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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27233578 No.27233578 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to crypto newfags, here's what's going to happen if you buy any of the following:

- Meme cryptos (doge, shiba, donut, gamestop tokenized, etc)
- Coins ending in .finance
- Coins shilled in threads with the word "gem"
- Anonymous teams
- Basically anything on uniswap

Enjoy your stay and your first rugpull.

>> No.27233620

this is actually good info

>> No.27233621
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Thanks for playing, please come again!

>> No.27233629

Any suggestions on finding good projects that might pump?

>> No.27233665

Sticky thread now
Newfags should stick to BTC only, and a sprinkle of ETH if you wish, and don’t touch random shitcoin and pump and dumps

>> No.27233715

Buy BTC and hold for 10 years or you are going to get rekt within 30 days with random pump and dumps and rug pulls

>> No.27233732

you can click trought the different tokens / coins on coingecko and see if you find anything you like.

>> No.27233733

GRT will moon in spite of this.

>> No.27233744

Just stick to established shit, buy when something has taken a dump, sell when it's pumped. Do this over and over.

>> No.27233766

Don't tell them OP.
They all need to invest their life savings into RBC and BAO.

>> No.27233785

honestly if you buy anything that's exclusively on uniswap you deserve to get scammed

>> No.27233822

>Coins ending in .finance

Shut the fuck up. Thats not even correct, at all.
Yearn Finance.
Idle Finance.
Curve Finance.
Etc etc etc.
Stop scaring people away from defi you useless fucking faggot.

>> No.27233884

Any coin listed on AAVE. Every coin there has been community picked and heavily discussed in the forum why its beneficial long term. It's that easy actually. It's like a cheat code. Oh and AAVE itself of course is the most legit project right now

>> No.27233922

>it's all a bunch of shittokens with central authorities on a network hosted on AWS

>> No.27233981

Don't buy anything named after a piece of food

>> No.27233992

I'm all in LINK and some defi bluechips. I wanna learn how to flip lower mcap shitcoins though. Feels like I've been missing out.

All the coins listed on there have big caps

>> No.27234009

Central authorities? What the fuck are you talking about? They all goverenance systems, which is what the tokens fucking are half the time.
You sound like a little poorfag bagholder that shills his 2017 L1's
Fuck off

>> No.27234050

but i'm hungry

>> No.27234104

Goddamn you guys are fucking STUPID.
Sushi? Pickle? Aka some of the biggest mcaps in crypto and with extremely good products?
You wanna flap your gums and preach some more bullshit to make yourself look good?

>> No.27234112

>Sushi mooned
>Bao mooned
Food coins are great what are you talking about

>> No.27234184

not normal people food

>> No.27234259
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Fucking kek too accurate. Shhh anon don't tell them.

>> No.27234270

>Sushi mooned
So it did, didn't blue kirby rug?
Two projects out of how many shitty food tokens?

>> No.27234365
File: 69 KB, 640x283, 7F440E9C-9D0B-4491-94DA-29962D568CA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lucky did I get with doge?

>> No.27234530

Just stick to top 10 on coinmarketcap.com

I suggest Cardano

>> No.27234582
File: 19 KB, 768x305, A9B1BA11-B5F1-4E9F-A192-5090DF2692D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food coins are great what are you talking about

>> No.27234586

Not bad. i bought only 100 at 0.008c and sold at 0.05c because the whole system refused to let me sell at 0.08c

>> No.27234644
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all cryptos are a meme except for bitcoin because it was the 1st to become a househodl name
normies will never adopt weird autistic shit which means they will all be rugpulls
sorry to crush your delusions

>> No.27234666

Stop it now or you will cry hard

>> No.27234714
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>> No.27234715

Then pick the one with lowest cap you tard
If you just want low cap coins that might pump for not fundamental reason go to Uniswap, type in some memes or food names and buy those coins and hope they get memed in the future

>> No.27234894

Bitcoin will be worth nothing in 10 years

>> No.27235052

I needed this post 2 days ago

>> No.27235067
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>pay fee to buy ETH
>pay fee to send to metamask
>pay fee to swap to rubic
>fee cancels out the swap
>0 ETH, 0RBC

>> No.27235324

you could buy eth and hbtc and use them to farm bao.

>> No.27235333


>> No.27235425

Missing out is the right term. I feel the same but don't really want to play with any unpredictable meme shit coins due to what i saw during last few weeks.

