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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27250041 No.27250041 [Reply] [Original]

REEF is decent DEFI project with 60mm marketcap (2c currently) and you can buy it on Binance. There were no pump yet.

In 3 days from now (3rd of February) staking system will be implemented where you could lock your coins for 3 months and get 250% from it.
For traders is great info because the number of coins on the market will be SIGNIFFICANTLY lower than currently. Their roadmap looks decent as well and you can track it live here

10c (x5 from now) in near future is inevitable

>> No.27250286


>> No.27251320

Filled my bags at 0.0175 , lifes good

>> No.27252758

Already shoved 130k of these into my bag.

>> No.27253143
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I boughted
Feelin good

>> No.27253231

I only have 10k REEF. I can still make it, right bros?

>> No.27253452

>REEF colored ID

really makes you think
does staking have any disadvantages?

>> No.27253479

Is this like a liquidity pool ? Sorry kind of new to the farm thing.

Do I just need reef or do I need eth and reef like a uni pool ?

>> No.27253483

How does $10K EOY sound?

>> No.27253553

What's the make it/suicide?
I have 43,000 reef

>> No.27253562
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CEO of Reef is talking at Binance blockchain week. Might see a superficial bump from that but the real gains are down the road a few weeks

>> No.27253573

>Ugly logo
>Ugly artwork
Never buying this.

>> No.27253657

No it's just staking. You only need Reef.

Eth gas fees in and out of the staking pool will cost around $30-50. So make sure you are staking enough to earn that back

>> No.27253681
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Down from initial launch...

>> No.27253751

20k here
we'll be able to buy a lot of big mac menus that's for sure

>> No.27253810

Thanks will keep in mind of gas fees, only have a 20k baggie of reef currently.

>> No.27253913
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usdt or btc?

>> No.27253945

500k Reefer here, am I going to make it bros?

>> No.27253950

This is about to moon.

>> No.27254027

50k baggie here. APY looks solid enough for me, planning on staking the full 90 days.

>> No.27254254

So I can pull out anytime I like?

>> No.27254479

Where can I buy Reef in the US?

>> No.27254632

Brainlet here, how much Reef do I need to "staking enough to earn that back"?

>> No.27254771


>> No.27255018

This thing is going to pump hard, this is your last chance biz.

>> No.27255109

If I say the words "Chainlink Integration" will you buy it, also proof read their roadmap.

>> No.27255224

I bought using Binance, but I'm a europoor so dunno about the US

>> No.27255240

EOY prediction?

>> No.27255247

I believe in this project sinply because it does not have much disadvantages and is not a living meme like doge or sushi but... Nigga you tripping with that 10k usd... Or are you

>> No.27255255

you have to lock your REEFs for 90 days and after that period you will get 250% of your coins. You are not allowed to withdraw them

>> No.27255348

how is that even possible? its absolute free money printer

>> No.27255475

>that massive sell walls
Yeah I don't think it's gonna moon anytime soon. Still a potential mid-long term hold though

>> No.27255645


first comes first revers + this is how they solved new coins distribution + those coins provide liquidity on exchanges

>> No.27255814

Nobody can seriously predict this anon. We're all gambling on the future here.

>> No.27255864

$1 isn’t very realistic for the 3B circulating supply. But at a 60M mcap it still has a ton of room to grow.

>> No.27255888

Thank you.

>> No.27256113

Where in the fuck does the reef team ever disclose the current supply of coins?? Because there are 3 different numbers floating around which could make this a currently 5m mkt cap, 45 or 60. Which one is it retards?

>> No.27256221
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Kek no, you get 250% APY, annual percentage yield. So you get 3 months worth of an annual yield of 250% aka 37% pic rel

>> No.27256239

See, that’s just what cmc says. Etherscan says 2.4B MAX supply, but the team must be holding some somewhere. In which case, the mkt cap is WAY lower than everyone here has been saying. I need answers faggots

>> No.27256360

>250% APR
>just 2.5x your money every year risk free with us goy, nothing bad will happen

>> No.27256558

Is reef a scam

>> No.27256646

Is the contract public? Does it have a mint function?

>> No.27256662

Hold up boys. If you want to avoid the gas fees you can use gate.io to hop in and out of the market while doing some day trading on the side.

>> No.27256716

Ah fuck I found the answers bros... Max supply of 20B, current is in the 3B I guess...

Kinda dogshit to released their product at an initial total evaluation of $400 million lmfao. I’m still buying some but this is no longer a 100x possible moonshot... highest this goes is 10-15 cents.

>> No.27256769

Can someone explain this staking to me? How do you do it? Can you do it on Binance?

I bought 39,000 reef yesterday and it's already gone down... that was almost all my crypto money. Then i put $120 into CKB...

