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File: 273 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-ATB_silver_bullion_quarter_obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27238753 No.27238753 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone ELI5 what will actually happen to the economy if we successfully pull off a short squeeze on silver?

pls I am smooth brain

>> No.27239084

Those who have silver will be the new ruling class. Simple.

>> No.27239198

(hoes mad) x (9000)

>> No.27239320
File: 10 KB, 254x199, fiat-trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there will be two caste of people, those who hold psychical silver and will make it, and those who dont, who hold fiat trash that are going to zero

>> No.27239456

You fags need to stay in /pmg/
I am not buying your boomer rocks

>> No.27239498

silver is the low risk version of $GME

wont rug you, but still has x10-100 upside IF we all get PHYSICAL silver

>> No.27239625



This makes sense

>> No.27239671

They run out of physical silver.
Price moons.
Run on supply.
Govt steps in.
No silver, don't worry, you get your money back. Here's $25/oz you had registered with us.
Billionaires and government win, confiscate more material wealth by trading paper they print for it.
Justify additional legal restrictions on retail investors, bullion buying, and crypto trading.
When the paper sham is finally worthless, introduce govt backed crypto and restart the game, buying the wealth of he citizenry with manufactured tokens.

>> No.27239749

Total disaster. Countries with no metal reserves will get rekt

>> No.27239793

>They run out of physical silver.
Not possible. And it’s not possible to short squeeze physical silver. Good luck with that fantasy I’ll be betting on a guaranteed limited supply store of value like Bitcoin.

>> No.27239849

Silver rock go to moon. Rock market go kaboom boom. Grug want shiny Silver rock. Have strong hand. Make long nose tribe angry.

>> No.27239895
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>> No.27240053

...Since when do Jews like Bitcoin? And why are you boomers so stupid?
Silver is more easily manipulated and controlled by the government than digital currencies and the Jews will never allow your silver to be worth much more than it is today.

>> No.27240074
File: 110 KB, 600x600, p-4107-American-Eagle-Silver-Dollar-rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much food/ammo/bj's could 1Oz of silver get you in a collapse?

>> No.27240279

JPM owns half of the investment-grade physical silver that is in existence. They will rule the world.
The Jews always win

>> No.27240291

I'm pretty sure you cant squeeze silver. They'll let the spot price go up a couple percent then slap 1000000% premium on it instead. Rocks are worthless and manipulated.

>> No.27240361

>The Jews always win
this should be a /biz/ banner
dont try to beat them, get money and be like them

>> No.27240387

All jews talk about on the normiemedia is btc. Are you fucking retarded? Bitcoin is no threat.

>> No.27240426

Sorry anon but I believe its
(hoes x sucking mad dick for silverdimes) x (9000)

>> No.27240447

since they realized they can do whatever the fuck they want in the crypto market. ask yourself why the greyscale kikes are plastering dump gold and silver ads for bitcoin on tv.

>> No.27240495

>silver will spike
>confidence will be lost in paper contracts
>gold will spike
>bullion banks will be ruined
>we would overnight revalue fiat money
>current system collapses

>> No.27240509

gold is untraceable currency. bitcoin is the most traced currency possible. literally the kikes wet dream. gold cannot be automatically taxed like crypto and digital fiat can

>> No.27240652

Where the fuck do you buy physical silver now? I had an 800 dollar order, placed Thursday, get CANCELLED on Saturday...

>> No.27240702

Not enough anon. Better keep watching out for deals today and grab another 10ozs minimum

>> No.27240709
File: 3.77 MB, 377x344, 1610882995562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole economic house of cards comes crashing down. Only people with real assets like farmland, valuable real estate, precious metals and crypto currencies will survive. The chaos will be immense and in order to reestablish faith in the value of the dollar the government will have to issue a silver backed CBDC. The value of silver in old dollars will go parabolic, this is why JP Morgan shorts paper silver to suppress the price and hordes physical silver, it's for this 'great reset' of the world financial system.

>> No.27240724

The only benefit here is the probable 1 month where the retail price of silver skyrockets, there's a normie buying frenzy in the media and you offload your stack for a quick flip then buy it back five times over after gov steps in to correct this shit. I only have 100oz but if this plays out I plan to have 500oz when it's over for no extra costs other than time

>> No.27240757

Who did you order through?

>> No.27240762

Figure it out, if you have to travel around to get some do it. You NEED to own physical in your hand.

>> No.27240809

Yep, it's funny how everyone here values their privacy so much but use a technology that records every transaction made by anyone on a public ledger

>> No.27240868

Oh I'm stacking lad, I'm just curious as to how best to set up my rotation of Formerly Well To Do Housewife harem rotation.

>> No.27240895

nice fud

>> No.27240940

I guess silver in any form is valuable, now that it's fucking scarce.

>> No.27240941


they may also shut down internet



>> No.27241038

Ngmi. I spread out several orders through different sellers to make sure that if one cancelled, I still had backups.

>> No.27241091

fuck off to reddit

>> No.27241408
File: 126 KB, 420x413, Yoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax friend, we are in a multi decade depression/ economic restructuring. You have at least a couple of months to find some silver, it's still being mined so if you just put in a presale order you can get some delivered even if it takes a couple of weeks.