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2735499 No.2735499 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I need to make and have in order to get a 10/10 trophy wife like pic related? If Im still a virgin poorfag when I hit 30 I will literally jump off a bridge. Whats the point of living without having a sexy blonde trophy wife to spend all your millions?

>> No.2735520

Get out

>> No.2735522

plenty of threads like that as of late. is this another jewish psyop?

>> No.2735531

are there really people who are in their late 20s who are virgins here. this is just like, satire, right

>> No.2735549

you could just grab one off the street no problem

>> No.2735568

that's probably a trap too, I'll never trust "women" after seeing bailey jay

>> No.2735569

the esteemed members of sluthate.com have taken to spamming their faggotry here

not even lying

>> No.2735574

Just go for a Blonde Plain Jane, that's my plan

>> No.2735580


Money won't solve your difficulties with women. Because even if you get pussy with all your money, they'll betray you the moment you turn your back on them.

There's just one way to really succeed: Improve yourself.

>> No.2735597
File: 152 KB, 799x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money won't solve your difficulties with women. Because even if you get pussy with all your money, they'll betray you the moment you turn your back on them.

Yes it would. I dgaf what she thinks or feels, as long as I have enough money to own her, walk around with her making everyone else jealous, and fucking her every night I literally couldnt care less.If anything, its hotter if she resents me but is trapped with me cuz of how rich and powerful I am

>> No.2735598

i thought that sluthate was pretty much dead and lookism replaced it

>> No.2735616

> I dgaf what she thinks or feels, as long as I have enough money to own her, walk around with her making everyone else jealous, and fucking her every night I literally couldnt care less.If anything, its hotter if she resents me but is trapped with me
someone who is actually rich and powerful would never think this.

>> No.2735622

sorry, i don't keep up with the domain names of these retarded shitholes but I can definitely recognize the language/attitude of their posters a mile away

be on the lookout for the retards using "buddy boyo" or whatever

>> No.2735624

tree fiddy, sage faggot OP

>> No.2735628

>Yes it would. I dgaf what she thinks or feels, as long as I have enough money to own her
say it with me: she's taking


>> No.2735633

Is this bottle blonde lazy-eyed fat skank supposed to be a trophy? Shes a participation award at best
>someone who is actually rich and powerful would never think this
Yeah, only nice guys win. What a retard, all of history has been a cycle of one tribe/nation capturing the women of another tribe/nation against their will by force. You think Genghis Khan cared what the Queen of China or daughter of the Abbasid Caliph was "feeling" when he he was buttducking them?

>> No.2735661

where did he say you have to be nice you fucking retard? holy shit

>> No.2735687
File: 580 KB, 2081x3000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you shes a goddess

>> No.2735690

holy shit you cannot be this dumb

>> No.2735752

lmao you must be retarded, most of real self-made billionaires get an hardone only if they are in the dominant position even in the relationships with their significant others.

>> No.2735792

It would take more than money OP,
you would blow your wad in seconds leaving her disappointed. The awkwardness that follows would fuck any future chances you may of had, right up.
you will feel worse than you do now and she would be laughing about her mistake with her friends.
tldr: just get laid already.

>> No.2735868


$300 for an hour with a high class prostitute

i recommend having a girlfriend where you care about each other, but if you just want to bang hot women then whores>trophy wives

>> No.2735871

lmao, imagine how that must feel. a girl only staying around because of your money, barely being able to hide her disgust for you. when she's 'out' she's getting railed by chad or jamal, because never in a million years would you be able to sexually pleasure her.

>> No.2735897
File: 216 KB, 1024x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it. My penis can only get so erect

>> No.2735905

>$300 an hour
>high class

>> No.2735940


more if you want famous models/pornstars but if all you care about is hot+clean+discreet then $300 it is

>> No.2735977
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1481500010345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a participation award at best

>> No.2735987

you don't want a wife, you want a live-in prostitute

>> No.2736008

> implying there's a difference. women are sexual objects, no more no less. they've no soul

>> No.2736121

>fat arms
>pancake saggers taped to her dress
>high partner count

Go down to bob Evans and get a waitress, you'll be alright.

>> No.2736143

Get your merits up, bro.

>> No.2736470
File: 497 KB, 1804x2710, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu

>> No.2736544


I want pancakes now.

>> No.2736555

so why are you asking for a wife in your op post? you should be asking where you can find a prostitute . just look in backpages

>> No.2736576

She's already a millionaire, you will never get someone like that with money alone.

