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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 478x360, Antshares-478x3603cfd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2727192 No.2727192 [Reply] [Original]

Antshares will not survive and you know why? Because the Chinese do not know how to create anything, they only know how to copy.

>> No.2727197


Well since it's copying ETH, aren't you saying this will be successful?

Checkmate, ETHiest.

>> No.2727210

ANS will be 10x bigger than ETH

>> No.2727225


i laughed at this

>> No.2727238

Correct. They have had years to study blockchain tech and will be doing as China does best. Stealing and making it their own.

No, it wont. Wake me up with it's 10% of ETH.

>> No.2727271

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.2727461
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etc. etc.

The Chinese excel at creating isotopes of western businesses in their own countries and they make it work for them.

WECHAT is actually ahead of the West in terms of technology, despite being a massively Orwellian honeypot for the government.

My daily concern trolling for ANS is a legitimate curiosity into why the NEO team cannot afford to have any of their shit translated properly, pic related

Regardless, it is a good time to buy ans.

>compatible with multiple frameworks
>Binance exchange launching soon
>Rebrand soon

Expect late 2017/early 2018 tons of ANS threads about why you didn't get in now because as soon as it gets adopted by ANY of the Chinese analogues to Western companies, as soon as apps start getting released, we're going triple digits baby

>> No.2727474
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>> No.2727477

everything is taking a massive dump today

>> No.2727519

So? If they copy the best, this will skyrocket.

>> No.2727528

It's just some guys in a basement right?

>> No.2727537

ANS is shit and will never recover. Ever.
This is one of those coins that actually goes to 0 or like 200 sats when a big crash happens.

>> No.2727545


>> No.2727566

wow 280k jump
wtf is with ANS and instantly jumping up after slow dips

>> No.2727573

its MOONING on Yunbi

>> No.2727588

bought at 266 and sold at 278 it's now 292
feels bad man

>> No.2727593

It will be 10% of eth if it's lucky

>> No.2727604

>t. ETH bag holder

>> No.2727608

Devs are supporting the price.

>> No.2727619

bought 100 ants at 270, sold it at 283

so easy

>> No.2727624
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its been actively manipulated to sit around 300k for a the last week, i dont think they'll let it stray very far from that over the weekend

>> No.2727627

oh fuck what's 10% of 0

>> No.2727641

ill take $42

>> No.2727664

I hold both in sizeable amounts.
International market (eth) >>>>> Chinese domestic market with CCCP backdoors (neo).

Anyone talking about neo @ $300 one day has their fucking hand on it.

>> No.2727671

the ETH of china, with over a billion people, is only going to be worth 10% of ETH. this is how retarded ETH bag holders in denial think.

>> No.2727678

So will I

>> No.2727697


Yes anons, there has never been a profitable tech company in China. Nothing to see here.

>> No.2727704

Stick your strawman up your ass, faggot.

>> No.2727747
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>> No.2727773

fuck its going back up HARD

>> No.2727779

I hope the community purges the shit shills like you. It seriously jeopardises my investment.

>> No.2727790

I bought it at $11 and change and sold it at $6.85

Thank god I'm out, never been happier.

>> No.2727794

The /biz/ way

>> No.2727798

>muh strawman
>muh community purge
do you even know how this site works?

>> No.2727819

Tell me how it works, newfriend. Go.

>> No.2727837

doubled up earlier at 274, sold half at 284. lets see what it does over the weekend

>> No.2727840

that is not bad my man

>> No.2727841
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If NEO can handle their proclaimed number of transaction per second I don't see why it wouldn't be able to approach triple digits over the next 24 months.

The only thing that really worries me is the east/west gap, it seems like it will be difficult if not nigh impossible to launch succesfull apps that thrive both in China and outside, but I have really only placed my bet on NEO having a successful outcome primarily in China..

Why underestimate Chinese market? The potential is huge, and I don't exactly see how drawing the parallels between western companies and the Chinese offshoots isn't a viable argument. Weibo, Alibaba, Wechat, none of these companies needed outside support to end up being huge.

