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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2730127 No.2730127 [Reply] [Original]

So, how do you become successful working for yourself, making at least 50k a year? I know shill coins are a meme, and day trading is a meme as well.

What are some things you guys have found that works?

>> No.2730292

Pls respond

>> No.2730309

Buy rental property that you can pay off quick. Nobodies rent went down during the crash.

>> No.2730349

If you're not autistic do sales, I make 5K a week selling solar panels. A month ago I started dumping half my cash into crypto

>> No.2730471

Is there any decent way to generate passive income, like bank interest but more frequent? The closest thing I've seen so far are index funds, but from what I've gathered those don't pay directly so much as give you more funds specifically to invest.

I'm trying to figure out how people who have a lot of money can use their wealth without having it subjected to taxes, since from what I understand about taxes if you have a million dollars in your account you can expect to lose a HUGE chunk of it every tax season.

>> No.2730488

>sound advice

Wtf are you doing on this board? These retard kids think real estate is some shitcoin that hasn't made it to exchanges yet.

>> No.2730510

>$50k a year

Pick one

>> No.2730515

What do you think I'm even buying shitcoins for? If I can make enough money on crypto to buy a cheap rental property I can set myself up for life. Use the income from the first (which is payed off) to buy a second and so on

>> No.2730523

This. I work maybe 2 hours a day as a door to door salesman signing people up for roofing estimates. Each person I signup is $275 in my pocket, and you can easily sign 1-3 people up every 2-4 hours

>> No.2730534

Country? I'm in Aus

>> No.2730551

US, there are lots of sales opportunities in cities here.

>> No.2730564

I can't believe no one here ever talks about developing blockchain applications, there are literally millions of things to do that will be worth a lot of money in the future, the whole economy and government will transition to the blockchain and all idiots do here is shill some shitcoins to make a few quick bucks...

>> No.2730569
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Start a business or some shit idk nigga

As for investing just put your money in an index fund. VOO/QQQ/SPY are all great choices and you can just shit money into them and basically guarantee a return cause the market always goes up over time

>b-b-but my 1000% shillcoin gain
Kys faggo youre better off gambling at a casino than putting money into the crypto meme

>> No.2730626

I am a pretty good salesman. Do you go door to door?
I'm not a greedy kike like you. If I can afford a nice apartment and luxuries that's enough for me.

>> No.2730642

t. Blockchain merchant

>> No.2730649

>As for investing just put your money in an index fund. VOO/QQQ/SPY are all great choices and you can just shit money into them and basically guarantee a return cause the market always goes up over time
That money can't come back to you directly, right? I mean, any returns you get have to be used in the market and you get severe depreciation if you cash out, yeah?

>> No.2730655
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>> No.2730734


>> No.2730827

Dude, no way you go door to door. Every home in Australia is 2 kangaroo clicks away. It would take you forever to get house to house.

>> No.2730924

Did you go to school at all?

>> No.2731179

Self bump because I don't want to be a wagie anymore

>> No.2731390

This mentality is why you will never succeed.

Dont limit your succes you fucking retard

>> No.2732355

It's not limiting your success, it's that if I can live in a nice place and afford and do the things I want to do, I consider myself successful. It's not a fucking dollar amount to me.

Of course I want to make a lot of money, but I won't discount the success I have just because I'm not making 3 figures

>> No.2733668


>> No.2733673

>I'm not a greedy kike like you.
Where I live, it costs 2000$ a month to rent a 1 bedroom apartment.
You are poor

>> No.2733681

No, it's just I don't need to be making more than 50k a year to live in the place I want to live (around 2k a month) and still afford everything I want.

>> No.2733690

Affiliate marketing. I make 70k-100k a month.

Its taken me a couple of years to get to this point but the money is there. Marketing online casinos through Facebook is making me a killing right now.

>inb4 pyramid scheme
You're a fucking imbecile if you think that.

>> No.2733708

In the US only income is taxed, the hyper wealthy can afford to pay accountants and lawyers to dodge taxes also if you have millions 1% of a million dollars is 10k and bonds pay more than that and are tax free.

