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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27259264 No.27259264 [Reply] [Original]

Conventional wisdom says "when the shoe shine boy is giving you stock advice it's time to get out". This is totally irrelevant in regard to a short squeeze. We want the float to stay as small as possible, hence the brokers locking everyone out of the market to give the hedgies some slack. This is why they've doubled down on the shorts, they're banking on out lasting everyone.

Anyone saying this is over or already peaked is a liar. No one has any idea what's going to happen. Present your short receipts if you think otherwise.

>> No.27259423

They're attempting to illegally naked short sell to lower the price.

>> No.27259603

I think most of the original shorters covered a portion of their pre-100 shorts, they're still kinda fucked though because they still have a lot more to cover

What's even more retarded is other HFs coming in and shorting at like 150, 200, 300, like are they retarded? Do they really think other institutions are gonna paper hand? They're trying to get in some gain with potentially infinite losses.

Timing the crash is just as hard as timing the peak, since you need to know when it's going to peak for it to crash, so people shorting it are equally retarded as the people trying to time to peak

>> No.27259876

>Do they really think other institutions are gonna paper hand?

This is key that a lot of people seem to miss. There is institutional support for the squeeze, this isn't plebbit vs. Wal-Street, but plebbit + sharks vs shorters.

>> No.27260367

>You can only buy 1 share
>The hedge fund can sell infinity shares but has to repurchase infinity shares
>The hedge fund can also put up buy orders that are lower than the one share you can buy and can buy their own shares
>The SEC will look the other way when they wash trade the price down
>They will close out their shorts and repurchase the shares for a very small premium because you cannot compete with them because you can only buy 1 share.
>They will close all of their shorts at a harsh premium but it will not squeeze the way it should have.
This is how it will happen.

>> No.27260500

They will take down all of their other positions if they don't play nice. The investment bank and Citadel liquidations would destroy their other positions if they fuck around too much here. How the hell would they fill out the paper work to justify the position? They have justifications to write that retail does not.

>> No.27260518

GME is a great catalyst for making the markets truly free. I wonder what their pricetag for that is?

>> No.27260853

>The investment bank and Citadel liquidations would destroy their other positions if they fuck around too much here.

>> No.27260954

if they were gonna do that why didnt they do it when it crashed on thursday morning?

>> No.27261045

Pretty much.

This means retail is at the mercy of whenever our ally whales/HFs will sell off.

This is a pretty scary thought to think about that would be downvoted to oblivion on ribbit but it seems like 80% of bagholders in the end will be people who bought into the hype way too late, then missed the sell off.

>> No.27261233

It might have peaked, but is there a reason for it to stabilize at a level low enough for the shorters not to be rekt? That is the question.

>> No.27261405

im slightly worried about this. the other sharks have all the tools they need to do real time estimates of the squeeze. they're in for blood to be sure but we could easily get crushed inbetween. no one on wall street gives a shit about us.

>> No.27261578

Because new institutional money is short and whatever you see flowing into the buy side is covering and or hedging.

>> No.27261671

I would say the hype alone would be enough to do it but they've locked everyone out of the market and put limits on retail. You can only hold 1 share on RH and they'll probably reduced that to 0 tomorrow too.

>> No.27261992

It’s a pretty safe bet for the hedgies. Sure they may pay 30%+ APY on the short position but does anyone seriously think AMC isn’t going to be at least 30% lower than current prices a year from now? If you have the capital to hold shorts through a potential squeeze into the thousands then shorting going foreword is free money cause there’s no way this thing takes more than a month to go back down to a penny stock. No way I’m shorting it here but if people stay strong and the epic squeeze plays out you can bet your ass I along with the rest of the intelligent free world is at least loading up on puts when this shit hits $1000+

The real question is what the premiums will be. I can see a case with VOL expansion where long dated puts are priced to at like 95$ for the 100$ strike price.

>> No.27262128

>This is why they've doubled down on the shorts, they're banking on out lasting everyone
And they're right. This thing will be over before wednesday.

>> No.27262397
File: 106 KB, 304x372, Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 12.57.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they're right. This thing will be over before wednesday.

>> No.27262420

Wednesday is a bit early in my mind unless next weeks Jewish tricks are even more effective than last weeks. Seems like last weeks tricks just hyped it more and gave people even more of a reason to say fuck you im buying this shit at 300+ I don’t care if it goes to zero.

>> No.27262836

welcome to the stock market friend

>> No.27264794

It did for me
I want blood now