>> No.2727842

And no, this isn't a board to shill your shit making baseless, retarded claims like a vacuous marketing shitter. Pajeet motherfucker.

>> No.2727881

Literally everything you have is made in China.

>> No.2727888

Hey I'm not complaining. That will be a great return and I expect it to reach that price at same point.
No country outside of China is touching Neo fucking ever. Get that through your head right now. With word that China intends to digitise RMB it puts an even lower ceiling on Neo.
If Eth was confined to the US market I'd be making the same predictions.

>> No.2727971


But that's my point anon, NEO doesn't need to be adopted anywhere but China for it to be huge.

>> No.2728035

yup. this idiot thinks being confined to the US and being confined to china are somehow comparable, lmao

>> No.2728065

China is not a big enough market alone to produce a coin the size of Eth, particularly given the constraints imposed on crypto by the Communist Party. Neo offers zero anonymity. It would not even exist without the CCCP having full access to the chain.

Anyone with their frontal lobe still intact will recognise this and the blatant shilling which attempts to completely ignore these facts only discourages potential investors.

>> No.2728067

A lot of people who havn't actually read the whitepaper don't know that the currency of antshares is not antcoins/gas, it is fiat. NEO will be what China looks to when it wants to digitise RMB and if/when it does it will be YUGE.

>> No.2728108


But NEO won't be what People's Bank of China uses I don't believe. Optimistically you could hope NEO may share some cross functionality, but ultimately the crypto that rules China will be proprietary to the state and not an entrepreneur.

But we can dream. I also don't see why NEO being state owned is a bad thing, every huge fucking company in china has maos dead sick up their ass and investing in any of those companies early would have made you wildly rich.

>> No.2728119

China might look to it and but it won't be basing their currency on Neo. Just like what Neo did with Eth, they'll take what they need, repackage it and tell Neo to fuck off. That's what Chinese do best.

>> No.2728129

You sure seem to think you can predict exactly what the Chinese government will do. Maybe you're wrong and retarded.

>> No.2728139

You are being retarded. It's like saying China is going to take Alibaba get what they need and then tell them to fuck off. Neo is the Chinese fuck off version.

>> No.2728144

Literally every weekend it crashes, I could time my watch by it and every time it recovers higher but you FUDders do this damage for nothing

>> No.2728162

We're talking about the nation's future digital currency you drooling spastic, not a retail website.
Kill yourself now or at least neuter yourself for the greater good.

>> No.2728225

my big issue is the pandering to english, if we're betting on this because we expect the chinese to be racist and want to use only their own blockchain are they going to pick one that other countries have a big interest in or not

>> No.2728231

The Chinese invented money, you fucking retard.

>> No.2728235
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>> No.2728236

they find the American interest cute and an interesting selling point to their main domestic audience. they mentioned r/antshares by name at the first conference lol.

>> No.2728253

Prove me wrong.

>> No.2728258

The fact that the west is interested looks good to the Chinese, it shows there is a lot of interest from all over the world

>> No.2728315

i'l think we'll see a break down to 260k and a rebound from there maybe, or it will slide towards it over the next 2 days

>> No.2728364


They are also holding a contest for web designs at /r/antshares.

>> No.2728365


Hey Iook a total fucking retard,

what is gdp/capita?

>> No.2728385


I know everyone on /biz/ is a retarded neet so I'll spell it out

2015 data

gdp/capita United States
55,836.79 USD

gdp/capita China
7,924.65 USD

m-m-muh billion people.

>> No.2728670
File: 25 KB, 636x298, zftIwyA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno what the fuck is going on with this dumb gook coin, but im like 80% sure its completely manipulated and im getting spooked, pic related on the 5m chart

>> No.2728803

bittrex is a chinese exchange?

>> No.2728830

it's completely manipulated? oh no, you mean like every single fucking crypto?

>> No.2728969

Gah got in at 375, 30% down, almost called it quits today and sold. Hoping for a jump >300 so I cant get out a bit higher up.

