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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 750x500, Six-figure-income-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27244572 No.27244572 [Reply] [Original]

>Have 4 figures to invest (inb4 t.poorfag)
>Want to be able to buy home in $300k-$500k range.
>Want to be able to do this within 5 years.

What coins or investments (pls dont say meme coins) should I be looking at to achieve this? Im not looking for the several villas, multiple yachts, lambo collection lifestyle here....I just want to be able to retire young to the countryside without needing to pay off debt till Im 70+ years old...
Help a fella (literal poorfag) out lads..

>> No.27244606

1000 Link will be enough for life.

>> No.27244624

literally, unironically, chainlink

>> No.27244685


>> No.27244796

pnk and link is the complete package, subjective and objective data

>> No.27244850
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I'm turning 5 figures to 7 all you had to do was buy CLF lol

>> No.27244896

its unironically why im holding chainlink

>> No.27244949


>> No.27244955

Rlc or whatever defi protocol sees mass adoption, which will be Idle. So RLC and Idle.

>> No.27244996

I have about 500 UNI I’m thinking about dumping into LINK. Idk though

>> No.27245018

No joke, Chainlink.

>> No.27245033


>> No.27245046

He doesn’t have 25,000. Read the fucking post.

>> No.27245053

Nothing in the top 50 will do that. These retards trying to sell you on Link or LTC are literally retarded.

>> No.27245136

60/40% DOT and ADA

>> No.27245167

Bitcoin you retard

>> No.27245176
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SHIB, are you even paying attention?

>> No.27245195

GRT easily

>> No.27245202
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put it all on GRT

>> No.27245231

CLF is crashing you retarded nigger.

>> No.27245260

>put it all on GRT
op asked how to get rich not poor

>> No.27245285


Thanks for the input anons. Why are you pro link? Whats the reasoning?


Thanks for your input too anon. Why are you anti-link? Whats the reasoning?

>> No.27245360

You can even lock it up for that time period and earn 40% interest on top of price increases.

>> No.27245403
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>> No.27245469
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I would like to do the same, my portfolio. DCA 250$ monthly.

>> No.27245495

Going to help you out


>> No.27245544

These threads always turn the obvious, and that's UNI

>> No.27245571

I would buy GRT anon. >>27244572

>> No.27245630

For RSR to get to 4 figures, the market cap would need to exceed 1 trillion dollars. Not happening faggot, RSR will see MAYBE 20 cents in the next 5 years

>> No.27245725

I'd say QNT, RSR, possibly ETH

>> No.27245770

what program is this please?

>> No.27245842

Link has a market cap of $9B. It would have to get to $18B just to double in price. That’s with only 40% circulating supply. Lower MC coins require much less money to see better returns. Link was great if you got in early, but at this point you need to look into upcoming projects with real use cases that are sub $500m MC if you really want to see portfolio growth. I could shill you things, but you should just lurk for a while. Also GRT faggots are worse than Linktards. They bought into a massive shill campaign coin and are now bagholding a worthless project.

>> No.27245853

Literally all you had to do was get in on the doge bottom (called in /biz/) and then take out those profits and put them in the donut bottm (called on /biz/) and you would've turned 4 figures into 6 figures in a single day (10x each)

>> No.27246012

Coingecko.com, They have added portfolio options few month ago.

>> No.27246052
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>> No.27246062


>> No.27246090

I appreciate it anon, thanks

>> No.27246093

SNC for real though

>> No.27246118

What in the holy fuck? How the hell do you people stay on top of this shit? If I'd put in a few hundred a month ago, I'd have enough to pay off my student loans. Holy shit.....

>> No.27246151

Wait for the bear market > Load up on polkadot > Parachain auctions force richfags to buy shittons of dot to participate in the ecosystem > Free legal ponzi

>> No.27246262

Unironicly the DeFi
medium risk/high reward
low risk/medium reward

>> No.27246290


LINK secures data for smartcontracts which allows for complex smartcontracts which in turn allows for lending, derivatives and insurance protocols on the blockchain. See aave, snx and ampl as examples. However, it doesnt stop there. Link can do so much more.
Its a great investment. If you are investing in LINK, you are investing in the future of finance. It will not only make you a lot of money, but you can also be proud of having contributed to the development of a more secure, transparent, cheaper and overal better financial system.

>> No.27246391

This. Don't buy chainlink it's way too late.

>> No.27246433


Ye I thought about that since it all happened. I actually did make a low 4 fig profit from a low 3 fig investment in dogecoin, then bitched out when it came to donut cause of retarded uniswap eth fees that made it not worth it (at the time I didnt know it would 10x...)
But yes. 4 figs into doge, then profits into donut wouldve made me set for life anon.

>> No.27246511
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>> No.27246903

Good suggestions so far lads. Link seems popular but theres clearly pushback from people saying its too late?
Whats the opinion on UNI or AAVE

>> No.27247673


>> No.27247819

Uni is the Google of DEXs... It's like buying amazon stock in 1999.

>> No.27247986

cheers lad. Bump again for more opinions.