>> No.27235489

>noooo but i want to go from 5$ to 1000000$

>> No.27235539

Is it safe to just keep coin in binance for years? I've been holding doge since /g/ and all I do is just try and sync my wallet up every time I read about a pump in the news. Getting tired of the long sync times though.

>> No.27235570

Here's another free tip because someone gave it to me once. People on /biz/ aren't your friends. They want to take your money.

>> No.27235644


>> No.27235720

If in doubt, join the telegram and interact with the devs. Trained persons can spot a pajeet in only a few messages

>> No.27235811

Feds are watching, file taxes on that income!

>> No.27235841

buy anything new that is listed on coinmetro

>> No.27235885

so your advice is to strictly be a swing trader... in crypto. lol. this entire thread is fucking trash.

>> No.27235890
File: 377 KB, 250x250, Whats+your+point+fag+_2a77e45638b49ac5404904342a4dcfcb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserved at least trips for that post

>> No.27235939

what about NXT? seems to be climbing right now are we pumpin?

>> No.27235982

> t. Coping tranny that missed bao finance
Wait, maybe it's not too late

>> No.27236002

>so your advice is to strictly be a swing trader... in crypto
yes don't do this in a bull market unless you hate money
I was swing trading for a long time (link, prq etc) and made thousands of dollars. However, I lost out on multiple millions (had I just held)

>> No.27236189

- op is clearly a copypasta
- op links to telegram
- op mentions locked liquidity

>> No.27237001
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discord for newfag

>> No.27237486

i put my entire paycheck on doge when it was .08 because there was a flood of threads saying it's going to $1 and now i don't know how i will make rent this month...
oh god am so fucked

>> No.27237756
File: 267 KB, 1584x899, 1588171682612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, what are good coins/stocks to invest in for us newfags so we can start making money?

I broke even on the memes unlike most of the other unfortunate newfags here.

>> No.27237830

Stay away from anonymous dev teams. Read white papers. Look for things with low market cap and low total supply because those have the most room for actual growth (this is a big reason Reddit was retarded to target Doge, because it is inflated in both regards).

>> No.27238095

based and blackpilled

>> No.27238153

Shiba is by the people for the people.

>> No.27239680
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Fucking kill yourself you pajeet filth shilling for muh high cap coins fuck I will never listen to you "reasonable" investors midwits again. If I had chosen to buy DONUT and sell at a x3 and followed by WORLD at 0.007 like I wanted to instead of choosing a safe option like GRT I wouldn't be down pennies but I would have netted a fucking x10 if not more you fucking nigger trash of a human being

Your kind reminds me of hedge funds kikes and other "certified" economists/investors trying to keep the poor and average normalfag down by telling them not to take risks and I was foolish enough to heed this advice even here. On a mongolian basket weaving forum where retards gamble money on crypto and reach 5 figures in a day. I could have been among this dumb money crowd but chose not to because

I actually ran a simulation in blockfolio with the trades and price targets I already had planned and set if I bought the tokens in question in the last two days, that I decided not to follow because muh rational approach. I would have been up 3000% and instead I'm down 10%. I will take this lesson and frustration down to the grave. Holding is a fucking meme, fuck you fucking kikes choke on my dick and never post again you fucking boomer cucks piece of shit niggers I hate you all I HATE MYSELF MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IF ONLY I FOLLOWED MY GUT FUCK THERE NEVER WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO LITERALLY 30X MY MONEY IN TWO DAYS NO I'LL HAVE TO BUY A FUCKING WORTHLESS CRAP TOKEN AND PRAY IT WON'T DIE OR GET HACKED FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS AND BECOME WORTHLESS LIKE REQ, FUN OR WHATEVER PIECE OF SHIT THAT WAS SHILLED IN 2017


>> No.27239926


I’m serious, you’re not going to make it

Supposing that you’re being serious, you are a selfish, degenerate gambler who wants to get rich quick

I suggest you put all your money in the next shitcoin and see how that turns out :)

>> No.27240003

I didn't want to get rich quick
I just wanted to accumulate enough to finally hold something long term
I could have gotten out of three figure hell straight to 5 figures hell. I can't cope with that fact and I've been seething for 48 hours

>> No.27240121

I'd definitely buy waves if it were me.

>> No.27240263

Literally NGMI
You have to focus on PRESERVING your capital, and not on maximizing the potential gain by risking all of it.
With the latter you will only get rich if you are very lucky, with the first you are almost guaranteed to make it, given enough time and effort.

