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27259034 No.27259034 [Reply] [Original]

>have been learning trading for the past 3 months
>still get fucking rekt pretty much every week
>feel mentally, physically, and emotionally destroyed
is this normal?

>> No.27259259

Buy and hold Avax and your worries will disappear. It's so comfy, stop trying to go against the tide.

>> No.27259517

>is this normal?

>> No.27259531

learning to trade is a meme my dear fren, It's like learning to play the roulette

>> No.27259554

This but unironically.

>> No.27259581

you cant learn trading from book
you have to learn trading by trading

>> No.27259586

that's how you know it's working

>> No.27259590


>> No.27259620

Yes. Keep trying, keep failing, and keep learning. It's the only way to win. The market makers want you to start, fail, and give up. Do not

>> No.27259623

>have been learning gambling for the past 3 months

>> No.27259679


>> No.27259701

What have you been doing? What was your mentality? What is your mentality no? How has your mentality changed? Answer honestly.

>> No.27259804
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Yeap, eventually you will feel almost nothing, that's when you know you are on the good track.

>> No.27259814

>put a few Gs into some shit 6 months ago
>up 4x, only lost 600 on one retarded trade
feelin pretty good. if i weren't concerned about tax liabilities i'd day trade all day

>> No.27260228

You have to trade unemotionally, if you can't, you're likely risking too much of your money

it's just a game and your portfolio balance is your current score

just remmeber to pay the taxman, it's not a game to them

>> No.27260428
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Trading on crypto makes you lose your sanity anon. I did that shit in 2017 and it made me a zombie, kek. Now I just buy shitcoins once in a while when they crab, and then I just buy again if they go down more. I also farm some BAO and XIO for passive income.

>> No.27260452

ive been studying trading for 2 years and im still not profitable

>> No.27260576
File: 28 KB, 499x481, unimpressedfren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to watch stocks for way more than 3 months to know them before you actually start to invest in them, anon.

>> No.27260689

idk i used to be really positive and excited to learn everyday now i just feel like im grinding and starting to feel hopeless.
i shorted doge and went a little underwater but let it run because i thought it was coming back for sure then it ran 40% against me in like 10 mins. lost all my gains from the past month
hurts bros because i just didnt follow my own rule to use a stop loss or just close if it starts to look bad

>> No.27260704

Unsmart people: Buy and Sell alot very often.
Smart people: Buy and Hold. Sell later.

>> No.27260777
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Look up what Due Diligence is, and do it properly.

>> No.27260869

Hold you fucking moron.

>> No.27260943

>i shorted doge
Stop wasting money on shitcoins cause you want a quick buck

>> No.27260949

TA is a meme.

>> No.27261019

but roulette is easier to learn and more predictable kek

>> No.27261031

I started 3 days ago, just lost like fucking $80 in paypal fees, online P2P trading fees and transfer fees because i didnt know how Etherium networks worked (BEP20, BNB and all that stuff) .
feels shitty but whatever, Ive spent more money on fucking virtual video games.
Dont feel bad anon, you are doing something productive.
I bought risky memecoins like Shiba, Chad VC and other random stuff
Honestly, just play around.

>> No.27261072

How do we start trading?

>> No.27261086
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cringe, you are too emotional, your strat was to do whatever then cry if it didint turn out.

Are right.

I'm the guy that asked you what your mentality was and so on. It's clear you have none, you aren't investing or playing the stock market, you are speculating and gambling like other anons have said.

Please read a book.


>> No.27261146

Look for coins to hold and check on them once a month you fucktard, you can't keep up mentally with Pajeet, Rajesh and their endless pump and dump rollercoaster.

>> No.27261539
File: 521 KB, 634x634, 1611642501516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As other anons said don't put in too much money and see it as a game, like you're basically paying to play and see the numbers go. Then just try to make those numbers go up little by little, and if you lose you shouldn't be losing much money that you didn't win by playing anyway
Do that or just buy some ETH, BTC or LINK during a dip and watch it grow over time

>> No.27261655

If you can’t handle losing 100 dollars you wont be able to handle losing 10,000. The longer you do it the less attached to money you get and becomes a v abstract concept.