>> No.27256838

its pretty evident who has only been on for a few months
their folio is usually just trash and one of the other fotm shitcoins
don’t believe this trash, if you want get rewards and passive income use PoolzFinance
Modern decentralized finance with NFT options in 2021

>> No.27256873

See above
Not sure what’s up with the etherscan to this disparity, if they didn’t mint them all at genesis that means there IS a mint function, unless there tokenomics page isn’t up to date...

>> No.27256986

Kumar, plz stop...

>> No.27257056

100k suicide stack
1 million make it stack

>> No.27257061
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Get out of it dude

>> No.27257162
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What does this mean?

>> No.27257394

You're going to have to hold for more than 1 day my friend.

>> No.27257407

It means they are a mature forward looking team

>> No.27257440

Do you have to stake? Why can't I just buy some, keep it in my wallet then sell when the coin price increases?

>> No.27257453

wait wtf is this their github?? KEKW it’s over reefbros

>> No.27257746

I’ve been bamboozled.

It’s hilariously sparse (I guess private rep for main chain) which is a security vulnerability in itself, but nothing like that.

>> No.27257861

Save yourself the time and stake Gro Defi

>> No.27257878

I was getting some actual FUD. JFC.

>> No.27257932

I bought when it was something like 2.1 or 2.2 cents. It was at +16% average at that time but didn't look like a typical p&d. I want to know, how possible is it that I lose all that money? I understand this only came out on Binance yesterday at 2c. Did I buy the top? Was it already pumped on other exchanges?

And what about the crazy predictions. Will it really go to $1? Will it 10x in a few months?

I'm prepared to hold. People are saying the project is actually good. I am just concerning that other defi tokens are all pumping rn but this one just flatlining. But then again it could mean we are early...

>> No.27258713


>> No.27258994

ever heard of DYOR newfag? you're going to lose all your money if you're just buying into everything you see on /biz/. either go back into fiat or put it all into LINK and don't come back until 2-3 years from now.

>> No.27259036

buy my LCX bags

>> No.27259116

easiest 10x

>> No.27259218

Doing my own research means fuck all my dude, I'm not a computer engineer there's no way the average person can tell if the technobabble on these altcoin websites is bullshit or not.

>> No.27259251

>don't buy everything you see
>buy link

>> No.27259287

just checked there is no mint function

>> No.27259438

You can DYOR on teams, partnerships, use cases... You don't need to understand the code, just develop some intuition.


>> No.27259524

>10 cents
that's 5x from now, not that bad actually

>> No.27259750

ICO price was like 0.12c so you bought the tap in that time but its all good we did not have proper exchenge pump yet

>> No.27260498

yes. info here: https://medium.com/reef-finance/presenting-reef-staking-on-unifarm-by-opendefi-with-upto-250-apy-1cdb7e26dbe2

About 10K Reef to be safe but over 5K should be fine

You can withdraw them at any time, read the article i linked above.

Not in the short term no

of course there's a fucking mint function. This is an aggregated dex similar to 1inch

private rep

You don't need to be tech saavy. You just need literally do research, skim the whitepaper, read into the project, see who is backing it, look it up on crunchbase, see if the team is public, see where they are from, watch some Q and A with the CEO etc. its not hard dude. You're just being lazy dude.

>> No.27260573

Look anon, I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything but people need to DYOR when they're buying stuff instead of just FOMOing whatever gets shilled on here and then being disappointed that it doesn't immediately moonshot within 1 day of you buying it. Like 99% of the stuff people shill on here is garbage anyway.
Yeah you could lose all your money, especially since it's much riskier to invest in an early stage project. The reward is that it could take off and you just bought in now then you made it. It's up to you to decide if that's an acceptable risk for you.
Even if you don't understand the technical side of altcoins, you could have at least gone to their site or read their Medium posts and looked at the roadmap and known that their V1 release is targeted for Q1. They even have a community on Reddit and a telegram group if you have questions. It's way too early on to be saying stuff like it's flatlining before they even launch it.

>> No.27261118

You don't need to stake, it's optional.

>> No.27261722

Good summary of Reef

Good Q&A with CEO

Etherscan Address:

I'm not here to shill, just want to help anons that are genuinely curious about Reef

>> No.27261735

Is binance.us mobile site safe? The verification has been buggy as hell for me and now they want my home address and full ss.

>> No.27261971

I feel FOMO to buy more now

>> No.27262135

ATH is only .022, feel free to FOMO in when we break through tomorrow

>> No.27262269

This dude knows his shit, long ass read

>> No.27262789

I've already done a lot of my own homework on Reef, but this is a really great summary.

>> No.27263193

fud's starting, feeling good

>> No.27263289

>first video some woman in a cheap looking room with blurry camera

idk guys I'm having second thoughts

>> No.27263364

There's that's globohomo aesthetic again. Ugly 3D third-worlders dancing to nigger beats are the new thing

>> No.27263544

the logo is incredibly bearish

>> No.27263755
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>> No.27264570
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Dubs confirm, buying in now