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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27233795 No.27233795 [Reply] [Original]

You guys fucking suck, there used to be technical discussion and actual research on this board, now it's all pump and dumps and "OMG NEW COIN HERE LOW MCAP HURR DURR" "IYKYK" "NEW THIS" NEW THAT" you guys are the worst and I despite you all. The best thing is that when the actual winner is present you guys will still be chasing moonshots and miss out on it because you'll be holding meme tokens such a shiba. Fuck you

>> No.27233837

yep. lots of noise but there's some hidden gems if you tune that shit out

>> No.27233873

nice thread faggot
how about YOU make a thread about "technician discussion and actual research" and maybe we'll reply to it

>> No.27233883

If you are going to complain about board quality, you should use informative images too instead of a big ass.

>> No.27233939

Go on mu for anything except kpop and then tell me this is the worst board

>> No.27233940
File: 140 KB, 1024x731, 1604701260707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit ruins everything : (

>> No.27233989

More pics of this Thot plz

>> No.27234037


>> No.27234046

this board has been like that for 3 years straight the fuck are you talking about lol

>> No.27234094

no mention of the constant spam of GME, gas the jews... you must be new here?

>> No.27234287

souce op?

>> No.27234336


Agreed it did get worse but even then I found LINK and ZCN both which together made me half a million from about $6000 starting. I basically research every single coin posted here. Teams(credentials and previous projects), how long as the team been working on the project, sound tokenomics(token value growth from network growth), service they are providing(is it a natural progression for blockchain/do enterprise need it?), community involvement(is it hyped or considered a scam. Sometime pushed too hard as a scam is blatant FUD for accumulation and hype could mean I'm missing something etc). This is just off the top of my head but I've never been burnt yet. Currently eyeing up Smartcredit but haven't bought yet and wish I would have bought LINKPool early but never pulled the trigger.

>> No.27234385

jus sift through the shit and trolling, there are still interesting posts

>> No.27234476

I also hold 1INCH but didn't buy any just kept my air drop because I knew it was undervalued by a fuck ton as its superior to Uniswap. I should have bought another 350 to round me to 1000 though.

>> No.27234509

Lel i got banned for replying to a low quality post but 4 pajeetcoin shill threads in the catalog? No probs

>> No.27234659

is coffee good for you

>> No.27234733

Same here Anon , you got a bag of Statera? I also have ZCN now.

>> No.27234984

It will continue to get worse until there are few left and all threads are spam. Why? No one can ban us unless we break some core rules. Even then unless it's a major one like doxxing or cp, it's usually a temporary ban. There's no members, no sign up. This kind of environment attracts scammers, fucktards and trolls like no other. As the rest of the internet becomes sanitized cancel culture up vote shit there are fewer and fewer places people can speak candidly. The free internet is dying and cockroaches are swarming over its remains.

>> No.27235058

not him but I've found it doesn't really work
best bet for discussing shitcoin technicals is in some big shitcoin general type thread

>> No.27235113

you won't
wasn't always like that but yeah
yeah i had to wait for a ban to end because i told people the crypto was a scam and jannies thought the OP's discussion of crypto was somehow not related to business and finance
unironically yes

>> No.27235129

reddit is for actual discussion
4chins is for shitposting & shilling crypto

>> No.27235137

I'm high right now and this post made me fucking laugh. Hard.

>> No.27235200
File: 32 KB, 600x665, 1608552025031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, blanket bans are such lazy fucking shit jannies, happened to me the other day

Unironically when the next bear market returns /biz/ will be restored to how good it was in 2018/19

>> No.27235201

No STA currently although I did look into it. I'm in heavy concentration mode with my holdings 95/5 LINK/ZCN and might buy one more small cap but for the most part I don't want more than 3 and I don't want the funds spread yet. However STA might be a solid option once I start to diversify heavily and protect my wealth.

>> No.27235276

Yeah I rarely ever come here because the mods are complete ass. Just non-stop PnD shilling.

>> No.27235279

I wish I spoke finnish so I could just hang out on the finnish board
they seem pretty chill

>> No.27235297

Especially if youre an alcoholic

>> No.27235308

Then leave
This board is reddit now
And some of us have puppers, some of us have doggos
But all of us have heckin' good boys

>> No.27235326

When did /biz/ start looking like they turned the /pol/ bot on it?

>> No.27235340

But you don't know what their saying. So how would you know?

>> No.27235382

everyone says this about every board, should hear the oldfag /asp/ies whining about AEW. winge winge fucking winge

>> No.27235385


>> No.27235456

ur a faggot anon i have been here for 6 years and its never been good fucking lying dog cunt

>> No.27235537

You can get some impression. Although they do talk about exactly the same shittokens as on here (rigel..) they do appear to have a healthy discussion going.

>> No.27235877

contemplate the aroma

>> No.27236060

>> OP may not be a fag after all.
He's right and you know it.

>> No.27236125
File: 88 KB, 601x286, smartcredit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally expect defaulted loans to be settled in a court by someone acting as a liquidator. Seems completely out of touch with how crypto works desu. And it requires kyc for every borrower, it seems like.

>> No.27236240
File: 133 KB, 677x329, smartcredit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed (below top right)
>Deep learning-based credit scoring
miss me with this horseshit anon, be glad you didn't buy

>> No.27236344

Yea it has elements of Tradfi mixed with Defi they are Swiss financiers after all. Its a 3MM MCAP. When you consider the market share they target getting to 100MM MCAP would be easy as fuck. I'm mostly bullish on the team composition, they know what they are doing but the question stands will their products be popular since they aren't full blown Defi. Using actual credit score profiles that they create allows for lower collateralizations too.

