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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2730010 No.2730010 [Reply] [Original]

>sitting in a train station in city of London, drinking coffee at 11 pm
>seeing all the attractive people enjoying their lives
>can't even be bothered walking around outside to get the cathartic feeling of seeing Chads and Staceys at bars on a hot Friday night, definitively crushing my daytime delusions that arise due to seeing so many qts who are dressed as Chad bait at night and all have one night stands and 5000 tinder matches
>tfw aged 26, no social life for almost ten years, no female attention ever, only ever done stuff with escorts
>demoralised as fuck, blackpilled as fuck, nihilistic as fuck, see snake oil salesmen, stupid people, and charlatans as far as the eye can see, in all fields
>have no hobbies that have not morphed in to their own sort of work and drudgery (reading books - "Read these classic books", lift weights - am mentally held hostage and have to be tortured by seeing half naked Staceys exercising for Chad, learn programming- "Learn this way or you're dumb!")
>at this point I even procrastinate my hobbies - sitting and drinking coffee and riding the tube while reading on my phone is more enjoyable

What horrific drudgery. What a huge irony that I am the most relaxed at my government job, even though I became the ugly loner beta autist within two days.

And this is me standing at the edge of the Darwinian social game. If I ever talked to anyone or tried to join in, I would be humiliated due to my non chad looks and lack of social capital.

At this point, fuck society, it sees me as a disposable beta male to suck the life out of. I guess seeing people whine about student loans in the news is a great pleasure.

>> No.2730020

Isnt this /biz?

>> No.2730037

>Elliots Rodgers here

>> No.2730049

you have clinical depression

get help

that's not me being an asshole, i mean this seriously

>> No.2730054


ok kill yourself then and do it quick before you stop feeling depressed

>> No.2730059

buy eth

>> No.2730069

i feel you bro

i have my ups and downs, but my negative outlook on pretty much everything and everyone is something i can never completely put away

>> No.2730084

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.2730086


Are you me

>>life isn't fun, interesting or entertaining anymore; it's just another day to grow some numbers on a computer screen and maybe take revenge on people that wronged you/ thought you'd never make it

I know that feel about hobbies being drudgery and society seeing you as nothing more than a drone. I was unironically happy when the Manchester attack happened; literally only normies got killed.

>> No.2730106
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Literally imagine your life as a 5/10 girl. Female genocide when

>> No.2730153
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Literally me down to London and the gov job and the forced reading and lifting

Also I'm not the ugly autist but I am the weird loner. And I have potential social capital but it never seems to go anywhere.

>> No.2730157

Get a sex doll from Japan
Get a VR headset

There you go, you no longer need women

>> No.2730206

OP you change or image I like the guy looses all hope looses a bit more.

Why are you such a socially akward cunt even here an never respond to my messages?

Stop drinking coffee 11 pm fucks up your sleep cycle.

>> No.2730234

It amazes me how you can't see why things are this way for you.
More importantly this isn't /r9k/ and no one wants to hear your sob story.

>> No.2730249

>tfw you realize you're just a cynical asshole and no better or worse than anyone else.
>tfw you see things through a depressed and self righteous lens.
>tfw you stop being such a hypocrite and hating everything so much if life doesn't matter anyway. The emo movement is over sir.

>> No.2730250

what is your gov job? Are you Theresa May?

>> No.2730352


>t. normie faggot with Stacy gf, drives a stock BMW and goes to bars for fun

>> No.2730412

Is nobody going to comment on this post?

>> No.2730456


I feel like this most days, but some days things are different, I look good, chicks dig me, I'm confident as fuck, I suddenly stop being a beta loser, but as it comes it goes away and I'm this sad ugly robot again...

If I only understood why does it happen

>> No.2730477

t. somebody who just plain got the fuck over themselves


Also, sage. Take that shit to >>>/r9k/

>> No.2730490


I always saw Britain as a kind of demented. Like a gerbil cage for humans.

>tfw you see things through a depressed and self righteous lens.

Maybe he does but Britain is objectively shit

>> No.2730503


>haha yeah bro just yolo in the swag lol


Western society has been shit for at least 60 years

>> No.2730504

What does that even mean

Speak English

It's not as overpopulated and tight here as you imagine it to be

>> No.2730565


It means stop being such an introspective dip shit all the time. It's fine to take it all in from time to time, but like everything else, moderation is key

Again, >>>/r9k/

>> No.2730739


>just don't think bro


>> No.2730797

You're wrong OP. You can be the best of chads, you know how to become a chad, they will never have what you have because you can't just train your brains. You think you can't do it, but that is where you are wrong. You can become a god, but it takes times. Just like you can't grow muscles in a day, you gotta work on yourself every day. It might take a year or multiple years, but you'll become the best version you can be. Women will love you, they already crave the idea of you becoming the real you. You are unstoppable, you are a god, you are better than all chads, you are the anti-chad, the chaddest of all. But it takes time, but you will get there.

>> No.2730808

wrong board sperg


>> No.2730823

Starting tomorrow, you will work on yourself, you will realise that you are already better than the 99% because you know your weaknesses and work on improving them. From that day on you will never quit, you will never give up, you will keep going. You realised that everything else besides improving is wasting your time. You will be unable to stop improving yourself, you will become the god you are meant to be.

>> No.2730830



>> No.2730833

Buy the dip

>> No.2730905

Listen op, it sucks, it does but remember that one day if you keep working and upgrading yourself wherever you can, you will meet a woman who will restore your belief in the human experience and suddenly all those Stacey whores can eat a hot bowl of dicks as far as you're concerned because you'll have something you'd never trade for those vacuous empty succubi

>> No.2730915

Dont worry just remember youre a normalfag to those who never leave the house and watch anime all day

>> No.2731007

>tfw you once had hopes and dreams but then you tore your bicep and now can never be the same

I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Come the fuck on, I was getting swole and now I'm fucked up permanently.


>> No.2731113
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>I literally can't take advice

>> No.2731247

i bought 100k

>> No.2731277
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You're in your own head to much OP,

you'll never have that life because you mentally stay within the life your living.

Stop crying about what you don't have, and start working for what you want.

I went From need to president of a club in 5 years, you can too.

>> No.2731614

>I would be humiliated due to my non chad looks and lack of social capital
Everyone who claims this sort of thing says that they know for sure it's true, although their reasons for why it happen vary. The last post I was reading listed the reason he wasn't getting laid/making friends as other people "having possessions I don't have". What these stories have in common is that the lacking element is always either something ephemeral (being "cool"), or something practically unobtainable (6' tall, a billion dollars). This is convenient, if nothing else.
Sounds like a serious lack of confidence, which seems to be endemic to this board.

>> No.2731630

Dude, just be yourself!

>> No.2731659

you wrote a short story about why you are sad the only people who can be bothered with shit like that are people who enjoy being sad and feed on things like loneliness and "Missed opportunities" complaining to a board full of autists and expecting sympathy is like trying to put a fire out with petrol. Grow up you nerd

>> No.2731986

cool story now back to >>>/r9k/