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27240150 No.27240150 [Reply] [Original]

If I were you, I would exit the US financial system. It is unironically going to collapse.
The details of the scam is this: the naked short creates an anti-share, a paper product that trades like a share but cannot be delivered.
Just like with the gold IOUs in the 1910s and 1970s that were overissued they ultimately had to sever the gold standard. Its just fraud.
This reddit user caught on to the scam a few days after I did and now the whole thing is being cracked open.
This truly will blow up the entire financial system. It is financial armageddon.

>> No.27240232
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I see, I shall continue holding

>> No.27240259

holy fuck

>> No.27240289
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>> No.27240372

This isn't /pol/ just because this thread worked over there, doesn't mean it'll work here.

Take your meds and please don't post here, Qtard.

>> No.27240390

if you are swinging bitcoin or other cryptos I highly recommend to NEVER short sell for at least the next 3 weeks.

dont change your strategy except for going short you go neutral.
its way too dangerous at the moment to short crypto.

>> No.27240393


>> No.27240409

Michael Burry tweeted back in May that when he called back his lent-out GME stock, it took his broker weeks to find it. Back in May. When squat shit was happening. There is severe fuckery afoot.


>> No.27240417

Big if true

>> No.27240539

How its just a piece of paper.

>> No.27240545

top kek

>> No.27240598

Lots of arguments, but 0 evidence.


>> No.27240615

Bitcoin will get dumped just as hard as the stock market, don't kid yourself

>> No.27240694

It's more than just a piece of paper
It's the ultimate weapon of the Jew: a contract

>> No.27240711
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kek, GME are the new qtards

>> No.27240740

I don't get it, explain in layman's terms.

>> No.27240760

Remember march 2020? Bitcoin had crashed more than the stock market. Only airlines had crashed more than crypto.

>> No.27240836

Thanks just loaded myself up on UVXY and SQQQ calls

>> No.27240843

Are you afraid Shlomo? BUMP IT

>> No.27240902
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Ok ok! Lowest I'll go is 6 mil per share, take it or leave it!

>> No.27241000

wouldnt thr hedge funds that own the majority of shares like blackrock and other board members just do a rights offering rather than forcing the government to do something or the world to end?

>> No.27241103

10000 actual gamestop shares
100000 shares trading around
The extra ones are fake and were created by jews to pocket the cash if whoever bought them.

>> No.27241119


>> No.27241148

You're not right. The reason it'll blow up is because clearing houses ran out of cash, they are carrying trillions in cash around new york as collateral for share purchases. apps need to work with those and if they go bust then the app niggers go bankrupt


the ceo of webull admitted this 2 days ago, the robinhood ceo pussied out and didn't say what was happening

>> No.27241174

Dumbass if stocks crash crypto is guaranteed to crash harder

>> No.27241183

It’s absolutely disgusting what these faggots have done to this board in just a week. Where the fuck are the mods

>> No.27241256

This for the latter >>27241000

>> No.27241341
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>> No.27241382

Except bitcoin and crypto are the solution to these problems and people are waking up to that.

>> No.27241431

It's because of years of shilling Q over at /pol/ made you guys look like a bunch of retards. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen. This isn't your generation's struggle.

Have your fun with GME, I've got shares myself and this is just fun cash for me.
These schizo retards got shown their grift with Q didn't work out so they're jumping from HAPPENING to HAPPENING with zero substance instead of getting mental health.

>> No.27241466

yes, sell your crypto for our useless fiat goyim

>> No.27241469
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>> No.27241630

I can smell your fear through the screen

>> No.27241672

what I mean is normies WILL get into crypto in hoards and it will be dangerous to short it.
that is all I am saying.
if you have a strategy that works until now, you can afford NOT to short for three weeks.
you dont seem to have a strategy so you probably cling on to every opportunity you find to short even if it means shooting yourself in the foot.

there is something brewing at the moment. normies talking about silver, bitcoin, gme. but go ahead, short xrp or cardano or some other shit like doge and find out what went wrong the next day when it has pumped more than 100% and you are OUT.

>> No.27241753

Low IQ, but the happening is on
>t. high IQ

>> No.27241799

Bump for based theory.

Spy April puts?

>> No.27241879

fiat will become worthless. holding crypto is the big brain play

>> No.27241951
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>> No.27242197


Holy shit bros! I've time travelled back to two weeks ago! Buy the dip!

>> No.27242622

The plebbitor says his "hypothesis" for why the squeeze didn't happen are fake shares. Sound like bullshit.

I think the reason is simply that the short position is not collateralized. Some sort of collusion between Melvin and its broker. A huge toxic hot potato that keeps growing. Who will hold it in the end?

>> No.27242763

even if they wanted to, they don't have the money to do so. The eventual squeeze will take weeks and i am not entirely sure the "diamond" hands people will hold that long

>> No.27242853

gamestop can literally just issue infinite stock moron

>> No.27242868

it wasn't about the money, I like the stock. WE ALL FUCKING LIKE THE STOCK

>> No.27242951

Hmmm thats a good story OP youbsaying in should hold forever? Sounds like a plan

>> No.27242977

Microwaving hot pockets

>> No.27243063

when I see OP posting in caps I know he's onto something

>> No.27243116

posts thread first on pol then now on biz. stick to biz u dumb faggot

>> No.27243212

they do it for free they cant even buy shit
so they unironically have to suck dick to get their protein fix for the day

>> No.27243225

Unless worthless printed stocks are the problem, and crypto is the answer...

>> No.27243359


Hedgie Hedgie when will you learn? Btw could yall do another short monday morning so I can get more DIP for my TENDIES? I wwant more before the rocket takes off

>> No.27243404

So what will happen when they short squeeze?

