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27315771 No.27315771 [Reply] [Original]

>shiba is up like 3200394829%

ok red pill me on this stupid scam coins? do they have a small circle of friends buy the supply at the beginning and then it goes up 3000000000% somehow and then they unload it on 4chan with a shill campaign and then they pull the rug last second it just loses 90% of value?

if i buy these things as soon as its shilled with a low amount of money and then ride the wave for 2-3 days with a stop loss am i good? do gas fees fuck this up? how do i know when its too late to hop on?

>> No.27316098

It's EXTREMELY low right now. And It's getting listed on a major asian platform soon (MXC Exchange).

There's still some time for a x10-x30, but you're too late for a x100 though

>> No.27316177


>> No.27316254

Akita sorry

>> No.27316265
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>pajeets are infighting over their scam shitcoins

>> No.27316374

holy shit dude just shut up. Its literally a COPY of SHIB which itself is a copy of Doge. You're buying a fucking copy of a copy. Get a grip. Its like investing in synthetic CDO's in August 2007 lol

>> No.27316387

Akita's dev is so fucking scammy it's insane.

He's also started selling, which is very suspicious. Potential rugpull.

Shiba's dev however didn't even sell a single $SHIB even at it's top. I think the choice is obvious, pajeet.

>> No.27316419
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x2268, 8BB307AC-DD0D-4C0D-A321-D394D5B01D40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy SHIB and retire early

>> No.27316451

should i just have a stash of eth in coinbase at all times and uniswap ready and fired up 24/7 and as soon as i see one of these fuckers just drop 200 bucks in it or something

i give up on stocks its always fucking closed and jewish tricks

>> No.27316484

Don't buy akita, its a rug clone.

Shiba's dev also BOUGHT his tokens, rather then programmed himself some before anyone else.

>> No.27316494

It's literally just a tg pnd shitter. The only difference between this and any other uniswap scam is the whales took advantage of the dogecoin euphoria and got /biz/ newfags to buy in.

>> No.27316516

$SHIB dev doesn't have any stake. They sent 50% to Vitalik's wallet and dumped the rest into Uniswap. Then destroyed the keys.

>> No.27316549

I started on SHIB 3 days ago, been in crypto for a while now, and I can't say enough to people how it's really important to DYOR.

It's still super early to buy into SHIB, we haven't even started the listing process yet.

I like SHIB because it's capped and on the Eth network, unlike DOGE which is uncapped and on the LTC network.

Here is the creator story on it, https://medium.com/@allhailtheshiba/all-hail-the-shiba-an-experiment-in-decentralization-87e3792e92f2

The creator isn't involved in any of holders media hype, nor is he interested in PND.
He just wanted to make a coin that had 0 leadership.
Been around for a while and someone restarted the hype 3 days ago.

Some(most) whales that have been holding since months ago dipped out these last three days, and we're already back at 2x for most holders.

I think SHIBA has the most potential to be a legit memecoin, but again, please DYOR.

>> No.27316592

top kek of the weekend
dont forget to sage their shitcoin threads

>> No.27316601

>not silver

>> No.27316656


Also there is no "circle of friends" on this coin, we are all on the discord, went from 20 people to 500 in 3 days.


>> No.27316684

>copy of a copy of a dog meme shitcoin
clown world

>> No.27316696

On top of that, there are almost no whales left. Once the final ones sell, this will literally become /ourcoin/.

>> No.27316803

>no whales
>shitty coin worth .00000003 cents thats gone up 30000% and appeared out of nowhere

yeah im not a moron

well what about rubic? that came before all this doge shit and that fucking skyrocketed. copied fantoms logo tho

>> No.27316866

If shib takes off again I'll adopt a shiba

>> No.27316892

We are the whales. We're buying this shit up by the trillions.

>> No.27316978

it's a scam. it's easy to make the price go up when there's like $200 daily volume and two wallets control the entire token supply

>> No.27317189

What the fuck are you smoking to where it melts your brain this bad? We're at $10mil volume MINIMUM.

>> No.27317271

it's mostly just the same few faggots wash trading

>> No.27317461

Biztards who think they missed the boat

>> No.27317614
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It's really tiresome for me, too. I don't know how in hell but somehow all the pump opportunities manage to evade me. Entren I'm holding a coin, the other makes 8000% while mine does -10%. By the time I sell, if lucky, without losses, it feels so uncertain.
I managed to make more money from this GME craze that I've ever done with crypto since I started browsing here. I think it's time for me to leave this game and go to the stock exchange. This environment feels too inorganic and scummy even if it already was.

>> No.27317739

I just bought 400 dollars of this coin, what happened to me?