>> No.27236564


I think you are looking at it wrong. Is it something you and I'd use? No, I want full blown decentralization for the most part. Although I will say some centralization is fine as its a fiat gateway where you can both lend and cash out for your living expenses. Is it something that people who don't understand/trust Defi would use absolutely. I'm not saying go all in but I'm considering dropping $5000 which I'm more than willing to lose for the potential gains.

>> No.27236590

I might as well go to a regular bank at that point. Some red flags:
>spend a lot of time talking about how traditional banking works to sound smart without any direct relevance to their project
>wp is peppered with crypto shibboleths
>they say "deep learning" instead of "machine learning" or "statistics", showing they know nothing about fraud detection or are more focused on hype than functionality
>keep playing up their credentials
>haven't thought AT ALL about kyc fraud

>> No.27236727
File: 85 KB, 707x500, enough wojak (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else sucks? Janny removing perfectly viable thread. Sorry not sorry I'm a noob and my basic on topic questions were "shitting up" your board. Thread that meets all the requirements, on topic, not bothering anyone, and even maybe helping me and a few anons. Right in the middle of people talking. Find a new janitor, that one stinks, or change the board rules.


>> No.27236815

Go complain on the IRC where it matters, not here retard.

>> No.27236843

Like BUILD and RGT

>> No.27236858

I'm not trying to sell you Idc what you do but most of what you posted is complete assumptions on your part. We don't know their views or foresight on fraud. Credentials are important and understanding tradfi is a huge leg up for defi as it translates incredibly well. I'd say don't buy but for me at a 3MM MCAP from what I've seen I'm highly considering rolling the dice.

>> No.27236870

I'll complain where I want turd. There's an irc?

>> No.27236918


>> No.27237022

A mod isn't sitting in every thread for free looking out for (you) and a jannie isn't going to narc on itself. Now go to the IRC and talk to someone who actually has the power to do something about a shitty janny.

>> No.27237098

fair enough, I hope it works out for u anon
have a look at m-t-l-x if you want something a bit similar

>> No.27237126

Theres still decent technical discussion on occasion, but there general intelligence of the board has massively dropped.
But yeah stick to good fundamental coins/tokens
btc, eth, link (lol). Then branching into solid defi/erc20 shit that arent pnds is good for speculative part of portfolio eg Uni, 1inch, etc

>> No.27237356
File: 155 KB, 400x277, time to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has been shitty like this for ages.. where have you been op.. i stopped going here for a while because it got so bad, but i see it's only gotten worse, fuck this board, i hope you all continue to lose all your money on scams..

>> No.27237435

Why is there no slave market here?

>> No.27237618

Completely agree. Reddit is superior in terms of business and finance communities. /pol/ is still the only place to discuss politics though.

>> No.27237699
File: 255 KB, 326x326, B1B04811-0821-4E21-B410-55F207958FED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Reddit is superior
>/pol/ is still the only place to discuss politics though.

>> No.27239168

Can someone give legitimate advice then? I've got some questions I'd like to ask

>> No.27239189
File: 111 KB, 680x636, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kill yourself you pajeet filth shill fuck I will never listen to you "reasonable" investors midwits again. If I had chosen to buy DONUT and sell at a x3 and followed by WORLD at 0.007 like I wanted to instead of choosing a safe option like GRT I wouldn't be down pennies but I would have netted a fucking x10 if not more you fucking nigger trash of a human being

Your kind reminds me of hedge funds kikes and other "certified" economists/investors trying to keep the poor and average normalfag down by telling them not to take risks and I was foolish enough to heed this advice even here. On a mongolian basket weaving forum where retards gamble money on crypto and reach 5 figures in a day. I could have been among this dumb money crowd but chose not to because

I actually ran a simulation in blockfolio with the trades and price targets I already had planned and set if I bought the tokens in question in the last two days, that I decided not to follow because muh rational approach. I would have been up 3000% and instead I'm down 10%. I will take this lesson and frustration down to the grave. Holding is a fucking meme, fuck you fucking kikes choke on my dick and never post again you fucking boomer cucks piece of shit niggers I hate you all I HATE MYSELF MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IF ONLY I FOLLOWED MY GUT FUCK THERE NEVER WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO LITERALLY 30X MY MONEY IN TWO DAYS NO I'LL HAVE TO BUY A FUCKING WORTHLESS CRAP TOKEN AND PRAY IT WON'T DIE OR GET HACKED FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS AND BECOME WORTHLESS LIKE REQ, FUN OR WHATEVER PIECE OF SHIT THAT WAS SHILLED IN 2017


>> No.27239245

How much XRP do I need to get her?

>> No.27239277
File: 136 KB, 546x700, 1612086886822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27239289

I hope you’re kidding.

>> No.27239353

Whoa I recognise this....it's a shill thread. I didn't know /biz/ had shills.

>> No.27239423

You can tell from her face/makeup and the contorted way she's sitting that this chick is in no way voluptuous or attractive when posed normally. Shes hiding her belly behind her elbow, wearing super high waisted pants, rolled up on her side a bit and found the exact angle to hide her double chins. She's got that
>marge simpson makeup from a shotgun
Basically the faggots who share these images would get catfished by ugly fat chicks on dating apps constantly because they can't spot a fake. I bet they bought big on doge too.

>> No.27240222

N I g g e r s t o n g u e m y a n u s