>> No.2728990


>per capita meme
USA has twice as much debt and run on a ridiculously higher deficit

>> No.2729044


you imply this horseshit will ever be used, you're deluded. Eth is also trash and will go down the gurgler, get out while you can bud.

>> No.2729053

we'll send you a postcard from lambo land dude. keep hatin the ants.

>> No.2729056

who cares. binance will be opened in 7 days.

>> No.2729079

aslong as it makes me money, its pretty obvious this coin has the attention of huge whales with all the weird shit im seeing

>> No.2729091

Is this hitting sub 200 again this weekend?

>> No.2729102
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I hope so.

>> No.2729106

>Eth is also trash and will go down the gurgler, get out while you can bud.

I was almost going to correct you but then I saw that you're not even smart enough to avoid discrediting yourself in the same post. Stay poor.

>> No.2729118

>bought in at 4
>sold at 14
>bought back in at 7
livin /comfy/

>> No.2729230

lol idiot, thats not even good

bought in at 1.20
sold at 14
bought in at 5
sold at 9

bought again at 265 sats

>> No.2729637

anyone else wanna larp about their awesome trades, or should we let this thread die and start a new one?

>> No.2729992

Anyone comparing the price directly to Eth doesn't realise the circulating supply of Ans/Neo is almost half of Ethereum. This has much much more room to grow.

The good thing is virtually no application is already up and running on Ethereum just yet and developers are forced to learn Go. We're still in the early stages. For new applications developers could very well much choose Neo for pure convenience.

>> No.2730002

No, it won't survive because it's a useless eth token that serves no purpose other than being a pump n dump

>> No.2730093


>> No.2730277

Fuck your strawman, redditfag

>> No.2730285

do you even know what an eth token is, you faggot? because ANS isn't one.

>> No.2730287

its not an ETH token, you fuckwad

>> No.2730415

ok so this might be a retarded question, but why does a Chinese version of Ethereum need to exist, anyway? One of the benefits of crypto is that it can be used globally, why wouldn't China just use Ethereum?

>> No.2730514

because chinaman is very prideful and nationalistic and wants its own version of everything. plus ANS is technically superior to ETH. do your own research.

>> No.2730546

ANS is the future, spread the word.

>> No.2730555

Why does China need Baidu when Google exists? Why do they need Alibaba when Amazon exists? Chinese people prefer supporting local products.

>> No.2730563


ANS is like the IBM/Windows PC to Eths Sinclair 1000

>> No.2730585

ANS will make us millionaires.

>> No.2730590

I hold a few hundred ans but this shit is looking more and more like Chinese scam artistry. Don't really give any fucks if it gets me rich, but just make sure you cash out before this sophisticated ponzi collapses

>> No.2730598

I just want this conference to hurry up

>> No.2730611

yeah yeah. chinks aren't to be trusted, etc. we get it. but this coin is the real deal. go ahead and cash out at 20 bucks if you're a pussy. but I'm staying till $300+, minimum.

>> No.2730617

what fucking era do you live in seriously

when those chinks were having exams writing books and making bombs, the average Europeans were chasing rabbits on the field. they fucking dominated technology economy education literally everything for 4800years on this planet

if you have any emotional attachment to eth or ans you are a fucking dumbass, this is 2017, you want to make money or being a little racist cuck

>> No.2730624

It has that vibe about it I agree. Not going to be left holding the bag with this one by being greedy because the end will likely be swift and unexpected.

>> No.2730641

They spelled download doanload and are having people from r/antshares design their neo website. Not sure it's the real deal my friend. Just think about how complex Bernie madoffs ponzi was. He had Swiss Banks and literally princes of countries putting the totality of their wealth in his schemes. That was scam artistry at its finest. This ant shit is an inferior scheme yet still profitable. Just get out when you can

>> No.2730646
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If you don't buy this dip you will regret it.

