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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 500x500, eToJEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27329445 No.27329445 [Reply] [Original]

>create a new account for the GME fiesco
>deposited all of my money into etoro
>pending verification
>last for a week now
>can't withdraw nor trading
what the fuck am i supposed to do bro
why would (((((((they)))))) do this

>> No.27330134

i'm having the same shit

>> No.27330307

Interesting, what kind of verification do they do? Probably too many anons wanted to jump on their train and eToro wasn’t ready for that. But, based on amount of advertising they run, I don’t think eToro are our guys

>> No.27330392

>>deposited all of my money into etoro
that's why you should have bought physical

>> No.27330428
File: 136 KB, 363x296, 1562509557260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard some guys in here got verified for only 2 hours
meanwhile i have to gone through a lot of paperwork and sign this sign that and still waiting

>> No.27330472

etoro reports me to the IRS of my country, fuck these niggers

>> No.27330494

>Not even actually owning the stock

>> No.27330496
File: 150 KB, 325x386, 1611026462767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb nigger.

Why you chasing a pump for XD

>> No.27330501

Their spread is to big >3%
You cannot trade unless its been memed alot

>> No.27330525

I had to do like next to no verification while my friend who wanted to join in on the GME hype told me he had to do like 1 hour worth of stuff and still wasnt verified

>> No.27330535
File: 17 KB, 677x381, IMG_20210201_110345_554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar shit.

>> No.27330538

just use a bank brokerage account instead of this meme app shit

>> No.27330553
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Es1WU83XYAAMHKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eToro is an Israeli social trading and multi-asset brokerage company
Anon.... I..

>> No.27330594

Oh no no no no

>> No.27330633

>Be scandi
>Use nordnet
>Almost instantly verified
>See official nordnet post about volatility of certain american stocks
>panic, are they cockblocking me?
>It basically just says good luck, have fun

>> No.27330838
File: 62 KB, 610x612, 1548593918537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try goldstein

>> No.27330965

? this app works fine for me

>> No.27331143

they dont even let you create a new account anymore

>> No.27332055

Same shit here...
They probably didn't expect this many new accounts...

>> No.27332137

Feels good to have more freedom to buy ameristan stocks than burgers

>> No.27332182

You left out the $700 client acquisition fee.

>> No.27332191

ive been getting the "give us three work days to verify your account" shit since last tuesday

>> No.27332348
File: 90 KB, 791x844, 20210127_210337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends where you are from and how many there is in line before you. Citizens of EU will most likely get verified in hours or so, but might take days for anons from USA.

>> No.27332791

You can deposit money but not trade before they have verified you?

>> No.27332889

Also is the live chat working for anyone else?
Opening a case with customer service seems to be broken as well.

>> No.27332928

yea, i did that last tuesday, but still can't not trade
maybe they restrict the regulation to stop the newfags

>> No.27332980

live chat is not even available in my country
but they do a

>> No.27332993

Wait for verification before deposing?
What kind of retard are you?

>> No.27333015
File: 161 KB, 1116x623, b6262a078264e476297c6bcbb569d7d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use CoinMetro instead of cuckbase anon.

>> No.27333386
File: 4 KB, 423x46, aaaaaaahhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really hard to resist if this one came up

>> No.27333477

he is right though, etoro only deals with CFDs, which are not stocks, but imaginary devices that track the stock created by your broker, get fucked

>> No.27333820

so in other word, i just got jewed

>> No.27333916

All I had to do was send a picture of my personal ID and a proof of address. They say that passports are verified in a couple hours, while other kinds of ID can take up to a week.

>> No.27334036

I made an account last night in 20 minutes, deposited 1k and bought.

Well shit I didn't know this.
How is it gonna be a problem for me?

>> No.27334067

I was verified in 2 hours

>> No.27334105

where are jew from

>> No.27334150

Signed up to etoro last night (fuck IG).
After completing registration and the test it was stuck on a oading screen for ages.
Hit refresh and it was all erady to go.

