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27267397 No.27267397 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, absolute autist here. Don't get me wrong, AMPL was always a great potential moonshot, but in the light of the last couple of weeks it has the potential to EXPLODE this year.

We are talking ASTRONOMICAL gains, if you play this right. Let me explain (by the way, I am going to assume that you understand rebasing and AMPL in general - so i won't even get into it):

1) With the support that has arisen the behind the "retail vs the establishment" GME movement, we are primed for a wild year in crypto, especially with all the fuckery that has happened in the last couple of days (Robinhood and other brokers directly manipulating the market). I have seen so many interviews with this week on CNBC and other outlets, with prominent figures bringing attention to crypto, and DECENTRALIZED FINANCE IN PARTICULAR, as an answer to censorship in the markets (Winklevoss twins, co-founder of Reddit and others). As, what I can only assume is a somewhat direct result of this, /r/satoshistreetbets has gotten 170k new members in 24 hours.

2) AMPL is an obvious choice as one of the building blocks of decentralized finance - and more importantly - fits REALLY well into the narrative of escaping traditional finance, since it is the only base currency that is not backed by the dollar in any way. You are quite literally sticking it to the man, if you participate in this project.

3) Holding a little, could be significant, since rebase gains will have the potential to make people FOMO again. AMPL has not pumped to a market cap, where the "1 GME share"-level investor couldn't become a literal millionaire if they get in with a long-term vision now.

This has potential to snowball, it is all playing out in a VERY favorable way for Ampleforth.

THIS IS NOT FINANICAL ADVICE, but I urge you to diversify a small amount of portofolio into this - since it has potential to make you extremely wealthy through rebases, if this push towards crypto and decentralized finance continues.

>> No.27267917

Already sitting comfy on 30k, I am not missing a second shot at BTC essentially. I don’t really care if I lose it all, the potential upside is too great.

Make it or break it.

>> No.27267931

this will easily yield 50k by eoy with a 500$ investment now

>> No.27267991

Will I make it with 10,000 AMPL????

Waiting for those 30% rebases soon


>> No.27268020


>> No.27268193

I honestly think 5k is a make it stack.

>> No.27268306
File: 157 KB, 1360x811, tupcLGt[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get educated unAmplified /biz/lets

>> No.27268727

I wrote all this. I am a literal AMPL schizo. AMA about this project, if you need to.

>> No.27268901

enjoy getting ASSRAPED on ponzi with absolutely 0 ability to be used for anything other than a ponzi LMFAO

>> No.27269338

If you unironically hold this opinion, you are an absolute dumbass.

>> No.27269985

Read this >>27268306

>> No.27270678

oof, sounds like someone who bought the top last year, held through the winter and sold before the rebound

>> No.27271079
File: 24 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get it senpai, not everyone can understand AMPL and it's tokenomics, it's okay bro...

>> No.27271234

amplchads hop in, this is a serious tg

t.me / DeFi_StreetBets

(lose spaces)

>> No.27271500

so true hahhah

>> No.27271612

AMPL is a DeFi disruptor, if you cant see this, if you don't understand, you have down syndrome, have dun staying poor!

Im gonna 10x my Link Holdings in 4 weeks max in AMPL

>> No.27271737
File: 49 KB, 573x335, 1606710747030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you use AMPL for collateral in smart contracts instead of some stablecoin like USDC?

>> No.27272399

At a higher MC/Supply - AMPL will act somewhat stable. This is because moves at that point will have less of an impact on the price. When the price becomes less volatile, the incentive for the market to chase the arbitration below and above the rebase zone becomes VERY high, and this will keep the currency in its target zone.

At that point, this arguably becomes a better m0 then USDC (or any USD backed currency), since it is pegged to an arbitrary amount of fixed purchasing power. Inflation becomes a non-issue.

It is a win/win for markets and individuals alike.

>> No.27272606

Anytime I buy this coin I lose money.
Learned my lesson.

>> No.27273047

>Any time I buy

My point was, that you should consider allocating a small amount of your portfolio to this as a long-term HOLD. This is the ideal way to approach this, since you won't be too vulnerable - yet the very mechanics of the currency (rebasing) could be VERY lucrative exposure. Especially with this push for DeFi.

Max 10%. Only go deeper if you are a degen.

>> No.27273370

>3. And rebasing... seriously... Rebasing achieves a total of nothing. The only thing that changes is that you're now trading on market capitalization & your % of total tokens. Oh and volume generation from the exciting rebase periods? Doesn't happen since rebases are priced in instantly as balances are updated directly in conventional CFMMs. There is nothing mathematically different between $BASE, $AMPL, and every other normie-tricking rebase token out there.
couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.27273738
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> Inflation becomes a non-issue.
Fuck I'm retarded, of course. Damn that's OP then.

