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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27267501 No.27267501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Howdy /Biz/ Let me just tell you all a little story. I was casually browsing /pol/ when I saw a thread that caught my interest. In it, OP claims to have seen a post from reddit, claiming that the hedgies had been making counterfeit shares, through some manner of advanced talmudic sorcery. You can see the full post here >https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l97ykd/the_real_reason_wall_street_is_terrified_of_the/
Now, I went and decided to check this out, and boy oh boy is it a doozy.

It feels like this is the missing piece of the puzzle that connects the robin hood scandals and other shenanigans all together
Let's say, hypothetically, this is correct and see how well it 'fits' with the other 'pieces'
1. I've seen dozens of posts, from /pol/ to /biz/ to WSB to Twitter, to Facebook, stating some kind of shenanigans in 'finding' their shares of GME. While it could simply be incompetence, those shares being counterfeit and not truly existing at all, could be the reason.
2. Robinhood stopping people from buying GME. While the simplest answer is their greedy jews working to protect themselves/their ultra-jew masters, one must consider that to a jew, NOTHING is simple. Every action must be multipurpose. By Solving X you also fix Y and Z. it's how jews think, how they operate. Knowing this, we can treat their ban on buys as an admission of guilt to their knowledge that the shares are fake. They didn't just ban buys to protect themselves, but to 'protect' us (and in doing so, doubly protecting themselves).
3. remember their excuses for halting? Volatility problems. Do you know what's VOLATILE AS FUCK? SELLING PEOPLE SHIT THAT DOESN'T EXIST! Especially when they try to sell it back after prices rise to make some cash. They can't tell the counterfeit shares from the real ones, so they MUST HALT THE STOCK TO FIGURE OUT WHICH IS WHICH.

>> No.27267583

bullish for defi

>> No.27267716

Where in any of this is evidence or details regarding arrests or jail time?

>> No.27267894

My dude, this is so fucking illegal that if the jewlords don't put these motherfuckers in prison, people will be kicking down doors and putting heads on pikes when this gets out.

>> No.27268410

>if the jewlords don't put these motherfuckers in prison, people will be kicking down doors and putting heads on pikes when this gets out
nope lol
good goy amerifats will do nothing as usual

>> No.27268525
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>> No.27268706
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Thank god these angels reference 4chan, maybe more people with good-think will come here!

>> No.27268849

Sounds like a bank run, except with stock. (Banks are legally allowed to loan 9 times the amount of cash they actually have. This works out very well for the bankers until everyone tries to take their money out at one time. Then the bankruptcies happen.)

>> No.27268905

My dude. On monday or whenever this shit bubble bursts, half the fucking government agencies in America are going to be looking at this, and they'll go "Hey, why the fuck are there TWICE AS MANY STOCKS AS THERE SHOULD BE?" And when they do, and people realize that half their stocks are literally fake, and worth completely nothing, there will be a call for blood not seen since hitlers rise to power.
The only reason amerifats do nothing, is because they still have money. But what about when they're told, they DIDN'T just make ten grand? What about a hundred grand, a million? How much money do people think is sitting in their accounts right now, that will fucking disappear? The goddamn jewlords might do it themselves just because these retards last them trillions of dollars.

>> No.27268953

Bearish as fuck, selling at opening.

>> No.27269115

Jewish hands wrote this post.

>> No.27269128


>> No.27269152

Says he’s from /pol/. Links to Reddit. Actual content is some QAnon-level bullshit. This board sucks right now.

>> No.27269250

I know bro, the thought alone gives me an erection harder than a steel beam.

>> No.27269289
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Jannies deleted a thread with this link before.

>> No.27269336

Nothing will happen, trades will contiue to be restricted, gme will go to 500, everyone will get their 500 per share and be told to fuck off because a greedy few at the hedgefund ruined everything. Those hedgies will go to jail and more restrictions will be placed on common people and discussions when it comes to equities, just like what happens to gun rights when one person kills a classroom full of kids.

>> No.27269374

Hey retard, in case you didn't notice, this whole fucking collapse is because of reddit. I hate those fucking tranniggers as much as any of you, but disregarding something purely because of the source is a literal jewish trick.

