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27228664 No.27228664 [Reply] [Original]

I know you probably won't see this thread during it's brief lifespan but shoutout to the anon who just made that thread and gave out a shit load of ETH. I figured you were full of shit but you gave to soooo many anons. Your bags must have been fat af but i bet that made a nice little difference for some people during these trying times. You're a real 1 anon <3

>> No.27228689

fuck off glowing frog nigger spammer

>> No.27228693


>> No.27228727

>Tfw when you didn't get any because you tried to scam him by making two separate posts with your laptop and phone but forgot the phone was connected to Wifi

>> No.27228736

He only gave me 1 ETH. I checked his wallet and he gave some people 15 ETH. It's bullshit.

>> No.27228816

gg man, I didn't get any but happy for those of you who did. seemed like a great thread WAGMI

>> No.27228834

I only got .1 haha from what I saw he was mostly giving out .1

But still, any free money is nothing to turn your nose up at. He gave to a lot of random anons thats a pretty nice move

>> No.27228921

I hope those people who got 15 pass it along. Lucky bastards.

>> No.27228950

good fuck you brown man

>> No.27229006

Fucking bs I posted and the thread was nuked by jannies. Here for 5 years and I missed ALL the legit airdrops

>> No.27229015

Same, wich is sad because I need to pump some Shiba

>> No.27229077

“I Only got a handout of 1300$” kek you are a worthless nigger

>> No.27229138
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1611962817570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is my first day and i got this one

jk but i wanted your brain to go red wojak mode for a moment

Hopefully you'll get one someday anon <3

When i finally am driving my lambo on the moon I know im gonna be charitable as fuck to the community that was by my side for the journey

>> No.27229150

I'm white, at least on the outside. Just poor and desperate.

>> No.27229216

A made a metamask for these anon drops.
Had it for a while, it remains empty.

>> No.27229335

I'm giving out ETH as well when I have made it.
Giving something back to the people who's been here with you through all these hard times every single day all these years just makes sense.
You might be a bunch of anonymous faggots, but I still appreciate you all and want to give those of you who didn't make it another fighting chance.

>> No.27229337
File: 1.11 MB, 1234x1656, 1557625521923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed anon and good luck. It's getting wild out there

>> No.27229448

id suck off for 1300$

>> No.27229605

same anon same

Exactly. I'll probably even give some tokens to the filthy pajeet scammers so maybe they can finally buy some toilet paper and stop wiping their ass with their hand

you too anon, you too. We're gonna make

>> No.27229637

If any anon is still feeling generous help this poor faggot out
Thank you

>> No.27229854
File: 97 KB, 746x963, 1610948991300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise kek 0x174E92baa134b70c9532fdf365c790c2c9c7e6E4

>> No.27229976

Only a nigger would do this.

I didnt get any but I am happy for you anona that did!

>> No.27230056


If anyone wants to help an anon down on his luck. Would probably make my whole week

>> No.27230293

>e-begging thread

>> No.27231392

yeah i dint really want this to turn into an e begging thread lol I was just tryna send thanks to the anon who did the giveaway thread

>> No.27231453

He only gave me 100th. Fucking stingy bitch