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27237505 No.27237505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seen this post yet boys? Any thoughts? It seems pretty compelling, but of course it's easy to fall for conspiracy theories when they sound this juicy...


>> No.27237581
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Also image format for people who refuse to look at reddit

>> No.27237588

>I believe retail investors may more than 100% of GME
>Even if the average was just 10 shares per legit subscriber, that puts the minimum retail position at about 30-50% of the entire company.
this is horse shit on so many levels, institutions hold at least 25-30 million shares, you can read the 13 Fs & Ds yourself
>t. 500 shares at $11, dumping them at 3k-4k on retail retards

>> No.27237719

Bankers started the whole thing and are a now taking a real hit, how satisfying to watch.

>> No.27237806

lmao gamers and neets broke the world economy

>> No.27237825
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This would be kek'ble at so many levels

>> No.27237957
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To be clear, this is the reason I'm posting it here. I'm not financially literate enough to make an informed decision one way or the other about how possible this is and at least I can hear naysayers here instead of just walls of upvoted echo-chamber shit on reddit. I am actively looking for reasons why this is bullshit cause quite frankly, it's pretty spooky. I want to see hedgies on ledgies but I don't want to be eating beans from a can around a trash-fire because the whole god damn economy collapsed in some crazy apocalypse fantasy scenario.

>> No.27238040

But that's the only wya to fix it, burn it down and build from ashes

They will not yield. And we won't either. Something gotta give.

>> No.27238075

This will cause a domino-effect in the financial system, which will spread worldwide.
This counterfeiting of company shares was something I suspected for some years. Stock market always looked like it was rigged for some specific groups, and thats why I migrated to crypto back in 2017.
What if retail holders start to request delivery of the actual papers? Will the brokers have them in their possession?
I just imagine this being extended to the derivatives time bomb. A investigation would take decades, so much there is in that field which cant be actually delivered. Literally a fake system which drove entire countries to real misery. A collapse might lead to a crypto spring, as DeFI will have to step in and stock shares will need to be tokenized. The cryptography wont allow for counterfeiting, as the shares would need to be built in with code, and the boomers who runs these hedge funds dont know how to crack code.

>> No.27238082

I guess I should say I want to know if I need to stock up on beans or not since it doesn't matter what I think anyway.

>> No.27238105
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>I don't want to be eating beans from a can around a trash-fire because the whole god damn economy collapsed in some crazy apocalypse fantasy scenario

You wont find a bridge to sleep under with that mindset

>> No.27238201

>I don't want to be eating beans from a can around a trash-fire because the whole god damn economy collapsed in some crazy apocalypse fantasy scenario

>> No.27238321
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Is joining a roving rape-gang and spray-painting your mouth chrome really the /biz/ endgame around here?

>> No.27238343


supposedly robinhood, webull, other small brokers, restricting the buying of stock is slightly more complex and due to the fact that clearing houses were now demanding 100% of the cost of the trade for each trade (because these stocks were so volatile). They just didn't have the capital to facilitate that, it would've been hundreds of billions of dollars. I'm willing to buy it simply because I'll always expect robinhood to fuck up by being incompetent and a small-time player, new to the scene, rather than transparently evil.

>> No.27238344

Reddit wont allow contrarian opinion. Its a network with built-in censorship. Every contrarian opinion is downvoted and put under the rug.
The redditors invading this board are used to downvote contrarian opinions, and to see them being censored. Its so natural to them that they even believe this is not censorship, but "community consensus". So when they come here, they are shocked.

>> No.27238457

paying roving rape gangs with silver to do my bidding is my endgame
i will be your war god

>> No.27238547

>to crack code

>> No.27238718

Not really, but since i cant go long on nuclear war its the next best fantasy.

>> No.27238752

I hope it's not true simply because that will lead to a lot of wars, economical collapse, famine and most of you retards would not survive this situation, even if you think you will.
But as I was reading the post, it striked me that the guy figured it out. The market is a scam, it was a scam since 1971, maybe even before that. The consequences would hit even us, the little guys.

In the end, metalfags would be right. I refuse to believe that.

>> No.27238793
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This is bullshit and this time I in fact do not believe it. The average WSB retard owns one share at best., not 10 There's shitloads of poorfags who own mere fractions of a share.

