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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27297530
File: 313 KB, 2535x1501, 1596874708554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned from buying GME? Buy GAMR or XRT instead. They're ETFs that both derive about 27% of their value from GME right now. They move similarly to GME and buying options in GAMR or XRT will give you a similar effect to the direction and percentage moves of GME. If you just buy shares of either of the ETFs, you will move in the same direction of GME just at a lower percentage so it may be even safer if you think GME is too risky.
Pic related shows the three charts stacked to highlight the similarity.

>> No.27297566


>> No.27297582
File: 137 KB, 1080x1062, 1612141517976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thanked your local kosher hedgie yet /smg/?

>> No.27297609

AG is the highly shorted stock and potentially the next GME. Ignore both SLV and PSLV. AG is the only play.

>> No.27297616
File: 390 KB, 600x616, 1611899105695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread lines soon

>> No.27297627

Stop spamming this you faggot

>> No.27297660

Fuck off

Buy MOMO if you want chad money

>> No.27297670

Whats the plan for GME and AMC? Is it too late to buy in? Put spreads or call spreads? Whats the plan?

>> No.27297680

Lmao what could possibly be the logic here? They're doing the needful by putting a company out of business?

>> No.27297687

What's for dinner /smg/?

>> No.27297706

I‘m sitting on 4k shares already. Average is around .25. Why do you bring it up?

>> No.27297708


>> No.27297709

I just shidded and farded does this mean GME is going to 5k?

>> No.27297720
File: 75 KB, 800x1200, EMHX9xiU4AEmPG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy BB tomorrow?

>> No.27297728


This shit falls flat on it’s face, because most “Biden voters” hate big corporations and capitalism in general

>> No.27297737
File: 300 KB, 1304x816, markets-are-green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will be green by open
markets are moving up
look at the big picture
look at the 10 yr yield

>> No.27297753
File: 1.70 MB, 320x294, 52352342342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All newfaggots please post your losses tomorrow/this upcoming week so I can laugh at you. Thanks.

>> No.27297782

salmon and rice

>> No.27297784
File: 2.32 MB, 1223x1362, 1602788266819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit paper handed emotional traders will capitulate when it goes below $100, dropping the price to pre-squeeze levels
>I buy
>shorts get greedy again and underestimate fair value
>Cohen tweets another emoji or speaks at Q4 earnings
>mfw we squeeze

>> No.27297795
File: 71 KB, 480x640, 1313945775001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver breaking resistance and going straight to 50 this month would be nice.

>> No.27297804
File: 187 KB, 1080x1062, 1609976760934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have a good feeling about this bros. I'm selling tomorrow morning at market open and you should too.

>> No.27297818

nok friend

>> No.27297823



>> No.27297830

might pick up some NOK around $4

>> No.27297867
File: 116 KB, 622x521, puffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puffy gains for PMs and memes

>> No.27297920

i have seen these posts before

>> No.27297945

Because I want more people to join me in financial independence after it moons to several dollars or more. I want other anons to be happy.

>> No.27297952

Retarded. This is like trying to find the good guy in a sport betting bar.

>> No.27297981
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*to getting the old /SMG/ back by early march*


>> No.27297994
File: 47 KB, 604x603, 1584043394329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures are red

>> No.27298012

I really need to stop reading the news on Sunday

>> No.27298015
File: 12 KB, 426x314, 1607533984942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if reddit shuts down WSB a bunch of redditors will come here with their dumb ideas and retarded lingo, i don't want normies to ruin the last comfy general on 4chan, im scared bros i had so many good times here

>> No.27298043

imagine saying this without seeing the pre-market

>> No.27298045

Is that a real fucking article or are you memeing

>> No.27298079

Infinite QE.
Infinite stimulus from a democrat congress.
Infinite liquid from millenials.
Millions of 401ks that just blindly pump the market.
Sorry bears, this market will never crash. Its pretty clear that everyone is ok with massive inflation, so long as the Ponzi meme line keeps going up. The best thing to do is just buy the little dip next week. Unless VIX goes to 60, or we actually hit a circuit breaker, you shouldn't be nervous at all. This fake market is never going to crash.

>> No.27298090

>went -1% to -0.3%
your bear case bro?

>> No.27298104
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, trannychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go all in AMC and NOK to really fight the 1%. We are a beacon of hope in this dark greedy capitalist market. Fight the power brother.

>> No.27298107
File: 223 KB, 640x781, F9F8D341-C5A3-4155-8FC7-888513ACFEC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got put in charge of the entire EUs 6g program
NOK fudders are just retarddits who bought at 8 and want to pretend they aren’t retarded

>> No.27298112

we're already March tier fucked, just ride it out, make /cmg/ threads when it gets too bad in here

>> No.27298118

no you retard, maybe 1% will come here and 50% will establish different subreddits or discords. nobody wants to come to 4chan.
also redditors have been coming here for years

>> No.27298121

It won't crash but the world around it is burning.

>> No.27298149
File: 887 KB, 1440x2890, Screenshot_20210201-021623_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will my MARA ever recover?

>> No.27298158

Why would reddit do this?