>> No.27269424

Nevermi nd

>> No.27269488
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>selling puts to enlarge position
Wow, a reverse hedge! Fascinating stupidity.

>> No.27269601

>fleecing jew bankers is the same as killing kids in the good ole US of A
land of the free, baby

>> No.27269785
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op is not a fag

>> No.27269843

I don't know why they didn't help their family or community. Reddit is still reddit, with their white man's burden

>> No.27269976
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>$30 gas fee per transaction

>> No.27270032

Wrong, americans will do nothing.
Americans did nothing when national guard desegregated schools at bayonet point or when rioters murdered Reginald Oliver Denny or when they burned down Waco or when supreme court basically railroaded all liberal reforms.
I'll tell you what's gonna to happen, you'll take in the chin and keep asking for more even going as far as considering older liberal talking points as conservative values.
Americans fled europe then fled their own american cities for suburbs and they never stopped fleeing toward the political center towards liberalism.
Odds are they never will.

>> No.27270047

>I don't know why they didn't help their family or community.
their family and community probably supported the wrong color in the election

>> No.27270130


Burgers literally stormed their own captiol building earlier this month and killed policemen, and those were the boomers with something to lose

I wouldn’t underestimate how crazy the lockdowns have made everybody

>> No.27270346

None of those directly influenced the average American. Consider how pissed off most of the country already is with all of this bullshit, now add a million dollars being "stolen" from them.

You're probably a demoralization shill just trying to make this info seem irrelevant though,

>> No.27270398

>My dude, this is so fucking illegal that if the jewlords don't put these motherfuckers in prison, people will be kicking down doors and putting heads on pikes when this gets out.
They'll get away with it and no one will do anything about it because celeb #947292 will come out as a transsexual man that loves women but wants to chop his dick off

>> No.27270439

this is huge. send this to the WSJ immediately

>> No.27270621

kill yourself shill. the rope is coming

>> No.27270635

if they do not get put in prison I will personally find where the CEO of Melvin capital's home is in Minecraft and deliver him a block of tnt.

>> No.27270886

>Burgers literally stormed their own captiol building earlier this month
because a politician told them to
no politician will tell them to pull out the pitchforks this time

>> No.27270918

I am so fucking sick of >Hur due nothing will happen!

>> No.27270937

It's giving me a bad feeling. Add to that the fact that normies are FOMO'ing into shitcoin pumps now. I work at a restaurant and two normie retard waitresses are talking about nokia, amc, and fucking dogecoin. Mass hysteria/euphoria. This time right now seems like the speculative hysteria that marks the inflection point in the overall market. I wouldn't be surprised if it all comes tumbling down in the next couple weeks.

>> No.27271022

lmao buy silver lmao

>> No.27271065

Another racist alt right white male, terrorists really. The reason >>27270032 is right is because that's human nature. People are dumb as fuck. Europeans love government as much a chinks. Colonized countries are growing up into their parents. The only way out of this is to move away.

>> No.27271271

Nope, eat shit faggot. These worthless piles of refuse all have addresses, they all have families, they all have jobs. I will track down each and every GODDAMN ONE OF THEM IF I HAVE TO.

>> No.27271425

Are you batman?

>> No.27271513

No. Batman didn't know how to exploit the Haber-Bosch process to spin explosives out of thin air.

>> No.27271773

The fact that this many people have nothing to lose is what inspires some hope. I fear the US would devolve into a Spanish civil war, but who knows, in minecraft, anything can happen.

>> No.27272355

I'm suspicious. We know the SEC/Gov could halt and try to unwind this, but that blows up the casino. Nobody would ever trust the market again.

Float a story that this isn't a legit squeeze but a fraud. That allows the SEC to investigate and come up with a fine. This would essentially contain it, but allow them to keep the casino open. A bail in to pay out shareholders at market would make most money, but would stop the squeeze.

>> No.27272384

I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. There is nothing the glowies can take from me.

>> No.27272471

If the SEC only gives the hedgies a fine then they should make sure to check their mailboxes for presents too.

>> No.27272478

Yeah, I have a real bad feeling about all of this shit. Especially the peak mania with fucking IG thots shilling stocks.