>> No.27238808
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you're on a board that praises a frog god of chaos. what do you think?

>> No.27238823

Thanks, just bought 100k more.

>> No.27238899

I hold 166 since the post-earning dump. My gf owns 10, her friends own 1-20. It's so mainstream I couldn't believe it, her Normie fucking friends hold GME and have no intention to sell cause it's all just fun for them. Until the number goes above $10,000 then the fun would end and we'd collapse the Market.

>> No.27238970
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Fair enough hopefully your rape squads will take it easy on my asshole if I come willingly

>> No.27239024
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>he doesnt want to take warbrides and wage war using a chainsaw spear

>> No.27239038

>Disclaimer: I don't work in finance, I have no insode knowledge on how the financial system works
Nice larp then

>> No.27239047

Your social circle is a non-representative sample, always keep that in mind. Besides, there are other factual errors or incomplete facts in that post. Like the fact that Robinhood didn't collude with anyone, they simply didn't have enough cash to keep the buy frenzy going.

It's mania. Keep a cool head.

>> No.27239092


>> No.27239116

>wars, economical collapse, famine
What about Death?

>> No.27239128

no you were a fag about not wanting to crash the system
unless you pay me in silver or have a hot sister or something

>> No.27239132

I started getting targeted ads for the McLaren Senna GTR today, so I think I'll set the limit for my one share at $1.4 million dollars.

>> No.27239181


>> No.27239205

Wouldn't that be obvious? I want the Wall St to collapse, but I'd like to see the Countries somehow withstand that storm. I just don't see it happening anymore, unless the rules of the Free Market are 100% violated and we go full China. With Biden it wouldn't even surprise me.

>> No.27239215

The price of the company has ZERO to do with going bankrupt. The price can literally go to 1th of a cent but if the company can pay its debt there is nothing going on. This is bs.

>> No.27239227

>This will cause a domino-effect in the financial system, which will spread worldwide.
A couple of hedgies and some corrupt jew in institutions blowing up? I mean, who cares

>> No.27239318

A company with plummeting stocks struggles to get loans, don't kike

>> No.27239322


Nah that is a myth. Most people these days are too pussy to be raiders, and the ones that aren't will be shot by people who don't like getting their shit stolen. If the economy collapses we will be fine as long as you have stuff to trade. I'm gonna get so many blowjobs.

>> No.27239380

Embrace the power of AND

>> No.27239412

Complete nonsense.

>> No.27239572

If DeFi were more mature, with tokenised stock available, think how the current situation could play out? You trustlessly send your tokenised GME to a collective 'squeeze' contract that monitors volume and short interest and maximally squeezes the shorters when they try to cover. Profits from the contract are distributed proportionally. This isn't collusion, you just swapped GME tokens for sqGME tokens and then swapped sqGME tokens for half of wall Street.

>> No.27240350

its terrified because our entire system is a house of cards on a windy day, its so fragile that 2 small time hedgefunds cant even make a bad bet without dire consequences

>> No.27240747

Even if the thesis of this doomsday post is incorrect, isn't the whole original idea behind this squeeze predicated on naked shorts? That's not just a bad bet but also illegal behavior, correct?

>> No.27240816
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Unironically this. It's why Reddit is such an absolute shithole. 4chan can be described a pseudo-aggregate data collection and verification system powered by neet nodes. There is a shitload of shilling, but the shilling is relatively ineffective on efficient nodes that do their jobs properly. The job of being autistic and relying on logic and reasoning rather than dumb group-think.

>> No.27240861

im not sure about legality of any of this, but its always some miniscule sector of the entire economy that sets off a chain reaction and crashes our markets

>> No.27241020

>Creditanstalt big igloo caught earlier this round

>> No.27241122

He was just a hedgefund trader, and he surely shook with fright
He checked off his buy orders and made sure shorts were tight
He had to sit and listen to those awful tendies roar
You ain't gonna trade no more


>> No.27241164

What tune am I supposed to be reading this to?

>> No.27241212
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Just like with the gold IOUs in the 1910s and 1970s that were overissued they ultimately had to sever the gold standard.
This reddit user caught on to the scam a few days after I did and now the whole thing is being cracked open.
This truly will blow up the entire financial system. It is financial armageddon.

