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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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273370 No.273370[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I Fucking Challenge you, /biz/

>You have 1k to your name
>You have one year to turn this 1k into 10k
>You cannot use any form of employment to increase your funds.
>Only ways to increase your funds is through entrepreneurial & opportunistic strategies
>Legality matters not
>No shitcoin,bubbly online currency
>Show the numbers

>> No.273374

stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign all year

>> No.273375

Good advice isn't free.

And the shit that is sold as such usually and good.

Here are some numbers I'll give you for stopping by: 1, 2, 3, hell here's a 4.

Good luck, kid.

>> No.273381

build meth lab
run meth lab
sell meth

>> No.273380

eh, I've already done $5k to $50k as part of a bet.. took about 10 months.

Nice disguise for a "how do I make money /biz/?" thread though

>> No.273386
File: 704 KB, 1024x1461, 1397193532944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in not Colorado, California, or other legal weed state

>convert $500 to bitcoin, use said buttcoin to buy at least 50 marijuana seeds (some outdoor mix) and ship them to your house

>foreign weed shop won't be subpoened since it's in some euro country, buttcoin logs from exchange are safe

>plausible deniability that you actually made payment to the weed shop if the package is intercepted

>spend $500 on weed-friendly soil, fertilizer, peat pots

>start 50 plants in pots, the peat kind that disintegrate

>plant the whole pots during the right time of year in undisclosed locations, try not to get them all found at once

>now the hard part, either leave them alone entirely hoping they go unnoticed and survive just fine, or check up on them once or twice

>wait until the end of the year, go to find them, try not to get caught by cops, or on a game camera or something stupid, wear a mask

>50 plants at only 1 lb/plant over $50,000 USD worth of weed

>assume 10 plants (80% loss of crop) bringing in 10 lbs

>wholesale for $1,800/lb if it's decent

>tfw $18,000 or more and if the initial investment is lost, cheap out on the soil and pots and try again

>> No.273388

give cash loan to some retard.
Take wive/girl as payment if he does not payback.

being a junkie/gambler retard he doesnt pay back or he pays back just enough that you turn into 10k+ interest.

Pimp out the girl.

>> No.273390

Get a job you fucking bum.

>> No.273396
File: 5 KB, 250x250, ngbbs4fdabf177bf39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Method: The Raw Basics
>300$ Towards online Arbitrage


>3.5$ per unit, can be haggled down to 3$ because they are asian
>MOQ can be reduced to 100 since its our sample shipment/deal


>Sells for around 15 a peice, Undercut competition at 10 come away with an easy 7$ profit for each unit

>Easy 700 every 2 weeks or so, from a 300$ invest

>300$ Towards weed, Because I live in a dorm and I make money this way in my personal Life
>Realistically I'm smoking some of that shit, but if only sell dims and dubs .5, 1.0 grams respectively without no mercy, make back 600$ best case; 480 worst case(Gotta Smoke Badly Some Days)

>Weed moves fast. About an ounce every 3-4 days
>Easy 500$ Every Week

>Last 400 Dollars I daytrade with. Cant make any predictions on day trading, But I don't know where to put the last 400.

>> No.273403

Wasn't Looking for advice.
Any knowledge shared on boards like these are pieces of advice in their own shape or form.
Someone might see my post >>273396
>Anonymous (ID: KSrUwFMT) 04/11/14(Fri)01:29 UTC-4 No.2
Nd ask wtf is online arbitrage?
Or one of you guys might drop something I've yet to think about. Not tryna milk anyone for a million dollar idea, just want some good discussion and some calls to bullshit If I see a faulty imaginary financial plan.
I actually have a little pool of funds set aside for a personal challenge like this myself. 5k-50k in a month sounds like a stretch though

>> No.273405


>expecting to receive actual marijuana seeds from a bitcoin transaction

Enjoy growing peppers faggot

>> No.273409

I've heard some black market onions are actually quite reliable... Still, how would you be held credible for scamming someone in a market like silk road?

>> No.273408

>Turn 1k into 10k

Buy some clothes at value village.
Flip burgers.
Earn about 20k

>> No.273414

fucking retards

european seed banks accept bitcoin, amsterdammarijuanaseeds is one of them

or something similar to that name

>> No.273418

Nobody in this thread can fucking read.

>You cannot use any form of employment to increase your funds

Regardless this is just another shitty "how do I make money threads" so I'm not giving a response.

>> No.273420
File: 9 KB, 200x266, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flip Burgers
Naw, No Employment baby girl.
>Sell Clothes
Who the fuck buys clothes from 'people'?
Unless that shit is already a recognizable designer and you magically find some way to have a trustworthy presentation for second hand clothes, they're just going to buy it from the original manufacturer. Try again.