>> No.27272528

Thanks. Reported to FBI.

>> No.27272625

It's a pump and dump scheme to move stimulus/unemployment check money from mainstreet to wall street.

>> No.27272636

White collar criminals from Wall Street don't get prison time, they're too politically connected for laws to apply to them.

>> No.27272635

Reported for what? Giving people presents? The SEC needs to fertilize their plants too, anon. Think of the poor flowers.

>> No.27272661

retard teenager alert. companies don't go bankrupt just because nobody wants to buy their equity. it's the other way around.

>> No.27272754

Stopped reading after "...some manner of advanced talmudic sorcery."

>> No.27272799

>One post by this ID
>One post by this ID

Shills need to fertilize their flowers too :)

>> No.27272818

Its not human nature imbecile, its their father the Devil

>> No.27272889

>one post by this ID
So many coming out, and for what? Nothing's gunna happen, right? It's a nothingburger, just someone on reddit lying. No need to be worried :)

>> No.27272962

Dont call your coworkers retards

>> No.27273010

not gonna let 'em do it

>> No.27273128

>more normies coming here

>> No.27273155

You haven't met them.

>> No.27273566

keep at it OP, you're making some good points. reddit generally is cancer, but in amongst it all r/wallstreetbets was a little piece of anti-reddit on reddit. Hence it got shoahed

>> No.27273569

It's just naked shorting, nothing to see here, goy.

>> No.27273919

>Class A common stock — $.001 par value; 300 shares authorized; 65.2, 67.9 and 64.3 shares issued and outstanding
>(in millions, except par value per share)
>(vii) No Guarantee of Placement, Etc. The Company acknowledges and agrees that (A) there can be no assurance that the Agent will be successful in placing Shares;
etc etc etc
>(u) Market Activities. The Company will not take, directly or indirectly, any action designed to or that would be reasonably expected to cause or result in stabilization or manipulation of the price of the Shares or any other reference security, whether to facilitate the sale or resale of the Shares or otherwise,
>(iii) Material Adverse Changes. Except as disclosed in the Prospectus and the Time of Sale Information, (a) in the judgment of the Agent there shall not have occurred any Material Adverse Change;
>(iv) No Suspension of Trading in or Delisting of Common Shares; Other Events. The trading of the Common Shares (including without limitation the Shares) shall not have been suspended by the Commission, the Principal Market or FINRA and the Common Shares (including without limitation the Shares) shall have been approved for listing or quotation on and shall not have been delisted from the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange or any of their constituent markets. There shall not have occurred (and be continuing in the case of occurrences under clauses (i) and (ii) below) any of the following: (i) trading or quotation in any of the Company’s securities shall have been suspended or limited by the Commission or by the Principal Market or trading in securities generally on either the Principal Market shall have been suspended or limited, or minimum or maximum prices shall have been generally established on any of such stock exchanges by the Commission or the FINRA;

>> No.27274007

wow so we need blockchains for stocks now too


>> No.27274041


>> No.27274050

actually it works very well, period. you're not allowed to have paper cash. you don't lose a penny from your account, you can still pay your bills with it, and you aren't a retard day trader that's about to lose your shirt on GME, so you still have credit cards.

>> No.27274202

there are 300 million shares authorized
gamestop can sell them whenever they want
subject to limitations like the halt, a DTCC chill, any SEC investigations, general banking suspensions
share issuance and sale isn't magic and it isn't possible to create them out of thin air and "overissue" that's not even a fucking thing.

shoo, /pol/

>> No.27274251

turns out that's the price you pay to make sure the assets in your market actually exist

>> No.27274337

Shoo, shill.

>> No.27274348

wtf? take your meds, chill, you write like a crying girl, maybe you should have read http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html , and maybe you would have sounded smarter, but now, i got dummer reading you shitpost. you are a fag. kys

>> No.27274427

Don't forget to check your mailbox for presents, shill.

