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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27237404 No.27237404 [Reply] [Original]

It's interesting that fucking reddit has better communities on how to make money than 4chan. Comparing the boards on the site, /biz/ is definitely one of the lowest quality boards.

This place is filled with scammers and shills and all you do is talk about shitcoins.

Get fucked.

>> No.27237434

>The virgin safe bet investor
>The chad image board pnd scammer

>> No.27237490
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Go back, faggot.

>> No.27237535

Made for bbc

>> No.27237541

>he can't weed through bot and scam posts and needs his hand held to view "the right" information
OP that sounds like a personal problem you faggot

>> No.27237564

ive made thousands this year just buy copying biz threads

>> No.27237570

>This place is filled with scammers and shills and all you do is talk about shitcoins.

What cryptocurrency was WSB focused on for the last 2 days?

>> No.27237664

There's no "the right" he you retard, it's all people posting for hidden motives and trying to make money on top of you. Here it's all a bunch of enemies trying to scam each other, not a community about helping each other make money.

>> No.27237682
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Fuck reddit.

>> No.27237730

KYS Chang

>> No.27237771
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>> No.27237802


>> No.27237804

Funny, reddit is trying to pump a dead whale at the moment.

>> No.27237837

Yeah fuck them but fuck this place even more, at least there you can actually make some money, here all you do is get scammed.

>> No.27237839

when do they talk about crypto

>> No.27237901

just like real life, im sure your heart will be broken the first day reddit is wrong but a few people seemingly seem to be completely fine and have disappeared

>> No.27238000

I'm sorry you got scammed, guess what, I got scammed once or twice, yet I'm still up 350%.

>> No.27238064

nice plebbit spacing. just go back and never return, filthy animal.

>> No.27238072
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Begone then faggot. This board is a litmus test, it isn't meant to be a 'community' for you to circlejerk about and be 'a part' of. You can't just mindlessly follow the most upvoted user's investements like you braindead cucks are used to.

>> No.27238126

>redditeurs spend 5 years studying to make 1.10x annual returns
>me, dump 100 bucks in get 10,000 out on some indian meme money in the span of 2 days

>> No.27238128

I have no fucking idea cause I'm not a redditor but what I did see was this board get filled to max capacity with people shilling useless coins like DOGE after they got the ban hammer! So fuck!

>> No.27238179

hahaahahah, /biz/ and r/wallstreetbets should never be for fkn education you stupid wog. Both of them are for entertainment and /biz/ is 10 times more entertaining

>> No.27238749

made for my bwc*

>> No.27239592

I never got scammed, I can see right through the shitfest that is this place. My only investments have been in ethereum only, not the shit tokens that pop up inside it. I'm over 200% positive.

>> No.27239757

>-81 for pointing they are jewish
I fucking hate Reddit.
I hate that place so much, I cant even express it.

>> No.27239980
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>gonna show everyone when eRSDL moons

>> No.27240024

Lol idiots still try to bring you this scam
chink spammers that keeps copying other projects
I know only one top rebase protocol and this is Base
greatest uniswap volume, top ratings and brilliant cascade farming model

>> No.27240120

I just think it is funny watching dumb people pretend they are smart while "investing" in ponzi schemes. That is the reason i come here

>> No.27240141

WSB got pumped full of newfags

>> No.27240157
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Blockchain is rising now because of the defi sphere, that's why I usually check new projects. Not long ago, I found Baex(#baex), did you hear about it? That's a defi binary assets platform with Yahoo Finance quotes source

>> No.27240970

>hold my hand, and tell me what to do, pls

>> No.27241144

This board could be saved if they make a separate one for crypto

>> No.27241276
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biz has gave me the same amout of scams and memecoins as to pumps for easy gains
they all cancel out tho, making it the funniest waste of time

>> No.27241338

>these are rich white people
>400 updoots keanu chungus

>these are rich jewish people
>bing bang wahoo

wow reddit is full of self hating cucks

>> No.27241340

True. Honestly fuck crypto.

>> No.27241522

this is crypto board you dumb fucking newfag. go back to your stock containment thread and take reddit pals with you

>> No.27241850

this confirms the meme

>> No.27242323

Or you can get a clue, buy low, sell high, and be thankful that neets can make some heckin cash

>> No.27242446
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leave faggot

>> No.27242539

It’s literally all bot and scam posts on a typical day

>> No.27242578

>No arguments, only visible effort to post a 'winning' one liner
We can do better /biz/

>> No.27242599

And you’ll be broke soon enough.

>> No.27242719

You're just stupid and can't filter out the bullshit. Damn feel sorry for you.

>> No.27242800

keep holding your xrupees pajeet, you won't be invited to the yacht party next year

>> No.27243047

>This board is a litmus test

>> No.27243066

bait or nigger/jew

>> No.27243120

I've been putting my money into stable long term crypto bets, but decided to fuck around with shitcoins a few days ago. Turned $40 into $700 since Friday, would have literally made over a year's salary if I'd had the balls to go all in on the coins I bought.

>> No.27243182
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>Uh oh
They can literally look it up themselves in 2 seconds. Redditards are a lost cause.

>> No.27243293

Holy mother of cringe, this was on WSB?

>> No.27243356

I also like how they can't refute that fact they just say memey buzzwords: "yikes" "bruh" cause deep down they know it's true.

>> No.27243391
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I checked out some of the accounts to look for the thread but it's been deleted, posts included. "LibertyCarson" however writes about Jews in just about every other post of his.

>> No.27243447

I agree it's about time I get off this shitty place. No regrets

>> No.27243728

don’t fret anon those are just bros trying to hide the post from journos

>> No.27243733
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>> No.27243831
File: 279 KB, 1036x627, mah boi Yuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the equivalent of "MUH DICK" they're non words. they express outrage... but they don't bother to look deeper.

I expressed this to a socialist friend of mine when he was talking about the rich "White" and i pointed out they're actually Jewish and suddenly he went on the defensive. Same with Thedonald. I was on /pol/ before T_D. I went to TD for a bit of stability compared to the nonstop habbenings on /pol/... Pointed out my understanding of the JQ and I got....

Fuckin A.
It's as Yuri said.

>> No.27244109
File: 200 KB, 999x442, hurtbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel* fuck me im stupid. Just woke up

Reddit - where a bunch of retards cosplay as smart people,
4Chan - where a bunch of smart people role-play as retards. Chan boards always win. It's the nature of the hurtbox.

>> No.27244184

Based stealther.

>> No.27244278

>The reason most retards are on biz is bcs muh leddit censors them from saying nigger
Wow who would have thought faggots on this board are braindead and useless???

>> No.27244475

>It's interesting that fucking reddit has better communities on how to make money than 4chan
that's because /biz/ is not a community, it's a fucking shark tank
swim or die

>> No.27245216

This is true. $channers havent realized that the good times are truly over. Once upona time all organized happenings by the little people came from here, not anymore. Now its all just bots, shills, and tired old memes

>> No.27246685
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