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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27228827 No.27228827 [Reply] [Original]

this place changed so much since the GME shit started, where's everyone?
Am I the only one who doesn't care about GME, DOGE?

>> No.27228949

there's still plenty of comfy discussion about shitcoins that won't take off for years

>> No.27229088

get lost glowing frog spamming nigger

>> No.27229091

It is about greed. That's all this is about, anon. The other day, some guy was shilling the idea of water as property. If we start thinking in profiting from this, instead of investing in (foe example) desalinization plants, we know pure greed move this board.

>> No.27229143

tf this this thread isn't about gme. i filtered in only gme!

>> No.27229196

We're here fren. I honestly prefer the AMC/GME posts sliding rubic off desu.

>> No.27229198

This place doesn't feel like home anymore. Reddit niggers and twitter normalfags are everywhere. Where should I go now? Elon killed this board with that wallstreetbets tweet.

>> No.27229214

I'm still here fren and also missing it. I'm guessing we got about a week of the GME retardation left. Hang in there

>> No.27229447

yes rubic is weird, coming from nowhere and suddenly they have all the pepe memes

>a week of the GME retardation left
hope they made a lot of money and get into crypto

>> No.27229532

I'm never selling, hedgie!!!!!!!

>> No.27229686

im still here fren. once the euphoria dies down and blow off phase starts to settle in, we will fly over the pink fields into bear mountain, where all the normies will be eaten and only the strong will remain.

>> No.27229850

/smg/fag here, I'm not particularly into plebbits nonsense here. It's polluting /smg/, /biz/, /pol/, everywhere, i heard normies talking about buying GME and DOGE in mall food courts

>> No.27229922

gme spam will fade as the excitement dies down and people forget

>> No.27230049


You're a faggot, it is called a big reset for a reason also wallstreetbets is crying as well about the "community changing"

Kill yourself, old faggot, you should learn to adjust with change or stay behind outdated, fossil.

>> No.27230504

This place has gotten better. Fuck ranjeets shitcoin of the week

>> No.27230526

Still here op, shocked & bewildered by the past week but it'll pass. One things for sure, when a proper dump happens it's going to be extra comfy watching all these newfags cry. This shithole might not be back to normal for a year or more now though

>> No.27230581
File: 75 KB, 756x767, 1611486396721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to smell a rat in all this shit desu. Good excuse to let the economy correct from it's insane growth over 2020 and blame evil white supremists.

>> No.27230618

I'm here too man. Honestly, i think it's gunna get a lot worse before it gets better. Good luck, anon. See you in the citadel

>> No.27230623

>redditfrogposter talking about board quality
now I have seen it all

>> No.27230688

The people posting on /biz/ now are definitely lower IQ and cringier though but the subject matter is much more interesting than deepaks pnd shitcoin.
Ive been waiting for the global financial system to self destruct since the repo market blew up

>> No.27230772

50% dumps are the chemo that keeps /biz/ clean of normies.

>> No.27230813

Nah i literally only care about doge. Fuck off.

>> No.27230837

Totally agree. If the silver squeeze works and we crash the system, who does that actually help? Foreign countries like China? Them? Why would you try and bankrupt the system unless you had a plan? Otherwise you are just the joker. And I know we all love the joker, but come the fuck on, lets be grown ups here, figure out a p l a n or cut this shit out

>> No.27230848

Wsb is cringe with the little quar trump guy icon. I'm glad that most normies will both forget it soon and never find this place.

>> No.27230898

It's great. I FOMO'd in in December and now I'm an oldfag.

>> No.27230959
File: 263 KB, 750x709, 1610138881792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but what about the chick he posted...

>> No.27230993

Just chill, ride it out. It's absolutely disgusting right now with the amount of spam and scams.

>> No.27231008
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1610646430799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the posts about buying coins with trading apps and asking about how to set up meta mask
>pajeets entering specific coin threads shilling their shitcoins
im out, unironically. bye

>> No.27231054
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, 1610269871171m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.27231056

yeah bro really annoying just think about a filter

>> No.27231065

I only care for link. This was a link board goddammit. We have to wait for gme to crash and this board will return to normal

>> No.27231217

>yes rubic is weird, coming from nowhere and suddenly they have all the pepe memes
It’s a massive discord server called “BigPumpSignal”. They shill their shitcoins everywhere on the internet so that they can get rewarded from the whale moderators by knowing about the next pump earlier, or something close to that. If you can ctrl+f a coin name in the catalog and get more than 40 results at any time, it’s probably them.
Go back

>> No.27231224

that meme is for trannies.
useless in this instance, but then you wouldn't know because it's anonymous so you never find out how often you were wrong, thus, never learn.

>> No.27231269
File: 310 KB, 1920x1280, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some guy was shilling the idea of water as property

I've got good news for you:


>> No.27231296
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 9893E6D9-DDCE-4B5B-BE3C-F13B10641B95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, young dumb cunt without brains and experience detected.
I will laugh with tween nigger lovers like you complain about their 3rd world shithole neighborhood and how they have to rely on the government for food and basics.

>> No.27231310

Same anons. Give it a bit we’re already past the worse of it. We went from 150+ posts a day to 100ish. Give it a week hopefully that goes back to 50 or so. Still a bit too fast for my taste I loved /biz/ when its speed was between 20-30. Fast enough you get quick responses not too fast that said responses are newfag esc garbage.

>> No.27231326
File: 8 KB, 210x250, 1610910267362s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bad but it will eventually pass after they all get burned. Hang in there.

>> No.27231338

Are you a newfriend or something? Ya gotta sift, every board gets flooded with shit every few months, its why its always getting shitter, sift and filter frem

>> No.27231410

Old biz was ded af, Unironically redditers brought this place to life for a bit

>> No.27231454

>Everything is a lesson
>science is so cool
>right and wrong
>but you can't judge them
fuck off and leave fag

>> No.27231470

“Silver squeeze” only helps chase and other banks asshat. They hold millions of ounces of physical silver they already obtained years ago on the cheap.

>> No.27231489

I don't give a fuck about either
They'll be gone soon

>> No.27231574

Just fuck off already

>> No.27231581

Got a gut feeling normies gunna drop some stimi on doge pretty soon. RH newbs are just days from being allowed to enter the ring.

>> No.27231624

Same here anon I just want us to go back to our usual shit coin of the week shilling, fucking with jannies, our shiny rocks and yea the usual stock market mega threads. O and posting biz thots.

>> No.27231779

The top silver producing countries are Mexico, China, Peru, Australia, Russia, Poland, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and the USA

>> No.27232110

>makes 5 more assumptions
you missed the point about making assumptions

i'm not goin anywhere. why don't you fuck off already.