>> No.27243588

unlimited supply shitcoin

>> No.27243597


Do ordinary people need to hold that long? Market might crash way before that and it's not like retail owns any meaningful amount of the total shares anyway. If they do that means the plebbitor was right though, but his evidence through the fails-to-deliver histogram showing $GME as a fat tail is weak (it's hard to find evidence of fraud, to cut him some slack).

>> No.27243834

retard here
so should I hold or nah

>> No.27243853

Story time.

As recently as 1908, money was gold/silver. People would store their gold in banks. Banks then issued redeemable paper gold certificates to trade around. Each bank had their own certificates. There were no "dollars".

(1) But banks started overissuing certificates in excess of their gold reserves. Fraud. Sigh. Jews. "Panic of 1908" when the public realized their certificates were unredeemable and the vaults were empty.

(2) Then they came out with the Federal Reserve in 1913 to issue federal-scale gold backed notes to restore confidence. By 1973 Nixon severed this redeemabklity because, again, the vaults were empty and they had overissued these certificates.

(3) With Gamestop, we are now witnessing the exposure of their latest scam. They over issued stock certificates. They pocketed the cash and traded fake shares. The "naked shorts" create a contract that can be traded like a share, but isn't a share. Fraud. And with the public buying gamestop en masse, they cannot deliver enough real shares because they don't exist. Thats why Robinhood limited share purchases to 1 per customer.

Fraud. Understand now?

>> No.27244044

I was still able to buy as many GME shares as I wanted, whenever I wanted. RH is just shit, and most of the other stupid broker apps for retarded people aren't different.

>> No.27244188

kek'd, good one

>> No.27244286

F... for fucking?

>> No.27244316

You dont get it.

>> No.27244321

Post one (1) verifiable news source supporting this claim. The burden of proof lies on your shoulders. Don't worry, I'll wait.

>> No.27244394
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>> No.27244449
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But the dollar is 240 years old and it was backed by silver/gold. Why did people use paper gold certificates and not the dollar in 1908?

>> No.27244473


Security tokenization on public blockchain solves this, btw. Buy Ether.

>> No.27244517


>> No.27244689

>Hold GME, never sell
This is the frontline.

>Buy physical Silver.
This is the flank maneuver.

>Adopt decentralised crypto, DeFi.
This is the killshot for the Fed.

>> No.27244694

What about what this guy said >>27241148

>> No.27244749

lets find the next fraud and explot this fuckers

>> No.27244753

How do I, someone who has no current investments, make a profit off this information?

>> No.27244817

I thought this was obvious....that's why it became the meme stock of brungitdiwn wall street

>> No.27245011

Sounds like a great way to lose a bunch of money. Great thing you live with mom otherwise you’d be fucked.

>> No.27245383


>Global Links Corporation is an example of how wholesale counterfeiting of shares will decimate a company's stock price. Global Links is a company that provides computer services to the real estate industry. By early 2005, their stock price had dropped to a fraction of a cent. At that point, an investor, Robert Simpson, purchased 100%+ of Global Links' 1,158,064 issued and outstanding shares. He immediately took delivery of his shares and filed the appropriate forms with the SEC, disclosing he owned all of the company's stock. His total investment was $5205. The share price was $.00434. The day after he acquired all of the company's shares, the volume on the over-the-counter market was 37 million shares. The following day saw 22 million shares change hands - all without Simpson trading a single share. It is possible that the SEC has been conducting a secret investigation, but that would be difficult without the company's involvement. It is more likely the SEC has not done anything about this fraud.

Holy shit.

>> No.27245384

Name a grocery store or other retailer that accepts BTC. I’m not talking about where you get your child pornography or whatever drugs you happen to be on at the moment they were not prescribed to you by a doctor.

>> No.27245400

>all the shit 4chan has pulled off
>killing the jew is the one thing Reddit beats us to
It's almost embarrassing if not for the fact it's the most historically exciting shit we're gonna live through.

>> No.27245451

How much crypto would you need to survive? ...to be rich?

>> No.27245608

>taking amoxicillin
>for schizophrenia

>> No.27245713

>verifiable news source

You are brainwashed. The people running this scam run the media. They also control reddit and would have never allowed this to continue unless it was part of their plan.

>> No.27245836


fuck off

>> No.27245978

Can't wait for GameStop to do a secondary issuance of shares that dilutes everyone's position and bails out Hedge Funds.

Here is the irony, since most of you don't understand wtf it means; Reddit retards and WSB are about to get fucked over for having the same greed and avarice the hedge funds had that started this to begin with. That is ironic. You fucking dipshit morons.

>> No.27246009

this shithole is censored as fuck anyways
this is too big to shut it down goym without normied knowing

>> No.27246080

elaborate or u are a big mouth moron

>> No.27246132

Nigger after this shit goes down there won't be a next one

Buy guns ammo and food

>> No.27246134
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Stinkin Eldar Hedgies will buy my AMC @ 100 and GME @ 1000! The WAAGH momentum cannot be stopped filthy Eldar hedgies! We will take your planets and moon for our own! WWAAAGGHHH!

>> No.27246149

Huh. Sounds like I should increase my sell limit.

>> No.27246155


What if....what if the lowered price made more people want to invest in GME? Are they just gonna continually keep creating new shares

>> No.27246194

i dont understand what this means. Does it mean game stop will finally shit the bed monday or keep going up?

>> No.27246198


could you like, post in a more readable format?
we don't need to put everything in caps, it's offensive to the eyes

that being said, i agree. the case for counterfeit shares being the real squeeze here is strong

>> No.27246200

That's never stopped them before.