>> No.27274444

In 2008 all investment banks got caught red handed committing fraud.
They told their clients to buy mortgage backed securities while in-house they dumped them.
Clear and simple fraud all spelled out in emails going to the very top of these banks.
Every last motherfuking one of them.
and guess what?
zero went to jail
Instead Eric Holder the head of the DOJ at the time held a meeting with all the lawyers representing all the investment banks and they decided no one should be prosecuted cuz it might hurt the economy.
Later when Holder left the DOJ he got a comfy job at JP Morgan.
Good times.
You are probably right, hedge funds are criminally culpable with all this shit.
They are not going to jail though.
No way crooked Joe is going to let his appointed attorney general go after Hedgies that payed Yellon $800K for speeches or Ben Bernankie who literally works at Citidel.

>> No.27274525
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Ok dude then start shooting. Or just bitch on 4chan forever. Your choice.

>> No.27274530

Guess what, motherfucker. If they don't go to jail I will make them go 'to the moon' to coin a phrase.

>> No.27274603


>> No.27274611

there are far more efficient tactics one can use.

>> No.27274744

No fan of Melvin, but I'm going to laugh my ass off when you go to jail for threatening someone.

>> No.27274782

The feds would not survive the attempt.

>> No.27274848


How about linking the site that actually lays out the scheme rather than a reddit post? How plausible do you guys think this is?

I'm a moron but if I'm understanding it right the argument is basically
>you can't borrow a share to short it if no one actually owns it
>when the broker can't find a share someone owns that can be borrowed theyre supposed to go on the market and buy it themselves
>instead they've been using naked calls to hide naked shorts, effectively borrowing shares no one owns, shares that dont really exist
It seems plausible to me but again I am a moron. Is there anyone intelligent here who can comment on this?

>> No.27274866

You literally will do nothing but make 4chan threads. Why act like you would actually do something when you know you won’t, it’s pathetic

>> No.27274917

It's not 2008 anymore. 2008 was pre smart phones, pre-social media boom. Every person in the US will know their names, faces, addresses, and crimes. If the FED does not prosecute and convict, not only will these people not be able to go in public, the next election cycle will clear out incumbents like crazy. Politicians will likely run on prosecution platforms. They can't get away with it that easily this time.

>> No.27274931


Take your meds.

>> No.27274959

Fear is how they control you. I have nothing to lose, nothing the feds can take from me. I am confident in my abilities. Much like don alejo, I will fight to my last breath to put an end to this cartel we call a government.
The only reason you do not as well is because you are controlled by fear.

>> No.27274971

niiiiiiiiiiiice, unauditable economy, you do you guys

>> No.27274980


Everyone says DFV on reddit saw it first, but companies put in a lot of money to buy shares in september.

The only issue I have is when to get out on the pump. If its 500 I wont feel good about selling at 350

>> No.27275072

then clearly you have nothing to worry about
and don't need to be here, shill
Take your pennies.

>> No.27275139


We get paid in yuan, not USD

>> No.27275196

My apologies, I thought the hedgies could afford to pay you better.

>> No.27275359

There are enough people financially ruined by these fags that at least a few will be out for blood. Even if not this will lead to a mass exodus of people calling in their investments cause the system can't be trusted

>> No.27275461

Also he mentions in the article that multiple lawsuits have been filed in recent years alleging that this scheme is in fact happening.

>> No.27275602

Let's assume this is true for the sake of argument. That there are twice as many gme shares as there should be... Do we HODL or sell?

>> No.27275701


>> No.27275766


Yeah. Our benefits are pretty good though. The health insurance and vacation are fantastic.

>> No.27275795
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I just had a look at the raw data provided by https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm and can only concur on the general analysis. The amount of fails-to-deliver on GME stock is staggering in late DEC 2020, which is the most recent data it gives. However, there are other stocks also with a high number of fails-to-deliver. I don't know shit about stock markets, but for me it looks like an indicator that some weird shit is going on.

>> No.27275842

If you're not a retard this stops being a problem after your first winning trade.

>> No.27275847

nothing ever happen, we all know the government is going to bail them out and nobody is going to jail...except maybe redditors

>> No.27275884

Hold without a doubt. selling will give them real shares that they can use to hide the fake ones. By holding and forcing the squeeze, you will make it blow up in their face, creating a double face-fuck for the hedgies.

>> No.27275994

When did they give you a laptop Ted?

>> No.27275996
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