>> No.27298201
File: 1.71 MB, 1152x1016, comeonnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while visiting my parents and having dinner a commercial comes on with a black and white couple
>My extremely liberal father asks why they are always showing commercials with a white woman and a black man
Even the normies are waking up boys. Also buy RYCEY

>> No.27298210
File: 31 KB, 502x560, 1608333885676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27298235

Preemptively make a WSB general and go undercover as shrimp market for a few weeks? Or maybe be IRA general to seem boomer?

>> No.27298244
File: 46 KB, 520x480, 1610460595406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where haave you been the past 2 weeks?

>> No.27298248

sell $1k worth of TQQQ AM for AMC?

>> No.27298266

I honestly hope some of them go to jail for fraud

>> No.27298268

>the last comfy general on 4chan
this is not /brit/

>> No.27298274

Leddit's top growing subs today:
we're fast approaching the top right? i mean it's setting up so perfectly

>> No.27298276

Looks like it’s time to sell

>> No.27298284


>> No.27298287

Hey dipshit hedgefund intern why don't you tell your boss to short another 20% on my pharma stocks? I want to see you bleed this week.

>> No.27298285

1% of 7 million is 70 thousand, 70 thousand to fucking many

>> No.27298292
File: 420 KB, 2000x2833, eb4df739bfe1edaaf865228922f56a6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple, conservative portfolio of MAXR, SRAC, KTOS, and TSM

>> No.27298328

I bought a shit ton of NOK LEAPS intending to hold for 2 years, but then it pumped to fucking $10, so I just sold them for a $50k profit

>> No.27298343
File: 350 KB, 1063x683, 5486138797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time /smg/. Post your /comfy/ setup
>2 monitors 1 /biz/ 1 yahoo finance
>wedges and salatbox
>half a dozen beer

>> No.27298350

this is nothing new. US commercials overwhelmingly overrepresent black men as well as mixed couples
if you look at the numbers, asians/hispanics are severely underrepresented while blacks are like 4x representation in advertisements

>> No.27298378
File: 69 KB, 180x196, pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UVXY calls $24 2/19
>SQQQ calls $40 3/19

>> No.27298390

It's the exact opposite of that

>> No.27298425

We've dipped for three days. We have maybe Monday at best.

>> No.27298442

>muh secret club
it's never been secret. you just have to enforce the unspoken rules and then newfrens will absorb them

>> No.27298466
File: 84 KB, 560x448, 1585165800739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


high premarket to skyscraper sized red candles at 9:30

>> No.27298472
File: 124 KB, 667x1000, 2d274907839391-gumbo-laya-thecozyapron-inline-streams_desktop_large_38406cd6a13e68d16b953cb4bd2f97fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gumbo. It'll be good eatin tomorrow too while I watch everything crash and burn.

>> No.27298502

sounds like youre a poofter who gets irked by people posting porn
thin skinned excuse of a man

>> No.27298561

/brit/ seems like it would have too many Muslims to be comfy. Here we just have 1 pajeet and a couple of trannies

>> No.27298563

Can somebody explain 300% margin requirements? Just so I know I'm reading this right, that means you need 300% margin equity to buy the stock, correct? How is it even possible to require more than 100%? Also, why does AMC say it's both A) not marginable and B) 300% margin requirement?

>> No.27298565

If you had to turn 4k into 12k in one week what would you do starting tomorrow. I have to do I guys give me your best ideas! Please

>> No.27298583
File: 583 KB, 2954x4096, 1611603523988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever noticed that as soon as /smg/ gets cocky with UVXY and SQQQ calls the market bottoms and then shoots up 10%?

>> No.27298594


>> No.27298595
File: 104 KB, 933x972, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*huff puff*
YOU *cough* PUSH IT

>> No.27298598

It's time to bust out /AMG/
Ameritrade Market General

>> No.27298603

I can only be comfy when I have 1m+ and I don't have to wage

>> No.27298615

I like your optimism bobo, but I just don't see it happening.

>> No.27298631

>seems like
dont talk about things you dont know about

>> No.27298650
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, comfy_89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yahoo + degiro on 1 monitor
> /smg/ on 2nd
> adult diaper
> parboiled veggies and boiled eggs on plate
> lots of pepsi max
> laptop from company I "work" for remotely

>> No.27298651

first, learn how to type.

>> No.27298667


Dude I’m from south Louisiana and that looks exactly like my mom’s gumbo

>> No.27298669
File: 218 KB, 321x376, 1600218521571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kneepads you fucking retard go back back to instagram

>> No.27298676

Not nearly enough monitors. One for charts, one for background videos, a document monitor that can also be more charts or other live feeds, and a primary task monitor for browsing and whatnot.
And that's a minimum.

>> No.27298681
File: 48 KB, 720x390, 20210131_172203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27298683

if you don't have the money in your account as cash, you need 3x the price in order to buy. this is to discourage people from buying way outside their means and then just abandoning when they can't repay their losses.