>> No.27246221

search rebase scam and GME on wazoru
told you so

>> No.27246303

It's very simple, gamestop will issue new shares and the price will collapse due to them + panic. It's going to end this week sub $80

>> No.27246304

>verifiable news source
>I NEED someone who studied JOURNALISM at an ACCREDITED institution to THINK FOR ME

>> No.27246480

doing what they always do, accepting payments for promoting third world currynigger scamtoken threads and ignoring literally everything else.

>> No.27246513

Why is XRP a shit deal?

Why should I get out of it? It's quick, efficient, and afaik the SEC is the only government group that seems to have a problem with Ripple. What gives?

>> No.27246528


>> No.27246564

i don't see any reasons of them to not do so

>> No.27246661
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They've been caught. They are going to throw everything at protecting their rigged game. People must continue to hold them accountable without letting up..

>> No.27246666


Not him, but gme did a shelf registration of shares some time ago

Companies do a shelf registration when they plan to issue shares later on. It allows them to issue new shares on a relatively short timeline. I would bet that GME corporate is rushing to do that as we speak.

>> No.27246679
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fuck you mark of the beast digital currency morins, you are useful idiots to demons. We want to barter goods fuck money in general.

>> No.27246705


GameStop board is pressured into issueing new shares. Those shares are snapped up faster than people can refresh their shitty RH app by banks who need the hedge and the price will plummet. The shorts will be out of danger, liquidity will return, losses will be recouped and all the WSB/Reddit bandwagoning retards will whine and cry just like they made fun of hedge fund managers for doing all last week.

Irony. Life's great equalizer.

>> No.27246723


>> No.27246747
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>> No.27246765
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what chart should I use to track GME?
yahoo finance isn't loading for me

>> No.27246826

>he thinks this is about greed
Kikes really are incapable of seeing things from a non-monetary point of view. It is really the unicorn among you who isn't so focused on material pursuits. You hate us cuz you ain't us.

>> No.27246896


>> No.27246963

Also, AMC essentially did just that and I see it as a victory. People rallied to save a company that parasitic kikes were trying to profit off of destroying. If Gamestop can turn a new issuance into enough capital to successfully transition the business into something viable and it begins to thrive eventually, it will have been worth it.

>> No.27247002

when though ? At the very beginning of the opening hours or later in the week ?

>> No.27247046
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This is the great AMC@$100 GME@$1000 WWAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

>> No.27247191


>> No.27247237

Write an ebook sell it on Facebook marketplace.

>> No.27247362 [DELETED] 


If such a thing happens. Millions of people who invested will be pissed off about their losses and /wallstreetbets/ will turn into /wallstreetlooters/.

GameStops around the world to be looted, broken into, and set on fire.
People will be selling lots of new GameStop shit on ebay/craigslist/etc. to make up for their losses.
The CEO & other bigheads of GameStop's homes will be broken into and looted. People will steak everything from them.
Gamestop will end up by the end of the year bankrupt and worse off.
Hedgefunds will win I guess since they wanted to bankrupt GameStop anyway and never cared about their business.

>> No.27247427


>> No.27247476

Oh right, I forgot this was about saving a company that charges 10% more every year to see a movie they also sell $5 bottles of water for and $15 buckets of shitty popcorn anlong with another company that has been increasing the cost of games for decades and has been naturally replaced in the market with digital/online purchases.

You're a faggot.

>> No.27247487

based test poster

>> No.27247557

Rule 105 generally prohibits purchasing securities in follow-on and secondary offerings when the purchaser has effected short sales in the securities within a specified amount of time prior to the pricing of an offering.

Won't happen.

>> No.27247579

Anyone who uses TDA
can I set limit orders on fractional?

>> No.27247630

Except they aren't because somewhere a long the line big money will control an exchange.

>> No.27247672

this is never ever happening again or in ultra short squeeze not affordable for poorfags

>> No.27247679
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UVXY to $1000?

>> No.27247697

AMC is owned by China though and this extra push from the public is just going to assure that they absorb every other cinema that's been bleeding out before the pandemic.
I'd like to think some members of WSB would push it too far and start doxxing/going after hedgies directly if a bullshit move like that is pulled. This is how wars seems to be fought now.

>> No.27247703


>> No.27247782

Tard, it means there is going to be the equivalent of system wide defaults on loans. That means nobody can pay anybody else and a bunch of the debt will be forgiven while a lot more people lose all invested money. You are going to need lead and silver to get through this. When the food stops shipping in winter, the madness begins.

>> No.27247827
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>you lived to see the system get taken down
>blockchain will pave the way to insure this never occurs again
>and you're gonna fucking profit from it
There will never be a time like this again anons, rejoice.

>> No.27247835

crypto is still to hard to buy except for the coins that are already stable.

Once normies see fees eating their small profits they will opt out.

>> No.27247857

>GameStop benefits by being able to liquidate their inventory and buyout their retail lease obligations with the insurrance money from their stores.
>GME execs get to know what its like to kill a man in the name of self defense
>FBI tacks ebay/fb market illicit sale of looted merchandise, idiot WSLooters become WSLosers as they are ass pounded in federal prison

>> No.27247955

true, fuck the newfags and reddit autists, whole catalog is filled with memecoins and gme bullshit

>> No.27247991

trades will be restricted. Illegally, but that is what would happen since money writes laws now

>> No.27248071

found the jew

>> No.27248141

btc is the solution to all this retard

>> No.27248144

>suddenly GME approves the release of more shares
>fun over
seems like a simple fix there op and other fearmongers itt

>> No.27248170


Good Copy fellow AMC Ork

>> No.27248174
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If they can fake issuing shares to make something seem worth less than it actualy is due to supply being perceived as larger than it actually is, do you guys think it might be possible that they also go in the other direction? Like lying about the float? What if they tell us there are less shares in circulation than there actually are, and in reality some stock may have an incredibly high float number, but by reporting it as low, it reduces sell pressure and allows hedgie holders to sell at their leisure and cash out whenever they want?
Like for instance what if there were actually 1 billion shares of some "blue chip" company out there that is reported to only have 50 million float, and hedgies basically just exclusively sell to retail to freely cash out when they want to? Basically using them like a piggy bank because retail actually thinks they're getting a bargain every dip?