>> No.27240380

fuck of back to plebit

>> No.27240453

kys faggot

>> No.27240528

What are Juventus and PSG Fan Tokens lads?

>> No.27240600

I'm with you there fren

>> No.27240990

fucking chinks

>> No.27241980

First rugpull: COIN

>> No.27242059

Do the Bart!

>> No.27242109


>> No.27242632

>he doesn't have enough funny money laying around to play penny slots in the crypto market
Fucking lmao

>> No.27243595


>> No.27243665

>buy btc at the top
who the fuck is scamming who now?

>> No.27243803

>pancake swap
>backed by binance
>best dex on binance smart chain
yup be sure to ignore things bc of their name. dont focus on tech at all

>> No.27243846

>- Coins ending in .finance
>He doesn't know about opium.finance's Opium
>He doesn't know about beefy.finance's BIFI
>He doesn't know about pancakeswap.finance's Cake
lmao do you hate coins that do a 5x an stay there for weeks or something?

>> No.27243959

Poor advice for newcomers

Ill be clear from someone that made it already, if you wanna make it do the following

> Less than 5 figs - pick 4-5 potential pajeet scams and 1-2 low cap "decent" projects. rinse and repeat until 6 figs
> 6 figs: have some exposure to crypto bluechips such as btc eth and defi projects such as AAVE, UNI. 50%. other 50% continue with prospective scams
> 7 figs cashout if you are a poorfag european and enjoy life, if burger, go 80% bluechips and 20% speculative
> 8 figs, forget about crypto and enjoy, only pump memecoins for the lulz with 10ETH and to keep earning some money. Put some on DeFi farming

>> No.27243993

Cake went from 40 cents in December to $2 today while paying three digit APY for staking.

>> No.27244053


I wish they would shoot their twitter guy on the head tho. Same with the faggot that runs Trust Wallet's twitter.

>> No.27244110

Where do I actually buy crypto? I don't want to get scammed at that level.

>> No.27244287

What’s the return on a good pool. Hold a measly 250K and my money doubled the last couple of days. People here said they were farming 1mil+ a day, is that a different token? That seems like a shitload of money

>> No.27244328

crypto is retarded at high prices, none of the use cases actually work and transfer fees become too high. My dapps make less money when ETH is >400...... crash it, crash it all.

>> No.27244436

I'd buy that dip

>> No.27244454

Good post, but also, you will hear as in this thread, tons of people doing the opposite.
What they fail to say is sure, you might make money, but if you don’t time it correctly, the likelihood of you being cheated is high, because many of these are pump and dump scamcoins with no actual use case except to move money from one person, to another

>> No.27244669

never gamble with money you can't loose

>> No.27244768

classic marge pattern

>> No.27244893

>if i had time perfeectly pummp and dumps i would be rich

>> No.27245038

>bunch of threads
You deserved this. Now learn your lesson and level up

>> No.27245205
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Pic related. So much conflicting info for new fags

>> No.27245335

im your friend, I want you to make it

>> No.27245631

OP Speaks the truth. Just Lurk for a while, practice with 10$ investments, track that money and see what happens to it. I did this for a while in conjunction to lurking. You'll notice patterns and understand what is safe/rug/pajeet/fud

>> No.27246046

>don't look at it for a few years
>when you could've 10x if you brought shiba yesterday

>> No.27246133

>yes, pay fees (taxes)
>fees = security

>> No.27246769

Bump, good advice. Also, don't blindly follow the advice of others. Especially here. Listen to everyone but think through what their incentives are. Chances are you're listening to people on their YouTube channels, has it dawned on you they might be making more money off their subscriptions/views than they ever will in crypto? I'm not saying they're all bad, it just takes good judgment to follow the right people. Don't get caught up in an echo chamber.

>> No.27247020

youre retarded compare shiba mcap with doge mcap
its literally just starting LMAO stay poor
of course buying doge is fucking retarded

>> No.27247101
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>buy and hodl guys we early

>> No.27247174

What if I might not be alive for the next ten years?

>> No.27247183

>- Meme cryptos (doge, shiba, donut, gamestop tokenized, etc)
I did a 10x on SHIBA and got out way too early, I could have made well over $40k if I'd kept my money in.

>> No.27247204

you will get surprised by bonded finance entering top 100 in about 2 months.