>> No.27298685

Simply not a fan of drunk ravings and schizophrenic outbursts

>> No.27298705

if my otm spy calls that expire tomorrow are green, then there might actually be a god

if not, i will be financially ruined


>> No.27298713

TQQQ is falling hard. I would get rid of it no matter what.

>> No.27298718

Jahy I will break your magic gems

>> No.27298719

/cmg/ has been serving the purpose of incognito thread for the last two weeks

>> No.27298723

Buy an assault rifle and rob a bank.

>> No.27298728
File: 719 KB, 1779x1230, 1601931168270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what should my GME sell limit order be? not risk-averse but I FOMO'd in like an idiot at $366 a share...

>> No.27298745

So if you're just using cash and not dipping into any margin borrowing, you don't have anything to worry about, right?


>> No.27298748

The amount of new investors coming into the market will make its own top since GME has given a bunch of normies the idea that the stock market is easy money.

>> No.27298759

pls crash
i want cheapies

>> No.27298770

Well it is a fake meme line. Everyone is going to feel rich on paper. Meanwhile, they will be paying $4k a month for a one bedroom studio, $20 for bug burger, and $50 for a ride to work in a self driving car that is owned by someone else.
>Yippee we are all millionaires!!

>> No.27298771


>> No.27298781

best case scenario is a flash crash that permanently scars all millenial and zoomer normies, scaring them away from the stock market forever

>> No.27298789

5000, not even memeing

>> No.27298793

I would actually buy GME tomorrow but I’m very worried about certain brokers not allowing you to cash out or withdraw your gains

>> No.27298805

I'm assuming that means if you need 3x as much equity as you borrow. If you get 1k margin you need 3k equity

>> No.27298823

Roll them over

>> No.27298833

maybe jackie four channels isn't the website for you then

>> No.27298869

I finally listened to this song the other night and it sucked

>> No.27298879

I heard Robinhood will be going out of business. Is fidelity good for no fees, fractional investing, and no account minimums? It kinda sucks because RH provided so many good resources for poor investors like myself just getting started.

>> No.27298889

Okay what's the next big stock I can buy now at like $5 and sell for $400 in 6 months.

>> No.27298897
File: 237 KB, 1284x725, 2EFFF2C4-B05A-4602-A3B7-8996F8858D97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my nuts, Robinhood

>> No.27298905
File: 59 KB, 400x600, salwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even pronouce her name anyway

>> No.27298922


>> No.27298928
File: 259 KB, 743x702, 1586204805462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whatever happens i will have an appropriate reaction image for the occasion

>> No.27298940

Thanks I will do this- will post rest later this week. How do I get ahold of you for a tip if it works?

>> No.27298951

>I heard Robinhood will be going out of business
Where did you hear this?

>> No.27298975

Is there a method without using a script to highlight a section on tradingview and allow me to add the volume of that time?

>> No.27298976

Robinhood will survive with their recent cash infusion and stock restrictions. Their IPO will tank.

>> No.27298996

RH was always an inferior trash product, you just think it's good because the interface is designed to be like a video game

>> No.27298998
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>> No.27299011

no but really I missed out on $5 GME, what's the risk free million dollar stock

>> No.27299023

One of the only good things about my investment account with Chase is that I can move funds in and out of it as quickly as I can from, say, a checking to savings account. Basically instant.
They're total garbage as a "broker" in most other respects though.

>> No.27299040



>> No.27299045
File: 79 KB, 750x500, 1597321959170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's slightly green I'm buying AAPL puts.

>> No.27299049

We're in clown world. Of course it's real.

>> No.27299057

New regulations will come after they're burnt and go screaming to Biden.

>> No.27299065

Are you guys MGTOWs?

>> No.27299066

buy the tranny's CLF bags
(then sell them to someone else)

>> No.27299076


>> No.27299083



>> No.27299112

>Is there a method
>to highlight a section on tradingview
>without using a script
not unless you want to mouse over each volume bar and add them all up by hand with a calculator

>> No.27299125
File: 7 KB, 230x219, 1610731503845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Markets Go Their Own Way, down.

>> No.27299128

Just sold all my AMD stock and YOLO'd every penny I have (about $750k+) into NVIDIA. If you haven't sold your AMD stock you're an /r/pcmasterrace browsing Reddit faggot. It's only downhill from here.

I'll be back in two years when I've tripled my money.

>> No.27299135

no we just hate kikes, simple as

>> No.27299137

Guys, what classified as a penny stock? Like if there’s a company that traditionally had $300 and above, and then dipped for $20 for a while, then eventually became 0.xx cents; then goes back up again. Does that period of it being less than a dollar consider it to be a penny stock?

>> No.27299148
File: 157 KB, 776x1024, 1611111174327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck why are you even here? Leave you faggot tranny

>> No.27299153


>> No.27299157


>> No.27299158

You type like a woman, so I suggest e-thottery

>> No.27299160
File: 397 KB, 672x694, 98652165343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you can tip me in AVAX I don't want your tip

>> No.27299165

Purchase an ad to sell you kidney

>> No.27299181
File: 101 KB, 691x1024, 04935BFE-E36C-4C29-B0A9-07F1BB3830CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll do everything on my iPhone XS with 1 browser and multiple tabs + my broker app. Godspeed.