>> No.2733712

Buy a cleaning machine/van and clean carpets, do businesses and homes, condos, apartments.

>> No.2733724

Care to elaborate on what your current process is?

>> No.2733739

>Set up Facebook business manager, tell Facebook I'm an agency, get tons of accounts attached to business manager.

>Get tons of credit cards from local banks and attach them to business manager

>Use Voluum to track stats

>Run video ads direct to offer or image ads to a landing page with a story about how casinos can make you rich

>Get paid $17-$20 a lead depending on quality

Bear in mind that the relationship with this casino has taken time to build but there are many ways to make money in the affiliate space.

>> No.2733750

>>Set up Facebook business manager, tell Facebook I'm an agency, get tons of accounts attached to business manager.

So basically you make a lot of fake accounts?

>>Get tons of credit cards from local banks and attach them to business manager

So you put a bunch of credit cards in your name? What does this accomplish?

>>Run video ads direct to offer or image ads to a landing page with a story about how casinos can make you rich

Do you have a website that's basically your "success" story?

>> No.2733766
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>So basically you make a lot of fake accounts?
Yes. They get banned regularly because marketing casino is against Facebook's terms of use.

>So you put a bunch of credit cards in your name? What does this accomplish?
I get employee cards in the name of my business. Cards get banned by Facebook so need payment methods on hand.

>Do you have a website that's basically your "success" story?
Earnings for this month so far in image. This is a below-average month as I've been getting into Crypto.

>> No.2733789

So basically you're making fake accounts to go to these sites, which in turn the company pays you because you directed a "client" to them?

>> No.2733793

You're making fake accounts to buy traffic using Facebook Ads.

The company pays for Leads yes. They work out the lifetime value of a paying player and pay us a one-time fee for sending that player to them.

>> No.2733810

Lmao where do you live that all these people are spending money on roofing?

Or do you just have a good eye? Used to be exterior painter and would do dope to door marketing on certain days. never was able to sign anyone up lol

>> No.2733814


You're just making accounts so each account can pay for ads, meaning that more ads will appear because of different profiles, in which more people see and click.

That's pretty fucking smart.

I know a decent amount about sales writings, but this seems like a smart idea. Is it just getting the right connections? I'm willing to be patient, but it doesn't seem like I could just message the company and say pay me assholes

>> No.2733822

I'd recommend you get your feet wet with an affiliate network like ClickDealer or Convert2Media.

Even before that I'd read up a lot on StackThatMoney forum. Lots of good basic info there and you can find a niche that suits your need.

I have employees doing a lot of the work for me as Facebook is really high maintenance.

I've just given you a hyper-simplified version of things. A lot more goes into it. But nothing you can't learn with hard work and smart strategy.

>> No.2733836

Why would you expose your dank business? Also that's such a hack of a "job" kek

>> No.2733837

Thanks for the advice man. I'll look into it. It seems like a pretty good investment and idea.

It's not really about the money for me, I'm not expecting to become a gorillionare overnight, I just don't want to work for Mr Goldstein and slave away 40 hours a week as a wageslave.

Any other pieces of information that can help get me started?

>> No.2733853

Isn't that fraudulent to send fake accounts to an ad? Doesn't the casino notice? I guess if you pay taxes you are contributing to society some how lool.

>> No.2733867

He makes the accounts so he can blast ads out of them. LURK MORE FAGGOT

>> No.2733874

Because there's more than enough traffic on Facebook for everyone and I'm massively against wage-cuckery and very for information sharing.

I'd recommend do lots of research and start buying traffic ASAP. Fastest way to learn. You don't need to do blackhat shit like me either. Follow Facebook Ad Buyers group on Facebook. You'll get tons of info from that alone.

The casino doesn't give a shit. All they care about is that the player is real and makes them money. We aren't doing anything illegal. We're a registered company and pay taxes like everyone else. The only rules we're breaking are Facebook's.

>> No.2733878

Professional poker.

>> No.2733888

Start buying traffic asap? What do you mean?

