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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2722557 No.2722557 [Reply] [Original]

Pssst, Antshares is going to be releasing formal details of their partnerships with Microsoft and Alibaba regarding a platform that couples MS's CRM with automated vendor supply from Alibaba. The platform functions off Antshares' smart contracts. This will all go down around the time of the rebranding.

>> No.2722569
File: 158 KB, 442x300, Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 11.27.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes...YES. finally, ANS will shoot up like a TRUE moon mission. like a fucking rocket going to God damn MARS. the ants will make us forget about this so-called bear market. oh my God. we're talking $300+ here, people.

>> No.2722572

where are the proofs?

>> No.2722579

Shut up shill

>> No.2722580

>doesn't provide proof
>shills chink coin

K den

>> No.2722581

wish I had ants :(


>> No.2722597

send you a few you noble soul :^)

>> No.2722601

you're the worst, you fucking teaser

>> No.2722607

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.2722609


A thousand thank yous fellow ant lover !

>> No.2722614

sent ;)

>> No.2722620

Being bilingual and hanging out in the right insider discords can reap rewards. Just wanted to share with the /biz/raelis who tipped me off to eth

>> No.2722636

Think I was teased :(

>> No.2722638

check your wallet ;)

>> No.2722654


I hope your not playing with my emotions :/

>> No.2722856

Beggar fag gtfo

>> No.2722860

Just looking for some love man

>> No.2722887

ANS could be being used to solve cure cancer, but it wouldn't budge the price in any significant way.

>> No.2722890

except that you're full of shit OP, try posting proof to back up your claims next time, at least a fucking cap of that "insider discord" of yours, jesus christ

>> No.2722903

Don't fucking lie please. If you're going to shill post, try hitting the JDcloud announcement instead. That COULD take us to orbit and is actually a thing that's happening in a week or so. git gud at shill posting.

>> No.2722943

Anyone in Shanghai? Entry to the conference is like 30RMB.

>> No.2723079

The discord screenshot is in Chinese and it was over an hour ago now.

Anyway if you understand software (crm) and business infrastructure and ANS what doesn't make sense about the platform I revealed? It's a solid business plan and I'm debating going all in on ANS or buying MS also. Don't wanna buy Alibaba for chink reasons as they are replaceable in this formula. Their only strength is they're from the same country as antshares.

>> No.2723088

post it, I know chinese

>> No.2723096


>> No.2723286


>> No.2723310



>> No.2723332
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>> No.2723341


>> No.2723362


>> No.2723796

I heard Da Hongfei, Bill Gates and Jack Ma will all be pressing a button simultaneously for the announcement

>> No.2723810

Wanted to get into ANS for a while but currently broke as fuck.

Hoping some of you are still in a giving mood. :(


>> No.2723826
File: 20 KB, 320x374, 1450121844756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol then i guess we'll all just believe you without any fucking proof at all, thanks so much OP!

>> No.2723827

currently buying 0.5 BTC worth of more ants during this sweet dip

>> No.2724149 [DELETED] 


>> No.2724176

Anything else you could share?

>> No.2724180

sent some BTC to ya, buddy. much love

>> No.2724189
File: 76 KB, 600x449, believe-in-ANTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

july 24th is the date to look for

>> No.2724204


>> No.2724216

Thanks man.

>> No.2724236

If this was true chinks would be buying up on yunbi. He's full of shit.

>> No.2724253

the chinks don't know about it yet dude. this is very very on the down-low info.

>> No.2724287

Screenshot or fuck off.

>> No.2724289

As this is the only active ANS thread at the moment, what the fuck is going on today? It's just been slowly bleeding all day. Nothing's fucking happening.

>> No.2724300

wish i had some ants :(


>> No.2724309

its been doing that all week i have no idea, sometimes theres a buy wall at 300. i get the feeling its being manipulated in time for the conference so they can brag about its rise

>> No.2724313

don't worry about it bro. just buy more ants.