>> No.27334156

Auto verification literally took me like 5min

>> No.27334386


>> No.27334427

Khazaria, mostly.

>> No.27334602

is Estonia even in the EU?


>> No.27334675
File: 88 KB, 833x925, dayumm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show your khazar milker then

>> No.27334917

whats good alternative for EU anon? Etoro has like 2 stars rating.

cant find Robinhood, Fidelity on my Playstore. :(

>> No.27334971

trading212 but they're just as kike

they're all fucking kikes

>> No.27335090

strange, made an account friday and didn't get fucked about. deposited 1.5k and it asked for some tax information but didn't lock my account. expecting some trouble withdrawing unless I provide it though

>> No.27335343

Fuck, I'm reading reviews on it now and it looks like a lot of people have problems with cashing out / closing positions without being noticed and shit like that.

>> No.27335663

Etoro's HQ is literally in Israel, what do you expect?

>> No.27335783

Nice sneaky ref link you jew.

>> No.27335820
File: 72 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got verifyed after one month these niggers shit

>> No.27335835

call and tell them to hurry

>> No.27335995

I got verified within 2 hours.

if you're getting warning about not being verified despite it showing on your profile go to your profile and change something (anything) in experiences and objectives and it'll work

>> No.27336101

Guys, I'm reading shit on Trustpilot.com and it doesn't look good.

I'm thinking about pulling out of it and switching to another broker before the market opens.

>> No.27336230

i had no verification at all
They just wanted to know my tax number, so i looked at a letter i recieved once from my tax office, and put in the number that was on there.
It was too short so i put the number of the tax office in there too and then i could invest, without a problem.

>> No.27336319

just check it and wow it's pure dogshit platform
fuck whichever anon suggest this platform to me a few days ago

>> No.27336374

Shit, I have £800 of GME on this and was gonna dump another 1.2k today. Is there really lots of problems cashing out etc? I got verified very quickly and haven’t had any issues so far

>> No.27336475


I tried to open on webull but only the app works in my country apparently.
fuck that.

>> No.27336506

I’ve tried warning people.
The brokerages are insolvent because they’ve been trading fake certificates. Now everyone and their mom is moving and dumping their cash into a bunch of companies that are about to declare bankruptcy.
And the state will declare you “too little to succeed” and implement a FedCoin UBI
Screencap this. And print it out.

>> No.27336687

Could the reviews be to review bombing after they stopped people buying GME but allowed selling?

>> No.27336777

No, they go way back to october.
And even further.

>> No.27336781

when did they stop people buying GME?

>> No.27337071

Think it was Thursday. Just seen we don’t actually own the stock but it’s a CFD. Not sure if that’s a big red flag for GME... I wonder what other platforms I can use (UK) maybe Revolut?

>> No.27337145

reviews were good when I checked before they stopped people from buying for a couple hours, then they nosedived.

>> No.27337281

Go check the world wide rating.

>> No.27337296

says "You are buying the underlying asset" for me, pretty sure it did on Friday when I bought my shares too

>> No.27337352

Actually I’m retarded, ignore this

>> No.27337404

Where do you check this? Out of curiosity

>> No.27337490
File: 31 KB, 667x744, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked up etoro on trustpilot

>> No.27337644

I got verified in 2 hours, and i made my account last week, there's probably too many retards trying to join in the gme train.
Or they just decided to shut it down

>> No.27337798

etoro is an israeli app kek
when people say do your own research they actually mean it
why would you give money to jews so you can try to make money betting against other jews

>> No.27338272

even if you get in they're limiting GME to 1 fucking share anon and the markets have not opened since I made my fucking account.
coinspot is much much better although coinbase can still be useful as a backup. go make a coinspot account anon you'll like it much more.

>> No.27338350

i thought only robinhood has this limited thing
etoro can buy however you want

>> No.27338433

>Investing with jews.
You guys will never learn. A preparation with /pol/ should be mandatory before entering /biz/

>> No.27338637

It’s run by fucking kikes, what did you expect?