>> No.27299189

also, you want the big brain solution? use longer duration candles

>> No.27299195

Niggers, thoughts?

>> No.27299207

Does RH allow you to move your stocks to a different place? I want to take their free shit incentive of 4 stocks and then move away from them lol

>> No.27299210

Fuck I want to sell my shit in the morning. Why am I such an idiot

>> No.27299212

Market cap.

>> No.27299223

Sorry I’m drinking tonight

>> No.27299242


>> No.27299246

AMC is high risk, I'm considering NOK since it's probably a stable return but I doubt it'll do some crazy 10x shit and make me rich.

>> No.27299276

Okay so what does that mean for SOXL?

>> No.27299280

>not TSM

>> No.27299283

Sorry, I'm not a faggot.

>> No.27299297

ACATs cost $75 newfag

>> No.27299306

I feel like you might be the type of person that would buy RYCEY

>> No.27299312

>not without a script
I had figured. Which is what I was already doing. I'm using this as a chance to see the differences between bulk trading and small fractional trading from 1 minutes up. I'm seeing that around the 30 minute window is when bulk trades start to appear.

I'm doing it to compare bulk vs fractional. And what even is smaller trades considered. You know shit that's under a few hundred at once.

>> No.27299317

Shill me some etfs that are not qqq or ark I already have those

>> No.27299324

based, this is the best time to get into INTC

>> No.27299326

SOXL my dick poorfag

>> No.27299343

Don't listen to this retard, he made a typo and meant NAK.

>> No.27299350
File: 1.21 MB, 720x960, ADA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's winners for this week.

>> No.27299374

What has a better 1 year outlook? AMD or TSM?

>> No.27299382


>> No.27299385

are webull and etrade the same thing as RH?

>> No.27299386

Chill out, reddit is ready to hold your bags

>> No.27299395

holy shit based

>> No.27299401

What do you have against AMD?

>> No.27299404

Is market cap tied to stocks? Like does it fluctuate based on that?

>> No.27299407

What happened to them? They used to make all the modern turbines and were going into micro-nukes.

>> No.27299417


>> No.27299461


SNDL x 6000
CTRM x 4500
AMC x 200

Diamond hands for each of them.
I don’t know what to expect honestly so if I panic I might end selling CTRM if the squeeze happens (they’re shorted too).
I’ve been a SNDL baggie for months, no way I’m selling them now that we’re close to merging and legalisation.

>> No.27299473

she's about to get blacked, isn't she?

>> No.27299478


No hard rule in this. IMO any company who makes more by issuing stock than sales over a year after IPO is a penny stock

>> No.27299479

i know next to nothing about pine but it looks simple enough, if you know any python it shouldn't be too bad

>> No.27299491

Happily married, about to buy a home and have kids. My wife likes the bobo memes

>> No.27299494

AMD, although since AMD relies on TSM, they're kinda tied to the hip.

>> No.27299497
File: 507 KB, 1802x796, Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 7.32.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck why are stock futures down?

>> No.27299511

Corona happened. They have advanced engines in plans / production but it will take years to come into fruition.

>> No.27299521
File: 28 KB, 450x450, Snapchat-271109537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299545


>> No.27299554


>> No.27299557

So TSLA is a penny stock?

>> No.27299564

Formerly CHKS

>> No.27299567

Which dirt rag do you write for? HuffPo? Slate?

>> No.27299572
File: 162 KB, 593x635, 27e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level will it be possible to pump & dump delusional redditors to? Or should I get out immediately?

>> No.27299591

They suffer from being GE but British.

>> No.27299599
File: 247 KB, 689x428, 1564769312528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299644

>my lil GME doin sum

>> No.27299681

No fuck you nigger, you've posted that exact same post in every single thread I've been in since yesterday morning

>> No.27299687

The most often agreed-upon criterion is mcap under 1b.
The second most often agreed-upon criterion is stock price <$1.00.
The third is simply if it trades on otc or regulated markets.

>> No.27299690

none of these look attractive

>> No.27299702

I already escaped all pnd days ago. Greed is best way to ruin your portfolio on those. Not my problem now, good luck.

>> No.27299701
File: 211 KB, 640x730, ABB9486B-63BB-47A6-B3F4-5026D766C5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking delusion is insane how do these people live with themselves holy shit

>> No.27299712

>in b4 are you doing the SNEEDful?

There are a lots of calls for 1$ and 1.5$ for February 5. I feel like our moment has come weedbros.

>> No.27299725
File: 178 KB, 1522x1164, 48792374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you holding PLTR?

>> No.27299729

Mutt's law strikes again
Stop looking at it then

>> No.27299738

i will buy and hold because I like the stock

>> No.27299743

200$ poorfag

100 into AMC and 100 into NOK or all 200 into NOK

>> No.27299763

Very true. I was thinking console sales would greatly help AMD even though there's also an indirect impact on TSM as well. I hold both but I wanted to expand position on one.

