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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27343344 No.27343344 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ I just had a scary dream and I need your help to calm down. I had a nightmare that I was working back at my old job with all my bad bosses except there was even more and newer women I had to work for and it was just unbearable between all the bullshit requests, hurt feelings, and meetings where nothing got done by design. I even woke up before my alarm went off.

Currently I'm a WFHchad with half a mil in my portfolio and I'm quitting my job in 18 months come hell or high water, but I'm shook. Someone please tell me I'll never have to work for a w*man ever again and that I'm gonna make it.

>> No.27343581

sound like u got the gay

>> No.27343664

If you don't want to work for women anymore, you can make it happen
I know the feeling
I also will do whatever it takes to never work in a female dominated work space ever again

>> No.27343804

working with women and dating them are two very different stories anon
I'm assuming you're an ultragigachad and women turn into kittens around you and you can do whatever you please around them?

>> No.27343873
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oh no

Does that mean I'm going to have to work for a w*man again? I don't think I'll be able to handle it without having a gamer moment.

>> No.27343959
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>/biz/ I just had a scary dream and I need your help to calm down

>> No.27344071
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>If you don't want to work for women anymore, you can make it happen
It's extra hard for me. I work in the Israeli Foreign Legion and already had one resignation request denied. My next opportunity to request resignation is in 6 months and the earliest I could quit is in 18 months. If they deny it again, I think I'm going to have a boating accident and lose myself.

>> No.27344125

bizarrely based

>> No.27344181
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Oh jeez anon you're not helping!

>> No.27344291

>Israeli Foreign Legion

>> No.27344713

>Requesting resignation declined
big if true

>> No.27344875

huh, yeah that's a unique situation you're in anon
for me, I just had to quit my regular-ass job and not take any jobs with a buncha women or women bosses, simple as
good luck with that

>> No.27345107
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>get new job
>first supervisor seems pretty cool, a little hyper/manic but friendly
>wow this is a first not immediately being treated like shit
>his boss seems a little off
>later found out he was on pills after brain surgery and crazy abusive
>he deemed me a threat and difficult to bully so he offered me a transfer/promotion to work directly for the top boss and her surbordinate, both w*men
>sure sounds cool like I a real growth opportunity
>work hard
>nothing's getting accomplished
>start getting actively hindered by the two w*men
>everything grinds to a halt
>I'm running full speed just to stay in place
>nearly throw a plate at my boss' boss one time
>realize I'm very close to having a gamer moment
>request transfer back to old job
>turns out I'm going to be working for a w*man who had been at my level when I first got to this job, except that she hasn't done a lick of work this entire time because she's a single m*ther
>she tries to dump all her work on me
>changes the work schedule so I'm working way too much overtime
>her boss (a male, but an asshole) threatens me with legal action
>call his bluff
>he backs down
>wind up talking to a shrink
>"yeah you're not crazy anon it's just a really shitty situation, just document everything for the eventual complaint/lawsuit"
>suffer for another 12 months
>develop drinking problem
>go to rehab, blessed 28 day vacation from all the w*men and stupidity
>get back
>more bullshit
>resignation request denied
>move, get to be WFH
>it's great
>now I'm getting the feeling the hammer's going to drop and I'll have to go back to the office and work for a w*man again

It's hell, it really is. The only bright spot is that I've been buying bitcoin for years and I just need one more big pump to have enough to "make it" and live entirely off passive income.

>> No.27345360
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>for me, I just had to quit my regular-ass job and not take any jobs with a buncha w*men or w*men bosses, simple as
That's my dream man. To just be able to say "I quit, and it's because of [bitch] over there's incompetence and shitty attitude" and just walk out the door and never look back. I've been holding it together pretty good the last few months but this nightmare really spooked me.

>> No.27345495
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Yeah it's basically literally slavery. Never ever sign the good goyim contract.

>> No.27346697
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Goodbye friends. W-we're all gonna make it... I'll see you guys in 7 digit hell soon...

>> No.27347649

Nuh I'm afraid your gonna end up working for something even worse a bunch of obese black women

>> No.27348954

I actually had a black woman work for me for a while and she was my number 1 employee hands down. Understood her job, was good at it, produced great results. Only problem was she'd vent at me when my bosses and other departments fucked shit up and she'd have to fix it but I learned a lot from her. I'd even love to go work in her field except that it's 80+% w*men because it's HR. So it's a non-starter.