>> No.27241231

Battle Hymn of the Republic, or more appropriately, its airborne version, Blood on the Risers

>> No.27241274

better don’t go BTC or eth now, you will lose poor boy

>> No.27241293

Battle hymn of the republic, or gory on the risers

>> No.27241361

Manful sea shanties

>> No.27241362

wanna get income - go for low-risk staking pools

>> No.27241499

That faggot is just larping, to get the other faggots to hold long enough for him to escape.

>> No.27241570

>Moreover, there are now more than 7 million people subscribed to r/wallstreetbets~~. I know lots of people here are sitting on a few hundred shares that they bought back when it was under $50. Some of us are even holding thousands. If the average number of shares owned by each subscriber is even close to 5-10, we have a very good shot at also owning a similarly enormous amount of GME.~~ Even if the average was just 10 shares per legit subscriber, that puts the minimum retail position at about 30-50% of the entire company.

lmao how delusional is this faggot

>> No.27241654

140 here.
The amount of shares bought by no hedgies is at least half probably more.
Hedgies are fucked beyond belief.
We should invest in trampolines and post them around wallstreet.

>> No.27241832

You couldn’t figure this out so you decided to ask a bunch of Pajeet shills and crypto gambling zoomers?

>> No.27241859

>the whole god damn economy collapsed

You really comparing removal of parasite to total collapse?

>> No.27241895

There's obviously something going on behind the scenes. Even the normies are aware of the situation

>> No.27241977

In a more representative sample, 1 of the 7mil sub count (no shame, fuck off), own no GME and don't intend to, only know of one person with a stake and they're a coworker of a friend. Reddit OP is being extremely generous. Conservatively you could maybe get away with 3-5% own 10+. 10-15% are poorfags and own 1. The rest shit post / lurk or are bots.

>> No.27242036

This was basically what I figured it was when Redditors and Democrats started chiming in on the situation. The finance industry benefits on our ignorance and they work to keep us ignorant. Much better to create fake stories about small players than to explain what happened and allow people to peak behind the curtain a little bit.

>> No.27242048

Fuck GME. I can't wait to see you all lose everything. I can't stand hearing about it. I made a shit ton off chink EVs but I'm not flooding the threads about it. Fuck you all

>> No.27242181

The truth is that the interest rates on the shares aren't debilitating to them. They can wait for months because they have other investments that cover the cost, they even doubled down on the shorts. The question is if retail is willing to hold that long.

>> No.27242190

Retards stock up on gme, btc, and Silver. People who really know what's up stock up on MREs, opium poppy seeds, cannabis seeds, and shitloads of guns so they can have a real business after the collapse

>> No.27242209

Just lol

>> No.27242238

That's the point, he's saying there's more then 100% out there. Institutional holdings are listed at 120% themselves https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=GME&subView=institutional so how is that possible and how can retail also be holding anything?

>> No.27242256


>> No.27242327

Observe the obvious dishonesty and dissembling of their CEO:


>> No.27242429

> with no survivors

>> No.27242499

There will be no collapse

>> No.27242569
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masterminded by 1 person on both sides

>> No.27242595

On the other hand the Webull CEO was very clear and transparent about the whole thing. I suspect Rossmann is right on this one and whoever is in charge of Robinhood's PR is a fucking retard


>> No.27242629

I don't see where he's lying. The Webull CEO interview basically went the same way. Just that the webull CEO seemed more honest and talked more naturally.

>> No.27242670

You and the thousand other paid shills cost more than the interest on their short position.

>> No.27242730

R*ddit Q zoomers get the FUCK OIT

>> No.27242738

By god...

>> No.27242746

On the other hand, 4chan is THE contrarian's paradise

>> No.27242840

I don't see how this really changes anything from the perspective of a bandwagoner who's riding the squeeze up to 10k. You don't need to have counterfeited stock to get in a situation where you've shorted 140% of total outstanding stock, just illegal naked shorting with your buddies at GS and JPM. Even naked shorting isn't necessarily needed, but in this case where so much GME is owned by institutions that don't lend to shorters, it's almost guaranteed. And you don't need counterfeited stock to generate a market collapse, either. The financial system is still extremely fragile and never did unfuck itself after 2008. This is just the first major fuckup that actually has a shot at causing losses faster than the government can run the money printer.

