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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27363638 No.27363638 [Reply] [Original]

ive lost $500 tonight. bros thats my biweekly salary

>> No.27363797

ahhh, thanks for playing

>> No.27364226

lost 2k, I win

>> No.27364274

fuck you thats better salary than mine

>> No.27364388


>> No.27364620


>> No.27364847


nah you gotta take the L and move on.shit happens

>> No.27364992

I am up or down like 10k almost every day. You get used to it.

>> No.27365068

realized $500 loss.

>> No.27365545

$500 write off. Get in on something else.

>> No.27365648

You havent lost anything until you sell. Never ever sell.


>> No.27365737

U have to hold for more then 6months for a write off

>> No.27365783

They're right

You lost, deal with it like a man. Welcome to the game. Worst thing you can do now is let it affect your decisions to try and make that back faster. That's what women do. You're fine.

>> No.27365859

What shit country do you live in where you can't write off losses against gains?

>> No.27365908

see, that's where you fucked up

>> No.27366097

thank u for to buyign bag

>> No.27366120
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>tfw the biggest wealth transfer in history is taking place because jews on reddit convinced people that the way to stick it to wall street was by giving it all their money

>> No.27366414

You on jobseeker, bro?

>> No.27367163

so many shills

>> No.27367328

the us, and u can u dumb tard u have to hold the security for 6 months or more in order to do that

>> No.27367587
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>> No.27367730

I mean if they haven’t left reddit after it became a propaganda dumping ground for blackpeopletwitter and they banned any real dissent (even lightweight dissent like the_donald), they are the exact type of person to get turned into a bagholder.

>> No.27367869

>The capital gains tax rules apply to net capital gains or losses. Capital gains and losses for any taxable year must first be netted, or calculated, so that the losses are subtracted from the gains.
>First the net of short-term gains and losses are calculated; next the net of long-term gains and losses are calculated against each other. The net short-term gain or loss and the net long-term gain or loss are calculated against each other for the net. This number is relevant to the tax year.
It's not even true, you net gains and losses on both short and long term gains.

>> No.27368272

the most hilarious part is how proud these dumb fucks are of being bag holders

DIAMOND HANDS BROS DONT SELL NO MATTER WHAT KEEP BUYING THE DIPS and these plebs eat it up with a big spoon and go onto social media to brag about how they stuck it to the (((man))) by piling in on a worthless stock with no fundamentals and losing everything

>> No.27368436
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Buy $CLF you absolute retards.

Atleast put money in a real company...

>> No.27368599

those are the worst looking brussels sprouts I've ever seen

>> No.27368651

Unless you were margin trading, you haven't lost until you've let go.