Someone please tell me I'm being retarded and overthinking things.

>> No.27248224

The time frame is already expired for the majority of shorts, they absolutely can purchase secondary offerrings.

>> No.27248382


>> No.27248386
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Link would have prevented this.

>> No.27248397

Oy vey!!! Get out of my market goyem!!!!

>> No.27248418

Stock market immediately crashes due to everyone exiting and crypto moons. Nobody would trust that the rules wouldn't simply be changed in the middle of the game any time retail is winning fiat monopoly again. Everyone would simply refuse to play the stock market game.

>> No.27248447

That means it is way over loaned and a ton of people can pay. Or to put it another way: If you have a small position that has earned substantial money, at least take your principle plus some profit off the table. You can let some ride if you want to see the fireworks. Odds are they can find enough shares to fulfill small trades but they probably can't find massive blocks of shares.

>> No.27248647

can't pay*

>> No.27248741
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You newfags are so fucking dumb and gullible.

>> No.27248779

That kind of questioning is why what OP is talking about is extremely illegal. If you can't trust the financial system (and you shouldn't), then you won't want to participate in it.

>> No.27248782

I find it hilarious that you can use the simplest boomer tier investing strategy, namely buy and hold, with the money you didn't spend going to MAGfest for a chance to be in an epic (maybe legendary) screenshot.

>> No.27248847

You will never be a woman

>> No.27248888

It'll also recover better than stocks, just like last march. don't give a fuck.

>> No.27248942

>GameStop board is pressured into issueing new shares. Those shares are snapped up faster than people can refresh their shitty RH app by banks who need the hedge and the price will plummet. The shorts will be out of danger, liquidity will return, losses will be recouped and all the WSB/Reddit bandwagoning retards will whine and cry just like they made fun of hedge fund managers for doing all last week.
>Irony. Life's great equalizer.
Should I sell now then? When will GameStop do this? My friend convinced me to dump in half my fiat, I've never traded stocks, only crypto

>> No.27248958

10x at most.

>> No.27249060

how can shares not be in a kind of blockchain to secure their authenticity? i dont get it

>> No.27249065

>what is volatility

>> No.27249078
File: 11 KB, 235x214, 3D9B6E0F-0659-42F1-9EB2-12E6B02F77F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And join the class action against Robinhood

>> No.27249149
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underrated. Give the hedggie temp a bonus

>> No.27249188

They're not allowed to.

>> No.27249195

quads check em

>> No.27249210

Thats what they did

>> No.27249214

Why would GameStop do that? Don't they benefit more from keeping their shares?

>> No.27249300

Goddamn you Bobo this is not a game

>> No.27249308
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>> No.27249381


>> No.27249411

Tell me where on the doll AMC touched you. If this can funnel money from hedgies into failing companies who can use the capital to turn their ships around, I'm all for it. I want blood sucking parasite hedge funds to pay back all the wealth they have sucked out of this country. I want the vultures and parasites to pay.

>> No.27249537

>people asking for news stories as sources
kek, you dont really know how this all works, do you?

>> No.27249554

Don't tell us exact numbers if you don't want to, but say you were very lucky and bought 1,000 shares GME at 10 dollars and have been sitting on them all this time. Let's also assume you decided to sell some for 325 dollars. You could sell all 1,000 for a jaw dropping gain of 315,000 dollars. But maybe you are quite well off and you want to stick it hard to the "man." Still you are not foolish enough to risk all your gain. So instead you sell 500 shares and let 500 stay in play. 500 x 325 = $162,500. Now you have 500 shares worth of "house money," and you can sleep a lot easier than you did last night. So think about how much you could earn if you took half your position off the table. If these guys go bankrupt, you might not earn a penny. If you lock in half the gains you have earned16,250,000 pennies (minus your initial investment of 1,000,000 pennies that is a gain of 15,250,000 pennies.) Now, even if they go bankrupt you have one Hell of a gain to brag about and you can spend that money on anything. Good luck!

>> No.27249597

This is the most cringe image considering Trump was the most pro Israel Jew servant of all time. More proof gmetards are qtards.

>> No.27249618

If we sell our shares before the suit can we still join it? Or should we just hold to make $2.25 from the class action?

>> No.27249657

>secondary issuance
kek, they CAN'T!

>> No.27249860

Thanks, this is good advice, I will admit I bought at a lot higher than that though

>> No.27249882
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>Tell me where on the doll AMC touched you.

Dis hoomy funny to WarBoss... Investigate 411

>> No.27249974

Hold, faggot until at least Tuesday at close.
Otherwise you should have gotten out Friday if you didn’t have the stones.

>> No.27250028
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>> No.27250040
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>It is financial armageddon.
I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm going to continue smugly asserting that nothing this interesting ever happens.

>> No.27250058

Literally not allowed to for another two months. Take your disinfo fear monger shilling elsewhere.

>> No.27250084

how did you know thats amox

>> No.27250145

Nope not a faggot NEVER SELLING

>> No.27250203

Because it says it on the fucking bottle?

>> No.27250238

Can I join the class action if all they did to me was take away my crypto buying power AFTER I had already used it to swing and make $50 on doge? They even froze my gains lol. It was only $100 deposit. I'm more amused than anything really.