>> No.27248092
File: 73 KB, 1125x617, IMG_20210131_143337_982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quant. 3k gets you 100, 1k+ per qnt by the end of the year. Read Seq's medium articles to get your head around the scope of the project. Pic related is the European Central Bank website.

>> No.27248147

The graph

>> No.27248189

Shhiit I put 2K1.5k in it I wish this works out I’ll at least try to hope so I can finally sleep well at night. Would make all my dreams come true. I’m trying to put 5k more on Alts but this is so fucking hard to do. My friend use new poolz and seems like he has sweet dreams while I try to stay alive. Does someone use it? Good or not?

>> No.27248631

People fudding chainlink just want the price to stay lower before staking releases sometime this year (conspiracy says Feb 16th). You have been warned.

>> No.27248659

>yes, buy a coin that has a predictable weekend pump but otherwise crabs between 50-60 during weekdays
>spammers fudding and tricking FOMO retards saying that "x is the new floor buy buy buy! Last chance!"
There's no doubt GRT is an interesting long term hold but the shills are fucking laughable.

>> No.27248775

>staking releases

explain to a newfag that migrated here from fit/...I keep seeing that term and have no idea what it means. Staking?

>> No.27248868
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>too late to buy link
If you really believe this then you deserve to be poor

>> No.27248884

where to buy?

Seems like something I could throw a small amount in to diversify on the off chance that it does moon

>> No.27249049

Some business wants to confirm some data for a contract, your magic internet money coins can be put up on a network to be used as a guarantor in place of money and verifier of whatever the data is needing to confirm for the contract to be completed. How is this done? A magic jew who lives in the code does this with a digital abacus. TLDRink tokens/coins are the little men that live inside computers who say if something is a 1 or a 0 and you get money for letting your tokens be used

>> No.27249094
File: 181 KB, 842x1184, Screenshot_20210129-183204_Bromite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTO easily

>> No.27249279 [DELETED] 

I’m shooting for the same goal. I’ve split my money between LINK, AVAX, and GRT. Hodling for at least 5 years.

>> No.27249408

Yes, but you wouldn't have.

Take your coins out of circulation by putting them in a "pool". You get more coins as "interest" and the coins do what >>27249049
explains. The opportunity cost is you can't trade those coins, so you have to decide if the returns are worth sticking with that product.

>> No.27249472

Well if thats true I can see it mooning tbqh...literally seems like the basis of a future financial system? Almost seems too good to be true anon...

>> No.27249824

Hmm....very interesting...how would one go about doing that?

>> No.27250013
File: 121 KB, 759x508, 3E0D45A5-D849-48F6-A15D-3642928BD016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not buying link now will land you a permanent one way ticket to JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP land and you will never forgive yourself short of the next miracle opportunity coming along, I can’t be fucked spoon feeding more details in meme language but just know this - I’d wager at least 80% of FUD posters doubting link are link marines trying to make the price lower so they can periodically buy more, 10% are Indian retards who think their scam shitcoins will amount to something and the other 10% are dumb fuck normies or shitposters, do what you will. Just have as close to 1k link in the next 4/5 years you’ll have your house outright

>> No.27250242

>Have 4 figures to invest (inb4 t.poorfag)
i am from an actual poor country (not india). i work for the equivalent of about $2 per hour. my house is made mostly of corrugated metal and plywood, build on the side of an existing structure. seeing some people posting that they have "only 4 figures" sometimes makes me curse god above for having me be born in this squalor. that said, i hope you all make it, anons. i also hope that i can save up enough to buy some amount of crypto and not lose too much to transaction fees.

good luck, frens.

>> No.27250267

I have some link but under $1000 dollars worth. Going to probably put more in after what Ive heard today. Im a poorfag so have to keep investments low for now.

>> No.27250310

Crypto is a scam, enjoy losing your life savings. Now I'm going back to wallstreetbets to make some tendies.

>> No.27250352


Hope you make it and can provide for yourself to get out of those conditions anon. Srs.

>> No.27250553

Link for sure.
2 years ago, I made my money * 7, forgot about investing for a bit, didn't win more money.

I think that Cardano is a good choice also.

>> No.27250714

my conditions aren't all too bad, all things considered. i get enough food to eat, some medical care if i need it, and people around are nice enough. with the wage disparity between countries like mine and the west, the far east, etc., there is just no hope of social mobility.

>> No.27250744

So buy what you can when you can even if it’s a coin a week or ten coins a week just buy them, every time you go to buy shit you don’t actually need put it in link, every time you go to buy junk food buy link instead if you work some overtime out that in link, every time your retard girlfriend wants tonbuy “furniture pillows” for the couch that you aren’t allowed to actually use because they’re “for the furniture” or some dumb shit woman logic dictates, use that money to buy link it’s not a difficult concept. This single principle is what separates the rich from the stupid

>> No.27250940
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I know there's a lot of memeing about $1000 but how much higher can LINK realistically go? I have like 90 LINK right now is it truly worth buying at 25ish? I keep hearing this is similar to getting in on Bitcoin when it was around that price

>> No.27250939

What country and what’s your job

>> No.27251042


>> No.27251085

>What coin will turn 4 figures into 6 figures within 5 years?