>> No.27261705

the thing is i go in with a strategy and and an edge and it works because I can spot opportunities and profit. It's just when it goes against me I seem to have a mental block or coping mechanism activate where i just hold instead of closing out for a small loss.
I've read a lot of the books on stock markets and such, should probably read more but I am not one to go into things without preparation I am spending like 16 hours a day and every ounce of energy I have on trading...

>> No.27261805

all finance is gambling
buy buttloads of all the crypto with small market caps and good meme potential and wait for the next stock market crash
(probs gonna be like 2-4 days at this rate)

>> No.27261822

I've been in crypto for 1 month and I've already 2x from 20k to 40k
This shit is seriously the easiest money I've ever made in my life

>> No.27261823

the # losses dont really matter i have 7 figs in crypto and im trading with 5k
its literally irrelevant if i lost every penny
i first lost 20k trading with 100k and then downed my trading size

>> No.27261872

>have been learning trading for the past 3 months
You don't fucking start using money after 3 months, just use demo

>> No.27261910

thats what I assumed trading was. not the spectacularly entertaining punjabi autism coaster

>> No.27261917

you look fun, yolo me with the best coin to pump

>> No.27261953

>go up
>go down
>go sideways
wow very hard

>> No.27262118

more excuses. Did you read the book yet?

>> No.27262204
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>> No.27262307

yup that sounds like the life of the average trader. you are the 95%

>> No.27262399

Just buy and hold BTC

>> No.27262419

Stop gambling. Stop being a slave to emotion. Start thinking critically. Start learning.

>> No.27262575

Yeah, this.

>The beginning of the end occurred on 16 January 1995, when Leeson placed a short straddle in the Singapore and Tokyo stock exchanges, essentially betting that the Japanese stock market would not move significantly overnight. However, the Kobe earthquake hit early in the morning on 17 January, sending Asian markets, and Leeson's trading positions, into a tailspin. Leeson attempted to recoup his losses by making a series of increasingly risky new trades (using a long-long future arbitrage), this time betting that the Nikkei Stock Average would make a rapid recovery. However, the recovery failed to materialise.

>> No.27262579

Fucking retard, put all in on any credible coin and you'll fucking win, it's not hard dumbass

>> No.27262743

90% of traders lose money.

>> No.27263022

Timing is of the essence, though. What's a "credible coin"? Bitcoin? ETH? Would you buy any of that right now, betting on further increases? Or does it feel like January 2018, when it all came crashing down? Most shitcoins still haven't recovered anywhere near that point in time, including XRP, and a lot of projects just died.

>> No.27263426

If you wanna get ahead in this game, you need to be either wicked smart or pitifully dumb.
Smarties will be able to use a bunch of numbers and number-prodders-things to figure how numbers may change overtime.
Dummies (for which I am a professional) can instead use mid-wit reasoning to predict the future spending habits. The only caveat is that there are far too many numbers and flashing lights, which scares me.

>> No.27263581

>is this normal?

Yes. If you read about the GME shit for 15minutes you would understand. Poor people are not supposed to make gains.

>> No.27265036


The remaining 10 return after losing, stick around long enough to win

>> No.27265166

its like this for the first year

>> No.27265603

Welcome to starting out.

Early on the only effective way to learn is through failure. Never make the same mistake twice and eventually you will be a gorrilionare

>> No.27265707

Yes. 99% of retail day traders get wrecked. As intended.

>> No.27265812
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yes but i want to become the 10%
i know i will with time but was just stating my current condition for all of my blog followers
I guess it is like grinding to be the top in anything. It makes sense doesn't it.
yes I was just reviewing my journals and realize every big setback is due to me committing the same exact error. Holding a losing position when I had gotten the signal to stop out. Must be some sort of sort of strange coping mechanism that is activating I am thinking.
It's almost like i become blind to my strategy and cannot accept the quick loss

>> No.27267936

The 10% is just people who make more than 138k a year. If you don’t fit into this already you should focus on getting a grown person job before trying to meme invest.