>> No.2724329

a bet against antshares is a bet that the chinese will fail at ripping off a good product and making a shitty cheap version of it.
would never take that bet

>> No.2724339

To what end? Why must the chinks manipulate the shit out of everything? It's tiresome, speaking as someone who just wants to profit a little off of these bags I'm holding. I could have left with profit already, but of course, fucking FOMO set in and I doubled up my investment at 416k. Never trading on /biz/'s advice again.

>> No.2724348

yeah except ANS is superior to ETH in many objective ways.

>> No.2724354

just a kid who wants ans and not a fidget spinner

>> No.2724356
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>> No.2724358

Whales keeping it low because of the upcoming announcement. Op here. No screenshots or the chinks will zerg rush

>> No.2724360
File: 198 KB, 1188x1016, ANS_in_my_PANS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2724364

Buy and see what happens in a year

>> No.2724371

ANS will never be used outside of China unlike ETH. If ANS reaches $50 some day I'll be satisfied.

>> No.2724386

If what they want to set out to achieve happens in the long run even if this is confined to only China the price has much more room to grow than $50. Probably into the $300 range by next year. The circulating supply is incredibly low.

>> No.2724394

No one is claiming it will be used outside of China. There's a billion chinks and like 40 million ANS. Ans is about to partner with a rice and fortune cookie company trust me

>> No.2724397

Nice argument there brah

>> No.2724456

I think it will settle down to $12-14?after the conference but spike upto $20 during. You guys that haven't done your research have not seen the rumours of what may happen at the event. Don't get cocky with your sell orders

>> No.2724463

The only rumor of note is JDcloud to use Neo.

>> No.2724492

I have a flight booked the day of the conference ... No Wi-Fi On board either, it's gonna be wild.

>> No.2724533
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huge, if true

>> No.2724559


ETH already mooned bruh, it is dead to me

>> No.2724658

>it's another episode of Digibyte forming a partership with Microsoft to pay autists playing Minecraft

>> No.2724918
File: 7 KB, 328x63, 143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I sell on July 15?

>> No.2724938

you will pay for your comparison of the ants to dgb. you will pay severely.

>> No.2724975

ANS is going to change our lives, I just invested another 5k, buckle up.

>> No.2724980

You lucky fucks if you had the capital to buy in right now. My average is 290k but a lot of that was 315 and 130 early on

>> No.2725003

tfw you have to tell the other gentlemen at the yacht club you made your fortune investing on some dumb shit named antshares

>> No.2725038

I'll take it. If this chink ant makes me rich, I don't give a fuck what it's called.

>> No.2725041

>tfw you have to tell the other gentlemen at the yacht club you made your fortune creating on some dumb shit named antshares

>> No.2725053

Won't be called that forever:

>> No.2725076
File: 1 KB, 667x28, iron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron hands over here op, to the moon! And as i much as i love 6.9 it just seems to be a bit off still..could anyone help me even it out?

or just let me pick them up when weak hands cause it to deep even more

>> No.2725120

July 14

>> No.2725176

I went all in at 390k, feel ur pain bro, still I gotta hope the ANTS ARE PREPARING TO MARCH!

>> No.2725193

I cant believe the market cap has managed to stay so low with all the hype. It defys logic

>> No.2725257
File: 18 KB, 300x300, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. I got wrecked by Poloniex margin trading. Feeling terrible. This is based beggar basically, but please do spare some change if you feel bad for me. AKipTJFKevSgoczkZ4Sx3LKx8H3gTj5uTW

>> No.2725262

Never use margin trading with crypto..

>> No.2725276
File: 58 KB, 838x543, ANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you anons are buying this dip - might go down to $7

Offical ANS theme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rILKm-DC06A

>> No.2725288

Your own fault. Not paying for it.

>> No.2725363

Anons buy Sunday night EST, It will reach its lowest point then.