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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27338806 No.27338806 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think about when the evictions moratoriums finally end, and countless people are in the streets with terrible credit.

>> No.27338967

Why contain it?


>> No.27338981

If they were smart enough to buy $GME they'll be fine. But snark aside, there's nobody to replace them so the landlords are fucked either way.

>> No.27339074

We will get UBI to create further dependence on our slave masters. You are not allowed to live without corporations and government (same thing) running your life.

>> No.27339118

Why would I care what happens to poor people?

>> No.27339201
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Well all things considered, the country looks to be on the verge of collapse. So evictions coupled with the economy going tits up could be the breaking point.

>> No.27340348
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Local governments rely on landlords to pay property tax.

>> No.27340415

Fire and pitchforks?

>> No.27340489

Is no one seeing the royal clusterfuck that I am?

>> No.27340635

Hopefully soon er than later. Seeing 5% of the population homeless turn into 10% in a cascading effect is going to make for some even more "unprecedented" times.

>> No.27340722

I'm well aware. But if millions can't afford rent, and they're kicked out, who exactly is going to replace them? There's aren't millions of potential tenants out there with money to spend to replace them. Landlords ARE fucked.

>> No.27340789

Just pay your fucking rent nigger

>> No.27340884

The day that happens I'll remember this thread.
Until then, lol, poor people.

>> No.27340889

>who exactly is going to replace them
>money to spend
Government gibs will solve that.
You're only fucked if you're a white burger. This is however great if you're a 3rd world shitskin.

>> No.27341565
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I really hope they fucking boot my downstairs neighbor
Fucking jogger screams at fucking NBA2K ALL FUCKING NIGHT EVERY NIGHT
Thank God I don't work an actual job.

>> No.27341914

YEAH, exactly. That's a massive problem for everyone, including you. Have you every heard of a civilization in history where 10-%
20% of the population in indefinalty homeless, and it working? When it happens, do you think the police will have the ability to enforce crime? I cant quite express my thoughts in a few short sentences, but I see a cascading failure in the system on the horizon

>> No.27342002

That's fair, remember me for my smile ;)

>> No.27342128

>Turns your rental into a section 8 for browns and niggers
That's just a different version of lanlords being fucked. Their properties are going to turn to shit.

>> No.27342196

Rural communities will be fine, cities will turn to jungles. Not particularly worried, the collapse has been coming for a while.

>> No.27342316

At least they bought $gme

>> No.27342708

Sure, initially. The problems of the populated areas will spread to rural areas, much like zombies in ever zombie movie ever. Living in a rural area buys your time.

>> No.27343054

When things break down, zombies coming from the cities are essentially free fertilizer, as long as you have guns.

>> No.27343087


>> No.27343194

When you see a city bus roll into your town driven by a homeless guy with a great big beard, and full of homeless people and equpiment, what would you do? When they get off the bus, and half of them look clean shaven,and have stories much like yours, what would you do? When you let them settle because they're " kind folk" and another bus comes,what would do? What would you do when the next bus comes, and the one after that? Its definatly your problem.

>> No.27343291


>> No.27343378

You greet them with guns and tell them to keep driving. That HAS been the story for as long as humanity has existed, and it will continue to be so when the draping of polite society fall.

>> No.27343434

no because central banks are committed to destroying their currencies for temporary relief. in the next few years nothing bad will happen because the government will just throw trillions more. endgame of dollar collapse will be worse, but buy gold or crypto now

>> No.27343525


>> No.27343916

This is pretty fucking accurate and greater-perspective-pilled.

>> No.27343978


Liquidation time, every asset will drop. That's what worries me about the bitcoin bullrun...

>> No.27344151

Do you mean you want me express my opion? I was in /x/ in earlier,and somebody said /biz/ and others were talking about "the colapse," I know how fast thing escalate, and they are. So I felt the need to share my opinion here. If your asking my opinion on if the USA, and the rest of the western world has crossed the event horizon into catastrophic colapse of civilization much like the fall of Rome, I would say yes. I came here to ask your opinion though.

>> No.27344200

you're retarded if you think tens of millions of americans will be evicted. good goy sherriffs and other evictors will be killed long before that.

>> No.27344511

Sure, I'm not talking about when things are aparently bad. What happens when that first bus comes to your town tomorrow? What if you are not the one to greet them? What if it's your mother or father, or friend that greets them and gives them harbor? What will you do when everyone around you thinking it's the decent christian thing to do to let them in? What do you think they will tell the other busses when you turn them away, and what do you think they will do when the hunger sets in?

>> No.27344649

Your maintaining my fear. As it is, that what's set to happen, one day
Somebody has to assume that debt. 10s of millions of Americans in renters debt. I want to hear your opinion.

>> No.27344898

Anon, I mean this in the nicest way possible... Get out of your head. What happens during hard times and a collapse is not something you need to speculate on. It's happened, repeatedly, through human history. Recent human history, at that. And what happens is that everything you're talking about is thrown aside with shocking alacrity in favor of banding together against outsiders. Go read about it, testimony and actual stories of people who went through collapse shit. It's exactly what's going to happen because it's exactly what always happens.
It's not going to happen tomorrow while I'm out for milk and my boomer parents are there to greet them or any of the other outlandish scenarios you're cooking up in your head.
Get some fresh air and perspective, you're just doing this to yourself for no reason, out of ignorance.