>> No.27273939
File: 163 KB, 843x821, itsfreerealestate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever wrote this is a brainlet. The common axiom that rebases are some sort of an 'account trick' is the epitome of not understanding why transferring volatility from price into supply is important.

I present to you this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x1b_S6Qp2Q&t=4730s

Are you telling me Vitalik is a smoothbrain?

>> No.27274371

ah yes the classic ampleforth shill trick of trying to associate their shittoken with any and all big name in crypto and economics they can think of
gimme a transcript or gtfo with your gay podcast video
>The common axiom that rebases are some sort of an 'account trick' is the epitome of not understanding why transferring volatility from price into supply is important.
Ok, please tell me in your own words how it works. Price * supply doesn't change throughout a rebase, so people will just trade price * supply without caring about price. It's so obvious I shouldn't even have to type this.

>> No.27274834
File: 436 KB, 1000x318, ampl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has this been crabbing around 100k marketcap for aeons? i have hodl stacks but i had a small swing stack and missed out on so many other pumps

>> No.27275269

First of all:
>I refuse to watch 1 minute of video
Not. Going. To. Make. It.

>Ok, please tell me in your own words how it works. Price * supply doesn't change throughout a rebase, so people will just trade price * supply without caring about price.
I assume your actual question is something akin to: "Where is the incentive to trade the arbitration" - and if you read what this anon said >>27272399, it should be clear that the very imperative of the execution of the rebase mechanics will be incentive enough.

>> No.27275281

there is one huge difference tho. AMPL is the first one, a pioneer. has a real team not some pajeets copypasting fr github. cross-chain integration in the pipeline. go back to your BASE, RMPL, antiAMPL pos coins and stay poor

>> No.27276413

That's not my question, my question is why use ampl at all instead of any random erc20 token? There's nothing to give it value. It's literally just a vanilla erc20 token with a funny name and an extra step to determine how much you're really holding.

>> No.27276469

I’ll give you the transcript. This is directly from Vitalik:

>”I think for cryptocurrencies to be the main form of value to work well, they do need to have much more price stability than they do today - and I mean, there are now stablecoins and crypto currencies that try to be more stable than existing things like bitcoin and ether - but, that is.. to me they’re kind of the main challenge [...] It’s a more kind of economic problem, which is that: Demand for currency is volatile, right? Because of recessions, booms and changes to technology - lots of things, and people’s demand for how much currency they wanna hold changes. And, if you have a currency that has a fixed supply, then the change in demand entirely expressed as a change in value of the currency, and this means that the volatility of demand becomes entirely translated into volatility of the price of the currency - BUT if you have a currency, where instead the supply can change - so the supply can go up when there’s more demand - then you have the supply absorbing more of that volatility and so the price of the currency would absorb lots of the volatility.”

Literally Ampleforth.

>> No.27276823

The value peg in itself provides some value (2019 USD peg) - since this is a fixed amount of purchasing power, which will never change.

But there are many value propositions, both long term (inflation hedge, uncorrelated diversification etc.) and short term (trading the elasticity, betting on rebases) value props .

>> No.27276924

Ampleforth has been surpassed. As a stablecoin its clear it wont go anywhere. It doesn't have a clear value proposition.

if there's one algorithmic stablecoin to bet on, it's Frax

>> No.27277021

In reality ampleforth has not and will not achieve uncorrelation with other assets. If bitcoin went down 90% and ampleforth remained the same, people would absolutely sell their ampleforth to buy bitcoin.

>> No.27277405

>The value peg in itself provides some value (2019 USD peg) - since this is a fixed amount of purchasing power, which will never change
Your net purchasing power in your wallet will still change though. This is why you can't actually use it in any way for these kind of purposes.
I'm sure he meant something less trivial than just literally adjusting everyone's wallet balance in proportion to their holdings. I'm certain Vitalik wouldn't fall for a silly ruse like that.

>> No.27277552

thanks for typing that out tho

>> No.27277569

There are so many dumb claims in both of your posts. If you expect a 1.5 year old protocol to have had enough time in the market to come to fruition, I can't help you.

Here: https://www.ampleforth.org/dashboard/correlations

>> No.27277664

Hope you are right anon, my bags are LOADED with cheap AMPL, true if big, kek will bless us AMPLchads and /biz/ will have to
>Λ P O L O G I Z E

>> No.27277669

>Your net purchasing power in your wallet will still change though. This is why you can't actually use it in any way for these kind of purposes.