>> No.27250358

this glownigger just made me realize it's 100% true

>> No.27250415

>not allowed

>> No.27250462

Melvin Capital in the like can’t cover their slimy buisness practice go bankrupt their parent companies are on the hook they also can’t cover
Panic sets in
>*tips over single domino*

>> No.27250466

>own a single share for the memes
>all other assets split between 401k, silver, and US monopoly bux
I feel pretty safe

>> No.27250499
File: 48 KB, 443x455, Repent Zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /pol/ loves anything, they love freaking out about things they have no understanding of. Let them do it. They were consistently wrong about all dates and "predictions" after the election - I don't know why anyone still reads and trusts what they have to say. Also, there are a ton of newfags in investing right now, and they don't understand diddly

>> No.27250551

Exactly. When Porsche fucked VOK a decade ago they were smart to make the play based on this fuckery hedge funds were doing but at the same time also gave them a manuever to get out of it at heavy losses. Greed motherfuckers like wsb and some people at /biz/ will not stop because they want to make some political/financial statement and they are willing to take the chance to blow shit up for everyone else if such is necessary. Of course the TBTP will not allow that bullshit because it would implode 401k funds even if all resources are to be aimed at stopping this shit and they will do so because these faggots are being excessively greedy instead of taking their gains and trying to find new ways to exploit the system with their new capital. They are a bunch of fucking morons who give no shits about anyone else but themselves

>> No.27250593

Earnings time fag

>> No.27250594

sorry bro this is all just some conspiracy nonsense. there's plenty of authorized shares already, they don't need a new issuance. they're not "overissued" they were oversold, more than 100% of the float is short. some ignorant faggot is confusing all these things together.
companies typically cannot sell their authorized shares when they're subject to adverse events. they've been halted repeatedly, that's sufficient. if retail can be protected from itself for long enough by brokerages, maybe it'll all settle back down and they can raise some money that way. and they do need to raise that money, by the way, or they're gonna declare bankruptcy, wipe out all equity (shares go to zero) and start repaying their creditors (bondholders) then issue new equity to keep operating. ryan cohen bought 1,226,400 shares of gamestop on december 21st, 2020, one month before this shitshow landed, at a price of $15.51 each. he's up about $300 on each for nearly $368 million in net worth.
he's not going to risk that for all of your sakes. the board will do the right thing.

>> No.27250654

Most people did not get in at 10 dollars. Most got in when it was above $100, and most are newfags to investing who have 4 shares max. I'm 180 shares at $33.05, but I'm still way ahead of most people by this point

>> No.27250679
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>> No.27250682

s h e m i t a h! lol

>> No.27250689

Assuming this theory is true, how do the Jews wriggle out of this trap they caught themselves in?
Either they...
> Get daddy government to stop this trading somehow
> Take the temporary loss and buy up all of the fake shares and thank their stars that the plot wasn't uncovered.
> Some other kind of Jew tricks or manipulation to lower the price or weasel out of this

>> No.27250727

nu/pol/ is a goddamn shitshow. 90% shills and trolls, 5% qanon retards, and 5% reason. 2016 ruined us.

>> No.27250728

Gamestop is going to bail out the very hedge funds that were trying bankrupt them while simultaneously shitting in the mouth of their customers. If gme actually does this they would deserve the soon to follow bankruptcy.

>> No.27250742

Wut does dis mean?

>> No.27250754

>will not stop because they want to make some political/financial statement
Some will do this. The vast majority will sell much earlier because they want dem monies. Making a political statement will take a backseat to a few bucks

>> No.27250817
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>> No.27250944
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>2 more weeks

>> No.27251000
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To the moon brothers, or the sewers. Idgaf.

>> No.27251022

>selling them shares at the market
>so hedge funds can cover shorts even higher than when they said they did back at $90
you might be retarded.

>> No.27251041

Im leaving the stock market next week. Except for GME and NOK only to fuck with the hedgies.

>> No.27251087
File: 50 KB, 800x600, 1589364130-dutchplanderlinde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some faith arthur, TWO MORE WEEKS

>> No.27251120
File: 157 KB, 528x321, Investing - green party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many Hedge Funds are now long, and are relishing putting competitors out of business.
>Many of the shorters will take a loss, but will immediately go long after covering only some of their shorts. They will short the top and coordinate with the banks to sell off at exactly the top, dropping the price and making money from their new short positions.
>new investors will get spooked and immediately sell

This is a game that the Hedgies will win, but we have a chance to make some money as long as we take profits before they do that. Me? I'm selling 90 shares at $1,000 and 90 shares at $2,000 (but am not locked into $2,000 and will adjust as the situation develops)

>> No.27251137

tradingview.com is good

>> No.27251188

Cool, post your info of when the shorts were bought and how many shares etc.

>> No.27251197

Companies can only issue new shares at earnings?

>> No.27251206

Give the hedgies a widgie

>> No.27251236

Patrick Byrne (ex Overstock CEO) wrote several lengthy article about his run in with swamp creatures of Wall Street and he pretty much had a similar experience with the fraud he has seen.

I recommended people to read his blog:

>> No.27251245

Oh Melvin

>> No.27251303
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That would mean stabbing the back of the very people who supported and fought for them. Hedge funds were doubling down on erasing them from the face of earth.
This would actually mean betting on GameStop pulling that off and keeping its reputation to not be utterly loathed for years.

So, nope.

>> No.27251324

True if bigly

>> No.27251350
File: 20 KB, 733x314, gme_loles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, some people have realized gains and they are donating and doing some great stuff to get some awareness to this fucked up system which I think shows a lot of sense from these people because you show these hedgies what is like to profit and help the economy at the cost of hedgies irresponsability. It's all about balance and not being a greedy motherfucker like the system you accuse and exploit.