>> No.2736597

stop being so pathetic, you are much better than that

>> No.2736601
File: 1.39 MB, 3088x4275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I can find a 10/10 on backpage
>implying I want an unstable drug-riddled fat tattooed skank as a wife

I mean a wife is a live-in prostitute in a metaphoric sense, you literal autistic fuck. You should see a psychiatrist, lack of ability to think abstractly is an early sign of schizophrenia. I want a top-tier 10/10 of high social standing to be my live-in prostitute

>> No.2736780
File: 101 KB, 1600x900, Jesus God Please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-loathing, morbidly obese cuck here.

I dream of having a hot wife to own me. I make good money and have half a million invested, but it's still not enough. I'm fat, pathetic, and every woman on earth will always be too good for me.

I want the whole shebang. Complete submission to dangerous beauty.

I want a wife who misses the toilet and makes me clean it up like a dog.

I want her feet on my face.

I want to prep her for dates with darker, exotic, powerful men.

I want the extent of my sex life to be when she pulls down my pants to check that my tiny fat shrunken cock is still in chastity.

I want tears, screaming, broken plates and fine china, dents in my floor, shattered windows when I do the slightest thing that displeases her.

I want her to hit me, scratch me, kick me.

I want her to drink too much and total my car.

I want her to get hooked on whatever drugs are trendy, and utterly ruin us to feed her addiction.

I want her to kiss and grind on strange men in front in public.

I want her to shit out a half-black kid who clearly isn't mine.

I want to suffer the humiliating, scornful looks from white racists who will know all my life force supports a half-breed.

I want her to spend every fucking dime I make.

I want to be her broken, obedient, impotent slave.

Her benefactor. Her cuckold. Her punching bag.

I'm over 300 pounds and horribly out of shape. I grew up with an overbearing mother. My cock barely works, and only when I look at the most disgusting feet porn, and the last time I was with a woman I shot off in less than a minute.

I am unfixable. I'm getting richer by the day and I want what I want most to destroy me: a beautiful, dominant, hearltess woman.

And when the divorce comes, when I know she's leaving and taking every single penny she can extract, I want her to find my pale body in the bloody bathtub, give me a kiss on the forehead I will never feel, and gently pull my eyes shut.

Give me a beautiful, reckless, slow motion suicide.

>> No.2736793


You're never going to be rich if you can't even figure out how to play women. You are literally a cuck who is asking to get btfo'd by a gold digger.

I hope you get what you want because you deserve it, faggot

>> No.2736806

>Whats the point of living without having a sexy blonde trophy wife to spend all your millions

jump off that bridge now you stupid stupid STUPID waste of your fathers energy fucking your mother, he should've had a beer with friends instead of making you

>> No.2736877
File: 48 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying findom isnt the patrician fetish

>> No.2736888

Trannies can sometimes pass in a still photo but watch one move or listen to one talk and it's obviously a mentally ill dude. Game over.

>> No.2736899


Isn't it preferable to lose weight, build up your self-esteem, and not destroy your life on account of some slut?

I mean I understand fetishism, but you're better off restricting it to bedroom antics and not letting it fuck up your life. It only sounds good in theory, once you're raising your first half-nigger child reality will hit home.

>> No.2736955

Any chance of giving your earnings to someone who might still have a chance of getting that goal if that does happen at 30?

1DKbEyShLjaRTMx9rse8F8CijMzMEXYkfx BTC

>the dread I will feel if I actually get given anything... Don't do it OP <3

>> No.2737005

nice just bought 100k
i agree

>> No.2737011

Personally I'd prefer to have a slave as my wife.

>> No.2737037

you might be the biggest fucken pussyfart jew nigger on here

>> No.2737288

I admit she looks real (not shopped) and attractive, but do you really want a hot trophy wife ?

Do you really want her just to be your fuck toy ?

Do you even realize that you can lose half of your hard work and money if your marriage doesn't go well ?

>> No.2737346

Findom is the ultimate pleb fetish, just like cuckoldry is for academia mental midgets. The type of losers who need to prove themselves through some social achievements, be it money or diplomas, but deep inside they can't wash away the knowledge of their genetic inferiority. While they pretend to embrace that humiliation through their fetish, the truth of the matter is they try to bring down everyone to their level by pretending EVERY accomplished intellectual man shares their weaknesses.

>> No.2737348

>Give me a beautiful, reckless, slow motion suicide.

literally the only attainable goal in itt

>> No.2737364

I think this is best. Find someone smart, calm, generally good with money. Not someone necessarily stunning, but someone who at least eats well and exercises regularly.

>> No.2737518

At least you know what you want and can work towards it

>> No.2737544

Looks like a piglet desu 6/10

>> No.2737609

What the fuck? How are people this broken? It's terrifying that you can get a few bad genes and become a slave to some irrational fetish bullshit like this.

>> No.2737641

Seek help lmaooooooo

>> No.2737645

hi boogie