Also, fuck r****t and fuck you for posting it here. If you want analysis, just steal their posts and post it here without saying it's from there.

>> No.27242928
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The simulation is real. It's literally running out of ideas. It's mimicking itself.

>> No.27243258

It's funny that his name is literally Denier and his company name is literally Webull.

>> No.27243590

>I don't want to be eating beans from a can around a trash fire
Might want to look into edible plants in your area then? I've been reading a lot of homesteading stuff over the last year or so. Pretty cool stuff.

>> No.27243602

>To be clear, this is the reason I'm posting .. here
>I'm not financially literate
Yeah, you found the right board.

>> No.27243640

Numbers on interlinked ledgers connected in arcane ways vs. numbers on interlinked ledgers not adding up. If it's true, then the least it does is to make the squeeze even more extreme. At most, every institution involved is totally fucked.

>> No.27244002

They're already fucked anyway. Shorting something at $4 and it going to $6 is already a huge loss compared to typical shorts. Shorting at $4 and it going to $40 is unheard of. Shorting at $4 and it going to $400 is a hypothetical that would have gotten you laughed out of every discussion with professionals and academics up until this month. Nobody is EVER capitalized for that much risk, let alone doubling down as the price keeps increasing.

Yeah, there might be counterfeit stock floating around. But it doesn't need to be true when there's already enough damning circumstances piled up. The only thing that can save them now is massive government intervention.

>> No.27244092

anyone else get strong qanon vibes from posts like this one on reddit. All the retarded theorizing and caps and bold and memes reminds me of the Trumpers who were so confident and got destroyed

>> No.27244098


>> No.27244435

>how is that possible and how can retail also be holding anything?
Some of them are owed the same stock twice by short sellers. It's not impossible. Particularly GS and JPM are probably owed the same share dozens of times.

>> No.27244453

Retarded conspiracy theories are usually wrong yes

>> No.27244474
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>> No.27244489

you're deep bruh

>> No.27244543

They're permanently fucked by psyops. Qtards are going to be a plague on the internet for a long long time.

>> No.27244574

More like, line Wall Street with waterproof tarps so the cleanup is easier.

>> No.27244915

Edit 4 thanks for the gold strangers
Edit 5 wow I sure love sucking big black dicks umm yummy
Edit 6 go back

>> No.27244961

Story time.

As recently as 1908, money was gold/silver. People would store their gold in banks. Banks then issued redeemable paper gold certificates to trade around. Each bank had their own certificates. There were no "dollars".

(1) But banks started overissuing certificates in excess of their gold reserves. Fraud. Sigh. Jews. "Panic of 1908" when the public realized their certificates were unredeemable and the vaults were empty.

(2) Then they came out with the Federal Reserve in 1913 to issue federal-scale gold backed notes to restore confidence. By 1973 Nixon severed this redeemabklity because, again, the vaults were empty and they had overissued these certificates.

(3) With Gamestop, we are now witnessing the exposure of their latest scam. They over issued stock certificates. They pocketed the cash and traded fake shares. The "naked shorts" create a contract that can be traded like a share, but isn't a share. Fraud. And with the public buying gamestop en masse, they cannot deliver enough real shares because they don't exist. Thats why Robinhood limited share purchases to 1 per customer.

Fraud. Understand now?

>> No.27245021

like poetry... it rhymes

>> No.27245178


>> No.27245262

we are the real avengers don't fucking sell


>> No.27245653
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I screen capped this. Should there be a whole song parody?

>> No.27245813


Sounds right. Even the guys that bought swaps on mortgages in 06' and 07' waited for over a year to cash in. They do have enough cash to sustain. Not forever, but longer than reddit and 4chan think. Which is why I am not selling until the bankruptcies become public.

>> No.27245912

Many of the shares are not just naked, but outright fake and they're panicking because retail currently owns more than 50% of the "real" shares. The idea being that this is highly illegal and is quickly exposing something all the hedgefunds do which is why there has been such a coordinated effort to get people to sell before it gets investigated and exposed.

