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27313342 No.27313342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I consider myself to be slightly left of socdems (somewhere between socdems and demsocs). This sort of stuff should disgust me (and in many ways it does) but I find it quite fun to navigate this hellscape world of stonks and it might be the only way I can build some savings for retirement/a rainy day.

Should I feel bad for aspiring to be a middle class stock broking wanker?

>> No.27313415

Marx traded stocks to "relieve the enemy of some of their capital"

>> No.27313434

I take ritalin.
It helped me focus and turn $5k into $950k in under a year.

>> No.27313561

Good for you man thats a big achievement.

>> No.27313567

Vyvanse is the shit

>> No.27313588

you should feel bad for guzzling kike semen

>> No.27313725

what the fuck is socdem
just buy stocks and make money
you aren't hurting anyone else, the world would be no better if you did not buy stocks, so who the fuck cares

>> No.27313880

I am not a big dude weed bro
But fuck sake, at this point surely being a stoner is preferable?

>> No.27313929

Jesus Christ how many fucking labels do you need to create an identity for yourself. Get a real moral code and realise that money isn't the root of all evil. It's a means to an end so you might as well try and get as much of it as possible to achieve your goals. Wealth isn't a zero sum game, if it were we'd still all be living in caves.

>> No.27314003

Vyvanse is easily the best drug available, full stop. Better than cocaine, lasts longer than adderall, cleaner than meth.

I was on vyvanse for 3 years straight from 2016-2019. Absolutely awesome. I published research in mathematics and computer science, and traded my way from $2k to $2m before losing it all in the 2017 crash.

I moved to a shithole country where I can't get vyvanse and now I'm stuck here due to the Kung Flu. I have being sober. I'm on Concerta but it's nowhere near as good, and gives me bullshit anxiety and side-effects.

>> No.27314053

I stopped taking my dexies a while ago, I just drink coffee now

>> No.27314054

I take concerta because I literally cannot function without them.

Without ritalin my efficiency is like 2/10 and taking them turns me up to a 6 or 8-9 on a good day, I am not proud of it but it works.

>> No.27314062
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kill yourself

>> No.27314141

Nobody asked for your blog post diatribe faggot

>> No.27314510

Fuck off faggot OP nobody cares

>> No.27314748

Yes, you don't know what's best for you and can't make decisions for yourself. It's best to leave these decisions to the state.

>> No.27315141


ADHD fag here

how do I channel my stimulant prescription into massive financial gains?

I'm easily autistic enough I just need guidance

>> No.27315247

Social democrat

>> No.27315431

I started on Ritalin as a kid, worked pretty well but kept going on and off it. Got to uni and started taking it again but it didn't work so well so I swapped to dexamphetamine which kinda works the same except it makes me super angery so I just drink coffee instead

ADHD sucks (real ADHD that is)

>> No.27315591

you can't use stimulants indefinitely, you build up a tolerance to them
ADHD is fake, people who can focus their minds on boring shit are the weirdos

>> No.27315683

If you actually have ADHD coffee won't do shit for you.

>> No.27315854

Socdem this nust lmao

>> No.27315936

Everyday I miss being on addreall. That shit was kino.

>> No.27316002

i take modafinil because it feels 'clean' and doesnt fuck with your tolerance or cause withdrawals

>> No.27316103

Strange larp but ok

>> No.27316944

Nah ADHD is real lad

I try to embrace it, so I've ditched meds for now and either drink coffee or energy drinks if I'm feeling particularly suicidal

>> No.27317010


good one fag

>> No.27317100

interesting. sauce/more info on this?

>> No.27317424

At least try googling first you fucking retard

>> No.27318707

Don't think I could get it for ADHD in Australia, which is a shame.

I should probs find a new way of medicating my ADHD without turning into a zombie (Ritalin) or becoming a raging angry meth head (dexies)

>> No.27319477

If it's good enough for Marx, it's good enough for me

>> No.27320406

Well stocks have no use value so trading them around doesn't contribute anything to society. But do whatever you want with your life, if you wanna justify it as playing a retarded system for your own personal gain that's not anyone else's problem

>> No.27320510

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway

>> No.27322447

hahahahaha faggot

>> No.27322501

It means it gets his politics from youtube whore commentators

>> No.27322669

A few stocks pump and everyone is suddenly a stock trader.

>> No.27322693

Bro those are prescription logos. get a grip

>> No.27322870

yea marx was a fat neet trading out of his basement masturbating over 10% gainz and larping as a communist

>> No.27323129

Just give me one for xanax and I'm happening... fucking kikes.

>> No.27323307

Making money off stocks is fine... want to wageslave for hedgies and investment banks is one of the most cringe careers ever and any “middle class” person who aspires to that deserved the rope first.

>> No.27323535

isnt it just adderall (active ingredient is the same) that is "abuse proof", you cant crush it or snort it.

>> No.27323550

Stock markets did more to distribute the means of production to the working class than any leftist scum on this earth

>> No.27323668

Look up amphetamine mandatory minimums for federal guidelines and then reconsider.

Also, the going rate i believe is around 10 a pill, assuming you can get a split perscription. Thats 60 pills.

So you would make $600 month less copay and be risking your entire life.

About the dumbest ass shit you could do.

You would be better off offering handjob services at the old folks homes

>> No.27323855

>person who aspires to that deserved the rope first.
I am this and agree. I said this to my nefue in front of his other aunt (also a stock wagie) and she was horrified.

I told him "my day to day sucks, it's miserable, unfulfilling and completely pointless. Go study geology, engineering, and work for the federal government outside on science and public works projects."

>> No.27323950

>Should I feel bad for aspiring to be a middle class stock broking wanker?
Can I be a lefty and still be a cunt and feel good about myself? Sure why not? The class perk of being a lefty is the ability to be a hypocrite and never suffer any meaningful damage from it.

>> No.27325100

Wish I knew where to get that mug desu, it's cool

>> No.27325459

Would working in IT be less soul crushing? Currently studying it and want to become an app dev. It's alright but it's definitely not my passion.

>> No.27325614

Asking 4chan how you should feel about something

That's a new one

>> No.27327632

feels good man

>> No.27329364

>Should I feel bad for aspiring to be a middle class stock broking wanker?
yes, you are ideologically opposed to it so extremely hypocritical to do it. stay out

>> No.27329625

I've asked myself the same question, and come to the following conclusion:

You won't get out of the fangs of capitalism unless you go full hermit or make enough money to move freely within the system. I don't want to live in the woods, I hate wageslaving, so stocks it is.

You don't have to go full AnCap when you trade stocks. Don't trade shit like wheat and cause famines, for example. Don't be a greedy bastard. Earn whatever it takes for you to focus your energy on the betterment of society, rather than wageslaving away and larping on social media as someone who can make any change at all.