>> No.27299778

Ja (he/him)

>> No.27299787
File: 431 KB, 1284x746, EA495ACB-3E12-490E-BE9B-5D23A33C65EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27299802

This is a one-time event. The resulting GME dump is going to disillusion all the newbies. Kinda how most people left biz after 2018 crypto crash. RIP bizonacci.

>> No.27299817

>They suffer from being GE but British.

A fate worse then death.

>> No.27299831

IIRC Samsung and Applied Materials are looking to expand chip manufacturing capabilities this year, and I've heard the chip shortage itself is supposed to be mostly over by July. Taiwan Semi is a solid company, but within a year I see AMD making greater comparative growth than TSM.

>> No.27299848
File: 17 KB, 474x383, senfhjr fjre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't if you keep spamming it shit eating retard

>> No.27299880

please for the love of god look for one other stock, I recommend GRIL, look them up you might like it

>> No.27299891

really makes you think...
as a millennial I fucking hated gamestop and I think it was where a lot of us learned to despise the market

>> No.27299896
File: 251 KB, 640x756, D796A263-8A38-4A88-A541-F5B8A91A024F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nok is an actually profitable company with government contracts
AMC is a bankrupt theater chain that doesn’t even have real estate because they rent from malls
I’ll let you figure that one out for yourself

>> No.27299898

Acual list of winners:

>> No.27299900

> corporation is my friend
Truly zoomers are lost cause

>> No.27299912

lol TQQQ is 30% of my portfolio. I'm not looking tomorrow.

>> No.27299922

Why aren’t foreign stocks popular like japan for example? Every foreign stock exchange pales in comparison to USA and idk why

>> No.27299931

If you had invested 10k into GME at $4 you would have a million dollars now. Why didn’t we do this?

>> No.27299943

There's almost nothing in this fucking gay earth more cringe than being a "MGTOW". Making an identity out of "you can't fire me, I quit"

>> No.27299974

Leveraged ETFs are suicide pills.

>> No.27299985


>General Electric
>makes huge investments in oil and gas just before electric vehicles appear to be going main stream

They could have had it all if they stuck to original mission instead of being a soulless conglomerate. Important business lessons right there

>> No.27299990

For short term swing trades they do.

>> No.27299991
File: 655 KB, 600x600, Jewvin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /cash/fags here? The market looks like it's gonna dip this week which means tons of shit is gonna be on a huge discount to buy.

>> No.27299999


>> No.27300000

because there have been more sells than buys.

>> No.27300003


>> No.27300005
File: 377 KB, 610x610, 1609554446467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the Dollar was worth something? kek

>> No.27300028

Tell me why I shouldn’t put my GME gains into a Bitcoin ETC if the market crashes

>> No.27300048
File: 364 KB, 817x828, 1599681360206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russell is green, the rest of the futures will be green before open. Too bad, a crash would be comfy.

>> No.27300047

Some unironically did but aren’t posting anymore. I recall threads on /v/ to buy stock in gme before this entire shitstorm

>> No.27300059

Why is the quality of this image so fucking abysmal holy shit

>> No.27300060
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, ersr5ky4f3w41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I sell and the wholesome movementerino fucking crashes

>> No.27300065

Innovation is not a part of Japanese culture

>> No.27300069

no you'd have somewhere in the upper 600's after taxes

>> No.27300071

can confirm :(
fuck you corona

>> No.27300113

I've heard people shit on this because of niggers. Stephen Weiss from CNBC says it's poised to be the Alibaba of Africa. Do you think it's a genuinely good long term hold?

>> No.27300124


>> No.27300128

nottin wrong with profits

>> No.27300133

Then why are they need all time highs?
But I agree sell puts on them rather than buying them

>> No.27300146
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>> No.27300157

Thoughts on REGN(Regeneron)?

Also why the fuck is it impossible to find a good youtube channel about stocks so much bullshit everywhere full of grifters

>> No.27300163

Options..you just can‘t do the same shit in other markets

>> No.27300177
File: 12 KB, 425x283, 619KvaSVuQL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crash is coming friend. maybe not tomorrow, but soon

>> No.27300178

what are some good spaceflight/space technology stocks, this is like the upcoming frontier as access to space gets cheaper and cheaper via rideshares

>> No.27300184

I’m asking why aren’t foreign stocks as popular as the USA

Nice quints but it doesn’t explain anything

>> No.27300199

Can a 1099-b be wrong? For TD when I bought an option contract and sold it at a loss it show me having a negative cost basis and $0 proceeds. Turbo Tax wont let me submit like that. It does accept when I look up the trade on TD website.Will the IRS fuck me If i enter what makes sense instead of what the 1099-b says?

>> No.27300203

just read investopedia
their short clips are better than any youtumor

>> No.27300206

I can't get over them selling their lightbulbs and appliance divisions to the Chinese.

>> No.27300222

Yes, only because it's run by European businessmen who know what they're doing.

>> No.27300264

Ah shut up. There are no indicators of this at all. Red futures happen all the time. Sometimes market goes up, sometimes down

>> No.27300267

japan and china bigly green
i'm wishing tomorrow SPY is bigly green too

>> No.27300273

I have about $5k freed up. Any stocks to be keeping my eye out for tomorrow?