The whole point is, that A SINGLE UNIT will remain somewhat stable. Not that your net purchasing power can't change. I can, and it will.

>> No.27277714

True story.
I went to a school called Ampleforth in the north of England. Place is a monastery, school run by monks. Got a lot of shit off people cause they kept saying the monks were pedos who fucked all the boys.
It happened a bit. We all knew about it.

>> No.27277984

>I’m sure he meant something less trivial than just literally adjusting everyone's wallet balance in proportion to their holdings.

I think he meant exactly what he said. Why is this too simple of a mechanism for you? The actual reflection of % ownership reflected in tokens is not even the brilliant part of this protocol, it’s the incentive structure that is laid out for the market by the protocol.

>> No.27279262

The problem is there's no real reason for ampleforth to be uncorrelated. it's an erc token that rebases to $1, that's all. It's only value proposition is as a store of value, but things with a larger network effect are objectively far superior in that regard (bitcoin, ethereum).

>> No.27279343
File: 161 KB, 688x637, pyramidtwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am biased, but the Ampleforth ORG has committed themselves to providing liquidity and incentive programs for 10 years. I don't see how this is not a sure bet. The only question is, what your time horizon looks like.

>> No.27279482

I sold all my ample yesterday to fomo into more UNI. I wish you’d have made this thread yesterday

>> No.27279668

>it's an erc token that rebases to $1

Wrong. It rebases the purchasing power of 1 2019 USD. Which means, if the dollar keeps devaluing (it will) - Ampleforth could be rebasing between 2.95 - 3.05 USD in a couple of years, for example.

It's futile to discuss things you don't understand. Read the Redbook: https://www.ampleforth.org/redbook/

>> No.27280037

>Which means, if the dollar keeps devaluing (it will) - Ampleforth could be rebasing between 2.95 - 3.05 USD in a couple of years, for example.

Literally doesn't make a difference. It's still just an erc that re-bases to a certain value.

What's its value proposition?

Stablecoin? Nope, it's not stable
Store of value? Nope, something isn't a store of value just because you say it is or because it rebases

>> No.27280176

>it’s the incentive structure that is laid out for the market by the protocol.
In reality there's no incentive introduced by the rebase, because the rebase does not change anything fundamentally about the ampl you're holding. It's just shuffling numbers from left to right. Congrats, you've created a weird shorthand for "2019 inflation adjusted USD", that's all.

>> No.27280331


Read >>27276823

This is not a stablecoin, it WILL be a somewhat 'stable' coin. But being an actual stablecoin has never been a value proposition.

I IMPLORE you to stop parroting other things you have read on /biz/ and read up on this yourself. You do NOT grasp it atm.

>> No.27280492

What the fuck is this post? Did you read what I wrote?

The arbitration opportunities created by having a price target zone, is the incentive. You don't write like a dumb poster, stop acting like one.

>> No.27280581

>since it is the only base currency that is not backed by the dollar in any way
well you are wrong here

but how do u make money from ample? purely thru rebasing?

>> No.27280780

Direct me towards one other currency that tries to be a base money, that is not backed by fiat in some way (also only partially).

>> No.27280855

This says its CPI adjusted, then goes on to say it's adjusted against Mn. Which is it? What if CPI is gamed? As a non-dollar user, this seems a complex and gameable solution to a problem that is adequately addressed by token burn or guaranteed inflation.

>> No.27281189

I read what you wrote, it's just wrong. Easiest way to see this is to look at the ampl - eth pool on uniswap. If you want to sell your ampl into this pool it doesn't matter if you do it just before or just after rebase, you get exactly the same amount of eth since the ampl in the pool and your own ampl rebase by the same ratio at the same time. Anyway I'm off to bed, see you all in some future ampl thread.
p.s. just buy link ;)

>> No.27281222

Why ampleforth when there is BenchMARK?
You are still early. Dyor, but check this one.
It will replace ampleforth soon

>> No.27281250

well i was orginally thinking of ditto and rebase i think but they are actually ampleforth forks

also silver and gold other mineral backed cryptos

but rebasing is the only way you make money?

>> No.27281286

It’s a CPI adjusted 2019 USD.

>What if CPI is gamed
Highly unlikely, this would lead to world crisis.

>Adequately addressed by token burn
This is essentially a token burn, my friend?

>> No.27281446

>If you want to sell your ampl into this pool it doesn't matter if you do it just before or just after rebase, you get exactly the same amount of eth
Ok, so you are a dumb poster, my bad.