>> No.27247222

ETH hodler. You clearly aren't aware that nobody operates their nodes on a server in their office/house... You clearly haven't seen the info graphic showing how centralized the entire block chain actually is... Maybe you are new here

>> No.27247262

>he didn't buy Alpha.finance when I shilled this gem at 0.35 cents
Stay poor forever dumb nigger

>> No.27247294

>first rugpull
Stop pretending this is some initiation we all go through, most of us aren’t retarded.

>> No.27247343

>Basically anything on uniswap
Lost me here, you are a retard.

>> No.27247363

And to add salt in the wound anyone that gets dumped on gets roasted

>> No.27247380

XLM has a pretty good chart

>> No.27247473

Why not join in on the pump though?
Even knowing full well its a PnD just get a 2x and bail, never hold.

>> No.27247566
File: 145 KB, 1060x1390, alternativecryptocurrencies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9999999% chances shitcoins wreck you
and BTC is in a bear market so make that even higher

>> No.27247634
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>preserve being poor

>> No.27247671

Are Rubic faggots gone? So many people have already lost shit loads of money off that obvious scam.

>> No.27247688

>read white papers
what red flags/green flags am I looking out for in a whitepaper

>> No.27247778

>Coins ending in .finance
Yes. Do not buy poolz.finance
It is a bad investment, stay away!!!

>> No.27247848

how? unless you panic sold every dip like a retard or bought the very top, rubic's floor has been consistently increasing.

>> No.27247870

>he thinks he can time pump and dumps

lmao even going to the bathroom or going to the store to buy something WILL wreck you

>> No.27247967

>.finance niggers crawling out shilling their scams here
never change /biz/

>> No.27248050
File: 122 KB, 1395x909, altcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you retards understand you need the right volume to get rich from these shitcoins right

>> No.27248059

Buy some Cartesi

>> No.27248078

jesus christ how fucking retarded do you have to be losing money on rubic, it's only gone up.

>> No.27248150

Wtf common sense on biz lmao

>> No.27248258

hahahahahaha looks like someone got rugged hahahahahahahaha

>> No.27248281

this lol go outside crypto nerds

>> No.27248444

they dont want you to succeed, most have never even had sex

>> No.27248537

this, high volume = volatility which gives you opportunities to swing for huge gains. if you buy solely based on mcap you will be burnt hard as low liquidity and frontrunning bots will lock you in and rape you hard

>> No.27248999

What’s stopping me from just observing when a shitcoin is being shilled and buy early before pump then dump early before it dips? As long as you don’t act like a FOMO retard and buy well into the pump?
t. Newfag

>> No.27249247

Do you really think all coins shilled here pumps?

>> No.27249349

It's pure luck which shitcoin will pump and which won't, it's still worth throwing some peanuts at it

>> No.27249812

>that id

>> No.27249946

Jokes on you I saw the original pump thread when it was only 20 min old
>Tfw 3.7 eth is now 40
Thanks for playing hahaha

>> No.27250177

because a lot of them are scams that will exit before any serious pump

>> No.27250211

That was for the big boy coins, not alt.

>> No.27250289

>sold a bunch of meme coins to get eth
>eth is dumping


>> No.27250552
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>missed the 125% SLP pump yesterday

>> No.27250980
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its funny cuz its tru

>> No.27251036

Ding ding ding. The only thing I would add is to at least have some eth, btc, and link even with a small portfolio but thats splitting hairs i feel

>> No.27251569

You’ll be blue da bo de when Etherium takes off.

>> No.27252266

only correct answer ITT, and that's from a mETHead who thinks bitcoin is obsolete
you've got to at least understand bitcoin before you venture anywhere else. else you're begging to get scammed
inb4 lucky retards point out they got lucky being retarded. google survivorshipbias

>> No.27252474

>I wanna learn how to flip lower mcap shitcoins though. Feels like I've been missing out.
You're not, those coins have no liquidity. One or two scammers can double their five dollars and then everyone else is holding the bag.

>> No.27252955

You will never time it right. On any given week if you could see the future you could turn $100 into a million in crypto, EASILY. But you will never do it, don’t even try.

>> No.27253274

Newfag wanting to put 500 into various coins, I've set up Binance and Coinbase and have an Exodus wallet, but still don't know how to get BTC into my wallet

>> No.27253595

Don't go for anonymous projects, this isn't to say known reputable devs can't fuck up, but if there isn't a face you can sue or punch if they scammed you, they most likely will
>>bb-but Satoshi was anon and anonymity helps decentralisation
Satoshi didn't sell shit, he posted open source code for people to mine.
Understand the very basics of it all, not necessarily be a nerd, just know enough to spot bullshit.