>> No.27251352

What are you selling at

>> No.27251435

lol i mean the whole point of this was because they shorted the stock to an extreme point that shouldn't of been allowed
it's pretty obvious there's not as many shares as they nakedly shorted them for

>> No.27251463
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Spectrums and Restarts,

A friendly reminder: an extremely risky short percentage normally is fucking 20% AMC is 80 and GME is 140.... let that fucking sink in, AMC IS GOING TO FUCKING MOOON. And if they do tricks now that the whole world is watching- there will be a steeeep price for them doing it.

>> No.27251469

2 things that are going up.
Crypto and Tesla. I think Ethereum, simply because Bitcoin is so damn high, people think, why the fuck do I want .0005 of this when I can have 2.5 of that?
Elon is practically a god over there. Plus Tesla is fucking cool. Pelosi invested 1million in it, because she knows the new green deal is going to make lots of money. New battery technology is the future, period.
Battery powered cars are going to be the only cars allowed.
There are a shit load of cars to be replaced.

>> No.27251495


>> No.27251512

Why? You think it'll stay below $2000?

>> No.27251539

they're gonna halt it at like $120 for 30 days

>> No.27251585

>*is unironically a servant of Blackrock, a JEWISH organization*

>> No.27251661

I don't know, that's why I'm staying loose and seeing how it develops. I think it will go above $2,000 - but I'm happy with a $264,000 profit if I sell for those numbers. That would shave literal years off of my financial foundation. I literally hit $100k for the first time at the end of December

>> No.27251667
File: 4 KB, 188x96, SingleMenPresent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Gamestop and AMC were bought by reddit, what company should 4chan push up? Is Blockbuster still on stock market?
>6000% in one day
Dammit, what's left for us to meme about?

>> No.27251683
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>> No.27251709

Yeah it's the retail investor who is greedy and sucked trillions of dollars from the economy over the last few decades. 401k boomers don't have their retirement in jew ran ultra high risk financials. Their retirement is sitting in vanguard. So take your "won't someone think of the boomers" shit and choke on it.

>> No.27251754
File: 854 KB, 1200x460, 1611970187624-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre going to stop paying you soon. Then youll start getting nervous. Maybe you feel watched, hopeless, even a bit guilty. Is it worth the apprehension? Do what weak people do. You were never going to be anything better than what you fear you are anyway.

>> No.27251822

When they have sec filings stating that they have a lockout, yes. GME has filings stating they are not allowed to issue new shares until some time in March.

>> No.27251858

Jfc the amount of schizos ITT

>> No.27251892

You definitely are if you think that's how it works.

>> No.27251928


>> No.27252007

The new investors are not going to sell.
They didn't last week.
They are looking at this like their 1 chance to make it.
How many fucking lottery tickets get sold a year?
That is the mindset.
They will hold because FOMO.
What do they have to loose? It's not much to them but there are a shit load of them who don't care and will hold.
Hedgies are not dealing with normal people here. Now they are getting pissed off, not afraid.
Every "terrorist" hit piece the hedgies put out pisses them off even more.
When DFV sells off, then it's over.
He's the general.

>> No.27252018

>muh sucked trillions of dollars from the economy argument

Go fuck yourself you brainmelted nigger. If you want to make a political statement go take a shit at the FED for creating this rampant fradulent monetary system and allowing it to keep going indefinitely.

>> No.27252079

Looks like 4chan seems to be the on initiating the silver squeeze.

>> No.27252143

Interesting. Thanks for the explanation. Search queries were revealing fuck all.

>> No.27252180

show nose

>> No.27252237

Take meds

>> No.27252301

Please sell goy..look at all the nice things you could do. Be a good person goy don't hold and be so greedy! Oy vey!

>> No.27252334

So do you think its never going below 150 again?
There are plenty of people whose accounts will finally be ready on monday and tuesday.

>> No.27252403


>The “St. Smallcap” example conveyed the dynamics of the manipulation, but it was only a metaphor. This blog will provide an explanation whose truth is more literal.

>You and I enter a stock trade. You buy a share of stock from me. You hand over your money, and I hand over the share of stock. That is called, “settlement.”

>It may surprise you to learn that there are loopholes in our nation’s regulations that permit some people, when it comes time to settle, to hand over nothing but an IOU. By using one of these loopholes, when the time comes for settlement I can take your money but say, “I’m not delivering you any stock. I’m just giving you an IOU for a share of stock that I will deliver later.”

>There are reasons these loopholes came into existence. If someone made a mistake by signing the wrong line on a form, for example, or mistakenly sold more shares than he really had, one would not want the entire system to vapor-lock as the mistake was rectified. So the system has been designed so that the gears do not get hung up on minor mistakes. The general idea is that, if someone sells shares it turns out he cannot deliver, he can create these IOU’s and send them on as though they were real shares, giving himself time to clean up whatever error he is experiencing, and sending the real shares a couple days later.

>There is no system in place to alert you to the fact that you sent me your money and received nothing but an IOU. The system treats these IOU’s just as though they were real shares. Your brokerage statement will say that you got shares, even though I never sent anything but an IOU. You can sell them, and that IOU will pass on through the system into someone else’s account.


>> No.27252514

i had this realization last night.
these people are holding with the thought in the back of their minds that
>i missed bitcoin
>i missed efferiums
>i missed tesla
but they are not going to miss this one. it doesn't matter if you explain gamestop is not worth 50+ billion dollars. they are determined to not miss THIS chance, which may be their ONLY chance to make it.
i'm thinking hedges are going to get rekt. they won't be able to wait this one out. if there isn't a big selloff tomorrow that's when it gets scary for real.