>p.s. just buy link ;)
And there it is.

>> No.27281461

when will we get another rebase season anon? I'm tired of waiting because I've been at the same $ amount +/- 5% for weeks now.
I've heard AMPL is kinda hard to use for smart contracts because elastic supply fucks with the algorithms but when will they actually release some news?

>> No.27281727

No, you can also trade the price movement. I am arguing for a long-term, small diversification of your portfolio into this - in the case that the current sentiment towards traditional finance kicks off DeFi. See >>27273047

>> No.27281751

bro your employer will treat 1 2019 $ the same as 1 2025 $ or even worse
I made over $20.000 with AMPL last summer when it went crazy with like $1.600 initial investment, the only thing you need is that the MC grows a lot AFTER you already got in.
You can't lose much if you just leave some in your wallet but the upside is huge

>> No.27282042

I noticed in the Google Newsfeed on my phone this coin was shilled a lot by the hundreds of "crypto news" sites months back but since it isn't on Coinbase I didn't buy any.

>> No.27283143

I have no idea. But there is no way, that this doesen't rebase positively this year. Hedge your bets, is what I would say.

>> No.27283232
File: 52 KB, 696x515, AMPL Satoshi Nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screencap tells it all.
AMPL is what Satoshi Nakamoto would have developed bitcoin to be if chain link existed in 2009.

>> No.27284021


First generation algostables like AMPL have no future

>> No.27284119

Buy holding AMPL you will be 1 step ahead of the NANO bots but 2 steps behind the smart money

>> No.27284872


I've read this before, and the whole basis of this article is, that the current market history is enough to make the points that the author is making.. Which is just.. Sort of dumb? He put a lot of effort into this, but the foundation of the article is weak as fuck. He also conflates AMPL with Hayek money, which it differs from in important ways not touched upon.

Also, he preludes the entire article with essentially saying, that "The jury is still out.. But anyway here's wonderwall".

>> No.27285093

This goes back to my basic puzzlement. Any DAOcoin can vote for an oracle feed override of planned supply moving it to an indexed system of one or more other [crypto]currencies. I have nothing vs the coin, I just don't see "independence from the dollar" as a USP in the space in 2020.

>> No.27285166

Just telling every critic "you dont grasp it" doesn't cut it.

the upside is unlimited and the downside is whatever I put into it... same as every other token in other words

>> No.27285362

>Just telling every critic "you dont grasp it" doesn't cut it.

You literally thought that AMPL was pegged to the current year dollar. It is 100% fair to say that you only have a surface level understanding of the project.

>> No.27285725

The Chainlink oracle only fetches exchange information. The CPI value is gotten through a CPI oracle.

>> No.27286670

no there is no downside you will regularly get the chance to pull out without any loss but if you miss the first 1-2 days of rebase you miss the big gains so it's smart to keep some % of your portfolio in ampl at all times, you never know when it expands

>> No.27287677

i'm thinking of selling some at $2.5, $3 and $4
and buying back around $1.5 and below

>> No.27287934

I see many below-average IQ still don't get it.

Stay poor, AMPL top 15 in 2 months

>> No.27288063

Assuming the same amount of participants as last cycle, good idea. Very hard to gauge though.

If enough fresh hands, aligned with the GME sentiment comes to the table, then all bets are suddenly off.

Personally, I feel that $4 is a good target to start thinking about doing something, if it explodes all of a sudden (I'm talking violent movement).

>> No.27288155

That's not how AMPL works.
You don't understand the rebase mechanism.
You haven't read the project documentation.
If you "invested" you wouldn't understand what you are "investing" in and would lose money.
Read the documentation on the project site for starters.

>> No.27288328

Remember, before the future implementation of a Sigmoid rebase function (https://aips.ampleforth.org/AIPs/aip-5)), you need to weigh whether or not you think that you will capture enough of the price movement through rebases, because it happens linearly before this implementation.

This means, that the protocol assumes a 10 day rebase period to match the price movement. If you feel that this cannot be captured, the efficient trader should sell.

>> No.27288867

Please dont tell people about this. They will fucking ruin it again

>> No.27289058

Ampleforth is the best project since bitcoin - it is so simple

>> No.27289076

Hey autist anon, tell me the following:
Can I buy this on Kucoin and hold there? You know will I get the rebase there as well?
Does anybody know that?
Thank you

>> No.27289327

Pretty sure rebase will happen anywhere you hold. I hold in metamask and its almost instant. Other wallets and exchanges might take a bit to reflect the rebase change

>> No.27289434
File: 44 KB, 270x382, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy it on KuCoin - and currently it is the high risk, high reward way of acquiring AMPL.