So Facebook ad buyers, stackthatmoney, any other resources?

>> No.2733896

When you say FB is high maintenance, is that for your business model specifically or just in general? I've been researching FB ads lately as I want to generate more sales on my website.

>> No.2733908

For my business model specifically. If you're running ecommerce or whitehat lead generation its really simple, clean and easy. But like with all things, running legit takes more work and time and yields less returns.

Start running some ads on Facebook and getting a feel for what works and what doesn't. But to do that you're gonna need to learn how to track your stats, set up with affiliate networks etc. To be honest STM and the group I mentioned are great for a start. You'll stumble over other resources as you go.

>> No.2733919

Thanks dude, I appreciate the insight. I'll look into it, and if it feels right, I'll pursue it.

I'm still pretty young (19) so I've got time to decide, but I also would like to start making decent money without wagecucking asap, ya know?

>> No.2733934
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wait, so you're not cloaking?

>> No.2733935

Thank you!

You're lucky that you're young, I'm 24 and last year was when I finally woke up and decided being a wagie is not how I want to live. Do ALOT of research, you'll make it

>> No.2733942

Oh nvm, I reread your post.

What sort of clean ads do you run for casino offers? That always made me wonder.

>> No.2733949

You guys talk about "research", but I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

In the sense that anything can be considered "research". Do you mean studying and learning about affiliate marketing like the guy was saying?

>> No.2733967

>the whole economy and government will transition to the blockchain and all idiots do here is shill some shitcoins to make a few quick bucks...

Interesting you mention this.
There's a pretty simple modification you can make to a blockchain to make it more agreeable to governments, reissuing.

Like reprinting money, every few thousand blocks (or years) you start a new blockchain with the first block having information on where all of the coins from the last chain are. (hanging transactions are all bundled into a terminal block on the previous chain)

This block is special. because there's no way to deal with a fork on the first block, something else must be used, the keys for the fee addresses from the preceding blockchain.
Essentially, whoever mined in the last chain will vote on which chain is valid.
I'd do this shit myself, but I'm terrible at PR, and the effort needed for this would be better spent making a meme coin and conning people out of money.

>> No.2733979

Yeah, I mean research specific to your niche. So in your case affiliate marketing, just read as much info as you can, watch videos etc. until you feel confident giving it a try. Don't get stuck on reading though, theory is worth dick without actual practice so try and fail and try and fail until you succeed but don't give up

>> No.2733984

Yes and research into this specific arena is taxing as fuck. It often means having to trudge through forums filled with pajeet retards trying to make a quick buck and others trying to sell their "system" to them, disguised as methods and helpful advice. But after diving in, you can start to piece things together. /biz/ has actually had some incredibly helpful media buyers drop in and lay everything out, they are truly good souls. I suggest you start searching /biz/ archives for certain keywords after getting a clearer vision.

>> No.2735011

How much do you need to do this?

>> No.2735259

>StackThatMoney forum
>$99 start up

red pill me on this, why would anyone want this, why would people even contribute ANYTHING on a forum like that, besides people trying to shill other aspiring "business owners" on their totally legit idea

>> No.2735607

>make 150k/year
>mediocre medical device rep
>8.6481/10 Asian wife who makes bank as a nurse at a union shop ($80/hour... hahahaha)
>2100 sq foot house with great schools
>multiple vacations a year

>MFW I barely graduated college and was a functioning alcoholic for 8 years & she stuck with me. Two cute as fuck kids now, $400k in assets and accumulating.

>> No.2735648
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>Earn easy +300 extra by giving people "lessons" on how to become successful
>Literally spoonfeeding them BS to motivate them
>Everyweek take 1 hour to give a couple of people lessons on skype , easiest 80/hr of my life.
>Invest their money in cryptomeme's and lose it all

>> No.2735885

Online casinos are illegal, at least in the US.

>> No.2735902

Selling shit on ebay making 10 grand a month. Average Garage sale item can be flipped for 400% on ebay. Easy money. Start with $200 and just keep flipping it until 1/2 your profits can feed you and pay the bills while the other half is reinvested.