to better opportunity and the fact that the Northeast is dying a slow death due to the ridiculous taxes and just overbearing laws of the states. NYC, MA, CT and NJ in particular are fucking shitholes.

But they insist on maintaining their "upscale" NYC life and they won't wait to saddle you in some crazy mortgage for your overpriced house in Westchester

And then divorce you in 5 years

>> No.2748927

Become the Buddha of 4chan.
Give everything away and go and sit under a tree for 7 years,give lebouf a call, maybe he'll join you.

>> No.2748951

Get /fit/ or stfu. I'm not talking about some Crossfit bullshit either. Lift weights, get big, eat meat, THEN stfu.

>> No.2748964

What you say is totally true. I live in NJ. There is a huge exodus. You can't start a life here. Home prices and general cost of living are through the roof. The price you would pay for a medium sized home here would buy you a fucking castle in Texas.

>> No.2749082


>thinks I'm getting mad at someone who fails in many areas of his life :D
>tries to hide feeling attacked by doing >posts
>thinks the whole meat industry wants to try to kill him. Poor brainwashed rich kid.

You can buy fucking cheap steaks everywhere in bio-production. Even one of my neighbours has his own animals. 300$ Steaks lol. You get scammed good boy. You can buy them even cheaper sometimes than in some discounter.
Don't believe in shit and make your own experiences. The human body knows what it needs and gives you the right signals. And seeing vegans I can only say.. poor souls. Even their skin looks unhealthy and strange.

>> No.2749088

> funny money
I know the feeling. You've gotta earn that money the hard way to really appreciate it. When you get money through a windfall or through trading it doesn't feel as real. I worked at a company that managed annuities and we had some of the most financially secure people in the country killing themselves because their $4000 a month pay from us made them feel like their life was pointless.

Go start a business/charity. Doesn't matter what, just start something that you can work at from 8 AM to 3 PM every day to give yourself some goals and stuff. If you need ideas hit me up--I've got a dozen business ideas I could shill you on to get you started.

>> No.2749227

We're on two completely different levels of thought here. I'm talking about chemical and bacterial pollution in meat and you're talking about eating meat vs vegetables. Besides all the cardiovascular health benefits of being vegan, what is more detrimental to one's health are the synthetic hormones, antibiotics, radiation (from their final attempts to kill antibiotic resistant bacteria).

Like I said, you don't know any vegans, and if you do, they probably don't know how to take care of themselves. You can still have a terribly unbalanced and unhealthy diet as a vegan, but even the worst vegan diet is comparable to a better meat based diet.

I'm sorry but you're a pleb, you'll just never understand. It's not your fault, literally trillions have gone into researching and executing methods to brainwash you into believing what you do. You didn't have a chance to begin with.

>> No.2749286

Are you Lushsux? Because if so, I love your work.

>> No.2749292


We get it, you don't know the pleasures of eatng a savory foi grass, following it up with a gorgeous NY strip cooked to a perfect medium rare, covered in maitre'd butter.

You don't know the pleasures of eating oysters fresh off the boat, hitting them with some fresh cracked sea salt and black pepper, and maybe a little of tobasco.

Nor will you know the pleasures of travelling the lands, eating regional cheeses wherever you go, and local wines.

I'm sorry but you're just a pleb, you'lle never understand. It's not your fault, literally billions have gone into researching and executing methods to brainwash you into eating soy products that produce estrogen, block DHT, and are known to hinder pubescent development in males. You didn't have a chance to begin with, nor your poor kids.

>> No.2749306

nigga you gay

>> No.2749318

It not market your just black, next time ask god to white or Hispanic so they won't kill you if they see you.

>> No.2749334
File: 3.45 MB, 5312x2988, 20170710_190436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? Are you me?

>> No.2749353


* >>2737557

>> No.2749358


>> No.2749378

I don't eat soy, also I was not always vegan my entire life. I've eaten at the finest restaurants in the world.

My friend was a director of food and beverage at a luxurious hotel in NYC so I've had things you've probably not even heard of.

Can you ever win?

>> No.2749459
File: 101 KB, 750x1334, car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the car financing meme at age 18 cause I was young, dumb, and from a poor upbringing that didn't know any better. Immediately fell behind in payments cause I signed on something I couldn't afford on my minimum wage job, got hit with a shitton of latefees that ruined my credit. Got a decent job at 24 now and am on track to have this paid off by February, credit back to normal once I taught myself how finances work.

I don't really want a handout, just wanted to post this and be ridiculed for being so stupid. It drives my determination to pay this shit off.

>> No.2749471

sounds to me like you need more money

>> No.2749638

Well now I feel bad for showing off my painting :(

>> No.2749739

>the saltiest thread on /biz/ involves a rich kid arguing with people about food


>> No.2749899

Kill yourself now, it's the only logical way to save the planet.

>> No.2750032


You're right we're on completely different levels. You can't think for yourself and haven't studied enough in your life to make own assumptions. You believe every fucking doctor, who's like a marketing manager.
First of all read something about radiation. Many things get irradiated. Spices and other things, too. It ISN'T unhealthy. Irradiated things won't absorb the radiation, so you will radiate from within.
Harmones and antibiotics are regulated. First of all you are taking antibiotics, too if you're ill. It's the fucking norm. Nearly EVERY damn doctor is just a hypocrite who just gives you antibiotics for every damn problem. So... you dead? No, your lifespan is greater than before. Don't confuse meat for antibiotics. They aren't full of it and the germs that are resistant will die off if you cook the meat.
And Yes I know many vegans and I also know enough rich people. Don't assume everyones dumber than you, if you haven't reached one goal in life except getting rich through a lucky way. I wish I were brainwashed though, cause thinking for yourself makes life harder. Still thanks for the 0.005 BTC if it was you. Was it? At least your thread made me a lil bit happier :D

>> No.2750236
File: 1.82 MB, 385x500, HoloFoil2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give some of your money to other people, it might make you feel better. In case you want to experiment, here's my address:


Also, a rare

>> No.2750251

I wish I had that kinda money I'd buy a van I could sleep in and travel the USA for 6 months to a year. As cheaply as I could.

>> No.2750388

For all the meat shillers, go watch the documentary 'Food Inc. (2008)'.

>> No.2750406

Thats such a shitty card. Would be banned from play usually.

>> No.2750600


Boy it's 2017 now. Do you come from the past where BTC wasn't even lauched?