KuCoin had a security incident, earlier in 2020, and because of this the withdrawal limit of AMPL is currently limited on their exchange. As a consequence of this, however, AMPL is a bit cheaper on KuCoin right now.

If you want in, and you think KuCoin is going to pull through, you are in luck (if not, Bitfinex or Uniswap).

>> No.27289949

I have 36k ample

Where should I pool for maximum returns? Is the Sushiswap geyser good? It has better APY than the uniswap pool.

>> No.27290209

I have 30k and I am all in AMPL. I feel like we are on the cusp of a new run.

>> No.27290715

I just looked up im wallet holder like #300 wtf???

If ampl becomes the stablecoin of the future I will be the 300th richest man in the world

Also what pool are you providing liquidity in bro

Cant decided between Sushiswap or uniswap

>> No.27290942

I’m not providing liquidity at the moment, because I want full AMPL exposure in the short term. I’d go with Uniswap though, I hear it takes time to get the rewards from the sushiswap one.

>> No.27291111

Ample is the next pump and it wont be a fucking meme pump either. It literally is the future of stable coin

>> No.27291196

Can someone confirm if I'm conceptually understanding AMPL's value prop?

Given that the price is stable and your holdings are a proportion of the market cap you're betting that the market cap will grow. I.e., suppose someone were to own 1% of AMPL's $200M market cap now, so their holdings are $2M. If AMPL's marketcap grows to $400M, they'd still own 1% of AMPL's worth of tokens and their holdings would now be worth $4M.

>> No.27291844

So it’s better just to hold 100% AMPL than 50% ETH and 50% AMPL to stake you think?

>> No.27291999

Holy shit! Never heard of this before. Fucking brilliant. I missed out on all the weird defi shit this summer. Too busy staying offline. Thanks anon. This looks really good.

>> No.27291998

Last summer we learned that ample is the true IQ test of /biz/ dont be made a fool again guys.

>> No.27292005

Simple answer: Yes.

Longer answer: It is a little more complicated than that. The thing is, there are different value propositions here, depending on what kind of a time horizon you are operating with.

If you are in it for the long-term, and you don't want to swing or trade the short-term price action, market cap may not an accurate reflection of your holdings, since the price also inflates the market cap when it goes up.

The price works as a multiplier in this way, and the elasticity of the protocol facilitates this. If you are very long, the value prop SHOULD instead be, that the SUPPLY of AMPL could increase, that you could then capitalize on, at a decent 'multiplier' if you will.

Short-term, you're mainly looking at the market cap, as you said.

>> No.27292058

I'm all in on MUSE sorry

>> No.27292062

>I am a literal AMPL schizo
Tell me all schizo stuff you know.
The kind of stuff where people reply with "take your meds"
>t.216 Chainlink schizo

>> No.27292096

It appears that the token is based on a dollar in the past and the way you make gains is by providing liquidity. Correct?

>> No.27292152

For the time being, I see a larger upside in pure AMPL exposure, since ETH already pumped quite a bit.

>> No.27292208

Unless you aleady have a shit ton of ETH to stake its not worth it. I just hold the ample in my wallet and let it do its magic

>> No.27292278

Does anyone remember or know what happend to toothanon from the summers ample threads? I hope he made it bros

>> No.27292445

Ampleforth could be a global national reserve currency, completely free from inflation - with none of the economic downsides of having a deflationary currency as your unit-of-account.

This is the illuminati coin. No shit. Hence all the pyramid and eye memes.

The project was even advised by Niall Ferguson at three Hoover institute (The historian with Rothschild ties).

Time for me to take my meds, I guess.

>> No.27292593

My grandpa was gonna loan me 30 ETH so I can provide liquidity

So I can either hold 40k eth, or take a 30eth loan and provide liquidity and split profits with my grandpa

What’s better?

>> No.27293167

Thats honestly a hard decision to make but hopefully someone in here can clearly lay out the pros and cons to that. Thats big money though so good luck anon. Us amplechads will make it

>> No.27293376

I cannot tell you which is the better choice for you, but I can tell you, that providing liquidity comes a with a lower risk profile, since you are less exposed to the more volatile asset in this basket.

High risk, high reward = 100% AMPL.