>> No.273473

Purchase car detailing supplies. Watch some videos on youtube on car detailing techniques. Use part of 1000 to run ads and start telling everyone you know. Charge 150 for a detail and tell them if a customer referred you to another friend their next detail is 75. You will most likely average out at 2-4 cars a week within a month or two. Thats tax free. You will easily make over 10k in a year and if your not shitty at detailing and you have more cars than you can handle alone then you can start employing people with a 35% comission based salary to start doing the work for you. Thats what I did last 2 years ago and have 2 employees.

>> No.273479

What pills are good to sell.and easy to get legally by doctors?

>> No.273484

Make 1-3 dollars a day off of trading after several cents in a rise, and then compound that for a few weeks.

>> No.273486

>tax free


>> No.273498

i would take all that money and buy marijuana seeds or clones then grow and sell and repeat easily make 10k in a year

>> No.273504

If you cant make more than $835 in a month
X yourself

>> No.273507

Buy ticket to festival

590 dollars worth of otc pill

Sell pills for markup

Dont get stabbed

Rinse and repeat

>> No.273522

>ounce every 3 or 4 days

You're a joke nigga.

>> No.273524

Invest everything in space mining and wait 70 years to finally hit the goldmine and take a shower after 69 years of agonizing homelessness

>> No.273526

Didn't read the instructions; woops.

>> No.273559

buy onions
smuggle them over the border on a row boat

>> No.273578

>Legality matters not

Buy 1k of weed, smoke none of it, sell all of it, use profits to buy more. Rinse and repeat until 10k.

>> No.273591

trade in car for a shitty truck
$300 mower
$200 trimmer
$400 on other gear
$100 on advertising (business cards, posters, hangers)

$10k a month working 8 hours a day and charging $45/hr

then reinvest in more equipment and hire mexicans while you sit on your ass

>> No.273624

Put it in the few really good penny stocks out there.

>> No.273628

Nah, this aint highschool. I aint the only kid on the block anymore.
Umass Slamherst, craziest party school of the state.... I know 3 other people legitimately on deck right now in this dorm itself, and mostly everybody ditches dos strms sophmore year...
Its oversaturated to say the least
Rules stupid
>Buy 1k worth of weed
>Smoke none of it

>> No.273632

How do you make 835 in a month from NOTHING?
No friends, no loans, no employment. And don't tell me you'd sell something out your house I know you wouldn't.
I really thought /biz/ would be more creative with this.
Fuckers acting like yawl are Grade A+ Weed sales men, Who the fuck buys a pack and doesn't smoke some of the product? what If you're selling your bros some Mexico?

>> No.273740

You are a retard for expecting good business advice from fucking /biz/.
No one in their right minds would purposely give away such knowledge for nothing in return.

>> No.273764

1k into PRAN, buy the dip sell at 6% increase, repeat until

Buy TSLA and LNKD after price correction and ride them back to 230

>> No.273778

You're funny.
TSLA is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Actually, both of them are a pretty big bet.

Go with Boeing or Disney instead

>> No.273779

All i have to say is OPTIONS CONTRACTS.

>> No.273787

Put the 1k down for a cheapo car and bottom of the barrel liability insurance and drive myself to a minimum wage job every day because I can make more than 10k in one year stocking shelves at a Dollar Store.

>You cannot use any form of employment to increase your funds.

Stop being a lazy piece of shit. Everyone wants money without working, but unless you come up with a really good business/entrepreneurial concept, you're stuck in the cycle my friend.

>> No.273789

In Canada seeds are legal as long as you don't germinate them. I ordered seeds from a seed bank with a credit card and not a single fuck was given. That was many years and many plants ago and I'm still not in jail.

>> No.273793

They have things like user reviews with Silk Road. There are people floating around there who have built up a credible reputation for delivering the product. You could always be the guy they decide to one day screw over, but really you take that risk during most legal exchanges as well.

>> No.273846

It's like you want to bleed money.

>> No.273881

If you think anyone can give a realistic, coherent answer to this without being wildly speculative and optimistic, then I think you're mistaken.

That said, options

>> No.273882

1,800 handjobs for $5 each.

>> No.273928

$5 is cheap depending on what you look like, you'll be ripped after though so huzzah

>> No.275311

Boston weed game strong from beacon hill to tremont st

Mission hill allston poor kids nasty

>> No.275325

Short herbalife to 0 = 50x your money

Feds are investigating the company, bill ackman has a large short position in it.

It's not guaranteed but there is a chance that the feds will file charges then the stock will be worthless.

>> No.275329
File: 77 KB, 640x480, marijuana_plants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spend $900 on a hydroponics setup (lights,pots,soil,fertilizers) then buy $50 worth of seeds then plant them grow them sell them and repeat and you still have $50 left for lunch that's a lot of munches :)

>> No.275340

>Buy ski mask
>Use gun to rob local grocery stores around my region
>Rob peoples homes
>sell items
>repeat until 10k is reached