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27327600 No.27327600 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is btc supposed to work as a mainstream form of payment? Like say I buy something for .05 btc but then during the purchase, the price of btc rises and my cost is now .048. wtf happens? wouldn't btc need to be a stable coin for widespread usage to work effectively?

>> No.27327702

it won't be BTC getting used for everything. It'll be the blockchain technology of these coins getting put toward some kind of regulated coin

>> No.27327703

Btc is no longer considered a p2p payment system, its rebranded now to SoV

>> No.27327777

Are you retarded lol
Currencies are constantly fluctuating, do you think you walk into a grocery store and you pick out a bag of chips for $2, but it ends up being $2.05 by the time you got to checkout? Pricing changes would be gradual, not an instant thing.
Regardless this is all in hypotheticals, BTC will never become a global standard for currency.

>> No.27327783

>How the fuck is USD supposed to work as a mainstream form of payment? Like say I buy something for $5 but then during the purchase, the price of btc rises and my cost is now $5.05. wtf happens? wouldn't btc need to be a stable coin for widespread usage to work effectively?

>> No.27327843

checked and kek’d. great minds think alike.

>> No.27327844

Bitcoin isn't a viable currency and never will be. A low tech linked list carrying 300GB+ of transactional data and growing every day is nothing short of a mistake. The energy cost to facilitate the network is almost astronomical.
Bitcoin survives on sentiment.

>> No.27328784

Bitcoin gets converted to fiat and the merchant is paid.

>> No.27328915

I have never read anything more based. Glad to see this board isn't full of double digit IQ no-coders.

>> No.27329225

There are other currencies that can actually serve the niche of mainstream forms of payment.

HBAR is likely the most promising of all of them.

Blockchain is shit boomer technology. It's unscalable, it's not concurrent and it has high transaction fees.

Hashgraph is scalable, concurrent and has sub 1 cent transaction fees.

>> No.27329456

BTC will never be used for payment. BTC is the crypto gold standard, that's it. You don't pay for your meal with a 1g gold piece, do you?