>> No.27300276

arkx when it opens
however everyone shilling arkx forgets that arkg exists and will blow it out of the water for years to come

>> No.27300288

Just buy ARKX when it comes out in a few months

>> No.27300290

MOON INTERNET rsumthin like that

>> No.27300298
File: 152 KB, 800x1141, koba4ko-1223202529200070656-20200131_041303-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of Shorts?

>> No.27300300

>sell on open
>wait for the dip
>buy dip
>ride second short pump up to 500
>sell again
>watch loss porn
am i missing anything in this plan?

>> No.27300310
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Ok chang.

>> No.27300311

All my models point to a 10 to 15% drop from the top
You've been warned

>> No.27300325

Japan market has been dead for decades due to an attack by US to destabilize the japanese rise to power. It's useless to ever invest there, stocks only ever crab and the entire economy only survived due to endless printing of money.
China market is completely fake and at the mercy of the government, so you can wake up one day and your stock is worth $0 for no reason but the glorious leader woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.
Other markets hardly move, have fuckall volume, have mostly shit companies (any company worth something dual-lists on US exchanges) and have various levels of oversights ranging from none at all to US-tier (almost all closer to the none at all part of the scale).
Overall, non-US markets have far more risk and far more reward. You can just play pennystocks on US exchanges for the same jackpot chance but far less risk and no need to be bogged down by currency conversion and liquidity issues, so why bother investing in other markets?

>> No.27300334
File: 15 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking the right questions anon

>> No.27300352

Makes sense. Thank you, anon. Nice digits.

>> No.27300372

Call TD they have good customer service

>> No.27300388
File: 79 KB, 350x181, 9DBD94F7-2B5F-4069-AE9B-198D90A71E92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They shorted the stock, they knew what they were getting into.
I say, let them crash.

>> No.27300393

I've been thinking about hotels and airlines that could bounce back post Covid. I'd sacrifice AMC funds and go balls deep in NOK and those. I feel like in long term they'll rise.

>> No.27300397

are you linking your TDA acct with turbotax and letting it just handle everything? if so, I can't imagine there being any errors

>> No.27300399

They're original use case was for single-day hedging, not portifolio building.

A 3X ETF, If it goes up 20% you gain 60%; if it goes down 20% you're down to 40% and need to gain 250% to get back to your original position. Any dip in a leveraged ETF could permanently wipe.

>> No.27300411

Cheers brother. Have a (you)

>> No.27300413

That can't be real. The case is not even close yet

>> No.27300416

As long as you’re fine doing day trades, not a problem

>> No.27300419

I'm going to have this playing when it happens


>> No.27300433

t. literal negative-IQ'd inbred.

>> No.27300458

I bought at $350. Best to hold until profit. $1000 to $5000 no joke.

>> No.27300459

>imply outright libel about Gamestop to protect your hedgie fuckbuddy
The media is the enemy of the people.

>> No.27300462
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, 1611482130317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that major institutions are trying to spin the gme narrative to blame redditors and that it could possibly tank the market seems like predictive programming to me. Nobody here actually thinks any of this shit is organic, right?

>> No.27300472

I really think this has a lot to do with the hype. everyone knows gamestop guys girls black white and they can get behind it and every 40+ parent has probably bought a game there at some point

>> No.27300521

VSTO post earnings on the 4th. Relatively cheap stock. And they’be beat each of their past 3Qs

>> No.27300540

why does nobody talk about MGM
>covid on the upswing
>people antsy to do shit
>resorts hit hard by this, can only report positive earnings from now on

>> No.27300556
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>> No.27300559

SRAC, MAXR, KTOS. ARKX when it opens. NEVER BA, and don't touch SPCE but it might go up anyways as a meme

>> No.27300565

Tomorrow's looking good so far, fren

>> No.27300568

Play these together for comfiest trading atmosphere



>> No.27300577

They already wiped out the decay form the March crash
You are not going to get something bigger than that

>> No.27300625
File: 230 KB, 1075x1518, 1594177167925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOK has been UNLOKED

how we feelin' about tomorrow NOK bros? are we gonna get flooded with buy orders because we're the only meme people can buy significant amounts of?

>> No.27300644

Still that's more than most make in an entire lifetime.. Imagine being a 20 - 30 year old with 600,000. You could dump 300,000 into a safer investment (Total market fund or S&P) and let that shit roll for another 20 to 30 years while you take the other 300,000 and wipe the slate clean of debts and buy or pay off your house with the remainder.

>> No.27300648


Lmao bruh you goofy. There is no money to be made in space. Smart money is remaining on earth lmao

>> No.27300667

start utube channel

>> No.27300673
File: 43 KB, 209x120, PhoneCall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it won't be for long, lad

>> No.27300689

it's just FUD mate. They want GME price to drop so that they lose less money. You're dealing with kikes, they will tell you lie after lie. There is no way GME tanks whole economy. If you think government would even allow that then you're delusional.

>> No.27300709

Turbo Tax imported everything. but it flagged these trades as needing review.