>> No.27245945


MRE's. You are a larper. You cant live more than a few weeks on MRE's before becoming hopelessly constipated. It is a short term food stable food source. Never intended, even by the military to sustain a person more than short term.

>> No.27245977
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thankyou fren

>> No.27246095

I'm willing to bet that they're trying to hold out until this all inevitably gets dragged to a senate hearing or a trial and some sort of freeze is issued on it.

>> No.27246288

>Stock market always looked like it was rigged for some specific groups, and thats why I migrated to crypto back in 2017.
>where btc is propped up by fake tether, chink whales control its movements to drive the market up and down and altcoins along with it, chains are rolled back when the founder's friends lose money, and you pay $50 in gas fees per transaction to use defi products

What a retard faggot. Both are rigged

>> No.27246316

You'll coom willing or not

>> No.27246345

he aint in the black no mooore

>> No.27246562


Fucks shilling for coin and bots.

>> No.27246690
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what chart are you guys using for GME by the way?
I used yahoo finance earlier but it's not loading for me right now for some reason

>> No.27247938
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>> No.27247981

gamers have risen up

>> No.27248179

death is a redundant dlc filler character with no brand of his own, war, famine and pestilence already do death but with an unique twist each

>> No.27248284

>with no brand of his own
>And I looked and behold a pale horse, and the name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him

>> No.27248458

i hate chainlink

>> No.27248559

yep, plus they're just not tasty. you'd ideally want land and some farming stuff+educational material if you want to out last something that the average person would stock up on MREs for lmao

>> No.27248996

Stock up on guns and ammo.

>> No.27249392

giants that have been lulled to sleep are about to open their eyes

>> No.27249814
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Witness me

>> No.27249941


>muh J

Imagine holding a stock to make a banker billionaire even richer, Ryan Cohen owns the largest amount of gme stocks, that's who you are helping. Chewy.com co-founder Ryan Cohen acquired a 12.9% stake in GameStop last year for $76 million.

>> No.27249944

that’s the interim before we spin off the other strategic business units like the flame guitar

>> No.27250237

Depends on the subreddit
Yea, which sometimes makes actually long discussions difficult, which some subreddits are good at. 4chans sometimes obsession with reddit is pretty gay.

>> No.27250400
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>> No.27251112

but doesn't this also mean that anyone holding a fake share is sol?

>> No.27252895
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>> No.27252896

so basically what you're saying is, GME to the moon? we all gonna escape poverty with this shit?

>> No.27253521

Nope. It would be like if your bank handed you a countfit.

>> No.27254652

Nope, unfortunately retail will not be allowed to win

What will happen is that the SEC will suspend trading and do a cash-out of all positions at current market value. Shorts will be forced to close their positions at the last price, and the money will be given to the original lender. Any shares not paid for by the shorts will be cashed out by the Fed.

Once all the shares on the market are gone Gamestop will be allowed to start over fresh with another public offering.

>> No.27255309

you'll have a civil war on your hands at that point. i don't see people letting this one go, not when it's already come this far.

>> No.27255619

How is that even suppose to work? Wouldn't that undermine GameStop as a company and wipe them off the planet? Who covers the lose from retail investors? How will international investors be compensated?

>> No.27255737
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Fuck GME all in CLF

>> No.27256232
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Can humans survive on acorns?

>> No.27256533

Wow imagine how much karma you could get on /r/4chan with this! epic lol

>> No.27256548

>Blood on the Risers
based and satanicpilled

survival is for cowards

One man's crisis is another mans SCANDAL
To be fair, he did tell one truth:
They did this pre-emptively.

>> No.27256725
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Hello fellas, did you take part the Baexplatform(#baex)? Found their advertising, didn't know if defi binary projects work. What toolsdo you use? I am thinking about Tesla and Amazon but still not so many guides and videos on how to use them profitably

>> No.27256999 [DELETED] 
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The real reason they're terrified is this:


Citadel's holdings are an options time bomb that would create 50% volatility swings across the general market if they got liquidated after Melvin got liquidated. Their portfolio is an actual dead man's switch. We're going to see this shit get indefinitely halted at market open once and the Biden admin is going to step in.

>> No.27257174

Nobody is interested in your Yani memorabilia collection.