>> No.2730653

fuck you for suggesting that Da Hongfei is some kind of scammer. he works a lot harder than you to deliver an amazing product, I'll guarantee that.

>> No.2730664

you're just a retard, bro. I feel sorry for you. what they're doing on r/antshares is called community engagement. God forbid coin devs do that.

>> No.2730678

Another alarm bell was asking on r/antshares for volunteers to translate their website into English lol. A venture with a $ 400m market cap won't put their hand in their pocket to hire a translator.

Screams professionalism that does. Chinks are thick as shit sometimes.

>> No.2730693

The Chinese don't give one scintilla of a fuck about you. You're drunk on this

>> No.2730699

They bought neo.org which definitely wasn't cheap. I feel like scammers wouldn't do that because they could scam just as easily with a cheaper domain name.

>> No.2730705

Scammers wouldn't but scam artists would

>> No.2730716

yeah ok. if you're this paranoid you should just cash out now.

>> No.2730718

/pol/ ruined this board and many others, shame they brought their low IQ over here

>> No.2730727

They held a conference at Microsoft, were on Chinese news and have a few partnerships. They are unprofessional as fuck when it comes to their websites sure but that makes it feel more real to me.

Any scam artist worth their salt will make everything look presentable while it's secretly falling apart.

ANS feels more like the devs are just bumbling idiots who happen to have the support of all the right people but with none of the professionalism or business sense to make it actually work.

So while I don't think It's a scam I think it could fall apart for non-malicious reasons.

Definitely sell on the news though.

>> No.2730731

Why would I cash out. What they're doing isn't illegal, there is no SEC in crypto. It's just the fact that it will reach a three maybe even four figure number and then implode. Might take years but I doubt there will ever be an actual product

>> No.2730735

They also revealed their identities when it would have been very easy to just stay anonymous and no one would ever find out who they are. I guess you could say they're just scam artists doing all this to seem more believable but I trust them. Especially due to their association with Onchain.

>> No.2730742

well I guess we are in agreement that when we hit 4 figures it's time to cash out, lol.

>> No.2730743

>It's just the fact that it will reach a three maybe even four figure number and then implode

Sounds fine by me.

>> No.2730746



>> No.2730747

Antshares is legit. We're just in way too early. Consider where Ethereum was this early in development and they STILL haven't produced anything that's usable...

>> No.2730754

This is kek

>> No.2730756

It might be a legit venture and it really might not be. It's a cruel world and China is a cruel amoral place with billions of peasants. Theyve been caught putting lead in baby formula and plastic in rice etc to turn a quick buck. They're not above scamming for money in the pump and dump world of unregulated crypto. Just don't be naive

>> No.2730760
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dumb /pol/tard can't afford coins so he's obsessively trying to convince people that he's not missing out. Oh my god...

Blockchain is coming to China buddy. BTC is already big there -- and the Chinese like it when their own get in on the action, which is antshares. You're a complete idiot if you don't see this.

>> No.2730765

I'm going to start wearing an Antshares T-Shirt and start promoting it on the streets, I'm going to work for my gains.

>> No.2730773

I don't go on that toxic shit board and I have over 300 ans "buddy." I also knew about eth at 10 cents.

>> No.2730774

> It's a cruel world and China is a cruel amoral place with billions of peasants. Theyve been caught putting lead in baby formula and plastic in rice etc to turn a quick buck.

OK great, and there's toxins and hormones in my processed American cheeseburger and lead in my water. The world is shit, glad you realized that little boy. Got any other inspiring wisdom?

>> No.2730781

You still HODL'ing that ETH faggot?

>> No.2730789

There's a difference between intentionally ingesting something as an adult and nursing a newborn with toxic chemicals

>> No.2730790
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And wow. I knew about Bitcoin at $5. Bow down to me, then.

This is embarrassing. I'm done.

>> No.2730795

Don't make me start posting China gifs. There are tiers of shit and China is more than a couple of rungs higher up that ladder than the developed world.

