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27278024 No.27278024 [Reply] [Original]

What's gonna stop the hedgies from just not covering their shorts next week to keep the stock from surging?
Shorts don't expire, and while there's interest, it doesn't cost nearly as much to pay this interest as it would to cover shorts.
They can literally just cover their shorts bit by bit over the next 1 or 2 years and gamestop won't go any higher.

Expect a really uneventful next week.

>> No.27278142
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>What's gonna stop the hedgies from just not covering their shorts next week to keep the stock from surging?
>Shorts don't expire, and while there's interest, it doesn't cost nearly as much to pay this interest as it would to cover shorts.
>They can literally just cover their shorts bit by bit over the next 1 or 2 years and gamestop won't go any higher.
>Expect a really uneventful next week.

>> No.27278168

i think there is a group of paid shills that probably started to infect this place around 2017(after trump). pretty sure the people posting about silver are the same people spamming the anti GME threads, dogecoin threads, other random cryptos, and finally, most of the anti trump threads back in 19/20. they have the same patterns and 'nuances' in their posting. not really attempting to bring any logic into the conversation (not that you get it on here anyway). i think this group just gets paid to shill whatever is being asked from them and they know how to appeal to larpers. i say this because there is an exceptional amount of larping cunts on here whom i believe drool at the chance to jump on the newest theme, and they basically do it for free! doubling the paid shills efforts at no extra cost..

>> No.27278322
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but Friday I thought they were forced to buy my shares for a jillion dollars?!?!?

>> No.27278444

How much weekend overtime to do you get at Melvin capital?

>> No.27278491
File: 106 KB, 829x645, 1612067782494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone retarded enough to not understand this, covering shorts pumps the price. it is the very thing that will cause the short squeeze.

>> No.27278778

Yeah, the silver threads sound like absolute shit peddled by Citadel so they can hold out on GME shorts.
My cock is two inches and both of them are going into you.

>> No.27278926

Nice argument.
The fact is that losing 25 million USD a week over the next year doesn't hurt nearly as bad as losing 20 billion USD in a week.

>> No.27279027

yes? the point is that they don't have to cover.
they can just decide not to buy back shares or buy them back at a very, very slow pace.
did you even read the OP, you fucking mongoloid?

>> No.27279878

and yeah do you think the money for paying the interest from borrowed shares just comes from nowhere?
all the other stocks are dropping in value because those fuckers are forced to sell their long positions to allocate money for the interests alone

>> No.27280116
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, thinking bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their interest is tied to the current share price. Enemy hedge funds seem to aim for a pump, given that we have 5.8k calls at $500 and 16.6k calls at $800 for this week.

>> No.27280146

people need to realize the SEC will let the hedgies get out of this and go after the normies who started the whole thing. with Jews you ALWAYS lose

>> No.27280168

We will see-not selling

>> No.27280247

Retard here, it's just delaying the inevitable aint it unless most people are really scared that easily

>> No.27280285

The fact that we have shares and they need all of them

>> No.27280308

nah i missed the "not". my mistake.

amyway you’re assuming the price wont continue to rise. it’s not just about interest, the worldwide news has been shilling this nonstop so it looks like the price will go up even more, which means they have to keep putting in money to not get liquidated. knowing these kikes, they’ll probably double down and short even more.

>> No.27280322

>those fuckers are forced to sell their long positions to allocate money for the interests alone
they literally have to pay like 25 million USD a week. it's fucking nothing
>Their interest is tied to the current share price
which is while they'll cover the cost slowly over a long period of time to prevent the share price AND interest from getting to insane heights.

>> No.27280337

they have to pay interest nigger

>> No.27280446

>amyway you’re assuming the price wont continue to rise
well the price didn't go up pretty much all of friday

>> No.27280461

the interest ALONE. they also have to continue increasing their collateral as the price rises.

>> No.27280520

I will gladly hold my measly $800 investment if it means hedgies have to pay 25m a week for the rest of their lives

>> No.27280530

I don’t understand why so many people are in such denial that GME owners have Melvin’s balls in a vise grip.
It’s not even that complicated of a situation

>> No.27280553

yes, do you really think that's comparable to losing over 20 billion in a single week?

>> No.27280920

looks like consolidation to me. everyone in the world is learning about gme over the weekend, more buyers will enter the market. dips will get bought up not only by retail investors but by the hedge funds themselves, as they cover their shorts. it’s a prisoner’s dilemma for them too.

>> No.27280926

>which is while they'll cover the cost slowly over a long period of time

And how exactly are they going to do that?

>> No.27280957

There will come a time where they will wish they were only losing 20b

>> No.27281263
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1 problem. The interest they pay is based on the current price of the stock. So they don't buy, demand increase, the more they have to pay. Repeat

>> No.27281340

>bought in ~$20k at 250

Thinking of selling enough to recoup my investment but if it shoots up past 500 ill want to blow my fucking head off.

>> No.27281403

>looks like consolidation to me. everyone in the world is learning about gme over the weekend
all the biggest news coverage happened between wednesday and friday

>> No.27281525

i have no idea if this math is right so someone feel free to correct me.

assuming 70m shares outstanding, 140% shorted, so lets say 100 million shares shorted, every $10 price increase is another $1 billion dollars more they need in collareral? is that right? not just melvin but all the shorters together.

