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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27326699 No.27326699 [Reply] [Original]

I have 3k spare to invest in this after hearing it's /biz/'s coin, how do you buy this? I'm a normie stockfag

>> No.27326754
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sorry its a secret

>> No.27326777

Put eth into metamask
Add token
Then click swap
Select RBC
Get quotes

>> No.27326803

you have 4 minutes

>> No.27326824


>> No.27326855

do this if you want to pay hella gas. if you want to do it the based way, actually use rubic's tech (rubic.exchange) to move ETH to RBC and save yourself literally 3/4 of the gas it would take otherwise

>> No.27326865
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I have mine on probit. Will this moon?

>> No.27326900

This is a pump and dump. .

Buy MUSE. It pays you dividends from their DEX.

This is a functioning product with people already using it. They made $1,000 in fees YESTERDAY.

If you were to have 700 coins, you would be entitled to 0.1% of those fees.

If the DEX makes $1M in revenue, you get $10,000

$500 could literally make you a thousand dollars a day.

>> No.27326913
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always dubs in Rubic threads since it is blessed by kek himself

>> No.27326970
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>> No.27327018


>> No.27327072

>needing to pay people to get your coin because it sucks so much ass
anyway, buy RBC

>> No.27327173

where do I get it wanted to buy in earlier but looks like I missed it

>> No.27327336

In my experience you tend to recoup the extra gas with a better rate
Your mileage may vary
Consult with your local based department before buying rubic

>> No.27327401
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Welcome aboard the rocket, senpai

>> No.27327443


>> No.27327481

obviously samefagging, buy rubic

>> No.27327484

What does adding the token do? Why do my coins not appear until I put in a hard coded key from the internet?

>> No.27327576
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>Why do my coins not appear until I put in a hard coded key from the internet?

>> No.27327578

the token just lets metmask know what to track against for market rate, since you could potentially have multiple coins with the same symbol etc etc. the "hard coded key" is the unique identifier for the coin, they all have that; it's just more relevant when you're dealing with smaller currencies

>> No.27327624

Because you’re early
One of just 4000 holders
The wallet hasn’t added the key to its list yet
When it does you can buy at 10x current price

>> No.27327659

Your coins are in there and you can see all the coins in there by checking on EtherScan
But MetaMask doesn't show coins unless you add the contract to the wallet

>> No.27327688

Because it's the contract ID of the coin that is built on the Ethereum network/ecosystem. Otherwise metamask would have to add all hundreds of thousands of ERC20 tokens in your wallet, and it's not possible, so you need to add the coin's ERC20 address. I'm not a techfag so if anyone smarter than me can explain it better pls go ahead

>> No.27327704

This to this anon

>> No.27327767

Does metamask have some type of hash that it associates with my key? I’m trying to understand how this works. Bc metamask doesn’t “know” about rbc I would imagine, bc it’s such an unknown coin atm. It just has some key that converts some hash to a value based on a price listing?