>> No.2730800

Or running over one and continuing on your commute

>> No.2730801

LOL you have a lot to learn kid. All food is processed garbage, you ingest it every day. Organic is a rubber-stamp nowadays, anyway. Industrial poverty and the health effects are a different story entirely, try going around the States, you'll see lots of it.

>muh newborns with toxic chemicals

how about rising levels of autism in the States, yourself included

>> No.2730802

Quitting from embarrassment? Nice deflection

>> No.2730810



>> No.2730812
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or walking into a schoolhouse and killing over 20 children... oh wait, that's not China... hm.

>> No.2730818

I'm from the rust belt and grew up working class poor. And all food is obviously not processed garbage

>> No.2730819
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>ANS feels more like the devs are just bumbling idiots who happen to have the support of all the right people but with none of the professionalism or business sense to make it actually work.

I trust their professionalism

>> No.2730821

I thought you were done. Don't tease me like this.

>> No.2730828

>ncie delection

A deflection would be if I started a different topic entirely. Realizing an argument is futile and stopping is not a deflection. Yet here I go again... your stupidity, it hurts...

>> No.2730831

lol I know right. all this ANS criticism is coming from little vitalik cock suckers.

>> No.2730837

I'll give u a tease ; )

>> No.2730847

I hope you're just acting retarded.

>> No.2730850
File: 52 KB, 550x661, Screen-Shot-2014-12-23-at-6.48.48-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinese version of-

>> No.2730851

Technically it was a deflection from the conversation

>> No.2730858

Here is an article with a list of fresher ones. Not the can of worms I would've opened if I was shilling a country tbqh.

>> No.2730859

Lol right in the article there's a comparison a similar rise in the United States. I'm not defending China, I'm just saying there's a pathological sickness developing both in China and the United States which is making people snap and kill each other seemingly at random.

Just don't fixate on Chinese mass violence and somehow say it's unique when it parallels American pathology all the same. That's all I'm saying. It's arguing in bad faith, that's all.

>> No.2730868

Consider what I said. I'm not saying China is a land of Providence, relax. The world's dark, I am well aware.

>> No.2730877

No, China isn't the first world's arsehole yet. Quit trying to paint it as such.

>> No.2730887
File: 58 KB, 805x537, Lifan 320 (Mini Cooper) - China knockoff Copy Cars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Americans start stealing people's pets and boiling them alive in a festival?

>> No.2730899

t. Wang Cho typing from his sweatshop

>> No.2730906

>he thinks the Chinese back then are the same as the slant-niggers now

>> No.2730911
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go back to /pol/ you fucking losers.

>> No.2730925


It's called globalization. Capitalism is global. In this environment, problems regionally tend to mirror each other -- like the pathological sickness seen in China and the States. Sorry if you can't see this, it takes a few brain cells to process.

>> No.2730926


Chinese are in full force rn typing away with their little chink hands in their disease infested warehouses in some bum fuck city in China.

>> No.2730932
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Did you finish your cheese doodles, whiteboi?

>> No.2730933

He's right though, mainland chinks are subhuman

>> No.2730945
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>> No.2730951
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don't you have lunch soon, wei Chang?

>> No.2730961

Don't tell me those are doge guts on the floor...

>> No.2730974

It's the Chinese nobody knows what the fuck it is

>> No.2731083

I would love to fondle you. Because that's what faggots do.

>> No.2731109

going under $6 on Yunbi

>> No.2731122

how low will we go this time?

>> No.2731174

What is the purpose of bashing any fucking coin. Who cares if it makes gains, you are fucking ruining the whole crypto market. Just fucking ignore the coins you dont like. Or just keep calling everything a SCAM SCAM SCAM and see how much longer people fucking trade crypto for.

>> No.2731181

Easy there turbo. FUD is just noise, nothing to be scared of. Most people make dumb choices and feed the rich their money no matter what. This has nothing to do with shitposting on himalyan tapestry exchanges.

>> No.2731212

Keep saying that. It does matter, people take what is posted here and shitty little soundbytes as gospel.

