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File: 74 KB, 379x930, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2734129 No.2734129 [Reply] [Original]

How can literally everything drop in price at the same time?
Can someone explain this to me?
At first I thought it was just BTC/USD going up, but that dropped too.

>> No.2734138

dude, economy, lmao

>> No.2734137

it's what happens when people get too delusional about the flippening

show some fucking respect to the king, you fucking ethtards

>> No.2734149

whales dump, plebs follow

>> No.2734177
File: 54 KB, 380x570, 4865132645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when the gateway to everything else on the market drops

>> No.2734186

Manipulation, that's how

>> No.2734225

it's the weekend sale, dummy
limited time offer, in july only
take your pick and get some at a discount

>> No.2734232

What did you get in the sale?

>> No.2734318

XRP looks like an easy 30%.

>> No.2734338

oh no, he's a crippler.

>> No.2734358

>oh no, he's a crippler.
Oh no, he's a poor fag.

>oh no, he's a crippler.

My current bags aren't xrp son. XRP going back to its usual $0.28 price point seems inevitable and that's not even looking at the long term value. Stop your fud and get some in this bear market.

Since you are so fucking smart - where is the next 20/30% gainer for the week?

>> No.2734370

when a nigga gets this defensive about his buy, you know he's scared as fuck lmao

>> No.2734377

XRP def gonna fucking blow like the whales blow hole but look in ANTS bruh theyre easy gonna go to 20 bucks soon


when a lil bitch is a lil bitch

>> No.2734386


why buy ripple when you know you are undermining the entire ideology of cryptocurrency.

ripple gives some central organ the power it wants, which will fuck you over for their own profit when it comes to that.

>> No.2734390

Nah, just have 50 ETH that tanked over the past week. Bought in at $260 so down $1,000. XRP will hit $0.28 before ETH hits $315. XLM is cheap as my turds as well. Scared of it since it's geered towards saving African shitskins.

And bruh, just want us all to make it man. Group think shit. XRP stays between $0.22 and $0.30 almost religiously over the past month. It's bottomed. Has ETH or BTC bottomed?

>> No.2734396

>ripple gives some central organ the power it wants, which will fuck you over for their own profit when it comes to that.
Or it gives you a free ride on (((their))) backs.

>> No.2734398
File: 139 KB, 500x519, satania autism fidget spinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've holding cripple autism spinner bags since 16k sats, but i'm done with it. Unless all the fucking banks in the world start using it I don't see it going anywhere. It should've had a decent pump by now, but NOPE. btc going up always decreases xrp value measured in BTC as XRP doesn't like going along with btc pumps while every other coin DOES go up with btc. it's fucking bullshit. I'm selling the second we hit 10k sats again. good bye

>> No.2734402

Xrp going back to 1 billion usd market cap

>> No.2734410

do you guys litterally not read any news

XRP will be more decentralized then bitcoin everything is public on the xrp ledger

sbi already testing using xrp they figured out they save hella money gonna launch soon

once one banks starts saving money using xrp all of them will for competition

dont be a square

>> No.2734438

They don't. I'm sure the 200 ex fin tech/banking employees on payroll have no idea what they are doing collectively. I might should trust a coin whose developer is a 45 year old virgin with skid marks in his undies eating cheetos in his mom's basement. Makes tons of sense.

>> No.2734467
File: 3 KB, 99x72, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more you FUD cripple, the more it grows

spread the fud.

ripple is dead, long live cripple

>> No.2734474

i' d margin that shit against USD, btc going up(it will) means less gains in the end

>> No.2734805

> XRP will be more decentralized then bitcoin everything is public on the xrp ledger

It's showing that you don't read any further than just the headlines