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2733847 No.2733847 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else really believe in Stratis and want feel like it could be the next ETH, but holding off because the lead developer?

I don't want to sound like /pol/ but when has it ever been a good idea to trust a black man with your money?

>> No.2733851

Looks blasian

>> No.2733857

one drop rule

enjoy your niggercoin

>> No.2733865

thats so racist OP
you should go all in on this coin immediately
to pay reparations for what your racist ancestors have done

>> No.2733871

fucking racist I just bought 100k

>> No.2734679

> Doesn't realise that humans originated from Africa.
> Doesn't realise his ancestors were black as coal.
> Kills him self, hopefully, when he discovers the truth.

>> No.2734684

I would never use a product with a black CEO

>> No.2734690

You would for the right price, just like every other fake racist.

>> No.2734709

A few grand in stratis ico would have made you a millionaire. Just let that sink in

>> No.2734715

If you seriously make investment decisions based on the race of the lead developer you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2734719

same as Bitcoin, whats your fucking point

>> No.2734724

Blacks don't know how to work. This CEO probably spends about 5 minutes working a day and the rest of the time thinking about fucking white women.

>> No.2735485

That meme is outdated. Recent research puts the first humans in Europe. Like in modern day Bulgaria and Greece.


>> No.2735490

You ain't got a George Foreman Grill nigga?

>> No.2735502
File: 137 KB, 735x986, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wuz first and shit

>> No.2735719

Or realistic

>> No.2735724

>I don't want to sound like /pol/
>randomly bringing up race for no real reason

sage this garbage

>> No.2735730

Except you could've done it later than 2012, fucking retard. /pol/tards let their biases cloud their thinking, they deserve to lose all their money

>> No.2735731

No. If strat gets eea type backing i will buy in.

>> No.2735790

>A single team of researchers has a vauge, largely unproven hypothesis which contradicts the work an infinite number of other researcher
>"Alright guys that's the new standard because I said so, all the other data is outdated, throw it out"
Yeah that's not how science works. I mean, a couple of weeks later some other random team of researchers made news when they concluded that the first humans came from Morocco (as opposed to East Africa), so I guess that outdates your data?

>> No.2736044

Faggot is sad cos he is a reincarnated nigger

>> No.2736071

Blacks in Africa are like you, trapped in in your tiny basement, isolated to the outside world with no contact with other humans. They didnt develop any new skills because they didnt need to, unlike their counterparts who went for a wander. Same like you fucking fat Americans who have never left your state, never mind country.

>> No.2736097

>>2734709 this
Do you really want to invest into a coin that wasn't even worth a penny months ago. It went went up over 10000% in a few months. I bought at 10ct myself and think it is a bit overvalued at the moment

>> No.2736107

Take you 10 cents and put it in your alpha breeze wallet, because thats all Stratis has to offer, lmao.

>> No.2736329

>tfw bought at ath

>> No.2736398

>That meme is outdated.

seriously though, what the fuck does that change from a meme-POV? if it's true, then africans all european ancestors (instead of all europeans having african ones), the essence is the same

i really love the idea behind stratis, i love C# the most out of all programming languages, but i'm scared of potential current overvaluation/future correction. really pity not having been there when it started and now just too much of a pussy to enter it

>> No.2736408


I mean if you were ever to jump in this dip is the place

>> No.2736578

isn't it still like 1000000x over ICO?

>> No.2736944

it's gone from $13 to $4, can't see how this is not a good entry point

>> No.2737161

STRATs time is coming imo.

>> No.2737777

strat is sitll young
give it time faggots
holding this until it overtakes eth

>> No.2737781
File: 41 KB, 447x604, 1499385164893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you poor, delusional stratis bag holders. I will pray for you.

>> No.2737802
File: 20 KB, 600x596, 1472910154726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't buy the 170k sat dip

>> No.2738003

it's like he hates free money

>> No.2738132

I'll wave in my Lambo next year

>> No.2738160

Stratis has no chance of survival. Their whole platform is based on "We're Ethereum, only with C#." Problem is, everyone with a triple digit IQ figured out months ago that the whole smart contract platform was fuckimg retarded and the only thing that has been keeping ETH afloat are all these ICOs.

>> No.2738171

Cope. Harder.

Read ethnews.com and see how fucking wrong you are.

>> No.2738211

Cope about what? Stratis is dirt cheap. Dirt cheap because noone besides hardcore speculators want to hold that bullshit.

>> No.2738279

itt: fucktards who think a scamcoin like stratis can roof like eth. that guy is the biggest charlatan i have ever seen. google his interviews. they are terrible. they have a team of 6 or 7. their operation guy looks like an eastern european human trafficker, but lives in florida. The main programmer works on a bunch of other projects and was never truly convinced with stratis C# concept. and most alarmingly their street address in london is home of a scam binary options trading company.