>> No.27318298

there are obviously a couple groups making scam coins and shilling shitcoins on this board
now i dont know why none of you are proposing making a tranny discord yourselves

>> No.27318507


>> No.27318551

im gonna just start keeping my eye on the ones that catch my eye and maybe dump a few hundred in them here and there and see what they do. probably just ride up to the hype until i get up 200-300% or something and just dump them. maybe i can slowly build up some money.

i bought fantom and that did a 3x and its pretty comfy

>> No.27318674

They rugpulled that shit already its not going to pump anymore. Retard dev got so greedy and kept dumping on everyone. Guy literally dumped at ATH and kept dumping

>> No.27318752

Is there any proof for this besides "Dude trust us"

>> No.27319267

The small circle of friends own a huge portion of the coin from the start, then they come to places like here and shill the shit out of it, and because it’s so cheap, lots of people just buy in for the novelty.

For example, if you bought $3 worth of Shib yesterday when the shill was just starting, if by some absolute miracle they can actually shill this shitcoin to enough people to get it to 1 cent, you would be sitting on roughly $140 million. Even to people 100% aware this is a pajeet scam, that’s an enticing gamble. If this goes south (it will), you lose $3. Big deal.

>> No.27319394

When did you buy? If it was yesterday, you may as well cash most of them out for a nice little gain. Keep a few billion on standby just in case the coin blows up. If you bought today, well I hope you didn’t need that $400

>> No.27319834

im fine with just riding it for a 200-300% gain. ive been in stocks and just so fucking sick of it having it closed all the time and getting 40% gains and shit. i really need some quick money but i dont wanna be a dumb ass and lose it

>> No.27319918

For this exact reason I put $80 in.

>> No.27320046



>> No.27320412

Lmao it's heading for $0 fast. I guess there really is no whales now

>> No.27320575

stfu faggot, we're up above $30 million volume now, get in now while its low. It's getting listed tomorrow

>> No.27320667

Low MC coins always dump on listings.

>> No.27321203

Newfag bagholder checking in. If i was going to buy this shit based on the fact that its dipping hard and its apparently getting listed in asia tomorrow, what would be the best way to do it? If it have to buy ethereum, send it to metamask wallet then trade for memecoins im losing a shittone in gas. Surely theres a way that i can buy in without losing $20 of my $50 in gas

>> No.27321344

If you are smart and catch the shill immediately, you can make some tidy gains on shitcoins for almost no investment. Just don’t get caught up in the shill and think every shitcoin will skyrocket forever. Take your gains, leave a little for that .1% chance it goes somewhere, and move on

That’s an unfortunate trap for many shitcoins. It genuinely better to throw a few bucks in for the simple peace of mind that if it actually goes somewhere, you have your stack and are set for life. It’s like buying a lotto ticket, but the odds are better and you can get your initial investment back most times. In this clown world where GME can hit $400 and Doge can hit 1 cent, let alone 8 cents for a brief period, there’s no telling what can happen anymore

>> No.27321551


>> No.27321583

Getting hosed in gas is the only way. It’s dumping hard right now, so if you want in, this is the time. It’s up to you to decide if you have enough faith in Shib that it will spike up again and make your gas back

>> No.27321712

i bought $200 at ATH i basically consider that money burnt but am hopeful the listing will do one more pump so i can get out breaking even. Valuable lesson about taking a minute to pause and not buy at the top lmao

>> No.27321889

yES. They fill up their bags and dump on you once you buy. Stop paying them money.

If you want to a coin that will pay you bank in the long term, buy MUSE.

MUSE is based on a DEX and pays out all its fees to MUSE holders

If you have 700 MUSE you will get .1% of all fees.

They made $1,000 yesterday. You would have made a dollar.

If they make 1M a day, you would make $1,000. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

They already have customers and they just launched.

Or you could just buy another rugpull like a gambler. Up to you.

>> No.27322179

So idk how gas works. Does it go up with the amount traded like double the amount is double the gas? If i trade to shib and it rockets can i go to another shitcoin without gas or am i gonna get fucked on the way out as well?

>> No.27322629

gas prices depend on the activity of the network, the more trading going on the higher the gas, so it usually peaks at certain times

>> No.27323690
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Get in early boys.

>> No.27324053

But i mean is there incentive to do fewer big trades over small? Im sure cunts dumping 1000$ arent paying $300 gas

>> No.27324291


>> No.27324383

>someone restarted the hype 3 days ago
>just as all the doge hype was going on
>pure coincidence

>> No.27324411

pajeets aren't very bright compared to (((them))), so, yeah, you should

>> No.27324528

Vitalik himself confirmed it, unless you don't trust the man himself, then there is no proof.

>> No.27324544
File: 21 KB, 603x494, 1599893821378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does gas used mean? I am new to shitcoins trading and saw pic related on ETH gas station.

>> No.27324773

Aight pajeets I'll buy your shitcoin cuz Im in a good mood. Can I swap back to eth on metamask?

>> No.27324930

It means ETH is dying and ETH 2 wont be here soon enough to save it from gas.

>> No.27326266

Actually, it’s a copy of a copy of a dog meme shitcoin.
That’s *peak* clown world.