>> No.2731214

lol this will go back to 180

>> No.2731218

There is nothing new about that. The people that fall for it are the same ones that have fallen for it for all of time. Stupid people figure the internet out too.

>> No.2731220

inb4 partnership with Microsoft and Alibaba announced on the 15th. Going to be a big week and its cheap as fuck right now.

>> No.2731241

aww man I wish I sold my 265k buy at 275 to buy this dip

that's what i get for playing videogames on a friday night

>> No.2731251

Nobody is winning from the fud, it is not a profitable method and it damages the ecosystem. There is nothing new about it at face value, but it is much more prevalent. It also makes people wary about how massively the market cap is affected with a decent coin, but if enough people talk shit about it with enough effort they can crash it a scare people away. So go ahead and pretend "yep im an oldfag :3, seen this before" when people are actually fully believing the fud, or pretending to en masse.

>> No.2731258

$500 buy order in at 200k

come at me

>> No.2731265

Somebody always wins. That's how it works. You can either rail against stupid people being stupid or you can accept that aspect of the human condition and use it to make money for yourself, or someone else will.

>> No.2731269
File: 255 KB, 869x1200, bb771ff5a9f6d479c4a415a4f9e20876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks taught Chinese how to make the terra cotta army, the 4-tone system, and Chinese fetishize the colors red and gold (classical Greek hoplite colors).

Chinese never had a monopoly on creativity, and they never will.

>> No.2731288


just buy them right now, its not going that low

>> No.2731307

Why does Pepsi even exist? everyone should drink Coke.

>> No.2731312

Money > Racism
Racist when it suits you, faggot

>> No.2731314

if only

>> No.2731319

everytime its hit 250 its spiked up right afterwards

>> No.2731329


I predicted it would drop to 250k a week ago.

Of course /biz/ is retarded and the only responses were ">implying its ever going to be 250k sats again PFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Don't think that it can't go to 200k.

>> No.2731359

or you just scare people away you stupid fucking nigger and nobody comes in to buy your fucking coins ever again. You can get the same fucking effect by just convincing massive amounts of people to buy and grow the market cap as opposed to trying to "make the shares cheap". kys edgelord

>> No.2731366

your prediction is still stupid because this is in the middle of a huge dip for EVERY crypto. it's not like ANS alone is suffering.

>> No.2731790

they don't want billion dollar american companies making even more billions off them. don't blame them desu

>> No.2731954
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>> No.2731957

top kek

>> No.2732029

You would think that they'd learn from the previous dip. Speculation isn't some infinite money machine.

>> No.2732492

The day when I start witnessing in my country two year old street sweepers getting curb stomped while gook niggers stand around doing nothing is the day I might entertain your far fetched "it's just globalism we orr same reery, bro" theory, Wang.

>> No.2733331

>terracotta army
misquoted news for sensationalism
>4-tone system
not all Chinese languages use 4 tones
>red and gold
it's red and yellow

Try again

>> No.2734567

We 100000 buywall now

>> No.2734620

and... and it got ate, goddamn I love this coin

>> No.2734640

It's crashing fags. Get in.and I bought 200k at the top

>> No.2734656

ancient chinese culture is an entire world apart from ancient greek. stop spouting shit you don't know

>> No.2734812

Want to buy more ANS , is the dip over already? should i wait until tomorrow?

>> No.2734922

seems to be recovering back to 7 bucks. I think the worst is over.

>> No.2735021

Top KEK.

>> No.2735202

All the FUD in this thread comes from ETH bots not realizing that competition between Neo/ANS and ETH is the potential best thing in the future for the cryptomarket.

>> No.2735370

I really, really, like this picture

>> No.2735391

>they fucking dominated technology economy education literally everything for 4800years on this planet
this is such a fucking meme dude, they had advanced bureaucracies but their conformist mindset kept them stagnant as hell. There's a reason why the Han are considered both the most stable and least dynamic folk

>> No.2735666

This coin sucks boiled dog's ass