>> No.27293444

Yeah, it’s really confusing

If price of AMPL increases then I think what I pooled will automatically rebalance to keep 50/50 ratio, so less AMPL if the price increases

But Geyser gains are huge so maybe it would offset the losses, also good to balance my portfolio anyways

>> No.27293452

I am getting a 1% injection of ampl tonight, all for being a good boy and being a part of the plan, REBASEEEEEEEE

>> No.27293886

Fuck man I just wish I could give you better advice. Like I sad ample is a huge IQ test and since from early on I decided to not mess with the staking becuase It would require ETH which I unfortunately dont have much of and If im buying something I just want more ample instead of ETH to stake it with

>> No.27294069

So to make money off of this, one would ideally wait for a rebase after the price has gone up then sell like crazy before it drops to 2019 $1 then buy again repeat?

>> No.27294319

Ideally you want to buy now and hold In my personal opinion. I dont want to deal with the tax bullshit that comes with trying to swing this shit daily. Also I remember so many people getting burned by doing this, bots are already set up to do it and its pretty difficult to beat them to the buys and sell and tons of people got fucked by trying it over the summer

>> No.27294435

No. AMPL is non-dilutive.
This means your percent ownership of the network remains fixed.
Buying x AMPL today gives you x% of the AMPL marketcap. Forever.

>> No.27294445

hello ampl shizo, do you see this as a long hold?

>> No.27294624

Oh fuck yeah, one of the longest. Just read this shit man https://www.ampleforth.org/

>> No.27294670

It doesen't work like this. The protocol doesen't adjust the actual price, it only adds or removes AMPL from circulation. It is up to the market to set the price.

The thing is, many market participants are aware of this - and now, you already have bots that are trading the presumed arbitration - BUT - you also have people who are aware of this, who then sell BEFORE the rebase, in an attempt of front-running all the post-rebase selling.

Who actually wins this trade? I have no idea at this point. It is only clear to me, how you'd successfully day-trade this at a high supply/market cap.

>> No.27294859

Wait no I mean when the rebase happens, everyone gets more coins, but since the price hasn't adjusted in that moment yet, you could quickly sell them higher before it naturally goes back down to $1? Or am I misunderstanding this?

>> No.27294937

Rebase was created to prevent a liquidity crunch. This is what ensures "stable contracts"

Us receiving more tokens from it is more or less a byproduct of that.

>> No.27294966


invest in the geyser, I have made 450 ampl in 35 days.

>> No.27295081

No - that is 100% correct, but what I also said was, that many people are aware of what you are saying, so they sell before the rebase, because they feel that, this is where they can 'win' that trade. Are they successful? I don't really know.

I think this really varies depending on the incoming rebase percentage, volume, momentum, over-all incentive and so on.

>> No.27295289

I'm going to drop 600 eth on this on every dip little by little to basically average in on my entry, but if the market cap breaks 350m im all in, its going to boom you BONE Heads

This will be July ALL over again, this time i intend to ride it HARD i can see 3 BIL mcap as a min!

Frens, jump on or get rekt, simple as.

play it smart you dumbfucks

>> No.27295340

from how much
or you can just hold and keep getting more and more
interesting, where do you guys buy this stuff?

>> No.27295442


Stay contracts is a solid value proposition. With Ampleforth there will never be a liquidity crunch or crisis like DAI faced last year during black Thursday.

Stable contracts are impossible with bitcoin or eth due to their fixed supply.

>> No.27295460

>or you can just hold
As market cap grows... well you know, your percentage ownership remains fixed.

>> No.27295714

Thanks. I ran some Gematria number shit on it and found some noteworthy things as well which also would confirm your theory

>> No.27295725

A little cheaper on KuCoin (riskier, they had a security incident last year), else Uniswap, Bitfinex and FTX are good options.

Be aware, that if you choose to go with KuCoin, there is a temporary restriction on how much AMPL you can withdraw, because of the incident, it is however, cheaper.

>> No.27295831

During the summer pumps of ample at my max I was making around 2k a day from this with my poor people investment of $700. Now im loaded up again and ready to fucking pump this shit

>> No.27295864

I see too many clueless people here.

the rebase does not drop the value!

Look at market cap not price per coin you FUCKTARDS

if you don't get it don't buy, you retards make the project look like its full of dumbasses


>> No.27295960


>> No.27296710

Really feeling good about ample this week

>> No.27297077
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Gematria definitely confirms this shit, and that ain’t half of it.

>> No.27298286

>Niall Ferguson
It's also noteworthy to see when the ICO was. On the day leaving exactly 187 days left in the year
"Society of Jesus" equals 187
Ampleforth was also a character in Orwells book
AMPL is also 42 and 21 just like Jesuit
And the symbol of AMPL is the 11th number in the Greek alphabet, for 11 is the masternumber
Also written "Lambda" which equals in full reduction 15, just as "AMPL"
I am not 100% convinced and I don't think this will be a world currency. But it might be a very good bet for this bullrun.

