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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27316048 No.27316048 [Reply] [Original]

$GME has peaked. At max, it goes to 350 / 375 before crashing by the end of the day.

We get it, you want to show it to the man. Do you really want to be the one holding the bag at the end of the day though? You already won. Take your profit and sell now. Seriously I'm warning you, Monday is your last chance.

>> No.27316104

>for your own good
Why are you so (((concerned))) about what I do?

>> No.27316153

enjoy holding my bags anon.

>> No.27316225

nah...i'm gonna hold. just to see what happens

>> No.27316317

Diamond hands boys dont listen to the shills

>> No.27316336
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Who's we?

>> No.27316340

Did you really just try and tell me what to do?
Your shrilling for free dickhead, the person that hired you is broke.

>> No.27316357

No I’m keeping it because I like the stock. Go away

>> No.27316380

(((fellow whites))) of course

>> No.27316385

We are looking out for our frends. Market sell monday morning

>> No.27316446

Why do people make posts like this? If it crashes we will be watching and surely you didn't invest what you couldn't afford to lose?

>> No.27316486

it's not working brah, you clearly do not fit in here, we can tell by the way you talk. you're glowing.

>> No.27316493

It’s to have an excuse for when they short ladder on Monday. Remember, they will kill when billions are on the line. Anything is possible

>> No.27316510

Why would it crash at 350 on Monday but not on friday? What fundamentally changed over the weekend that will encourage everyone to sell when they could have sold at the same price two days ago?

>> No.27316526

Get the fuck off of my board and never come back you fucking faggot, you are no fren

>> No.27316708

>1 post by this ID
Huh. Weird

>> No.27316718

You mean buy any dip so I can claim more hedgie money?

>> No.27316732

(((Trickery))) and normies getting bored with nothing happening Friday-Sunday. Not saying I'm not holding, just saying they will pull something. They always do.

>> No.27316830

It will hit 800 tommorrow by noon.. people will shit themselselves and dump...

>> No.27316831

thats not even the point, can you fuckers chill for 2 days on silver. if we're gonna do a thing, ffs. don't fuck up your fellow anon.

>> No.27316891

>At max, it goes to 350 / 375 before crashing by the end of the day.
Based on what?

>> No.27316940
File: 230 KB, 1916x608, glowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is it you again?

>> No.27316963

wont happen. they've done all the shit they need to do over the weekend. if you have stock now, you're bag holding. i really truly hate to say it. we had a good run.

>> No.27317130

What shit?

>> No.27317181

That's for the jews to decide

>> No.27317586

Sounds pretty convincing. Guess I'll just drop the squeeze and sell because jews have their mind rays set towards me

>> No.27319346

i think there is a group of paid shills that probably started to infect this place around 2017(after trump). pretty sure the people posting about silver are the same people spamming the anti GME threads, dogecoin threads, other random cryptos, and finally, most of the anti trump threads back in 19/20. they have the same patterns and 'nuances' in their posting. not really attempting to bring any logic into the conversation (not that you get it on here anyway). i think this group just gets paid to shill whatever is being asked from them and they know how to appeal to larpers. i say this because there is an exceptional amount of larping cunts on here whom i believe drool at the chance to jump on the newest theme, and they basically do it for free! doubling the paid shills efforts at no extra cost..

>> No.27320525
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sell order at 1488.69 or no bols