>> No.27257217
File: 286 KB, 1902x979, citadel_holdings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason they're terrified is this:


Citadel's holdings are an options time bomb that would create 50% volatility swings across the general market if they got liquidated after Melvin got liquidated. Their portfolio is an actual dead man's switch. We're going to see this shit get indefinitely halted at market open once and the Biden admin is going to step in.

>> No.27257898

The chad stock counterfeiter vs the virgin counterfeit hodler

>> No.27257973

fuck this trash.
why would you invest it all in one dumb thing?
you’re dumb as dick.
>my wallet with playcent and you will suck this nibba balls with fucking trash you use

>> No.27258058
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because SURELY a Roth-s-child wouldn't have told him to follow orders, now would they?

>> No.27258136

>he thinks he's allowed to die

>> No.27258384

that's the dumbest shit I've ever read, and if you didn't jump ship already, you should really fast.
The amount of bullshit on WSB right now is insane.

>> No.27258810

The Chumash and Oak Grove people did. You have to leach the tannins out with running water.

>> No.27258875

And do want? Aggressively interfere with the free market and free economy? The mask would be off and Normies would understand there is no difference between China, Russia and the US. You'd have the revolution, don't forget it was at a boiling point a month ago. Wall St would burn, you'd have Vigilante Justice and Military Coup if needed.

The best thing to do now is to bite the bullet, pay the goyim and make sure this situation won't happen again. They've utterly lost, trying to avoid that creates only a bigger problem for everyone.

>> No.27258971

I've experienced something similar. I've 50 shares but people have casually talked about them buying a share to get rich in the lunchroom. People who have never ever invested anything in anything.

They will hold on to the stock until it reaches something silly such as 100k no matter what.

>> No.27259265

There are jews who play all sides, but short jews are much worse than investor jews as they can dump and pump using more shares than actually exist. Hopefully this is the end of short selling

>> No.27259805

Imagine not holding just because you don’t like they other guy holding.

>> No.27260197

>And do want? Aggressively interfere with the free market and free economy? The mask would be off and Normies would understand there is no difference between China, Russia and the US
Yes that's exactly what going to happen. They're going to tell all of us it's for our own good and spin it so that GME holders are going to blow up everyone's 401Ks and pensions or some shit. Which, indirectly, will be true due to that fucking dead man's switch of a portfolio. They're going to go complete mask off on this one.

>You'd have the revolution, don't forget it was at a boiling point a month ago. Wall St would burn, you'd have Vigilante Justice and Military Coup if needed.
At this point I seriously assume everyone holding GME is on a watchlist because they *know* there's going to be a lot of pissed off people after they shut this shit down. Additionally, because we don't have a 24 hour market this whole thing is likely being gameplanned behind closed doors right now, and has been all weekend.

>The best thing to do now is to bite the bullet, pay the goyim and make sure this situation won't happen again. They've utterly lost, trying to avoid that creates only a bigger problem for everyone.
SPY getting blown in half by HFTs with an aggressive sell off following is why they wont be forced to bite the bullet. That options backbone is fucking serious shit.

I think it's fucked up too, but I'm just being honest.

>> No.27260910

No. Someone is responsible for giving you that share. If the broker has an IOU for that share, they'll go to the issuer, who will go to their issuer, down the chain until SOMEONE is SOL. Worst case scenario there's a chain of bankruptcies.

>> No.27261012


>> No.27261202
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>> No.27261513

>Even if the average was just 10 shares per legit subscriber
The average idiot didn't get in until it was past $300 and probably only owns a fractional share.

>> No.27261850

ok but if the avg share per WSB member was 3 thats still 18 million shares

>> No.27261932

No, they're going to let the people have their money. The people will then go out and blow it all, not thinking of the future or even next years taxes. Hyperinflation will occur as all of the money the Fed printed back in March flows into the real economy. Then taxes come due and people owe the government money they no longer have. Market crashes even harder. The new digital system rolls out, people gladly accept it because "lol we beat wall street". UBI comes and more shackles are put on us while we all celebrate how "the people won!".


>> No.27262186

>ok but if the avg share per WSB member was 3
it's not
>thats still 18 million shares
Really not that much, certainly not enough for a short squeeze.
This whole thing is just hedge funds fucking with other hedge funds. Retail is just along for the ride.