>> No.27344931

corporate-sponsored UBI, importing masses of brown, further tightening of regulations at every level, growth of the enforcement sectors etc.

All of these things can and will solve this "eviction/economic/whatever crisis" you imagine will eventuate; it likely won't.

>> No.27344987
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>> No.27345120

>the collapse has already happened recently in places
gib links / reading materialz plox

>> No.27345308

Thank you for the thoughtful response. I'm not scared at all about it, your right that it's happened throughout history, and it's the natural way. I'm intentionally portraying stress, because I know I'm more likely to get a restriction. Again, I want to know /biz/ perspective on my original post. All those people losing housing symultainiously when it does happen will have a profound effect on A market. Do you believe it's going to happen? What do you think about it? Will you try and make money from it, how?

>> No.27345316

no internet anymore in some places

>> No.27345350


>> No.27345385

Rape train has no brakes, right? It's been awhile.

>> No.27345456

UBI. This is all planned.

>> No.27345678

Pretend for a moment this crisis does happen. I agree with you on the solution, however I do not belivebour current Congress is capable of passing legislation in time to address it. Do you believe that kind of apropiet, and sensible response can be done?

>> No.27345874

Very thought provoking, and exactly on topic. I wanted to know what you thought, and you delivered in the shortest possible motions. Very effective.

>> No.27345906

We need an economy that works for the people. The more immediate the problem the more likely they will do something .

>> No.27345936

It wont be simultaneously, because of differing legal processes in different jurisdictions. But either way, the negros will riot & theyll use it as an excuse for more helicopter money.

I'm a poorfag in flyover country & Im way more worried about inflation than I am busloads of homeless.

>> No.27345962

Do you think it was planned, or inevitable?

>> No.27346076

I was specifically replying to a guy who was asking for links. I mean, it's the minimum effort he wasn't willing to make. It's not hard to find reading material about people who went through Yugoslavia/USSR collapse.

>> No.27346160

Unless, of course, that was you, too, and you're just samefagging.

>> No.27346209


>> No.27346444

Both are good concerns. Inflation in ny opinion is an immediate response, but the busses are are also coming. Your right about it not being symultainious, it's up to the states. I would like you to imagine a world where one homeless camp is in your town. The next week, another one slightly smaller than the first apears down the street. The next week there are 3 camp, the week after that, there are 6 and so on. How do you think you will respond to the first three weeks of homeless camps?

>> No.27346477


I read entirely through the first two results and it's gay as fuck, makes little sense, and to top it off, adds in a hefty dose of "nazis are back ruining our eutopia" and "sri lanka is heaven on earth now".

Absolutely unconvinced, especially considering the people who wrote these pieces, and lived through ""collapse"" also contradict themselves by saying that nothing really changes during collapse ??

Care to provide an example of what you were previously describing?

>> No.27346637

I'm on the same page brother, I knew a monk that fought in Berma. It's easy to find that kind of thing but few people ever do. To me, it's very important stuff to remember, and I'm glad you posted it.

>> No.27346650
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Yeah, I'm just going to reiterate these cold hard facts for everyone ITT:

>corporate-sponsored UBI, importing masses of brown, further tightening of regulations at every level, growth of the enforcement sectors etc.

>All of these things can and will solve this "eviction/economic/whatever crisis" you imagine will eventuate; it likely won't.

>> No.27346729

I accidentally samefaged, I'm drunk.

>> No.27346851

I'm going to finally be able to trade some mercury dimes for blowjobs.

>> No.27346937

I agree, I do not however believe these things can be easily implimented in the United States of America. If they, and if they cant, this will be an interesting year again.

>> No.27347036

I got moon rocks for anal. I'll trade you a moon rock for a 69?

>> No.27347090

The moratoriums haven't actually been helping anybody.

Also, why would anyone be that far behind on their rent? If they're unemployed, there has been enhanced and extended unemployment benefits all pandemic long (although they wouldn't cover all expenses in certain areas, they should at least have gotten you something).

The reality is that the eviction crisis is made up. People push the idea that it's going to happen because they want more gibs. If you weren't paying rent, the CDC moratorium had enough leeway and loopholes for landlords to evict anyway.

>> No.27348167

That's a really good question. I would say about 20% of legitimate claimants are not recieving unemployment. Most people (I couldnt guess) have been recieving the minimum in their state per week, which is about 150-200, and even more have reduced hours and never claimed unemployment in the first place. It's true that the extended befinits should make up the livable wage difference, so that people can pay rent. After August of last year, the bulk of the permanently unemployed lost the extended wages. The newly extended wages are bot retroactive, and come with some confusing conditions that I'm sure nobody here has heard of, but they will slow states UI to crawl for mo tha to come. When a lot the unemployed that are collecting benifits do have the money they are legally owed, they will have far passed the lending limit on their credit cards, and still owe 10s of not 100s of billion, does that make sense?

>> No.27348425

Also, the moratoriums do help people, everybody. Why do you think everything was initially closed on your city but grocery stores, liquor stores and weed dispensaries?

>> No.27348841
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I think they should peacefully protest on wall street

>> No.27349366

I'll see you there.