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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2731102 No.2731102 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder for new friends

Prices drop on the weekends. It literally happened last weekend.
People are scared now due to august 1st, so they are pulling out some money.

Stop trying to day trade.
Buy up some coins tomorrow and sunday, and wait it out.
Crypto isn't going to die. There's too much infrastructure and interest.

Hodl your shit and wait a month or two.
You'll be rewarded.

>> No.2731116

thanks for the reminder anon. I forget only neets spend weekends trading

>> No.2731127

Thank you for the words of comfort kind anon
I was working super hard the last week and not checking my account every 5 minutes like I usually do then I open up today see a sea of red and wondered wtf?!?!

>> No.2731133

Don't listen to this faggot. Sell and sell now.

>> No.2731155

Truth be told, I panic sold before and lost a decent amount of money.
The reality was, if I just held for literally 1 day, I would have turned a 1K profit.
The same story repeated itself a few times, sell at a loss thinking I 'got out' and would 'get back in' only to not know when to get back in and watch it rocket past my previous buy in.

Is it awesome if you manage to do it? Yeah, but there's gotta be a loser for every winner, and those winners are usually larger whales.

Just hold and wait it out a bit. We'll all be okay.
Also never put in more money than you're okay with losing. If you want an investment, open a Vanguard account.

>> No.2731168

I've been through these moments before where everything is going down and I've learned to hold on
BUt you always ask yourself if this time it's different and everyone knows something you don't or if the whales have finally decided to pull the plug
I dont know why people are selling off alts so much - is it the Aug 1st fork? the shit performance of the Eth network during the ICOs?
I just figure now is a bad time to sell since it'll likely go up again

>> No.2731190

I pretty new to this but I'm starting to get stronger hands. Vowed to hold today no matter what, and sticking to it. It's hard watching money evaporate, but I think that paradoxically, the only way to actually make money is to stop caring about money.

>> No.2731196


>> No.2731211
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You don't lose a fucking thing until you sell at a loss

>> No.2731222

You do though, it's called opportunity loss.

>> No.2731239

The markets been dropping for weeks now. You should have sold a long time ago. You guys realize the bubble popped right?

>> No.2731244
File: 99 KB, 1425x917, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been the weekend sine june 12th

>> No.2731254

even after bubbles pop, they can reinflate again. Now that you've made the official pronouncement, I'll be looking to sell next green day