>> No.27262357

it amazes me how cucked some of the anons here are (assuming they're not paid actors). we have a real chance here and you're giving up and trying to demoralize, it's really sad.

that said i already sold for 400% and re-entered on the dip so im not selling any time soon unless price goes ballistic. im excited to see what happens.

>> No.27262417

Eh. Shit happens.

>> No.27262461

I just accidentally put the entirety of my savings into GME.

My girlfriend is pissed.

How do I explain it was a simple accident?

>> No.27262504

This is a psyop. Do not fall for it. Reddit is a bunch of faggots.

This will bring in the great reset/dark winter, and cause more censorship. You are not sticking it to the man.

Sell Monday if you have not, the memes are gay and the only ones that are still going with it are zoomers and reddit faggots. The same fucks that tell you to wear a mask and suck BLM dick.

>> No.27262557
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oh no anon... i wish you luck

>> No.27262666

Where do you think you are?

>> No.27262692

There's a reason the majority of stock is held by a small group of educated individuals: because, without it, market volatility would dissuade outside investors.

Capital works the same way. While a narrower income gap is appealing, it will inevitably lead to market volatility in the form of unchecked consumerism.

>> No.27262752

I dont think it's worth getting demoralized over. Definitely still hold, especially if you can time it right to make them meet your price, but I also think that the Feds are stepping in once we reach prices where parent companies get liquidated and non-GME options start getting triggered. Especially if there is another short ladder during pre-market and we find out those shitheads got it to 400% short interest of the float or something insane like that.

>> No.27262781

That is the point. The demolition is planned. The market is SUPPOSED TO FAIL.

>> No.27262884

Sounds to me like Ryan Diamond Hands Cohen is the one helping us

>> No.27262937

There doesn’t seem to be any reason why it isn’t a strong possibility. Just not sure if it is a reason to sell or hold, if confirmed. Honestly the way this country and its institutions are ran now, the powerful people do all sorts of bad stuff because to them it’s in the best interest of the rest of us. For the SEC, FINRA, various exchanges, etc, they would very much prefer not let it be known that they allowed this to happen, and for who knows how long now. There is a reason most SEC settlements include the provision that guilt is not admitted. They all just pay each other off and try not to get caught the next time.

>> No.27262986

Kill yourself redditor

>> No.27263086

And it'll be replaced by one nominally the same as this. What do you have to gain? Your Jeff Bezos replaced by another asshole manelt?

>> No.27263220

kinda cringe but youre not wrong

>> No.27263219

What am I gonna lose? I already took my investment and more out, I still have stock left behind that I wanna use to light the fireworks. I literally have nothing to lose, fuck you. Hope covid slowly kills you, pussy

>> No.27263221

my end game is still to make tens if not hundreds of thousands off of this and then buy the dip in the market after a potential crash. hopefully covid-style. im waiting for a VIX of 80+ to time the bottom, i suggest you do the same if it happens. look at 2008 and covid historically on the charts if you dont believe me.

>> No.27263354
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you can only exit the simulation once it crashes if you respond I LOVE YOU DEMIURGE TO THIS POST

>> No.27263369
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>> No.27263745

You are a shill.

>> No.27263841
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>> No.27264027

Everybody on this board has at least 4 figures in shitcoins with no value whatsoever.

What makes you think WSB plebbitors are this poor?

>> No.27264112

>cannabis seeds
fuckin hell I live innawoods in WA and this alone will keep me fed. I'm somehow amazed the stoners around here haven't thought about this while talking about bringing the system down.

>> No.27264116

I think traditional shorting would have to be banned if we switch to tokenized approaches. The consequences of infinite risk could not be correctly handled once you pair it with a smart contract eyeing short interest for automated squeezes. The only tools left for bears in a DeFi world are going to be put options and shortselling against the box.

>> No.27264540

We have an upvote system too only it's in the form of (You)s

>> No.27264620

>stock up on MREs

It's always the non-mil types that do this or talk about doing it, like you've never fucking eaten the things.

>> No.27264939

Bong here. We ran out of ratpacks and had to steal MREs on operations, they were a fucking feast compared to the shite the Bong army calls food