>> No.27252596

Jokes on you, you're being the jew here. I'd rather prefer to profit from this situation, give back a little bit of what earned to people and continue to break the system by finding new ways to exploit until these motherfuckers are forced to make the necessary changes to make the system more balanced and less viable to these kind of vulture-like schemes. You're rather see it being shot to the moon even if it fucks everyone else in the process. Do tell me which one of us is being the jew here again?

>> No.27252599
File: 169 KB, 646x700, investing - green life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll find out! That's the beauty of investing, it is like a puzzle. And if you win, you are the one who makes the most money. I hope we both get the gains we want, friend

>> No.27252620

Well, that can also work in a long run aswell not like this

>> No.27252631

Fantastic rebuttal. Called them a nigger, check. Deflected from the corrupt Jewish hedge funds, check. Blame the govt who was corrupted and now all but controlled by said hedge funds, check. You forgot to cry about the boomers again and reinforce that it's retail investors who are the real villains. Oh! Tell us how the evil retail investor caused 2008 and how the hedge fund speculators are the real heroes!

>> No.27252677

Im sure there are a million ways wallstreet can pressure gme into issuing new shares, but why comply ?

>> No.27252691

so what happens tomorrow?

GME moons, or whole system collapses?

>> No.27252778

and the plague will destroy everything I cannot wait until humanity is wiped from the face of the earth except for me and my computer of course

>> No.27252811

You. You've posted that same comment on more than one thread. You are either a jew or employed by them. Now please goy just sell. You are hurting people! You could just sell now and I promise there will be other cool hip ways to get back at the man at a later date. Just sell guy.... Please??

>> No.27252818

in france new thermal cars will be forbidden to purchase in 2040 (or 2030).

>> No.27252842

Price for newly issued shares should be over $5000 or hedgies would lose their money and heads.

>> No.27252856


>> No.27252908

The FED is not the goverment, you moron. The FED is a private owned institution.

>Tell us how the evil retail investor caused 2008 and how the hedge fund speculators are the real heroes!

There was plenty of greed to go around back in 2008. The so called "retail investors" were making bank swapping houses right and left and inflating housing prices to the common person who was left holding the bag when shit blew up. Don't think retail is not blame partly for that bullshit too.

>> No.27253107

I'm sitting on an ultra long Virgin Galactic (SPCE,) play. My original idea when I bought in the 11's over a year ago was to wait for the first successful commercial flight. Be aware SPCE is new tech so revenue is low and they still have a lot to prove. This is a Story Stock right now. It closed at 44.29 on Friday and judging by the options, a lot of people think it goes about 65 sooner rather than later. Remember that a successful series of test flights and then a successful commercial flight that Branson will ride on opens the door to many more space ports and space planes being built. Rapid point to point travel changes the travel and recreation game in a huge way. SPCE is possibly the best story stock on the market right now. It is risky, ground breaking and fun. This is going to be a fun few months for the company.

>> No.27253145
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>> No.27253157

Gme insiders have been buying stock rspidly since September, why the fuck would they do this lol. The board has to vote to issue new stocks, doing so would be bad for every one of them

>> No.27253170

What interface is that? Bloomberg terminal? Those things are so expensive

>> No.27253178

It wasn't just the Hedge Funds, but the banks, as well as the Government (starting with Clinton, and accelerating under Bush), pressuring the banks to issue risky loans. It was an entire failure by our institutions

>> No.27253220

you mean internal combustion engine

>> No.27253243

Nice try Melvin

>> No.27253284

It's going to be like with trains
short distance/city = electic
long distance = diesel

>> No.27253332

Yeee listened to that and it sounds reasonable

>> No.27253428

Good. Accelerate

>> No.27253436

Infinite risk means infinite risk. The problem isnt that the people holding GME want their prices met, it's that we allow people to make infinite risk bets and double and triple down on infinite risk bets way past when they should have been margin called.

>> No.27253475

Accelerate to what, do you want total collapse? What happens after that?

>> No.27253477

GME moons for sure, and it probably continues to do during the week

the HF should probably find some other illegal way to halt the stock, otherwise they are done

>> No.27253481

>Don't think retail is not blame partly for that bullshit too.
> give autists and blacks predatory credit vehicles (ARMs) they can't understand or afford
> raise interest
> wonder why autists bought tendies they can't afford and start defaulting
> blame autists for being the problem
show nose

>> No.27253620

DEFI slowly rises?

>> No.27253645

Problem with that is his 1.2 million shares arent enough to close the shorts. Him cashing out is just kicking the can down the road.

>> No.27253724
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Selling at $450 or $100, whichever comes first.

>> No.27253726

And you do what with it in a totally collapsed world that doesn't even have internet?

>> No.27253727

Bro, just trust the plan, what's wrong with you?

>> No.27253779

Exactly this what the fuck is a it seems like it’s for quite poverty tier losers

>> No.27253858

Anon, I....

>> No.27253885


>> No.27253993

What's wrong with this? I like free money better than memes. People are delusional about $1000.

>> No.27254121

Trump is a friend of the Jews, Anon.

>> No.27254194

Do you. Everyone has different risk tolerances. At least you have an exit strategy, which is very important, and better than most retail GME holders. It hit $480 already though, just fyi

>> No.27254229
File: 35 KB, 720x509, download_20210128_071607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Gme dilutes shares to achieve whatever price they want.

Step 2. There's just one step, problem solved.

>> No.27254312
File: 24 KB, 495x471, 4f710f55e769873f9588f82a65511ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still holding

>> No.27254319

That chick on the right has HUGE breasts

>> No.27254376

Beware the false info
if it cant be proved, dont blindly believe it

>> No.27254380

>and that IOU will pass on through the system into someone else’s account.
Haha holy shit

>> No.27254421
File: 137 KB, 920x687, 272-2726218_thinking-emoji-skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that the point from the beginning? That the hedgefunds shorted more shares than there are? I know you're talking about people buying but isn't that the same dynamic? Also wouldn't splitting the shares be possible? Like Tesla did I think

>> No.27254512

Fuck off Melvin we know you shorted more shares than the company had.