>> No.27300712

I hope people NOK NOK NOK so I can walk walk walk out of this dumbfuck stock

>> No.27300714

>some 8 points away from their 5 year high

What’s the point. More profit putting that money into NIO or someshit over the next year.

>> No.27300736

Get a fucking job

>> No.27300746
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>> No.27300748

Put the cheapies in my bag,

>> No.27300754

counting on it

>> No.27300757
File: 49 KB, 151x166, 1609884894843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good customer service
Literally had chinks call me stupid shit in mandarin trying to get a straight answer out of them why I couldn't withdraw my funds without receiving a new debit card. Fuck td ajd the horse it rode in on (literally chinks)

>> No.27300758
File: 59 KB, 320x240, Murica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked & based

>> No.27300760


>> No.27300775

yes but you can say the same about anything
>imagine being the 20 year old who bought the winning powerball ticket? 1 billion dollars, wow

these plays are just glorified gambling. and not many people win as much as you think they do.

>> No.27300777
File: 50 KB, 684x376, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut your whore mouth!

>> No.27300802

Nah, I'm not a programmer. I understand how to learn it as I learned a basic coding years ago. but I'm not sure I want to learn how to program just to find this out. Though it would be way less painful.

Only thing it would do is let me see when a drop is being caused by singular large volume bulk trades, instead of many investors panicking.

For example if I take the 29th for GME and go by day it moved 50.6M shares in volume

But if I break that down to say 4 hour segments and add the day up it only moved 711.075k for the entire day including premarket.

It's only once you get above that 4 hour segment does bulk seem to get added in.

>> No.27300842


I can't get this piece of shit at a decent price! DIP MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.27300860

Got 400 VSTO bro. I sold my SWBI for it, prefect timing too. SWBI shit itself while VSTO going up!

>> No.27300873

I figured most of us were MGTOWs. Marriage isn’t worth it unless you want to be cheated on or have everything taken from you.

>> No.27300875
File: 115 KB, 682x1024, 1609197953163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they would allow it as a catalyst to pass more big brother shit. I think this because they literally just did it last fucking year, you mongoloid.

>> No.27300882
File: 633 KB, 3000x2000, EsgUa9NUcAE798T-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average cost to send a payload on a rideshare to space is gonna keep going down, more opportunity for startups and bold ventures in space, earth orbit and in the near future lunar orbit/surface once NASA's CLPS paves the way with all those technology demonstrations, companies are gonna get more comfortable operating in cis-lunar and lunar surface I think

>> No.27300883

my sin stocks are skyrocketing during covid

people need to spend money in america, and they'll spend it gambling or on weed. so I'm capitalizing on that

>> No.27300964

I put 10% of my account in SPY 384c expiring tomorrow. How much money am I making tomorrow?

>> No.27300975

>t. married the first girl who kissed him
what did you think would happen?

>> No.27300984


>> No.27300988
File: 177 KB, 1008x1450, n_o_y_F-1243835706650152960-20200328_024156-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already partially in because my early orders weren't cancelled. Still want more.

>> No.27300999

All recovery stocks have already run up well into 2024 optimism. If anything shorting might have more upside.
Literally the only "recovery" stocks that haven't already approached ATHs again are oil, airlines, and cruises.

>> No.27301003

Holy shit. Are you trying to be VC?

>> No.27301017
File: 19 KB, 301x312, MMEDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding more MindMed

>> No.27301022

>The media is the enemy of the people.
Yes. Day of the Minecraft is coming.

>> No.27301042


>> No.27301075


If tencent isn’t nationalized or broken up it’s hard to imagine it not being the biggest company in the world in 10 years. Those guys have a hand in fucking everything and to me it appears that glorious party favors pony over jack.

>> No.27301091

holy shit guys I'm freaking out, I opened a normal brokerage account with fidelity and they said it would take 1-2 days. Is this normal?

>> No.27301101

Yeah I’m thankful for the anon who posted about this like a month ago. I only have 100 shares but very interested in this play.

>> No.27301118
File: 36 KB, 350x375, feels guy 5 am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll do understand why equities are dropping.... right?

>> No.27301123

They'll Jack Ma Tecent's board soon enough.

>> No.27301162

Fantastic. Shroms are the future

>> No.27301176

fud through the financial lugenpresse is common occurance with hedge funds. I know its le Cramer, but I wouldn't doubt something similar is happening with gme now.

>> No.27301177

What did he say?

>> No.27301188
File: 281 KB, 2000x1229, virgin-orbit-cosmic-girl-deploying-launcherone-is-virgin-orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme, but I might get into Virgin Orbit when it launches IPO

>> No.27301197

MGTOW is cringe. You can think women are bad investments and not call yourself MGTOW or want to be associated with anybody who does.

>> No.27301201

Most women cheat.

>> No.27301212

Yeah I don’t blame you. People want to spend money. It’s just like MGM, weed stocks, Draftkings would’ve been a bargain in March-April. I was just referencing MGM at its current price.

>> No.27301220

This desu.

>> No.27301221


>> No.27301223

Why the fuck did this board become dumb peoples Google?

