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27242992 No.27242992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Insider here. My mom works for Joe Biden and asked me if I had any Gamestop stocks. I told her I did and she brokedown and told me that..

Monday Joe Biden & the SEC is going to announce a halt of all trading of GME, AMC, BB, NOK and other stocks and then he's going to ask the SEC, DTC, Clearinghouses, Brokers to do a rollback of the last 5-7 days of trading of these certain stocks.

Everyone will get back what they originally had in their stock accounts before buying these stocks. Those who already sold & cashed out will have to give back the money they earned or be taxed at 75%+ rate. It's going to be utter madness and everyone will hate Joe Biden & the government except those who gain from him doing this (hedgefunds, banks, thiefs, politicians with deep swamp pockets, etc.)

>> No.27243057

Your dad works at nintendo, right?

>> No.27243115

How the hell would they enforce that on private companies?

>> No.27243161

Much easier to freeze trading then print the money to pay everyone off.

It’s a coin toss as to whether this saves Wall Street fags from prison, desu.

>> No.27243172

Or to people outside the US xD

>> No.27243190

Back to /pol/ schizo

>> No.27243209
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>how to suicide a new administration in 12 days

>> No.27243237

Why would she breakdown if you lost nothing?

>> No.27243243

You forgot the part where they confiscate all your shares and extradite you to Israel for $1488 sell limits

>> No.27243249


>> No.27243254

Doesn't sound as farfetched as the other schizo predictions. I would like to see proof though.

>> No.27243265

The same jews that own finance own politics.

>> No.27243279

executive order.

either way the SEC will do the administrations bidding by enforcing the action.

>> No.27243333
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>> No.27243336

The logistics of this would be a nightmare, for one, and would literally be the end of the stock market as no normal person would ever be able to trust it again. It might be in the best interest of a few big firms and their bought politicians to do this, but remember that there are a lot more big wall street players than the ones getting burned on GME, and none of them would want to permanently scare retail away from investing.

>> No.27243377

Literally impossible, these stocks are trading from people all over the world. This would cause an international fear of investors that their money is not secure in the US stock market and nations will begin taking all their funds from the US stock market which will in return crashing it.
Spread your shit somewhere else jewfag.

>> No.27243380

Same as always, with guns

>> No.27243395

You don't seem to understand how this would play out. Now I'm not saying OP isn't larping, because he is. But if something like this were to happen Joe Biden would be hailed as a godlike savior of the economy, 24/7 on every single news outlet, North Korea style. And the goyim would believe it.

>> No.27243407

But it’s just trump in a mask he wouldn’t do that

>> No.27243433

Good luck finding me in the Amazon behind 16 proxies and 4 guard dogs

>> No.27243439

Also, id like to add that several hedge funds are longing GME right now, they WANT the downfall of these couple hedge funds that shorted it. They are all competing against each other.

>> No.27243483
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>Everyone will get back what they originally had in their stock accounts before buying these stocks
Have fun with that.

>> No.27243500

she apparently is involved in some sort of fraud with the Joe Biden administration involving the SEC & stock market and told me there may be a lot of people being arrested including herself next month

she seemed really somber about everything as if she fucked up

>> No.27243507

>and would literally be the end of the stock market as no normal person would ever be able to trust it again.
He literally stole an election from the person who was rightfully elected President, and that didn't end the country; in fact it was business as usual. Which leads me to believe that if this was attempted and it isn't a larp (which it most likely is) then after a few months of complaining from the peasants it'll be back to business as usual as well. No one cares anymore, the left and right just want their "team" to win.

>> No.27243508

And the boomers who watch the media might buy it, but the fucking millions who are paying attention to this thing or have bought in would consider this a huge fucking betrayal on an unprecedented scale.

>> No.27243520


>> No.27243544
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Thank god I'm european then

>> No.27243546

I wish.

Ever since Gme happened I've been praying for the news to slip and finally piss off the normies enough to unite under a cause.

Normies just took the redpill en masse.
They know the game is rigged, they all want to flip the table over just waiting for an excuse to do so.

Not even kidding, I hear normies everywhere talking in disbelief and cheering and wanting to buy gme stock.

You don't need to be a genius to realize average people is suffering and doing horribly while the wealthy and wall street has gotten richer.

>> No.27243573

biden is not my president

>> No.27243593

Faggot larp

>> No.27243608

The left can't meme.

>> No.27243645

>He literally stole an election from the person who was rightfully elected President
Nobody cares about that schizo shit, go back to /pol/ you sad qtard. If the government decides it can "roll back" a week of trading whenever it wants (not even possible btw) then no one outside of wall street (retail, foreign investors, etc) would ever invest in the stock market again.

>> No.27243652

She's bipolar

>> No.27243659

I'm . . . soryr your mom was most likely sexually assualted by joe biden anon

>> No.27243666

I'm holding GME. If this is true, it would be so bullish for crypto, I wouldn't even care.

>> No.27243701

The White House just flew over my house and Joe Biden was waving out of the window. Doubt me at your peril.

>> No.27243716
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Not selling kike.

>> No.27243720
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These hedge fund kikes are doing everything they can to scare us into selling. We don't even care about money we're gonna make them bleed with our rock hard razor sharp diamond hands.

>> No.27243721


saying it again and again on gerbil racing message boards doesn't make it true. you lost and Trump will never be a man.

>> No.27243723

Nobody thought they would force us to have medical insurance, either
They can force whatever they want, "rights" are a scam to keep the peasants from rioting 24/7

>> No.27243772

Who cares, not american here

>> No.27243789

/biz/ is one person.

kys. we only care about money, your politics are gay and make you poor.

>> No.27243796

there mere suggestion of rolling back the stockmarket
like it was some kind of database system

>> No.27243865

I've been seeing normies in public say the election was fraudulent

>> No.27243866

I have to wonder what they're planning next, they tried using the media to lie about being out of the position, short ladder attacks and just fucking nuking the whole thing to not let new people buy in but every time it's recovered. I can only imagine what they might have left outside of sucking bidens dick for intervention.

>> No.27243874

>Nobody cares about that schizo shit,
I dunno it seems to have gotten you very heated very fast. One who truly didn't care wouldn't be so animated about it.
>go back to /pol/ you sad qtard.
I don't post on /pol/, nor do I care about "Q" -- nor am I even American. I'm not caught up in your hyperreality political circus and thus can plainly note that the current President of America wasn't duly elected. If this makes you angry maybe you should cope.

>> No.27243890

If I hold my gme and the world economy collapses my defi shitcoins literally turn me into a billionaire.

If I hold and the economy survives the shitstorm is still bullish for defi and I make money

No short squeeze, I lose my 1500 still bullish for defi.

Lmao I think I'll hold Forever.
Fuck the kikes.

>> No.27243938

Agreed. Hope you're stocked up on popcorn!!

>> No.27243961

Fuck GME bros..... we got too cocky.... Convince me not to market sell this instant.

>> No.27243970

>you lost
Your desperate want to bastardise everything into a sports-addled contest shall be the end of you. A shame, I'd rather the American hegemony over the Chinese, but what can I do?

You had a good run.

>> No.27244023

No this someone from deep inside the bitcoin factory.

>> No.27244033

Do it you paper handed bitch and then cry about how much you could have made while we pass you on our way to the moon