>> No.27254513

Any good space ETF's?

>> No.27254520
File: 57 KB, 700x512, 1610407041909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here said GME cant issue new shares for at least 2 months

>> No.27254533

When did I say that the people who bought were at fault? Are you retarded? I said the common person was left holding the bag.

>> No.27254736

There are always exceptions tho, not for the poors, but there are always exceptions

>> No.27254880

And the one on the left is attractive and intelligent

>> No.27254890


>> No.27255378

Have a nice sabbath?

>> No.27255508

Kek, this one gets it.

>> No.27256611

Honestly I just dipped into my savings a bit made it back, used the extra as momentum to invest and kept my savings. Full time student and part time worker. Thinkin bout starting a senpai soon with the gf very kino clean ur room

>> No.27256709

It’s accessible on cashapp now it’s becoming more utilized and favored. Plus the wealthiest public figure alive today supports it

>> No.27256988


>> No.27257007

Bro you can't prove Q is fake, you haven't waited 2 more weeks
You will trust the plan

>> No.27257152

totally ignorant reply but: i believe the concept is one of "wildcat banks". it could be driven by rising demand at the western frontier where financial services had yet to setup.

>> No.27257197

A sane economy in which you can participate in instead of checking out.

>> No.27257305

Exactly on schedule. I don't think it's true, but the only way for hedgies to not get financially raped is to accuse games top of doing what they're doing, buy a kangaroo court, ruin the public confidence, and throw enough of a fit mommy government will step in and freeze GME (except for contracted transactions like shorts). Just like that, they get their way

>> No.27257351

Whether it is the moon or the earths core, I will see a view never seen before.

>> No.27257594

It already hit 500. At this point either the squeeze happens or we lose it all, theres no point in betting on a middle ground.

>> No.27257598

A rise of a warlord or totalitarian state is far more likely. And not in the way that /pol/ fetishizes, but in a shit way

>> No.27257685

There is a middle ground, it's selling immediately as the morning excitement bumps the price to $450.

>> No.27257906

I like this stock, so I don't think I'll sell.

>> No.27258022

Nothing. It’s the standard. All FUD comes from accumulators or retards.

>> No.27258696

Considering how volatile it is, I don't think you can really say. Unless you're being sarcastic and you know that.

>> No.27258816

We're going too fast already. Let's pull over at that rest stop so I can take a piss.

>> No.27258831

So you're saying all I have to do is hold and I get a piece of the liquidated worth of almost the entire financial sector instead?

>> No.27258982

>too much paper gold lead to panic
>solution: fed controls gold, issues gold backed notes

>too much stock issued, leading to panic
>solution: ???

>> No.27259124

Jewish tricks to make you sell your GME stocks.
Don't fall for it.

>> No.27259275
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>> No.27259917

is this real? what do i google to learn more?

>> No.27260517

Wtf of course it's real. That behavior is extremely central to Jewish culture. Their whole """religion""" is based around finding loopholes in their "God"'s words. It is the reason for their high verbal intelligence (they spent centuries training the skill of tricking god) and they apply it to everything they do. Defrauded some people and got caught? Just prattle on until you either find a loophole in the law to justify your illegal activities, or you bore your opponent to death.


Many such cases.

>> No.27260711

Can someone pls photoshop a red wojak on that chicken

>> No.27260713


>> No.27260757
File: 489 KB, 1404x1348, gme fake shares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27260771

This is a psyop. Do not fall for it. Reddit is a bunch of faggots.

This will bring in the great reset/dark winter, and cause more censorship. You are not sticking it to the man.

Sell Monday if you have not, the memes are gay and the only ones that are still going with it are zoomers and reddit faggots. The same fucks that tell you to wear a mask and suck BLM dick.

>> No.27260812

>Be a Jew
>Fraud all year
>Transfer your losses to a Wojak
>Torture the Wojak and kill it
>Wojak takes the L instead of you
>Yay! We fooled the financial and judicial system!

>> No.27260912

what happens to gold when everyone withdraws their reserves you imbeciles?
thats right, it fucking drops like a rock.

>> No.27261018

>but 0 evidence.

It's no secret that they shorted more stocks than 130% of all gamestop stocks. That's more stocks than total amount in existence. Every news article reported on that.

>> No.27261224

gamestop should do a forward split and a public offering and raise a shitload money.

Not sure why they are doing nothing right now

literally they can SPAC their way back to relevancy...corps do it all the time

>> No.27261251
File: 3.24 MB, 343x498, 1610196847149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based GRT enthusiast

>> No.27261276

If that’s true my money won’t be worth anything in or out of the economy you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.27261415
File: 76 KB, 820x440, 231-2314466_pepe-the-frog-sad-pepe-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop

>> No.27261426


>> No.27261540

found the jew

>> No.27262203

retard here
can I buy GM stocks now? wil it be worth it?

>> No.27262312

I find this strange too. What is GameStop's next move? What are they thinking?

>> No.27262363

Tldr still holding

>> No.27262494

Wait for dip tomorrow, and hold.

>> No.27262601

mhmm, ok
where? eToro?

>> No.27262699

it's almost like you people don't understand how these things work or something.

>> No.27262778

Anywhere that allows buying of it still. I think eToro still sell it

>> No.27262911

They have a disclaimer about maybe restricting though.

>> No.27263044

well, we'll see tomorrow

the thing I don't understand is, this is like pure profit? I'm not trying to put my life savings into this but it's pretty promising, right?