>> No.27301244
File: 22 KB, 640x723, D1jbxoPX0AEZnRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I figured most of us were MGTOWS

>> No.27301275

Fidelity is a boomer broker, not that that's a bad thing since it means they're actually solvent in times like this, but it will take some time to do stuff like open an account.

>> No.27301288

go on, explain

>> No.27301326

Should I buy some now?

>> No.27301342

This isn't it. We aren't crashing... yet.

>> No.27301353
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>> No.27301361

nobody cares about your personal history

>> No.27301407

A heavily shorted meme that I will rebuy into once it goes back to 20~

>> No.27301416

Futures have been everywhere tonight. We wont know whats really going to happen until the market opens.

>> No.27301422

nah, but the tax free gains are too good to pass up. Why wouldn't you gamble with your most tax advantaged account?

>> No.27301442

I would. I’m not talking a drastic gain desu, but profit is profit. If it takes a 930-10am classic Monday dip, I would scoop up cheapies and hold until after earnings.

>> No.27301510

KY Jelly futures looking good, senpai.

>> No.27301537

if you agree with me, then seriously look into wimhy
I think USA will push for more gambling legalization during a democratic presidency, and they're poised to handle it.

>> No.27301552


>> No.27301554


To what end? Mining asteroids seems like the only real opportunity and to me that’s very far away. Drilling for oil in the ocean is often not profitable. That’s nothing compared to mining in space.

Im not saying you’re wrong in the long term but it’s like you could have invested in Amazon in 1999 and after 10 years you would have broken even. Bring right about the future isn’t always enough to make money.

>> No.27301584

I made this mistake with NIO and watched it double, just buy some and be ready for dips

>> No.27301585

that's why you cheat first, dipshit

>> No.27301588

If you need lube you don’t deserve sex
This is not conjecture this is FACT

>> No.27301615

Yeah and a dog will shit all over your house if you let it follow it's natural inclination.

Women are like dogs, you have to train them.

>> No.27301689

I'd be all in bidu and bili if I thought for a second that the chink market had any chance of not killing its best companies over petty squabbles. Tencent, I personally hate their shit and can't bring myself to put money in them, but they would also be solid for sure. Then again, the same could have been said of baba.

>> No.27301691

>tfw when my female broker sent me a gift basket for my birthday

>> No.27301706

I made a thread earlier somebody else do it
>think of the edition glory

>> No.27301716

>t. has never had the same partner for over a year

>> No.27301733

>we will be green by open

>> No.27301744


>> No.27301745

$450 to $500 if you want to sell this week.

>> No.27301762
File: 732 KB, 3687x2074, 1611453831522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am thinking way long term here

>> No.27301763

Everyone is trying to predict what is going to happen tomorrow. If Melvin, Citadel, etc. liquidates their portfolio then the entire US equities market will drop. Volume is still pretty low relatively mini Dow and S&P 500 futures so it's still a gamble on GME right now. The drop in the open of the futures market today represents the FUD if the hedge funds go down. But volume is still pretty low. Silvers futures gapping up signals to me that these big players in the industry are being potentially fucked but it's still no guarantee GME will skyrocket. But this does signal to us the market is potentially worried.

>> No.27301795

was it a mistake to buy 100 shares of UVXY friday?

>> No.27301797

> after 10 years you’d have broken even
And after 20 you’d be up x50, what even is your logic?

>> No.27301798


was it consolation for all the money you've lost?

>> No.27301848
File: 459 KB, 1125x2436, 20990476-C7C4-4704-A36E-F04F20070EEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27301877

No it is because I am not a poorfag

>> No.27301879

> has had sex with one woman for a decade and never needed lube because true love
Also stocks

>> No.27301891


>> No.27301897

Stop trying to reason with actual niggers

>> No.27301938

Same. High-five, old man!

>> No.27301966
File: 256 KB, 971x1725, 1611429902844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well

>> No.27301991
File: 49 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything red on futures except Russell 2000

>> No.27301995

It's OK short term. Get ready to sell in the next couple days.

>> No.27302003

Sirs is it too late to run sneedful gambit

>> No.27302151

your woman stopped getting wet after a year? I'm sorry bro

>> No.27302162


An investment that doesn’t make you money over 10 years is a shit investment. Could have made different investments and bought twice as many shares after the 10 years and had some proof of concept at the time of investing. It doesn’t pay to speculate on a 20 year time horizon usually

>> No.27302247

think it will double at least? that's all i want.

>> No.27302336


>> No.27302377
File: 245 KB, 1820x1024, do you answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got a call from some stranger he said to buy dip, what does this mean?

>> No.27302622

>A penny stock typically refers to the stock of a small company that trades for less than $5 per share.


>> No.27302698

idk most normalfags are too dumb enough to not form a individual opinion outside the norm and follow whatever the media chants. for the record, most of the media more often mentions robinhood and 'wallstreetbets' to be literal satan compared to the shortsellers who started this shit

>> No.27302744

I think it closes at $17 by Wednesday. $20 if you're lucky.

>> No.27302864

No that's just me slapping the bid to lower my cost basis. I demand crabbing until they expire.

>> No.27302934

It really do be like that. :DDD