>> No.27281653

But people needed time to register with a broker that would actually let them buy GME. How many actually follow through with that may or may not be disappointing though. The biggest hope is if rivals jump on board and inter-HF conflict gets staged over it.

>> No.27281736

You have a lot of room to see where this is going first

>> No.27281775

sunday evening news shows will all have a story. lots of people are opening up a brokerage account over the weekend.

>> No.27281823

They are paying ~30% APR on these billions of dollars worth of borrowed shares.

>> No.27281833

Yup. Stop listening to disinfo shills. The longer the price stays high the more collateral is tied up.

>> No.27281937


They do when they get margin called, chimp.

>> No.27282058

>They do when they get margin called, chimp.
no, it just adds interest to the shorts, they don't expire.
it's a fucking lie someone told you and you believed.

>> No.27282157


Don't you know what the fuck a margin call is? They'll get forcibly liquidated when the price continues to go up. It's not their choice, twat.

>> No.27282536
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You just realized this?
Better late than never.

>> No.27282570

and still literally nothing happened on friday
>it's not their choice
you're naive

>> No.27282704
File: 9 KB, 252x200, 69C48450-B4D5-4A10-BE0C-39C422F62416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's gonna stop the hedgies from just not covering their shorts next week

They are hemorrhaging cash. That’s all the retail mob cares about.

>> No.27283280 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1024x683, E2764A96-C729-4317-9D21-B5CE9E9465E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point is that they don't have to cover.
>they can just decide not to buy back shares

To stay in a short position they opened at $20 of $30 when the stock ranges around $350?
Ooooooow. That’s gonna be costly. It doesn’t cost me anything. Tell your boss it’s better to sell now than sell later. Best to not be a short bag holder after the other shorts cover. The prisoner’s dilemma is on the institutional end. The WSB sun gets half a million new subs every day. We have an infinite amount of new fools. There are only so many hedge funds that can bail each other out before the inevitable happens.
“Let them live on random UBI payments, jobless because of a fake virus.”
FUCK YOU, Schlomo!

>> No.27283362

kike hands typed this post

>> No.27283447
File: 30 KB, 320x274, 3EFF11BE-548C-447A-8FBE-F0145CF8E0EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lazy shills

>> No.27283465

Buying and holding GME has become a global movement. Memes are unironically one of the most powerful forces on earth right now.
Wall Street has its hands full

>> No.27283573

Just hold. That's why it's a meme. As long as you hold they stay fucked.

>> No.27283609

*Compound* interest at the price of the stock.
That's whats going to stop all this.

>> No.27283672
File: 188 KB, 1050x550, 80951000-CA4B-46AA-8AB8-CC1739B13462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>27279027 #
>the point is that they don't have to cover.
>they can just decide not to buy back shares

To stay in a short position they opened at $20 or $30 when the stock ranges around $350 now? Ooooooow. That’s gonna be costly. It doesn’t cost me anything. Tell your boss it’s better to sell now than sell later. Best to not be a short bag holder after the other shorts cover. The prisoner’s dilemma is on the institutional end. The WSB sub gets half a million new subs every day. We have an infinite amount of greater fools. The hedge side looks desperate with that promoted fake story they closed on CNBC. There are only so many hedge funds that can bail each other out before the inevitable happens.
“Let them live on random UBI payments. Jobless because of 3rd World labor and now a fake virus.”
Fuck you, Schlomo.

>> No.27283894
File: 181 KB, 1125x991, DF3CA83E-8B13-4A80-8F0A-ED61660F73A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will come a time where they will wish they were only losing 20b

>> No.27283903

>pretty sure the people posting about silver are the same people spamming the anti GME threads
Silver threads have been here long before 2017.
You really think that a group of Citadel shills somehow predicted a short squeeze on Gamestop and thought "what if we shill silver for 3 years first?"
Also, Citadel owns SLV stock, they don't benefit from people buying physical silver, and all of the silver threads here routinely state "DO NOT BUY SLV!"

>> No.27284251

Couldnt you take a loan out on the interest and capital aquired on the holding??


>> No.27284390

>Tell your boss it’s better to sell now than sell later
not when by the end of the "selling now" option you'll have to pay over 1000 USD for a share.
buying them back at a slow pace to keep GME from going above 350 is the more cost efficient choice.

>> No.27285390
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I want to believe. I really really do. But I also know that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I can’t see how the bandwagoning isn’t going to end in disaster. Everybody can’t get rich from this. Jordan Belfort was on the news today and he said that the guy fixing his TV was saying even his 82 year old mother was asking how to get GME shares.
How does this possibly end up as a positive for the little guy overall?

>> No.27285462

IG has disabled the buying of GME. the price is gonna have a hard time rising if all the marketplaces refuse to be marketplaces.

>> No.27286434

if you think about it...
if happy merchants get a loan to pay all the debt and then HOLD untill the price goes down again, they would profit x10 than anyone

>> No.27286707

Because other big institutions will step in to squeeze them. It's inevitable. Buy to cover, kike.

>> No.27286830

Interest on current price of stock, anon. Not future price where it’ll eventually be.

>> No.27288187


>> No.27288515

set a stop limit order to cover your cost basis and just let it ride, that's what i'm doing

>> No.27288591

yea at this point it's basically a free money glitch so there's simply no way they'll just let it happen