>> No.27298363

Full disclosure: I see the potential of swinging this, and I will if I see a clear cut opportunity. But there is no doubt to me, that this will eventually be a top 10, if not top 5 cryptocurrency.

>> No.27298605
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>> No.27299132

Found the top IQ amplechad

>> No.27299790

>And the symbol of AMPL is the 11th number in the Greek alphabet, for 11 is the masternumber
>Also written "Lambda" which equals in full reduction 15, just as "AMPL"

Based. I am getting McKenna vibes.

>> No.27299998

Up %17 percent already, keep it going. With ample, we all make it.

>> No.27300143

I think we can break the 3 month ath today. Its looking good so far

>> No.27300161


>> No.27300406
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holding ampl is dead money due to opportunity cost but if/when it pumps it will god candle

>> No.27300470

Yeah, same here. Just bought 2k.

>> No.27300610

I'm already seeing how difficult it is to buy into this. I want to give it a shot but I am being cockblocked by not being able to find nearly anything about it anywhere. Got any resources besides their .org I can read up on? I'm definitely interested.

>> No.27300691

Hence this thread. The stars are slowly aligning. I don't really know if you can say that holding at this stage is dead money due to opportunity cost. Seems like a hard thing to time, especially with the potential of this.

Regardless, I also only recommended a 10% allocation for non-degens. Just get exposed, if only a little (in minecraft).

>> No.27300727

What is it you are looking for? News articles?

>> No.27300789


Just easy ways to get into it. I have no problem buying a bunch just to see where it goes. I don't know much about the exchanges they recommend on their site.

>> No.27300915

I just buy ETH from coinbase and trade it for ample on uniswap, But thats the only option I have because I live In a cucked state

>> No.27301036

Yeah, that's what I'm seeing here. Lots of restrictions on the methods to get it. I'll probably take your method since it looks easiest IMO.

>> No.27301078
File: 30 KB, 389x363, theallseingeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that is the best resource though. The WP and the Redbook will give you all the information, but it takes a while to absorb.

Other best bet is YouTube. Here are some videos:

Introductory videos created by the team:

Absolute KINO and required viewing:

>> No.27301206

Check out their forum


>> No.27301256

Good luck! I shill meme shit sometimes but ample is the only thing I shill that is actually amazing and has a ton of potential lmao

>> No.27301311

It's cause you guys ask the same questions and have the same arguments all answered on the website. Then you want to argue but said argument is just us slowly drip feeding you Shit that's on the website. It doesn't even take that long, go read it. This isn't exclusive to AMPL as well, any crypto that takes more than 10 min of reading gets this treatment.

>> No.27301427


Got it brothers...Not that I care about getting it when it soars, but I imagine I have some time to actually purpose it without missing out on the boom, yeah? I'm not exactly in a good position to be able to buy anything right now as I'm at my fiance's parents' house for a few hours.

>> No.27301609

If I own 50 AMPL right now how much potentially would it be worth at the next parabolic top? How the fuck do I figure this out?

>> No.27301665

Thank you for a very informative thread, AMPL autists. Ended up getting 500 ETH worth of it.

>> No.27301668

Yes you probably still have a good amount of time. It still might not pump to huge numbers yet but once it gets a little bit of movement it can kinda spiral up out of control. It'll always be a good coin to have. Just remember to take you're profits on it when people start to fomo in because by design it will eventually work itself back down in price.

>> No.27301846

Yeah I kind of want it to be one of those coins that I have in my back pocket but am not being weighed down by thinking about it. Appreciate it.

>> No.27302552

Big if true. Your great grandchildren will thank you.

>> No.27303240

Fuck yeah, welcome to the club. Ample is going to buy me a new Subaru Sti this year

>> No.27303298

The thing is, the amount of AMPL that you hold would have changed at that point. I won't speculate on how many AMPL you could have at that point, but remember that if you recieve multiple positive rebases, your gains are compounding.

One day you have 50 AMPL tokens, you recieve a 50% positive rebase, you have 75 AMPL tokens, next day, also 50% - but now you have 112.5 AMPL. See what I am getting at?

>> No.27303478

Yea I understand the rebase part and the constant changing amount of AMPL, I’m just wondering if there’s a way to estimate or guess how much a 50$ investment would yield out of genuine curiosity.

>> No.27303633
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No one can tell you that with any speculative asset. You're looking for Miss Cleo, I think.