>> No.27251091

Doge coin

>> No.27251194

I still remember in 2014 when people thought they were out priced for Bitcoin at $300 (retards with weak hands and no patience)

>> No.27251249

based. godspeed anon

>> No.27251262

>is it truly worth buying at 25ish?
>I keep hearing this is similar to getting in on Bitcoin when it was around that price

Exactly. From what I've been told today it almost seems way too good to be true and I'm not sure if people are just memeing like they were doing for dogecoin 2 days ago...or are we legitimately looking at the next bitcoin here...

>> No.27251369

venezuela and i work construction. although now i do more deconstruction of buildings to strip out the valuables for scrap and re-sale.

>> No.27251464

You have to Do Your Own Research on which coins have staking. Many coins say they offer it, but if they're not doing the computation the owners are just burning their stock to keep the price up until they dump. This is the Wild West.

>> No.27251514

do you have a throwaway email or something? Maybe I’ll send you some pity link to start you off

>> No.27251782

i thank you for the offer but i will humbly decline. i have sworn to myself with god as witness that i will never become a beggar and i will stand with my head held high through life. may god bless your life and family, friend.

>> No.27251913
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>> No.27252055
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Me too bro, some day we are going to make it . That being said I think reef looks quite interesting right now

>> No.27252124

everybody here has vested interests, you're asking to be scammed right now

>> No.27252126


Only Cardano, unironically

>> No.27252196

Bond in half a year

>> No.27252381

A mans town becomes flooded, he sits on the roof of his house and prays for God to help. A boat comes by and offers the man to come on board, the man declined and says “God will save me”. Water eventually gets so high and strong his roof is covered and he’s neck deep, another boat comes by and offers the man to come aboard, man replies “No thanks, God will save me.” A third boat comes and the man says the same thing. Eventually the water becomes too much and the man drowns. He meets God and says “why didn’t you save me?” God replies “I sent you three boats!”

Sometimes it’s wiser to accept help when it’s offered

>> No.27252434

waves of course

>> No.27252500

Maybe ill buy when they drop back to single digits.

>> No.27252645


>> No.27252689


Send me your eth address

>> No.27252737

Its one thing to jump in once you first see it, its another to see it go from $1 to $300 without buying any.

>> No.27252931

I have 35 link. If staking is true how would I stake my coins? I'm basic and use coinbase/uni swap. If the coin offers staking, is it possible to do it through either one of those?

>> No.27253115

My point I was illustrating is that despite clearly observable trends and data people refuse to believe that it’s worth investing even a little into something simply because for a “full share/coin” it’s too late and beyond their means. How many people thought 20 was too much? 100? 2000? They could be retiring in their 20s today if they bothered to just throw their hats in the ring a few years ago with a couple grand or even a couple hundred. Sometimes you take the leap and the faith comes later. The benefit this time is hindsight and a clearly observable trend and retards still refuse to invest within their means because they want large stacks from the get go instead of buying what they can when they can slowly amassing.

>> No.27253173

Make some money and go to Brazil.

>> No.27253206

Actually was praying for financial help so I could provide last night and I saw this thread, thanks anon


>> No.27253228

Fantom. Buy the lows and it will be a DeFi blue chip just like its younger brother YFi.

>> No.27253275

What do you think about STATERA? I have a small amount of money in LINK already, and was thinking about buying more, but I wonder if this is a better bet.

>> No.27253385

this is not me, do not be fooled

>> No.27253474

Begging isn't allowed.

>> No.27254051

Look id you insist then best of luck and I hope you make it out of your environment honestly, but if you post an email or a wallet or something I’ll help out a little and that’s not begging that’s just accepting help when it’s offered which is more gracious than rejecting it

>> No.27254394
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Literally pick any top 10 coin anon. Look at the charts.

>> No.27255053

ok then you have convinced me. i did not want to do this


>> No.27255124


>> No.27255195

I’ll get around to sending you some in a while when my money comes through and you’ll know it was me, good luck in life anon

>> No.27255241

You fucking retards dont deserve link. For fucks sake did you literally just blow in from reddit?

>> No.27255282

plenty of top 10 coins from the last 5 years are worthless now though...

>> No.27255285

shut up faggot

>> No.27255357

i will hold onto it for a long time and a time may come when i get a sign that it's time to get into this boat. god bless.

>> No.27255394


>> No.27255595

A jew's town becomes flooded, he sits on the roof of his house and prays for God to help. God hears his plea and sends a boat to save the man. Jumping in the boat, the Jew looks towards the sky and delivers his message to God: "nevermind, someone came and picked me up, won't be needing any help this time"

>> No.27255934


Beat me too if, but shit I was about the offer the same...

Your not a fucking beggar bro , as you said some of us get born into different opportunities. no shame in taking when offered, especially if you take from a mindset of improving your situation so that you may give back to others one day