>> No.27303690

Not an AMPL autist, but I think 40x might be possible peak bullrun.

>> No.27303973
File: 58 KB, 1200x630, ampleforth-mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im feeling..... Pretty good tonight bros,

>> No.27304194

last ampl bull
2500 holders -> 25000 holders
5 million mcap -> 500 million mcap
100x users correlated with 100x in mcap
it won't 100x again unless it gets on an exchange like coinbase or binance during a mania run

>> No.27304282

oops 10x users, 100x mcap

>> No.27304330

And then your SCAMPL debases back down because no one wants your shitty token and you're poor again, now what

>> No.27305053

This token is too high IQ to come in with that low level fud

>> No.27305106
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Show me on the doll, where Ampleforth hurt you.

>> No.27305224

Been DCAing into AMPL since August. Also staking in USDC smart geyser with no impermanent loss. So fucking bullish about this project, almost want it to crash so I can load up more.

>> No.27305448
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>> No.27305806

Look into regulations that are going to hit the books on stable coins and how this circumvents them, then look how this hasn’t been even been listed on Coinbase or Binance yet.
Also this is the PERFECT coin to take profits into. Yes it will crash with the rest of the crypto market and probably be cursed with negative rebases for maybe a month afterwards. But this shit thrives on BTC and ETH crabbing, even in a downtrend. This will fuckin moon once all the other pumps are over with.

>> No.27306226

Indeed, the STABLE act:

I actually missed this in my OP, but also another reason why it makes sense to be bullish on AMPL. It will be entirely unaffected by these regulations.

>> No.27307239

Bullish as fuck

>> No.27307414
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>> No.27307439

already on the train, feeling comfy bros

>> No.27307578

This shit is going to be huge soon, strap in, even tonight we are seeing some great upwards movement

>> No.27307917

finally be able to NEET 4 life

>> No.27307942

Oh man once positive rebases kick this thing is really gonna fly, I'm so excited, the last pump lasted for a full fucking month.

Top fucking 10.

>> No.27307996

Sitting with a comfy 1k ampl in geyser earning 60% apy

It shouldn't be this easy bros

>> No.27308163
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>> No.27308176

so it's a stablecoin? your $6k stack will always be worth $6k regardless of the number of tokens in the stack, right?

>> No.27308208

You have to HODL forever, that's how you get the gains, anons from the summer remember the mega pump. It's time boys

>> No.27308313

Read their fucking website it's not that hard to understand.

>> No.27308523

Im so fucking excited too anon. Like ive said when this thing starts to take off it FUCKING TAKES OFF. I fucking love ample

>> No.27308534


>> No.27308614

Tilt your head to the left anon, what do you see? Hahahahahahaha

>> No.27308692

No, not a stablecoin. If the price goes up, more tokens are put into circulation, but the tokens still retain worth.

It is a ‘stabler’ coin at a high market cap, because efficient participants trading the arbitration will keep it stable-ish.

>> No.27309334

Wrong. just read the website bro it's not hard

>> No.27309826

Not a stablecoin, if the price goes up more tokens are created and given to everyone who is holding AMPL, you make bank from price increase and also from getting given more of the supply.

Supply changes are also weighted in a way were supply increases can happen very fast but decreases are dampened to it takes a long time.

Go do a bit it research and you will see that this thing is rocket fuel.

>> No.27309880

You CAN provide liquidity, but there are different strategies with this asset. It's quite unique in that way. See >>27281727

>> No.27310105

Ampl Einsten here. The original shill. The best. The frog all girl frogs want to date and all man frogs want to be.

Can confirm. This anon OP is smart.

Market cycle is returning, this thing runs in cycles.
Polkadot and Tron cross chain around the corner. This will squeeze the supply and make it more illiquid.
Lending platforms coming - Aave proposal underway and Yield.credit coming next week or so. This will catapult AMPL as people use AMPL as collateral to lend eth/usdt to buy more ampl to lend more ampl to buy more ampl - and the positive rebase will be FUCKING LOVELY.

x buy now, the cycle has returned, get ready for a 50x .

>> No.27310553

Look at that red candle wick, they're seething rn they can't do anything to stop this train

>> No.27311445

Oh man, Scarface Anon is back.

>> No.27313144

The elasticity of the protocol will either add or remove tokens from circulation, but as >>27308692 already pointed out, this doesen't directly mess with the price of AMPL.

However, be aware, that if the price veers into the downside of the price target zone, the protocol will start removing tokens from circulation during rebase. This is done, to make the token more scarce, in an effort to increase its value in the eyes of the market.